January 17, 2015 I received a letter from the Department of Defense military retirement pay section stating my retirement pay was going to be garnished because I had not made a payment on my military star credit card, which was true statement. However, I was involved in a motorcycle accident November 2014 and sustained injuries where I was disabled and at home for two months on medication. It was difficult for me to get to my mailbox, which most of my mail was collected by daughter, which may have been discarded or overlook. Nonetheless, on January 23, 2015 I rendered a payment to bring the account current. However, when I called AAFES (Military Star Card Credit Card services) the customer service agent informed me that AAFES would not rescind any garnishment unless the entire balance is paid in full. So, even if your account is current they will still collect on the garnishment no matter what the reason. In my view this lacks emotional intelligence because AAFES is a government service dedicated towards working with the soldiers and their families not an entity that’s sole purpose is to generate profit. My solution to this issue is if the person brings their account current AAFES should in good faith rescind the garnishment.