  • Report:  #40106

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- Redding, California,

Alyon Technologies
3100 Medlock Bridge Rd ,suite 1400 Norcross, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
January 4, 2003 Alyon Technologies made an Internet Attack on my home and my family on October 13, 2002. I have spent dozens of hours trying to look for the full group of perpetrators to this Breach of My Security'. I started by calling and writing a letter to the company. Alyon Technologies sends a four-page story on how they can justify why they are Terrorizing' my family and my economic security. Letters and phone calls have gone out to the Attorney General of CA, FCC, FTC, Elected officials in Norcross, My Congressman, My State Senators, Secretary of State in Georgia, Governor of New Jersey, the FBI, the GBI, Pacific Bell, AT&T and yes even INTERPOL. President Bush has passed a HomeLand Security Act in 2002. It has the potential to bringing the full power of all law enforcement agencies working in unison together to fight Terrorism'. I say Aylon Technologies is using Terrorism' because by definition this is what they are doing. Only through http://www.ripoffreport.com and other private citizen postings about Alyon Technologies caused me to realize this is not An Enemy from Within'. Alyon Technologies is using (censored)' tactics from other countries as well. Alyon Technologies has computer ties to Spain, the Netherlands, and Guinea Busseau (wherever that is?). My original posting web address is http://www.ripoffreport.com/update.asp?RipID=38308 Our National Security depends on success in the War on Terrorism, which includes military, judicial, diplomatic, financial and humanitarian actions both at home and abroad. http://www.whitehouse.gov/response/. I see the words financial and judicial at home and abroad in there! Define terror. Terror is: such fear as agitates body and mind; dread; alarm; cause of fear. Now the definition of Terror sure fits what Alyon Technologies is doing. Have I gotten any help from Law Enforcement yet? No, or if I have they have not told me! Have I gotten help through the public posting at http://www.ripoffreport.com ? Yes and the dozens of other people who have posted their alarm, dread and disbelief about Alyon Technologies to this website. The Whitehouse has appointed a special Homeland Security agent to each state. In California it is George Vinson Special Advisor on State Security 916-324-8908 . However, it does not give an e-mail address. I am e-mailing a copy of this to President George W. Bush Alyon Technologies has committed an act of Terrorism. It has taken me this long to realize it. I hope others will come forward send a letter to the appropriate person in their state designated to be in control of Homeland Security http://www.whitehouse.gov/homeland/ It is not my intention to burden the President only to inform his office of Alyon Technologies. Gregory Redding, California

10 Updates & Rebuttals


alyon tech is a rip off !!! im 17 also

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2003

i logged on to alyon tech for about 20 seconds maybe until i found out it dialed a long distance number so i disconnected my internet, then when i got back on i saw two flashing computers for the connection thing and now i have a bill for 156 dollars and i didnt even go on the site its bull theres no way i am going to pay that bill, if anyone has info on this place email me at [email protected] please or instant message me on AIM as sk8fux1

i also deleted the minidialer since i found out about this site, thanks for the info


alyon tech is a rip off !!! im 17 also

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2003

i logged on to alyon tech for about 20 seconds maybe until i found out it dialed a long distance number so i disconnected my internet, then when i got back on i saw two flashing computers for the connection thing and now i have a bill for 156 dollars and i didnt even go on the site its bull theres no way i am going to pay that bill, if anyone has info on this place email me at [email protected] please or instant message me on AIM as sk8fux1

i also deleted the minidialer since i found out about this site, thanks for the info


alyon tech is a rip off !!! im 17 also

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2003

i logged on to alyon tech for about 20 seconds maybe until i found out it dialed a long distance number so i disconnected my internet, then when i got back on i saw two flashing computers for the connection thing and now i have a bill for 156 dollars and i didnt even go on the site its bull theres no way i am going to pay that bill, if anyone has info on this place email me at [email protected] please or instant message me on AIM as sk8fux1

i also deleted the minidialer since i found out about this site, thanks for the info


alyon tech is a rip off !!! im 17 also

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2003

i logged on to alyon tech for about 20 seconds maybe until i found out it dialed a long distance number so i disconnected my internet, then when i got back on i saw two flashing computers for the connection thing and now i have a bill for 156 dollars and i didnt even go on the site its bull theres no way i am going to pay that bill, if anyone has info on this place email me at [email protected] please or instant message me on AIM as sk8fux1

i also deleted the minidialer since i found out about this site, thanks for the info


Working with Government Agencies

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 13, 2003

No matter what your problem if you are going to work with a Federal agency to resolve it, you need to know that it is extremely hard to get them to act until they determine a "pattern of abuse" for a company. They rarely work on a single incident reported; I suppose their theory is that mistakes get made and they are regulatory agencies not customer service mediators.

