  • Report:  #263965

Complaint Review: Allied Barton Security Services - Oakland California

Reported By:
- albany, California,

Allied Barton Security Services
360 22nd St. #800 Oakland, 94612 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To whom it may concern,

I Zatrea, have been an employee of AlliedBarton for over three years as of March 16, 2007. I started at the Bayer site in Berkeley Ca. My Account manager at the time was James Worthington. He trained me on three day on graveyard and introduced me to all the officers on site.

I was also introduced to the day and swing shift officers. My position was on swing shift located at the main gate. Duties at that time were basically card access and fire watch.

I was trained to report all actives to the account manager. I enjoyed me position and I worked 6 days a week 12hr days for months at a time. (pay check stub can verify this statement.).

During this time Mr. Worthington (Black Male) told me he wanted me to attend the Supervisor class and he would set it up with Patrick which was the district trainer at that time. He commended me for my hard work and told me I would be his next supervisor. My class was scheduled for the end of the following month.

Less than month later James went on vacation and never came back, the immediate supervisor took over as Account Manager. Jason Kanefsky. Durning this time I reported and officer on several occation and did a 3 page write up on this officer for sexual harrasment and racial slures. A week latter the officer attached me at the post. I have all documentation and my job required I be on camaera so there is evidence of this.

( This is year two 2005)

During this time I was already scheduled for the Supervisor Class and was told I needed the new Account Manger to approve it. It was not approve and I was told by Jason Kanefsky that he would let me know. At that time The district trainer left and no classes were offered. Ben Sander was promoted to supervisor.

This was fine with me due to this officer deserved it in my eyes. I was grateful that a hard working good person got the position and he had been there forever. When the second position opened up I was not told.

Nevertheless a outside person was hired for the position and I was order to train this person at the post were the client had promoted to (post7).

During this time the relief issues were getting extremely worse. I was left at a post in front of the client for more than 5hrs with no bathroom break and no lunch breaks consistently. Me keeping a smile on my face so the client would not be aware there was and issue. I was trained that all issues are to go to our company and this is what I did.

I spoke with Jason Kanefsky I was in tears from almost urinating on myself on the post. He said that they were busy and basically ignored me. I than took it to our district office and spoke with Mrs. Michelle Hill and Kit the district manager at that time. They handle the issue and I was now receiving 3 breaks in and 8 to12hr period consistently now. I was happy.

At this time the client (Richard Snyder) offered me another position at post 7 which was a high volume post. I so happy I learned everything to know about the post and made it my mission to make the client happy for the decision made. Now with is position I saw 150 to 200 people before 10 oclock. My job was to verify all access to the site, check badge upon entering the site as well as issue contractor badges to the authorized personnel. I developed and maintained a database of all contractor entering post 7.

I was responsible for updating and printing all logs e-mails and confidential information for the post as well as inventory for the badges at the post. I responded to e-mails request for the post. I also maintain a clean post by being the cleaning lady. I had to be there 8 to 12 hours so I didnt care.

I asked Jason again about the supervisors position and classes and he said he would let me know when it was available. The very next week we got a new supervisor named Marlon Stevens. I was told by my account manger to train at post 7 and I did. I asked no more questions due to my answer had been given.

After the training other reoccurring issue started up again. I was not getting my breaks and was over loaded with work hours as well as training new employees for the post. I brought it to the attention again of the account manger (Jason). The two relief officers at that time were Marlon Stevens and John Fister. I train both officers for post 7. Nothing was done in my view because I was still left at the post for hours on hand meaning more than three.

I also was forces to train all officers at post 7. This was not a part of the agreement to take this position. This was throw in. I sent numerous letters and made phone call to express that quality train is impossible under these conditions. I was ask to give a training out line and to state when quality training could be given so that we could work as a team and turn out some great officers. They agreed to the out line and the client approved it.

Two weeks later that went out the window. I was back to the begging for help. Here is just a small list of post 7 trainees for the middle to end part of

last year:

1. Mr. Andersons - Terminated removed from site for reason other than post 7

( I reported at the beginning of his training that he did not want to be at post 7 and to please place him somewhere he could excel. I was told just train him)

2. Mrs. Christine - Terminated removed from site for reason other than post 7

( This officer came in the door on the first day of training and told me Im not working at this post. I did report this and I trained her anyway).

