  • Report:  #136879

Complaint Review: Agel Enterprises - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Melbourne, Florida,

Agel Enterprises
9350 S 150 E Floor 5, Salt Lake City, 84070 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here we go again! Fools rush in to make "ulimited income" with Agel (they pronouce it "agile"). Here is how the hook works. $1000 worth of product (vitamins suspended in a gel)....brings you in at an executive level, and you must sponsor 4 per month for your bonuses. (The average person only can sponsor 1-2 people a year). You are ask to go on "auto ship" at $200/mo. and I'm sure they will be pushing tapes, books, CD's and other must have marketing junk. The average person will come in at a grand and last for 6 months....spend $2,200 for product they will try to sell on eBay for a dime on the dollar.

Gel technology doesn't get vitamins into your system faster...Gel technology was developed for childrens medicine that is liquid and depensed on a spoon, inorder to inhibit loss do to spillage.

Here are your clues that you are going to lose your money:

1. New, difficult marketing plan. If you can't explain it after seeing it 3-4 times......(the company wins).

2. Company boasts of millions in development venture capital.

3. New "Un-Proved" product and technology. (What labs tested their claims)

4. Pushes for $1,000 investment.

Don't be the fool that falls for this non-sense, that's why you're here.....listen to Your voice of Reason......Not the Voice that says...but what if I could make a million?

If you feel this is the right opportunity, do the following:

1. Buy the product (1 bottle)

Use it for 1 Month

Ask yourself:

Did I like the taste?

Do I feel better?

Did I take it as directed? Religiously?

Comparison shop for similar products.

Is the pricing fair and reasonable.

If you do that for a month, you'll either believe in the product and be able to sell it or you'll be looking at the next "fast money" scam on the net.

Be smart, join an investment club. Buy stocks, real estate , gold. 10 club members at $1,000 each and $200 month can build a nice portfolio.

Yes, the MLM Pros will make a fortune with agel, the company will make a fortune, but you will end up will a bookshelf full of vitamins.

Jeff 321-266-8930

Melbourne, Florida

19 Updates & Rebuttals


Phnom Penh,
MLM - Making money at others' expense !

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 26, 2009

I agree almost totally with you H. I was introduced to AGEL just this afternoon. It has reached Cambodia (an SE-Asian country). They basically target university students, like me, because we are more educated and are the people that could make a sense of MLM. I just want to answer just ONE questions... Q: Can AGEL make you money? A: Yes... You make money only when you have introduced new member(s) to join you. You don't sell anything. It's unlikely you'll make much money retailing AGEL's products. No one on the road will buy your plastic gel even for a few dollars. Basically, you make money by ripping off others' money. The price of the product is exhorbitant (for a few packages of gel) - upto 1000USD. Some of the 1000USD will go to you (around 200USD in my case) - for convincing him in; some of the whole amount goes to the superior (well, because they are superior, like the "Regional Manager" for example); and the rest goes to the Company (for producing fruit gel and telling people it's medicine!) If the ones you introduced into AGEL are smart, they will continue to fool some other people they know, and make a few bucks... BUT what happens at the end of the day? This kind of "investment" doesn't last... When so many ppl know about it, and you can interest no one else in, it's the end for your "AGEL career"... And the company? thanks to you, they make millions, even billions, selling fruit gel. That's all i want to say. If you have any comments on my post, I'm open for criticism. Thanks :)


Get real MLM parasites!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

I've never been a victim of MLM scam aka Pyramid Scheme, because that's truely what it is. I've known several people who got caught under these get rich quick scheme. There's no such thing as making 75k per month, Only one of out 10 people can achieve something that ridiculous and it's not from joining an MLM scheme either. Why do you think they recruit only people with little to no job experience and people in need of money. That's their target audience, people looking to make a quick buck or two. Will unfortunately pay hundreds of dollar just to get a chance. It is true that you can in fact make lots of money through MLM programs like Primerica & Agel, and some other BS company/product. It's not the product that makes you the money. Money comes from recruiting other suckers to pay a membership fee and it goes on and on from there. Every recruiter gets a piece of the membership PIE. Making money with MLM is simple. Recruit people to join the opportunity to do the exact thing you're trying to do. The more people you have under you. The more money you will be making. There's really no product that you're actually trying to sell, you're selling the concept on how to make money through recruiting as many people as you can in a short period of time. The products they offer are a front to legitimize, their so called "Company" There are a dozen MLM companies out there, doing exactly the samething. It's an easy concept, Present a fake product with bells and wristles, recruit people then have them recruit people and so on. Every member you recruits, pays a fee that gets spread out between all the recruiters...In other words you've just created a pyramid. So if you're lucky, you can be on top of that pyramid.


