  • Report:  #588514

Complaint Review: 417 Rentals LLC - Brookline Missouri

Reported By:
Jackie - Springfield, Missouri, United States of America

417 Rentals LLC
5759 W Hwy 60 Brookline, 65619 Missouri, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I just had the worst April Fools Day of my ENTIRE life!


I am a mother of an 11 year old little girl, and we moved here to Springfield with high hopes of starting a new life. Were from Kansas, and were not used to this busy life that Springfield offers, but we love it. My roommate, daughter and I, had been living in an apartment since we moved here in 2008. We settled for an apartment knowing we would want a house eventually.


Finally in February, we were able to start looking. We werent going to settle again, so we were very careful in what we picked. We spent almost two months, lots of driving time, and phone calls to houses for rent. We couldnt find the perfect one. Finally on March 22nd we were contacted by Mindy Wolf at 417.com (417 realty LLC owned by Chris Gatley). After emailing back and forth, on March 23rd  Mindy gave us a list of 19 houses to go look at. Of those 19 we picked 17 and mapped them. Loaded up in our car, and went looking. House after house was just a disappointment, until finally we came to the last house on the list. 1675 E Dale, Springfield, MO.  65803. Its beautiful! Huge kitchen, a bathroom big enough to fit a full size bed in, and still be able to get to the tub, toilet and sink (no, I didnt try it, Im just giving you a visual), and a backyard that my daughter would just love! The bedrooms are good sized, and the best part, no white walls! Every wall is painted, and everything looks wonderful! It was the best thing to happen to us, and the rent was only $475 deposit $475 and the pet deposit for my daughters cat and my dog was only $100! A total of $1050. I ran on it! I wanted it now! Called Mindy back, let her know I was interested. She told me to meet her in Brookline Missouri at Parakeet Apartments, apparently this is the office for 417.com, so I did. Met her there, signed a 24 month lease gave her cash because she wouldnt accept a check, and then I got the keys to my new house!!! I was happier than ever, and finally thrilled to be in such a wonderful place!


We started moving our stuff in Friday March 26th. It took us 3 days, from sun up to sun down to get everything in that house. I bought new appliances, because the house came unfurnished, and I was careful about what I picked because I wanted the new home to be perfect!


I was off that Monday to finish moving, and then as were bringing in the last load something weird happened A man, with a truck and trailer pulls up in front of the house. He asks us Did you just buy this house? I said no, why? This is where I find out that the weed prior the house was on a foreclosure list. Kind of freaked me out. I went ahead and let him do his business, he needed to take some pictures. I was told that last week the property had a lock box on it, and that since it didnt now, the landlord probably bought the house. I assumed as much or that the man had the wrong address. I went on about my day, and went to work that Tuesday (March 30th ). 


I decided that curiosity was killing me so I called the Greene County Collector. The Collector brings all my worst fears. The house is not owned by Chris Gatley, nor has it ever been owned by Chris Gatley. I panic. I get a friend to call a friend, and I finally get a hold of the man who came and took the pictures at the house. He tells me that the bank is mad, and that they are thinking about getting me for trespassing. He gives me the name of the broker, and I call the broker. This is where Im told that the bank that owns the house hired out an asset company in California to get rid of the property. Chris Gatley is supposed to be buying the house but it has not been finalized yet. Chris was denied his first go around, and they may be denied again. The broker tells me I need to get out immediately! I am at a loss. I just got this place, and now everyone wants me to leave???


Apparently, the guy who took the pictures called Chris Gatleys business and tells him to give me my money back so I can get out, and so I dont get in trouble. Chris and Mindy then call me at work. They tell me that yes in fact Chris does not yet own the house, and that I will need to get out. They will pay all moving expenses and put me up in another house until this one closes. I agreed to go look at two more properties. Thinking I still wanted this house the whole time.


I just want my money back! Im not staying here. So I finally decide on this and let Chris now that I want all my expenses, and rent back, and he agrees to meet me at my house at 4:00PM on Wednesday with movers, and my money. We agree.


Wednesday, Chris did not come. He did send three very nice people to help move my stuff but Chris regretted to tell them that this was a six room house with boxes packed ceiling to floor because I had not unpacked. I had full appliances, and it had taken me three days to do it, and he told them it would only be a couple loads with their flat bed trailer.