3. Mr. Adams -Terminated removed from site for reason other than post ( I had no comment about this officer )

4. Mr. Ben Woods -Terminated removed from site for reason other than post 7. ( I had no comments about this officer)

5. John Fister - Now Account Manager

6. Mr. Archie Brumfield -Terminated removed from site for reason other than post 7. ( I reported this officer for not signing people in and letting trucks onsite with no authorization on several occasions. He was also reported for handing out badge to people who were not on the badge access log. This officer was demoted for a supervisor position unrelated to post 7. )

7. Devin Hudson - Great trainee ( he will do well)

8. Karen Manchester - Great trainee she will be great at this post she was the first trainee to take notes and ask for copies of all the post procedures and policies.

9 Jim Coxs - Transferred due to unforeseen circumstances. ( I was in tears to see him go and I gave he a good bye party were I begged him to stay)

10. Zaid Coleman - ( I had no comments about this officer)

11. Chris Willis - ( I had no comments about this officer)

12. Mr. Allen - ( This was another exceptional officer he will do well)

13. Mr. James - ( partial training one day observation - ( I had no comments about this officer)

There were more these are the one I remember off hand in the last 12 months. I also had to sign training form for all these officers meaning: I was responsible if they didnt know something or did something out of policy. Although my evaluation during train went unheard.

After that there was and incident report by me to the Account Manger as such:

Reported Incident 1.

At about 0545 I relieved officer John Fister at post 7. 10 to 15 minutes into my shift a white pick truck was trying to exit Parker St. post 7. I asked the driver his name and did he sign in (which is policy) He said the officer told him to just go in because he was only picking something up.

I told the gentleman to please wait one moment. I called John and asked him about the truck and he stated that this person had been on our site with Rudolph and Sletten for over a year. I express to John that this was odd and that Rudolph and Sletten was a new contractor. (Policy states everyone entering the site must be signed in and out.

They must be verified and the Sponsor is the contact unless other wise stated). The result is the truck had never been on site before and had no authorization to be there. He driver was taking tools for and area that was not allowed. I give this to Jason and that was that.

Reported Incident 2.

The next day Marlon Stevens and John Fister can to my post and basically threaten me stating I had a bad attitude and to keep my mouth shout. I went home that day and emotional wreak.

They made there point which was they did not appreciate me reporting them and they were no playing. I told Jason and I sent a e-mail Kit to find out he was no longer with the company and Michelle Hill I thing was had transferred at that time so I kind of gave up on the office.

I had a meeting with Jason and he stated to me that because we were so short handed that He could not make it without this Officers.

He also stated that he would talk to them he also stated that there had been another Incident of a different nature by this person. He believed me but his hands were tied.

This was also witness by Bayer employees. He did tell me that they do understand that were not to harsh me at me post and that if there is a meeting it is to be done in a profession manner out of the client view and not at the post.

( rumor mill says he was intoxicated on the job and fact says there was a sexual harassment investigations)

The next week Jason Kanefsky was hired by the client.

John Fister and Marlon Stevens continued on for months until Marlon Stevens was hired on with Bayer and than was removed. Then we got a new supervisor Jim Coxs and a new account manager Michael Kelly. I was so happy I trained Jim and another officer at the same time.

Mr. Cox told me that he would be the primary trainer and I would be the back up due the high volume of the post. He said to me I dont know how you do it and joked about how I need a assist. This was a great time for me. I was back to getting breaks and Mr. Cox and Michael Kelly did great things in a short amount of time.

The most that had to be dealt with was minor issues like cleanliness and putting badges back where they belong so the next officer would not have to hut it down. I was a happy harder working employee. I did 12 to 16hr shifts and was on cloud nine finally not just but great management.

I was shortly informed that Mr. Cox would be leaving and I cried. I was back to square one again. The good part at that time was Mr. Kelly in my eyes was a fair man and he did help me with letting me know a week a head of time if someone was to be trained and also give me time to prepare for them.

I was working on several special project 4 hours a day after my regular shift and covering other post for Michael Kelly. I was asked by the client to help organize post 9 and I did. I went on my own time and purchase material for this post with my own money which Mr. Kelly did replace.

I was asked by Mr. Kelly to clean out Post 4 for him and I sucked in my pride and I did it from top to bottom with several officers watching and commenting.

I gave a picnic with my own money so that we as officers could get to know each other and a Christmas Party where Michael Kelly and family attended both. Its was great it felt like a team now.