It is very important for all posters to contact all agencies that regulate this, listed above. If each one of you will do this right away there will be no problem in seeing the pattern of abuse by this company. Then if action is not taken there will have to be an official explanation due!

These are trying days for this country and Americans should not have to struggle with added stress caused by these (censored)companies. I know that we are all busy, but this is what it is going to take to get the Feds attention. Do it quickly because until there is a Federal "stop" put on this (censored), this bunch of (censored) can (and evidently will) be able to ruin your credit!

Good luck and let's get those letters written!


President Bush Increases Federal Efforts to Promote Online Safety

#7Author of original report

Thu, February 13, 2003

February 13, 2003


For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 23, 2002

President Increases Federal Efforts to Promote Online Safety
Remarks by the President on Children's Online Safety
2:15 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Welcome to the White House. And thanks for the work that most of you do on behalf of protecting this country's children. Because children are so vulnerable, they need the constant protection of adults. And because children are so vulnerable, they're often the targets of cruel and ruthless criminals.

I am deeply saddened by the recent tragedy that we've seen here in Washington. There is a ruthless person on the loose. I've ordered the full resources of the federal government to help local law enforcement officials in their efforts to capture this person. Laura and I join our fellow Americans in prayer as we pray for the families and friends who have lost loved ones, as we pray for the safety of our fellow citizens, as we pray for the quick end to this period of violence and fear.

Protecting children from sexual exploitation is also a priority. It needs to be a priority, and is a priority, of this country. Earlier this month I convened the first ever White House Conference on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children. And those efforts continue today.

I've just met with law enforcement representatives from the federal, state and local level from several states who spend their time tracking down and prosecuting online (censored). These officials are impressive people. They're the best of America. They're doing difficult and disturbing and essential work. And I thank them for coming here today.

Our nation has made this commitment: Anyone who targets a child for harm will be a primary target of law enforcement. That's our commitment. Anyone who takes the life or innocence of a child will be punished to the full extent of the law.

Today, I want to discuss with you several aggressive steps we are taking to protect our children from exploitation and from danger on the Internet. I appreciate so very much Robert Mueller, the Director of the FBI, is here with us today. I thank you for your service, for your good work. I want to thank the Deputy Attorney General of the Department of Justice, Larry Thompson, for being here. Mr. Deputy, thanks for coming. Bob Bonners, the Commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, is with us today. They play an integral role in helping to catch these (censored) overseas.

Federal, state and law enforcement officers and prosecutors who are here with us today, ranging from California, to Alabama, to Maryland -- from all around the country -- I want to thank you all for being here to hear this progress and commitment that we share for our country.

When a child's life or innocence is taken, a grave and unforgivable act has occurred. A parent's worst nightmare has become real. And you all here are on the front lines of this great struggle to see to it that no parent has to live through the nightmare. That's what you're doing.

The Internet is a remarkable technology. We've all learned that. It's revolutionized education, vastly increased the flow of information, increases our knowledge. We're now in closer touch with our family and friends. People are now connected across the globe. It's an exciting tool. But more than half of our nation children now online -- let me start over -- more than half of the nation is now online, and 75 percent of the children are online.

The flow of information is freer and broader. Yet the new freedom presents us with an unprecedented challenge: A technology that brings knowledge also brings obscenity and danger. Until recently, the worst kind of pornography was mainly limited to red-light districts or restricted to adults or confined by geography, isolated by shame. With the Internet, pornography is now instantly available to any child who has a computer. And in the hands of the wrong people, in the hands of incredibly wicked people, the Internet is a tool that lures children into real danger.

Sexual (censored) use the Internet to distribute child pornography and obscenity. They use the Internet to engage in sexually explicit conversations. They use the Internet to lure children out of the safety of their homes into harm's way. Every day, millions of children log on to the Internet, and every day we learn more about the evil of the world that has crept into it. In a single year, one in four children between the ages of 10 and 17 is voluntarily -- involuntarily exposed to pornography. That's one in four children. One in five children receives a sexual solicitation over the Internet. One in 17 children is threatened or harassed. We've got a widespread problem, and we're going to deal with it.

We don't accept this kind of degrading. It's unacceptable to America. We don't accept offensive conduct like this in our schools, in the commercial establishments, and we can't accept it in our homes. We cannot allow this to happen to our children. The chief responsibility to protect America's children lies with their parents. You are responsible for the welfare of your child. It's your responsibility.

There are several practical things parents can do to protect their children from the dangers of online (censored). First of all, pay attention to your children. If you love your children, pay attention to them. Know what they're doing. Share your experience with your children. Make it clear to your children about the potential online dangers they face. Make it clear to them the kinds of websites they need to avoid.