MLM is tough

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 27, 2008

Agel is my second MLM company i have joined. My experience is that it is tough, but that's mostly because of my own personality. I'm a rather shy person, so selling products isn't something i can do. That's the reason why i left my previous MLM company. They had great products which i also still use, but it was not my ticket... What Agel has offerend me was personal development, i'm putting myself out there more often. The experience has been nothing less then amazing. Almost never easy, but very rewarding. And i'm not making huge ammounts of money with Agel. But i'm willing to go the extra mile and push myself to reach my own potential. I believe in MLM as a concept, and if you want to get involved in it, you have to study it. Get you info, and i believe critisism is important, i used to be like that. However bashing is just unnescessary. I'm not bashing my previous 9-5 jobs. So i don't understand why people feel threatend by MLM. Not everyone is for MLM, but neither does everyone have a personality to own their own business. I have seen people come from zero and get great succes in a short period of time. But you need to have determination and focus. If you are thinking of joining an MLM company, ask your questions with the people that are making money with that comany. MLM is just like everyday life, you wouldn't ask your mailman about opening a restaurant. You would ask someone who has a succesful restaurant. Just get your own info, by investigating yourself, don't be afraid to attend a meeting, you could be missing out on something if you don't. Don't let your own misconceptions get in your way.


SAnta Monica,
Agel has been paying me 5,000. US dollars to build a downline in Asia.

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 23, 2008

Agel Enterprises has been paying me $5,000.US dollars to build a downline in Asia. I can prove it with direct bank wires for Agel Enterprises, LLC and many corresponding emails. I accepted this agreement because Dr. Ann de Wees Allen's product and image had joined them. They led me to believe she was on board with their company and never once told me she was gone until months after her departure from the company. But they still misled me that they would have her formulation in a gel formulation in Feb 2008. All of which was a lie! All the wanted was to get my top contacts involved. I have always believed the Gelceuticals were garbage and a scam. And only recently have the proof that indeed the products consist of mainly water and fructose! People in Asia are being brain washed by their so called motivational speakers! Wake up Asia! Taste the product, what does it taste like? Do you feel any improvement with your wellbeing or health? Ask yourself, Where are the testimonies? Spend your hard earned money on organic fruits and vegetables that are filled with live nutrients and enzymes. Don't ruin your health, your family and friends just over making a quick buck. Keep your health intact by only taking supplements and products that are only scientifically proven with clinical data that confirms that it does work. Don't be the guinea pigs of Agel's gelceuticals! Your Health is your "true" WEALTH. Take care of it!


South Carolina,
I love these MLM pseudo-arguments.... the hopeful MLM'ers posting about their FUTURES...

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

as they write contemptuously about wage-slaves. But it is all an attempt to subtly sell their MLM! Because they know the rest of us are all unenlightened idiots. But one day, hard reality will hit for these MLM'ers.... the 'future' becomes 'now'. And all these "self-employed business owners", who one day realize they don't really own a developed business that they can sell for retirement money, also will realize they are old and have no investments, no pension, and no retiree medical benefits. Did you know that 4 days in the hospital for a ROUTINE surgery can cost you $43,000 if you do not have REALLY GOOD insurance? If you DO have REALLY GOOD insurance, that little hospital visit will cost you $150. Ask me how I know...... A pension is nice, but pensions are killed by inflation. But wait.... that no-expense employer-provided 401(k) will provide income that grows faster than inflation and will more than compensate for the dwindling pension as the years and inflation accumulate. And that retiree medical plan will save a retiree's financial bacon. Have fun, boys & girls!


How about a little common sense?

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

I am not affiliated with Agel and have no plans to be. I just heard of it today and found this report. MLM is a delivery method. It is a way to market products or services, the same as brick and mortar stores, the internet, or driving around in an ice cream truck. Every method has positives and negatives. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. If you do like it, buy it and consider whether you like it enough and have the personality to maybe make part-time or full time money marketing it through MLM. Why feel like you have to go on the internet and tell everyone how bad something is if your only experience is that it didn't work for you? If I worked for Microsoft and the job didn't work out, does that mean Microsoft is a scam? Well..... maybe that's a bad example, but you get my meaning. If you like your job, keep it and do the best you can. If you have the ambition to build something bigger, do your research, find something you are passionate about and throw yourself into it. Whether that is traditional business, MLM, internet marketing or whatever. If you are one of those people that think it is your mission in life to be negative about everything, get a life and don't bother those of us that really want more out of life and are willing to take a chance and work to make it happen.