This was almost the end of 2006 now I am getting into present day as explained below. Please be patient with me it is hard to put three years of my life in short form and get to the point. Below is the beginning of 2007

Reported Incident 3.

I reported to Michael Kelly that I was sent a trainee that a Bayer lead Ben Sanders told John Fister to train and I was not notified. The trainee was sent to my post with no notice. Michael Kelly apologized because he had assured me this would not happen and as I stated before he was real good about keeping his word. He said he would have a talk with John Fister.

After this Mr. Kelly informed me that he was being promoted. At this point I was kind of use to this. Now back at square one. Oh well nothing new so I moved on.

During this time I had a very bad case of the flu and I had reported Brumfield for letting a truck on site and not following the proper procedure.

The issues stated below is all from the last three week of March 2007 which is why I am written this letter.

Reported Incident 4.

A post 9 Security officer instructed Mr. Brumfield not to let the truck on site and to send the truck to Parker St. I at that time had no knowledge of this. Yet again the truck did not go back to post 9 to exit it was attempting to exit post 7. I asked the driver what gate he came in and he said Grayson (post9).

So naturally I called post 9 and two officers told me what happened. Reggie Talbert and Mrs. Samod. Officers Brumfield did not sign the truck in and had

no knowledge of its where about. I asked Mr. Brumfield to go and please get the information and he did.

The other two officers witnessed him stopping the truck at Grayson street. We still have no idea where it went and who it was for. That information was never found. I than reported it to Michael Kelly.

Michael Kelly set up a meeting with me for this. The result was John Fister and A. Brumfield coming to the post and John Fister stated to me that if I continue to report and not just work it out with this officer I would be removed. He also stated to me at that that time that I had done the same thing to his. This was done in front of the other officer. This officer was terminated for non related issues.

I sent and e-mail to Kelly Murcray to do a sit down to address some goals and steps with these issues because I am now being told not to report or my job is in jeopardy. I did not understand this when my job is to report. I also felt like I was being fore warned now that he would be the account manager. This was a treat and it was made clear to me.

Mr. Murcray sent and e-mail and said he would get back to me. We had a mandatory meeting on site due to two officers being terminated for sexual harassment. At that meet I asked again what step can we take to make sure these thing do not reoccur and I was told to follow the change of commend and report everything.

Even if you think its nothing it is better to report it than it turn out to be important. I asked what do if that did work he said to contact him and he would address them. After the meeting I explain to him I needed to really speak with him and he apologized for not getting back to me and said he would.

At that time I requested my the forms for my vacation and sent and e-mail to John Fister who is now the account manger for the dates that I want. I was told at that time that I had to wait two week after my anniversary date to put the request in because vacation does not no kick in until than. This was odd to me because I never had a problem with talking time off. I had also express to John that I was burned out and tired.

I really needed the time off. I told him I would contact the rep because I was unfamiliar with this new procedure. He replied he would check into it too. He also ask me If I could train a new employee I express to him in detail

As time when on into the next week I was asked to do a special project for the client it was my full understanding John Fister know this because we talked about putting the extra hour on my time sheet.

I did not know he wanted me to ask for permission everyday. (had I know I would have!) I had just been working with Mr. Kelly and there was never and issue. Basically the client gets what the client wants so I help 4hours after my regular shift and got in trouble for. John Fister went to the client and told him that I did not inform him of this.

Now John was present everyday in the same area we were working in and said nothing to me on this matter. I know this because I was standing there. So I apologizes because I truly did not understand, but everyone has their own way of doing things. I was also to tired to complain. I only ask that you inform me of this so I will know what you want and I can govern myself accordingly. I also asked him again about my vacation and he said he would get back to me.

The very next morning I am at my post just getting into setting up for the morning rush. Mr. John Fister and the Supervisor Mr. William came with him and he said to me there was a couple of thing he need to talk to me about ( I know back to square one at the post in front of the client)

He said to me that I needed to ask him for permission if I was going to work on special project for Bayer and that I needed to train the new employee the next week Monday of I was going to be removed. I asked him what happen to my vacation and that I was again sorry if I offended him with not asking him everyday for permission to work the special project.

I asked him what good would it be to have an officer come over to a post with another officer that is burnout and tired. How is that officer going to get quality train. John Fister stated at that time we let you get away with not training officer Jackson. I stop him and said I was never told I had to train this officer and the agreement form the previous account manage was in place than for one week notices.

