Bradenton,#2Consumer Suggestion
Tue, December 05, 2006
Christie, NEVER call, or speak to ANY collector! It will never do anything positive for you, and will always make things worse. It will validate the information they have, and they will step up collections activity. The call, in itself will not reset the SOL, but anything you say or do might. Communicate ONLY in writing, and ONLY by certified mail, return reciept requested. Always put the certified# on the letter itself and keep a copy for your records. NEVER sign the letter, just print. And never include any personal information that they do not already have. By the means above, simply send a CEASE COMMUNICATIONS request as per your rights under the FDCPA. In this letter identify the number they are calling you on. Also inform them that the debt they are attempting to collect is past the legal SOL for collections and is therefore uncollectable. State that any further collection attempts will be treated only as harassment and/or fraud, and will be prosecuted. Simple. The MAX SOL in UT is 6 years, so the debt is past SOL and cannot be legally collected, assuming it was originated in UT. I think cell minutes are irrelevant here, as I have never seen a plan that charges for someone to leave a message, except prepaid plans. And it uses 1 minute to check your voicemail and delete the message. Allied Interstate are JUNK DEBT BUYERS. They buy debts of this age for less than a penny on the dollar. Here is their contact info: Allied Interstate, Inc. 435 Ford Rd. #800 Minneapolis, MN 55426-1066 Phone: (952) 546-6600 Fax: (952) 595-2311 Web Address: Head Debt Collectors: Part of the Intellirisk Companies Vikas Kapoor, President & CEO Randy Christofferson, Chairman of the Board Norman Merritt, CFO ALLIED INTERSTATE, INC.(BAD REPUTATION!) Jeff Swedberg, President Jim Pond, Senior Vice President