AVOID!!! AVOID!! There are over 200,000 licensed attorneys in California and one can find better!! FACTS: Adrian Adams ESQ sued a Homeowners association, Villa Riviera in Long Beach, California where once served as counsel !!! He had a fiduciary duty to act in their best interest and now he's suing them (CASE # NC051275) and harassed a Board member. The Board member fought back with a lawsuit (CASE # NC038807) for: defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress. There is more.... Visit http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/ and search under "Civil Case Summary" and you will all his DIRECT PERSONAL involvement in multiple court cases!!! Mr. Adrian Adams ESQ was admitted into the BAR in 1993 and after only a mere 15 years of "experience", he has received numerous complaints to the BAR. He was admitted to the BAR in his 40s. YOU CAN FIND BETTER, MORE ETHICAL, EXPERIENCED ATTORNEYS OTHER THAN ADRIAN J ADAMS ESQ!!!!!