They called Chris, let Chris know he was wrong, and then Chris spoke with me on their phone. He tells me to just meet him at his office and wed speak face to face about it. I told him ok. I said Id be there between 5:30 and 6. I drove all the way to Brookline, MO to see him. Waited til 6:15 and then called the police. I knew Chris lives behind the Parakeet Apartments, and I wanted a cop to be there if I needed to knock on the door. A sheriff actually shows up. He tells me that nobody can make me move. I have to be evicted. I tell the sheriff that an eviction is not something I want on my record, and all I want is my money back. He gives me some helpful information and waits a little bit while we wait for Chris. Finally Chris calls. He tells us he had an emergency right after we got off the phone and he had to go to Springfield. He said hed bring me a check. I told him that it would be unacceptable. I wanted cash or a money order. He took quite some time to agree, but finally he did. We agreed hed be at my house by 9 on Thursday morning.


Mindy called me that night around 9:30 to get all of my fees and expenses, and I break them down for her. The total at the moment was $1828.75. She agreed to that, and then tells me I couldnt have the check until I sign something saying that I agree to not pursue legal matters. I told her I would not sign because at this moment I am homeless due to Chris and this scheme. She said shed call back.


Right before bed, she did. We agreed on the amount and that Chris would call when he was headed this way in the morning. He did, but he did not come to my house. He sent a gentleman that asked for my ID. I gave it to him, gave a receipt, and went about my day. Chris wants me out as soon as possible, which I will do. He also wants me to make sure the house is clean. He said that he will call me when the house comes available again. I said sure. Put me on the list!


I rented a home, from someone who did not own the home. This was the happiest and worst week of my life. Now, after moving in last weekend, I will be moving out this weekend. I am getting a Uhaul, putting my stuff in storage and moving in with friends because I have nowhere to go. We cant find a place as good as this for as cheap as this. It just doesnt happen. I got lucky to find this one, and now I lost two houses in one week. Im physically and emotionally drained. Chris should have helped move my stuff to storage, he shouldnt have let me go through this twice in one weeks time. Its unfair, and its morally wrong to do this to someone!


This morning I woke up, in this house on Dale, and hoped to goodness someone would call and say APRIL FOOLS!!!! It didnt happen. Im starting to re-pack my things, and get things in order once again. After picking my daughter up from school, she says where are we going? I said, home. She said to me, and broke my heart Where is home?


I just want someone to tell me what Im supposed to do. I know the bank is not at fault, and I feel horrible for being on their property that I do not belong at. Chris should never be able to do this to someone ever again. He knows better! He has a Missouri Realtor license, and he knows better than to do this. I wonder how many times he did it and got away with it. I would have gladly stayed at my apartment and waited for this house to come available. I still love it, but I will never rent a house from 417.com, Melinda Wolf or Chris Gatley EVER again. Please let everyone know about this issue and this man. He is not going to convince me this was a mistake. Im convinced this was a jump of the gun because he just knew hed get the house. This should have never happened. It did happen, and Im dealing with that. Its just too bad my little girl has to endure yet another move. We cant, as a community, stand for this! People need to know they have the right to check on their landlords just as they check on you. Its  better to be safe than sorry.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Justice For All

United States of America
Chris Gatley is going down

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

I get so mad when I read about what Chris is doing to innocent people. He owns an apartment next to my home, and I know how he operates. One day soon, he will go down, and go down hard!

I was surprised to find that Holly rentals is basically 417 rentals. Good to know.

The guy in rebuttal number two must work for Chris. Anyone who knows Chris knows that he is a slumlord, and a theif, and uses the courts for his own personal agenda. Go to MO Case Net, and you will find how much he clogs up our court system, taking up our tax dollars for his own twisted agenda.

He was trying to pull a fast one on the original poster, and it almost worked. He is getting really stupid and greedy and is making ALOT of enemies, including me. I am honestly surprised that he is still in business. Someone (or a group of someones) will get pissed off enough to do something to take him down.

I am honestly surprised that he hasn't been physically attacked, or worse. If I was taken advantage of the way he does to these innocent renters, I would feel like ripping his head off.

How can all of us who know what Chris Gatley is really up to, get together and bring an end to his horrible business? Please leave some info here if you know anything that can be done. I will do everything I can to help bring this scumbag down.


United States of America
Almost made the same mistake

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 06, 2013

We were dealing with this company AKA Holly Rentals. They are doing business under two names and have five phone numbers listed on either of the two web sites (that are linked together). We just got approved and were looking at houses.