I also explain to him that I need help. He again said to me I was going to be removed by Kelly Murcay. I stated at that time this conversation is over due to this being a disciplinary action and I wanted my union rep. present. They left and I immediately sent an e-mail to Mr. Kelly Murcay asking him if he could see me immediately because I didnt feel this was approached to be attacked yet again on a post.

I was in tears and I could not breath and function. I call John Fister and express to him I was ill and I needed to go home. Several contractor and Bayer employees witness this and saw me in the post crying. I tired to tell them it was ok. They started apologizing and that make it worse seeing they had done nothing and I could not in good faith tell then what had transpired due to violation of policy.

After 30 to 45 minutes my relief came and I went home trying to collect myself. I was call by John Fister and told not to bother coming in the next day and that Mr. Mucray would see me at 10:00 am the next day. I call Mr. Mike Reed because we have a history and he know me work ethics and I trust in his integrity.

I explain to him what happened and he said he would look into it. That night I got several calls for different officers expressing their regret on my removal. They express to me that John Fister told them I was fired and three more officers were on there way out. He then proceed to take me off the schedule. Now this was before ant meeting took place.

The next day at the meeting I spoke with Mr. Mucray and we talked about the issue and he said to me that the vacation was incorrect and what was meant is that it would not show up for two weeks not the I could not receive it. He also said the that it seemed like I was being conformational in the way I wrote the e-mail.

I explain to him that was not my intension and that there was two e-mail the John Fister left out about this matter and if he would like to see them he said no. I explain to him that I was working a 12hr shift doing a special project and that I was constantly asking to take my vacation and I felt like I was being denied this right.

There where other officers on this site with no seniority had already taken theres. They were not told they had to wait two weeks. I told him I was burnout and I really need a break. I also explained to him that no other officer had been made to train as many people at post like I had. The other post had two or more officers helping with the training.

I never said I would not train I only ask for help with it because I was simple tired! I also told him the John had already told the officers on site that I had been fired! I asked him if he wanted to hear the messages. He said no.

Mr. Mucray asked me if I had talked to Mr. Reed and I said yes. I did not understand what the meant at the time. I was told by Mr. Mucray to go ahead and take my vacation and return to work on the following Monday which would have been this week 4/2/2007.

I was also told that we would sit down and deal with solutions to these is upon my return. All I ask is that they be fair and objective. Not to take my word for it come spend a day on the post with me. I am on 24 hour camera 5 days a week. Come and talk to the officers and have regular meeting so that we will know what is expected and become a uniform team.

Well as you can see this did not happen. I got up at 0430hrs and got ready for work. I decided to go into the main gate early so that I could talk to John and we could start off on a good note.

I wanted him to know I was not trying to step on anyones toes I just want to do my job in please and go home. I walk into the main gate and into the offices where everyone has this look of shock on there face.

I ask the supervisor Mr. Williams to check my badge and he asked me was suppose to be there and I told him yes. I said that I was suppose to report for duty after my vacation.

He just looked at me and said let me call John and I said ok. At this time John could not be reached. So I sat there and waited. The relief Officer for Mr. Williams came in Mr. Jackson and he to attempt to call John. At that time the client walk in and come over to say hello.

He said to me at the time the Mr. Mucray had contacted him last week and said that I had excepted a temporary position at Alta Bates. I express to him that I was unaware if this and I was sorry for the miscommunication. At this time I called John and he to ask me if Mr. Mucray had called me and I said no and he said he would get back to me.

Now I am still on client property not nothing what is going on sitting in the main lobby. This was beyond humiliating. It took everything in me to hold back the tears. I was scared to just leave because I didnt know if I would be walking off the job and than get fired.

So I sat there waiting for a return call. It is now after 0700hrs and John called back and said I had a meeting with Mr. Mucray and that I would get paid for the day.

He asked me if anyone had call me and I told him no.

After that he was finally reach and he told them to tell me to contact Mr. Murcay. I left the site and made to the house to collect myself due to everyone know this but me. I went to the meeting and Mr. Mucray told me at he forgot to call me.

Me I know you can see the expression on my face because I confused. How could a meeting about me take place and no one bothered to tell me. I was told there were some new development and that I need to be removed for thirty day and then I could return.