#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 16, 2008

I would like to say that I am involved with Agel and its GREAT, i'm meeting new people, travelling to new places, and learning new skills, and whats wrong with that? If you want to give mis-information your whole life on the NET then please dont talk trash about something you have obviously haven't looked closely at!

King Of My Castle

Castle Rock,
Why morons like Jeff are against Agel and other MLM companies

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 27, 2007

It is sad to see that some of the negative people in our world use this sounding board to express their opinions when otherwise they would not be given the time of day. I have owned my business for several years. I, like many others have tried Network Marketing/MLM many years ago with no success. For meit was the wrong time with that company to have success, the time had passed. Like most of us, the real problem is in the mirror, we simply don;t know what we're doing and follow a success system. Our education system conditions us to be employees, about 80% of us still are. So when trying to escape the rat race, we have no skills for running a successful business and because of that it is easier to blame someone else or the company for our lack of desired success. To be successful in Network Marketing/MLM it takes time to develop the proper skill sets just like any other business, it doesn't happen overnight. Those success stories you hear about are rare indeed. Most of them cut their teeth for several years learning the business in another company. When the right company came along they already possessed the desired skill sets for sucess and therefore it appears to have come easy. It didn't, don't forget the years of what I call training and apprentorship for success in Network Marketing/MLM. When I look to evaluate a Network Marketing/MLM company there are many factors to consider. In my opinion, if you really want to make great income the age of the company and do you think it will survive are major things to consider. If you join a company that has been around for 10, 20 or 30 plus years I would have to say it is a strong possibility that you might have missed the wave to financial freedom. You'll just continue to feed the ones who are many great money. I joined Agel because I did my homework on the company, the management and the leadership, and I am convinced I made the right choice. The company is young enough where I have a true opportunity to create wealth with a company that has a new/good product regardless of price with a global opportunity. I don't know who this Jeff guy is, but in my opinion I would have to conclude that he has never been successful in anything accept sharing his negative opinions to people who'll listen. He is not the kind of person I would follow in business or anywhere else. My decision and the reason I joined Agel is becasue it passed my criteria as a company where I could hang my hat and build an additional income stream, if I was willing to do a few things to be successfull. If I wasn't willing and would allow someone the opportunity to steal whatever dream I created, then it would not be a place for me. We all have negative experiences in from every area of our lives. If you let that be your driving force in business, then you should stay an employee and let someone else determine what you're worth. 74% of wealth in the US comes from entrepreneurs. You can make a change or follow Jeff and end like him and everyone who chooses to follow his advise. Or you can draw your line in the sand and do something extraordinary. I simply encourage you to do your own dur dilegence on whatever you are looking for and not be guided by someone so negative they succeed in stealing your dream. King of my castle Castle Rock, Colorado


D.N. Mizrah Binyamin,
Happy with Agel Products

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

to whom it may concern: I have been using most of the Agel products for the last month and have found a remarkable improvement in my overall well-being. The product called UMI has been very helpful to me since I have bad joint pain in my right hand knuckles and my right knee and I am constantly working tiling floors and walls. Now I am able to get up and down without the excruciating pain I was suffering with and this has increased my ability to earn an income in my primary job of home renovations. In addition, I have noticed a marked improvement in the amount of flatulence that I suffered with which also kept me awake at night. I would venture a guess at one fifth of the flatulence that I used to have. I attribute this to UMI usage. As far as the OHM product I would have to say that it has truly helped me while driving in the afternoon after a full day of physical labor and also at work with potentially dangerous tools such as grinding disks and power saws. It helps me be more focused and not to get upset when things might not go together as quickly and smoothly as I would have liked. The FIT product has not been that convincing as to weight loss but neither have 101 other diets etc. that I have tried over the years. Here I frankly feel that there are no shortcuts to plain old will power. I find MIN to help me personally get out of my digestive tract what might tend to linger and that also has a tendency to give me a feeling of well-being. I have not tried FLX for joints because to date it is not certified as Kosher. Anyway the UMI has done the trick so to speak. I would love to see this new HRT product and if it will help me with circulatory issues but so far it is not available where I live. I also take 1 EXO a day and enjoy the taste although I can't identify any specific benefit that I feel from its use to date. The main theme here is that I believe and testify to the fact that these products do work and this is in comparison to other similar products that I have tried in the past which I stopped using after 2 weeks because of no benefit. Thank you

Joe Kunda

Somewhere Else,
New York,
Use your BRAIN, not the brain of people trying to sell you something...