We found one that we liked, after looking at some really horrible ones. Most of them smelled like animals or c**k roaches. After calling Mindy back to let her know we found one she acted like everything was great. However, she wanted the deposit and two months of rent up front. We would have gladly paid the money to get into a wonderful new house.

Then after days of her not calling us back turned into weeks of no returned emails and phone calls. I started to wonder about this company. Checked the BBB last night. There are 17 complaints listed for 417 rentals. I added one for Holly Rentals today so that the companies get linked together on the BBB. 

Hopefully this company gets caught by the right person and they get it handed to them! I was absolutely appalled at the complaints against this company. Taking rent money and evicting people after only two weeks, renting houses that dont belong to them, and renting houses that are just unlivable. 

This guy is only concerned with money and how much he can get real fast from people. Check out Case Net as well, there are several cases on there involving Chris.

Property Manager Advocate

United States of America
File a complaint

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2011

File a complaint with the MO Atty General for violation of MO Landlord tenant laws http://ago.mo.gov/publications/landlordtenant.pdf


United States of America
More interesting facts about Chris Gatley

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 23, 2010

Just to show you the kinds of guy that Chris Gatley is...I just read how Chris Gatley attempted to sue walmart for slipping outside of their building here in Springfield.  He went to the trouble of taking it to court and actually got awarded $18k by a jury, but it was overturned.  I always wondered what kind of person would attempt to profit from their own clumsiness and/or stupidity.

I hope you will be the one that brings the karma back around to Mr. Gatley and take him to court.  A good lawyer should be able to get punitive damages awarded from him as well.  Dishonest deceitful people like him need to be stopped.


United States of America
Report Chris Gatley for mal practice and fraud

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 23, 2010

Whomever said that Chris Gatley made a "mistake" is out of their mind.  I don't care how many properties you buy and sell, you know which ones you own and which ones you don't.  This was not a mistake, this was fraud.  He needs to be reported to the Missouri Real Estate Commission.  He does not deserve to hold a real estate license.  I hope you will see this comment and please report him to either the Greater Springfield Board of Realtors or to the Missouri Real Estate Commission.  The fact that they tried to get you to sign a no-litigation agreement shows you they know they are in trouble.  And he should be.


417 Rip-Off

#7General Comment

Tue, May 11, 2010

From what I know paperwork errors don't matter in this case. Chris should have known if the property was his or not. The way to tell this is if he has the actual deed for the house stating that he owns the property.

I used to be a resident of the 504 E. Cherry st. Apartments in Springfield, MO. I know that the place is up for sale on the internet. Chris Still has people living over there and he is still collecting rent on the tenants.

This sounds fishy to me that if the place is up for sale on the internet then why would he be renting out the properties to tenants. I also know of another situation similar to Jackie's. I had a good friend that lived over at the 504 E. Cherry apartments.

My good friend's mother pays full cash every month to ensure that he will have the apartment for one more month. This month my friend made his payment. He is now being evicted with no cash back.

Chris has been ripping people off left and right and has continued to do it in other places besides one. I think that 417 Rentals as a whole should be shut down and all properties given to honest hardworking individuals.


United States of America
Landlord didn't own home he rented

#8General Comment

Sat, April 03, 2010

I have read the complaint.  I also have personal knowledge of Chris Gatley and 417 Realtors.

What happened here was indeed unfortunate and it was an error.  But it was not intentional nor should it result in any type of "Ripoff Report".

Mr. Gatley also got ripped off on this deal. 

This house was a foreclosure. After purchasing and closing on many properties a month, Mr. Gatley was mistaken that this home on Dale had been closed upon.  He then completed all necessary repairs at his expense and his associate leased the property in the ordinary course of business. 

As quickly as he found out there had been an error with the foreclosure and the bank would not be able to close on the home and they had "not" already closed.  He contacted a the very reputable broker to find out what was wrong.  They explained and Gatley refunded every penny and paid for all moving cost and expenses incurred in connection with this loss.  His efforts were at all times in good faith, honest and fair.

He realized he too had not only lost all of the costs associated with moving this tenant in and out, but his mistake had cost him all of the repairs he had done to the home.

This is not a fact scenerio that he could have "gotten away with before", nor would he have wanted to.  He owns hundreds of properties.  Why would anyone want to spend money on a home and lease a home they don't own.

Obvioulsy, a bad deal.  But, even more obviously, just a mistake.


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