On November 1, 2021 all the money was withdrawn from my Direct Express card, $1500 the statement reads as in person at ATM machine (not by me) I was told by a Comerica Bank Staff member that all Direct Express customers at that branch located at 1650 Ximeno Ave Ste. 100 Long Beach, CA 90804 were victims of Fraud as well.
Clearly that alone should be a red flag for Direct Express. well NO it wasn't I received 1 email that they had been trying to contact me 4 times from a D/E Advocate, the claim was investigated and closed with the findings that the cash was withdrawn using a pin # and only I knew that # so case closed. I think the F not, clearly it was Fraud.
Maybe a card reader was used the month before or whatever the case was, I need my money and supporting pictures, or any findings D/E found for their wrong decision which I have asked for and have not been given. I can see a lawsuit opening up soon.