I was told I was not being reprimanded and that I did nothing wrong but I was being confrontational and I need to work on it. I explain to Mr. Mucray that for reasons like this any human person would be off balances and upset. This matter was discussed and the out come solved.

We shook hands and I went on vacation. I asked him is it because everyone thinks Im fired and I am the example for following procedures.

He said to me that is was not the case.

I stated at that time why was the client under the impression that I had excepted a position that I know nothing about and that I was a home all week and was not told or ask if I would even take the position at a non union site.

He said that he had discuss this with Steve the union rep. I explain to him that everyone had knowledge of this except me. He got defensive and stated to me I would have to go back to Mr. Reed and explain to him. Now I understand why I was asked that question.

He said there were other site I could got to and that he would fax them over to the rep. As of this date it has not been done. After all of this than he said this was a client decision and that he would give us the e-mail from Chris Loo stating this.

At that point there was nothing to do. As you know this stops everything. We are all aware that a client has the right to remove anyone. Unfortunately I felt like there was no integrity with is due to the first agreement being breached and not being informed until I was at work.

I only asked one question and that was if this incident took place with just me, John and Mr. Williams how informed the client. From time we agreed on my vacation until the meeting how anyone out side of the parties involved know anything except I was on vacation.

We are also still waited on the e-mail promised to use by Mr. Mucray form Chris Loo stating this fact. There is a lot more to this but this is the basic out line and as you can see it a long one.

I am not asking for anyone to pick a side or to say your right and your wrong. I am asking for a real investigation be done.

I just want to be treated fairly. If I have done nothing wrong and I am not being reprimanded. Why do I and officers with a great record, never been written up or reprimanded in three years have to make a decision on where I need to work for 30 days?

I have been at this site before all of these officers except Mr. Williams. I have worked hard to get the shift and the hours that I have for it all to be wiped away in one week vacation. So at this point what he said is true if I continue to report I will be removed.

Althou he was not removed for refusing to train and officer, he was not removed for letting people on site that were not approved to be there, He was not removed for dating a Bayer employee and having her in the control room during woking hours.

This move the just a double standard it is Discrimination. They have the money and the power to take everything from you and leave you with nothing. I don't think they banked on me fighting this until death. I have nothing left to lose at this point and I know there has got to be someone that will look at this and help me.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


albany, California


15 Updates & Rebuttals


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
The pot calling the kettle black.

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, June 02, 2012

"After having read your complaint I can see why you have not been promoted to Supervisor.  Please read over your entire post and see if you can pick out ALL the errors in sentence structure, spelling etc. etc.  You're not alone though because I've also read complaints from other guards in regards to AlliedBarton..... one complainant couldn't even spell GUARD correctly.  How can one be a Security Guard and not know that 'GAURD' is the wrong spelling of the word?  One must be able to write legible reports and based on your rip-off report I would say that you need some serious education in the English Grammar department if you wanted to be seriously considered for ANY kind of promotion."

I see you are in need of serious remedial English also.

Your post is an inexcusable waste of computer server space and the money that it is costing to keep it there. Did you ever consider using your small brain to realize that your post was going to be useless and irrelevant to the author of this post, and to the consumers who have responded to it, before you posted it? You are not too bright, are you?

In your post:

"How can one be a Security Guard and not know that 'GAURD' is the wrong spelling of the word?"

Don't you realize that the word "one" can not be the subject of a sentence? One is a number, not a person and therefore cannot spell or be criticized for misspelling anything!

Supervisor should not be capitalized.
ALL should not be capitalized.
ANY should not be capitalized.
etc. should never be used more the once (not twice in a row).
GUARD should not be all capitals.
The phrase "Security Guard" should not be capitalized.
More than one period in a row is a grammar violation.

Get your big head down to the small size of your brain. You have an overinflated view of your own mental prowess, especially when it comes to expressing yourself on paper!


Supervisor 'material'

#3General Comment

Tue, April 03, 2012

After having read your complaint I can see why you have not been promoted to Supervisor.  Please read over your entire post and see if you can pick out ALL the errors in sentence structure, spelling etc. etc.  You're not alone though because I've also read complaints from other guards in regards to AlliedBarton..... one complainant couldn't even spell GUARD correctly.  How can one be a Security Guard and not know that 'GAURD' is the wrong spelling of the word?  One must be able to write legible reports and based on your rip-off report I would say that you need some serious education in the English Grammar department if you wanted to be seriously considered for ANY kind of promotion.