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

I have no interest in anyone buying anything from me. There will be no way to contact me, and I will not put subtle clues to promote anything of mine. I have looked at the Agel business, and I have read a bunch of the comments on here. EVERY SINGLE DETRACTOR IS PROMOTING THEIR OWN BUSINESS. They are hoping to profit by scaring you. Agel does NOT use Neotame anymore, and they haven't since May of 2006. They DID use it, but now they use fructose instead. You can find their customer service number and check. The Comp plan is basically two plans in one, and if you're paying attention, it's extremely simple. I am in OTHER MLMs (not even Health and wellness), so I can tell when one is good. Agel is good, even though MIN is too expensive for what it is. The rest of the line would do well on the retail shelf, and that is a good way to judge product. MIN would NOT, the rest would. Please people, stop trying to scare people into your business; we need LEADERSHIP, not more scare tactics. That's it. Good luck everyone.


Know the Multi-level Marking Business BEFORE You Bash It

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, July 29, 2007

Agel is, indeed, a multi-level marketing (MLM) business. Over the years, MLMs have gotten a bad rap, mostly by people who joined one and didn't succeed. The best information you can find about MLMs will be in Paul Zane Pilzer's book, The Next Millionaires. Most people will not become overnight millionaires in an MLM. It's a "who you know" and "who you get to know" kind of business. You will not succeed sitting in your house, not connecting with people. Success in MLMs requires that you become a leader. If you're not ready to lead, stay with your 9-5 job. You're much better off. But, if you know how to lead a team (or if you want to learn), if you feel comfortable educating people about new technology (or if you want to learn) and if you are truly concerned about people and their well-being, YOU CAN SUCCEED IN MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING. MLMs are not for the faint of heart. Agel, as an MLM, is a "use and share" business. The option to auto-ship products to you monthly is there because you will want to use the products and share them with other people. It's that simple. Why would you want to offer someone something that you yourself wouldn't use? If someone approached me in that way, it would make me nervous. I probably wouldn't buy from them. In closing, AGEL is a good solid company. I've seen lots of people join and do nothing, never making a return on their investment. I, personally, am making money, and I've watched many others, regardless of ethnic background, make lots of money, as well. It's your choice. You reap what you sow. If you never plant any seeds, nothing will ever grow.


Los Angeles,
Here's the facts - Agel is AMAZING!

#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 17, 2007

No matter what business you're involved in, not everyone will be satisfied. As for myself, Agel is the key to my financial future. The products are incredible they do what they say they will I know because I use them! The compensation plan provides an unparalleled opportunity to make a great income! This plan really promotes teamwork, not competition. My team is growing in the U.S. and internationally as well! If you're serious about network marketing and believe it could be very lucrative (just read what Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and Paul Zane Pilzer say about the industry), this is the company for you! Hector, if you want additional information, post your contact information and I'll respond. Frederick


Central America,
Looking for facts

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, June 26, 2007

Ok... for what i've read, the people who says that Agel is a scam can be clasified in three categories: Those who just don't believe in ANY network marketing company Those who seem to be in ANOTHER network marketing company and just don't tolerate any competition. And those who tried agel as a business opportunity and did not succeed. For those in the first category i have only one comment. Network marketing is a serious, real and very profitable distribution channel for certain products. It all depends on the company. For those in the second category, do not place false information here, or at least do some research about the bussiness before posting, at least you would know what you are talking about. And for those in the third category, i think that maybe they did not understand the bussiness they were getting into, or maybe their upline did not give them the support that they needed to start. Or maybe they are just total losers who would have failed in Usana, NuSkin or Amway the same way they did in Agel. I came to this web site looking for people in a fourth category... those with hard evidence and facts. If you find one please let me know.


New Brunswick,
Those who bash, are jealous!...all you have to do is keep your reciepts if you suck!

