He had made a yellow nike air max 97 LX and i fell in love, he said that he was taking about 10 more oders and that I got "lucky" I venmo him $250 sent him
the info etc. Its september and he ignores my texts/calls. I go through his twitter and there are a few comments on the picture of the shoes that some people
havent gotten them either. I DM the people and said they havent gotten them so im texting him to re fund me my money he says that the shoes are on the
way so i ask for tracking number etc. He continues to ignore me, till this day which is december 20th he hasnt re fund me the money nor sent me the shoes as
he claims. Do not go to him because he is a scam and some of "his work" aren't even his, he steals pictures from actual shoe customizaers and claims the
product as his.