#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 10, 2012

 i am going to  keep this story   and all of the rest of these stories  for records  because  ive read another  report on here about a  woman being  fire because she was a lesbain  but i am from the east coast  reading all of these  stories  there is no way in  hell i will work  for allied EVER again 


My Cousin Tried to Contact Your Lawyer and Could Not Join the Class Action Suit

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 06, 2009

I hope that you will win your suit against these people. My cousin tried to join your class action suit but your lawyer never followed up on it. I hope you got a lot of people and that they reported what had happened to them tot heir elected officials in Washington, DC. THEY HAVE TO KNOW!



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, February 14, 2009



If All Stand And Say NO We Can MAke A Difference. Yes We Can!!!!!!!!!!!!

#7Author of original report

Thu, February 12, 2009

The all women and especially the women of color! How they win is because we sit back and do nothing. We walk away and go on to other companies that are a little better and forget the other women now in our shoes at our post with the same attackers. I have been fighting discrimination and sexual harassment since the day I found it existed. I did not shout up and I will not go away. They would have left me for died if they could have but I am still standing and fighting. There are more of use hard working mothers, sister, daughters, aunts, nieces & cousin to stand together and say NO! We deserve the same freedom to work as they do, we deserve the same promotions and pay that they do. My case has been filed In the California Justice System. You can always contact me, via e-mail. (((Redacted))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Kansas City

Kansas City,
Same treatment in Kansas City

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 30, 2008

I feel the Overland Park office prejudice of any person of color. They treat the white person extremly better. I was having a hard time at my post and I complained to the office they made no effort in moving me. I worked with a white young punk that was a wanna be somebody. They reduced my pay without letting me know. When I complained to the account manager he said, "I will look into it". Day-after-day went by and I heard nothing. I ended up leaving the company for several reasons: Reduce in pay w/o proper notification The way I was treated by the post supervisor The way I was treated by the Overland Park, Kansas account manager Not being treated the same with equal breaks as male officers All they care about is having a body, paying the employee s*&* for pay.



#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 24, 2008

good luck to you with your lawsuit! Been there done that with them. Its a long proccess, stressful in the end its worth it, but dont expect to have any changes made within that company. ONe would of thought that they would of learned from my case lol... once again good luck. though i hope your post here does not affect your case.


I have a law suit against this company

#10Author of original report

Fri, May 23, 2008

Thanks for your comments. I have a law against this company. If any one would like to come forward and talk to my lawyer please feel free to contact me via email. It is zatreaevans (one word) at yahoo dot com. This has to stop! We as women and women of color to stand up and say NO! We need to change the laws and rule of the unions and company that discriminate and abuse us for working hard and wanting a fair and equal paying field. Thank you all for your support Zatrea


I have a law suit against this company

#11Author of original report

Fri, May 23, 2008

Thanks for your comments. I have a law against this company. If any one would like to come forward and talk to my lawyer please feel free to contact me via email. It is zatreaevans (one word) at yahoo dot com. This has to stop! We as women and women of color to stand up and say NO! We need to change the laws and rule of the unions and company that discriminate and abuse us for working hard and wanting a fair and equal paying field. Thank you all for your support Zatrea


I have a law suit against this company

#12Author of original report

Fri, May 23, 2008

Thanks for your comments. I have a law against this company. If any one would like to come forward and talk to my lawyer please feel free to contact me via email. It is zatreaevans (one word) at yahoo dot com. This has to stop! We as women and women of color to stand up and say NO! We need to change the laws and rule of the unions and company that discriminate and abuse us for working hard and wanting a fair and equal paying field. Thank you all for your support Zatrea


I have a law suit against this company

#13Author of original report

Fri, May 23, 2008

Thanks for your comments. I have a law against this company. If any one would like to come forward and talk to my lawyer please feel free to contact me via email. It is zatreaevans (one word) at yahoo dot com. This has to stop! We as women and women of color to stand up and say NO! We need to change the laws and rule of the unions and company that discriminate and abuse us for working hard and wanting a fair and equal paying field. Thank you all for your support Zatrea


Same here

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 23, 2008

Zatrea, I went through the same thing with bathroom breaks. I still do. I'm from WI and I'm a white female. I'm glad you don't take crap from them, or anyone. They hate women. Good luck to you.


United We Stand Up against Unfair work Practices and Discrimination!