#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 06, 2007

I have not had the get rich quick success with Agel that many have had thus far. However, I know exactly why! I am at fault, not the business. One thing that must be remembered about this business, and other network marketing businesses, is the only real contributing factor to your success with this type of business is you! Your efforts, determination, devotion, and input are what defines your bottom line. In my case, I was pre-occupied with starting a new career and moving and didnt allocate the proper time and attention to Agel. If you dont have a strong and supportive upline that doesnt mean you can be successful. Besides, if your organized enough to keep your receipts and know your tax benefits when it comes to a small business, then you can almost entirely absorb your losses, if any, through your taxes legitimately. Im not suggesting embelishment, but rather diligent organization and research. I also suggest making an appointment with a Chartered accountant, and dont worry if its expensive...its a business expense! Keep your receipt(s)! Justin


To the people who posted a rebuttal

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, February 25, 2007

To the people who posted claiming agel is not a rip off. You are complete morons. What do you think a MLM is? Multi-level-Marketing also known as pyramid scheme... Here's how it works...you take a product ANY product like life insurance, gel, hair gel, pills, etc... Create a good sounding company name. like Primerica, Agel, Femoney Inc., and so on. NOw you need a good speaker and recruiter and someone who is lost or is a total d**k and has no care of who he/she rips off. Now you take that and introduce people with great sounding products like newly development pills life changing in many ways and blah blah blah...Show them cheesy videos of happy people with the product. Introduce them to people in the company who are on top..(that's usually the creator of course) of course he/she then will exaggerate how much money he made from his company with the selling of his products. And that you should join his company in this venture. No experiance required!..haha just sign up to buy the product so you can have membership to sell their new product for them since they sell like hot cakes...haha all you have to do is sign up and pay 1000 dollars upfront to recieve their products in order to sell...sound easy huh? Then the question is...HOW DO YOU MAKE MONEY?? by selling the product??? WRONG!!! the product you recieve by joining does not sell...they are s**t products...hard to sell items..you can't even get rid of it..if you gave it away for free! The only way to make money off of this is to recruit ppl or trick ppl into buying this product just like you did...by recruiting you get a referal bonus which is usually 200 bucks out of the 1000 dollars they purchase. Now sign up 10 ppl to buy the $1000 product and join your company and you've just made yourself 2000 bucks isn't that cool? just sign up 10 people each month for an income of $2000 per MONTH!! isn't that awsome? man that sure is a sweet a*s deal isn't it? how can anyone think of not joining agel? or any MLM company?? it works ppl it works!(end sarcasm)


Agel Is a scam!

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 25, 2006

your right he was wrong the auto ship is 80.00 a month!!!! And if you ask me 80.00 to much!!! This stuff taste like crap and i have used the fit and ohm and sorry to say it didn't do what it clams so now am i not out All the thousaunds on the stupid prouduct i bought but all the other crap to increase business!! I am now stuck with crap i can't even give away!!!!!!!!



#18UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 02, 2006

AGEL is the best thing that came around since the invention of the vitamin pill. Now it's time for a change with easier consumption and more bio-availability from gelceuticals. It's the wave of the future! GELCEUTICALS have been tested and proved with athletes for years and still going on. Bikers and other athletes use a stuff called GU energy gel. AGEL concocted this technology with antioxidants, weight loss, vitamins/minerals, and others to come. Stated from another gel manufacturer on the market with carbohydrate gels, "Gel gets carbohydrate fuel to your system more quickly than any solid form." Now the power is harnessed to all of us!


Miami Beach,
Nitwits on the Internet

#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 24, 2005

The problem with the Net is that any idiot can write anything. Take the posting on Agel. This guy obviously has never been in the company and has completely distorted the fact. The auto ship is NOT $200 a month. The product doesn't even come in a bottle. You don't have to sponsor four people a month. And there is a great deal of evidence that shows a great deal of nutients from pills pass through the body, and nutrients in gel are assimilated more fully. Please remove postings from ignorant people that contains lies and misrepresentation like this one.


Agel is a ripoff?

#20UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 23, 2005

Will you please describe how Agel ripped you off? Or, better yet, please inform us of anyone you know who has been ripped-off by Agel. Anybody who is interested should know that Jeff works for a competitor of Agel and he is posting absolute nonsense all over the internet because he knows Agel is going to crush his business. The stuff he posts comes straight out of his head. He doesn't post ANY facts whatsoever. He knows nothing about Agel or the products.

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