  • Report:  #716807

Complaint Review: Allied Driving School - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Disappointed in LA - Los Angeles, California, USA

Allied Driving School
607 Virgil Avenue Los Angeles, 90004 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On March 31, 2011, my daughter had an appointment for what she thought would be a test drive/ride along with this company by the name of Allied Driving School.  The way everything was explained to her, she was under the impression that they would pick her up and have her ride along with another student driver to see if she liked the company and would later book a driving lesson.  She was NOT under the impression that it was an actual lesson OR that she would be driving.  Again, she thought that she would be simply riding along and observing.

When the driver arrived, it was revealed that it WAS an actual driving lesson and that she needed to PAY to go out in the vehicle.  My daughter apologized for the misunderstanding but stated that she would call back to schedule for an actual lesson or two.

The driver left and not even 5 minutes later, my daughter received a very nasty phone call from who we think is either the dispatcher or receptionist or some time of administrative support.  It was a male employee with a very thick accent.  He was upset that the driver had returned without money and had the audacity to inappropriately ask my daughter what her IQ was.  My daughter, shocked at being spoken to this way, asked him to repeat his question.  This so-called employee of the company insulted my daughter again by asking the question again, basicaly implying that she was stupid.

A very nasty exchange transpired between the two of them, and well it should have!  My daughter telephoned me and relayed what had occurred.  I asked for the company's information and telephoned in personally.  The employee in question answered the phone.  I asked one question "How long has your company been in business?"  He told me in a very nasty and condescending tone that he "couldn't remember" and that perhaps I should ask Miss Callahan.  He then hung up the phone in my face!  I was mortified!  I hadn't even identified myself!  I was calm and intended on explaining that there had obviously been a miscommunication and that his behavior was uncalled for.

I telephoned back several times but the employee would not pick up the phone.  What an amazingly immature and unprofessional way to treat a customer!  I have to ask if my daughter was treated with such contempt because she is a Black female?  Seriously, had she been of another race, would this idiot have called back and dared to ask such an insulting question??  And what incensed me was how I was treated when I only made the one phone call.  My telephone number is nowhere similar to my daughter's and we do not carry the same last name so this employee took a chance in answering the telephone the way he did.

I am filing complaints with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, RipoffReport.com, the Better Business Bureau and anyone else that will listen.  My daughter is owed a written apology and this employee should be put on suspension or even FIRED!  Customer Service is key in this day and age with so many competitors and our country still being in a recession.  I would NEVER recommend this horrible company to any young adult or even a monkey learning how to drive.

Thank God that Mxxxxx Driving School  (((REDACTED))) treats their customers FAR better and they will get our repeat business!
  sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Disappointed in LA

Los Angeles,
Rebuttal to Robert of Irvine

#2Author of original report

Wed, April 13, 2011

First of all, I can do without your sarcasm.  Yes, really.  This report was filed because my daughter and I BOTH were offended and treated disrespectfully by a business governed and licensed by the State of California, so do your due diligence before you ask stupid questions such as you did.  You have a right to YOUR opinion, which, by the way, no one asked for.  However, IN your opinion, be careful not to attack my daughter.  She is NOT a minor; however, this is her first dealing with this type of company.  ANYONE could have made the same mistake if policies and procedures were not explained thoroughly.  Since you seem hell bent on defending this inappropriate behavior, please explain to me why the employee hung up on ME?  I had not identified myself at all; I merely asked ONE question and received such a negative, unprofessional response.

Secondly, this report was filed to prevent other possible consumers from experiencing the same poor customer service and offensive behavior.

Now, I'M trying to understand why YOU felt the need to open your mouth and say ANYTHING.  Unless YOU are the culprit or have some investment in this company, I fail to see why your comments or your interest are even warranted.  This site is dedicated to reporting negative experiences with various  businesses in diverse industries in an effort to educate and forewarn the public. 

YOUR comments do WHAT to that end???  I readily admitted that my daughter exchanged heated words with the employee but that was only AFTER this imbicil dared to call her and insult her needlessly.  I have no reason to complain other than an apology is warranted from this company.  I represent no other entity other than myself and my daughter.  You are free to think what you like.  Frankly, YOUR opinion does NOTHING to offer a possible resolution to this matter, so, who cares?  If you missed out on your chance to debate in high school or college, perhaps its not too late for you to go back to either one that will have you.  It's ignorant attitudes like yours that help to support an environment where people think that it's okay to treat others any kind of way.  Had  this inappropriate behavior happened to YOU or someone in YOUR family, I'm certain you would have a different viewpoint.  And IF you are the culprit, I say THIS to YOU . . . NONE of this would have transpired had you not taken it upon yourself to make that phone call to my daughter and insult her intelligence.  You were inappropriate and the phone call was not necessary.  She had NO problems with the driver and they parted on good terms.  YOU took it upon yourself to act a fool and so, if she used explicatives when conveying her feelings about your attack, then THAT is EXACTLY what you deserved.  You are in BUSINESS and you OWE a responsibility to the public that you serve to treat them courteously and respectfully at ALL times.  We would have called back and made another appointment but your reacting and assuming just cost your company business and started a feud. 



#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2011

My daughter telephoned me and relayed what had occurred.
At worst it sounds like a mis-communication where it is very possible that your MINOR daughter didn't understand what was going to happen.  Based what was written here you didn't pay them any money, so except for a little time you are out nothing.  You only got one side, perhaps your daughter isn't telling you the entire story.  Or perhaps when she "relayed" the information she left out things that didn't make her look so good.

 I am filing complaints with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles,
- What exactly is the DMV going to do?  Did they do anything illegal? 

Or this may not even be a real report at all.  You attempted to mention a different company perhaps you are a competetor.  Perhaps you are en ex-employee.  Perhaps you are even someone who just as a personal grudge against someone at this company.

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