#15Author of original report

Tue, August 21, 2007

I have read a lot of stories about the discrimination inflected by Allied Barton Security Services. I would like to file a class action suite and say No this is wrong and we will not take. If YOU ARE A WOMAN OF COLOR OR A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN DISCRIMINATED BY ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH YOUR STORY! I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO ADD THAT IF WE CONTINE TO WALK AWAY AND ALLOW THESE KIND OF OPEN DISCRIMINATION PRACTICES TO CONTINE THEN WE ARE TO BLAME WHEN IT HAPPEN TO OUR CHILDREN! Let's stand together! Thank you, A Mad Black Woman Zatrea Evans


Fact: Allied Barton Seems to Dislike Women --Regardless of Color

#16Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 31, 2007

Sounds like to me you learned an important lesson the hard way and that is that Allied Barton does NOT like Women Security people ( unless they are providing an "essential" service for the site supervisor or another Allied person in power, that is --sexual harrassment quid pro quo by any other name.) The fact that you worked as hard and as long as you did says a lot about you. I would be glad to work with you. You seem like an ideal supervisor, tough but fair and you really care about the job and keeping the client happy. Unfortunately, Allied Barton does not give a (expletive deleted) whether YOU are kept happy and they don't really care about YOU! I think the only reason you lasted as long as you did was they were afraid, because you are Black, that you would involve the NAACP or some EEOC action if they openly discriminated against you the way they did to me, and other women who had to work for their sorry operation. You would be amazed what a report to the EEOC and just a letter to Corporate HQ can do! Of course, they get you later---payback is a (expletive deleted) but you have a few moments of enjoying their discomfort and unhappiness while they are reprimanded by Corporate for their discriminatory. ( But behind the scenes, they will really say:" You shouldn't have let the (expletive deleted) report you. Get rid of the ( expletive deleted) and get another idiot in there. And don't get caught next time." Laughing and winking, " Boys will be boys!" No, I am always mystified that these people HATE and really despise women as much as they do. I havent' seen this much hatred and animosity towards women employees in ANY other profession. And this particuliar company has always tended to be a little bit RACIST. Like their personnel policies were frozen in the 1950s or something... back when separate was not equal.. You should see the carnage that two two-bit security firms made out of my life by entirely FALSE employment references-- one given out by a guy who wasn't even there when I worked there but he acted as authority on my job performance. AND the idiot potential employer believed the little snit! That' s just the sort of trash Allied Barton is famous for. Take your excellent documentation to the EEOC, NAACP and anyone else who would listen. The no restroom break for women is an ALLIED SECURITY CLASSIC designed to harrass women and get rid of them. THAT IS ILLEGAL under OSHA rules and regulations. Employers are REQUIRED by OSHA to provide you with restroom facilities, Drinking water AND a First Aid kit or access to one. You can report them for ANY of those things! I wish I knew when the government was going to look into all the discrimination and crookedness that private security companies do! Especially o get away with not paying their federal corporate income taxes! How they lie, how they cheat and how they rip off their employees and their clients alike. I wish I could tell you that I was an expert at handling these people and putting them in their place and making sure THE EMPLOYEES --WHETHER MEN OR WOMEN -- WE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS WHICH THEY WANT TO IGNORE!!! I wish I could tell you that I knew how to get you reenstated and I wish I could tell you that things were going to be OK! But I can't. That is why I left the private security busines when I realized it was NOT going to get any better. Read the other Rip-Off Reports concerning Allied Security or Allied Spectraguard or Allied-Barton. It's all TRUE. Like you, I lived the nightmare. I guess you could talk to a Legal Aide or an employment lawyer but most of all, I would consider going back to school so you could get a trade aand NEVER, EvER have to do some security job that is so brain-dead, boring, life denying, underemployment hararssment and misery "Security job" again.Not now, not ever. Like I wrote earlier, all the money for the lawyers is on their side. You might try filing it with EEOC and providing documentation like you did when you made this post. Maybe they will help more than the Texas one. If EVERY single private security services contractor was put OUT OF BUSINESS PERMANENTLY, I would have accomplished my goal. We need to tell the people NOT to EVEN CONSIDER working for security companies because they are so bad about DISCRIMINATION and CHEATING YOU OUT OF YOUR WAGES THAT YOU HAVE EARNED! Good luck! I hope you can give them five times the hell that they gave to you! Tell everyone you know NOT to work for private security companies!

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