Children need to be told to never provide personal information to anyone online. It seems like a simple parental responsibility. Mothers and dads all across America need to do their job and make it clear to their children there can be danger by providing personal information. Don't share any passwords -- that's a logical thing for a mom or a dad to do, tell their children not to share a password with a total stranger. Don't agree to meet with somebody they've never met. Don't agree to meet with somebody that chats them up on the Internet, unless the mom or dad is with them.

Parents should keep computers in a central location, and check up on what their kids are doing. They ought to not ignore what their children are doing. They ought to pay attention to their children. They have a responsibility. A mother or dad ought to pay just as much attention to their child when they're on the Internet as if they're in a playground, or walking in the mall.

Parents have the first and foremost responsibility. Yet we as a society share this duty, as well, and that's what we were talking about today. Parents need allies in the upbringing of their children. Our nation should make the essential work of mothers and fathers easier, not harder. Our government, at every level, must take the side of responsible parents, and we will.

We're waging an aggressive nationwide effort to prevent the use of the Internet to sexually exploit and endanger children. That's what we're doing. I want to share some of that with you today. Through an FBI program called Innocent Images, we identify, we investigate, and we prosecute sexual (censored)across the country.

FBI agents are obtaining evidence of criminal Internet activity by conducting undercover operation, using fictitious screen names and entering into online chat rooms. I had the honor of listening to one such FBI agent today. She was telling us what it's like to deal with these sick minds. Interesting, afterwards I said, it must be tough to do the job you do. She says, I have two children, I don't want it to ever happen to any child. I appreciate your dedication.

Innocent Images prosecutions increased by more than 50 percent over the last two years. We're making progress. Just like we're hunting the (censored) down one at a time, we're hunting these (censored) down one at a time, too. Based on the progress, I'm pleased to announce that we will expand this program and significantly increase the funding in the next fiscal year. We will also seek to almost double funding for the Internet crimes against children task forces, from $6.5 million in fiscal year 2002 to $12.5 million in fiscal 2003. These task forces help state and local authorities enforce laws against child pornography and exploitation.

Since 1998, the task forces have helped train more than 1,500 prosecutors, and 1,900 investigators. They've served 700 search warrants and 1,400 subpoenas. The task forces have provided direct, investigative assistance in more than 3,000 cases. They've arrested more than 1,400 suspects. These task forces are a great success. They're a great success because we've got a lot of good people working on these projects, a lot of dedicated Americans whose stomachs turn when they realize what's happening to our children, great Americans who decided to do something about it.

This additional funding I've announced means that in -- we'll increase the number of regional task forces, up to 40 around the country. Our efforts to fight Internet exploitation of children extend throughout this government, throughout all levels of government. The U.S. Postal Inspection service provides an important role in tracking sexual (censored), because child pornographers often use the mail to purchase obscene materials off the Internet. In Operation Avalanche, postal inspectors created an undercover website which they used to bring down what is to believe -- what is believed to be the largest commercial child pornography enterprise ever encountered by law enforcement authorities in the United States. They started in Texas; it ended in Texas -- because of the hard work of the postal inspectors, the good work of prosecutors, and the sentencing of one tough federal judge.

The Customs Service is conducting Operation Hamlet, which earlier this year dismantled an international ring of child molesters, an international ring of sick minds. Acting on a tip from European authorities, Customs officers tracked down child molesters in the United States, many of whom were molesting their own children and distributing the images of these children on the Internet. Authorities have identified 25 individuals involved in this ring -- 14 of whom were Americans. Through Operation Hamlet, 65 children have been rescued.

We're taking aggressive steps to protect children from exploitation and victimization. And the United States Congress can help by passing the Child Obscenity and Pornography Prevention Act. The House has passed this important bill, and I want to thank them for their good work.

The House passed a bill which makes it illegal for child pornographers to disseminate obscene, computer-generated images of children. It's an important piece of legislation. The Senate needs to act soon. The Senate needs to get moving and join the House in providing our prosecutors with the tools necessary to help shut down this obscenity, this crime -- these crimes against children.

When a child's life or innocence is taken, a grave an unforgivable act has occurred. A parent's worst nightmare has come real. People in this room are on the front lines of a great struggle, determined to see that no parent is forced to live through a nightmare.

I'm tremendously grateful for the good works. I want to thank you all for being true patriots. I want you to know at the federal level we're joining in the fight. We'll go after them one person at a time to make America a promising place for everybody who lives here. May God bless your work, and may God bless America. (Applause.) Thank you all.

END 2:29 P.M. EDT

President George W. Bush

Contacting the White House
The White House Mailing Address

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

The White House Phone Numbers

COMMENTS: 202-456-1111
SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
TTY/TDD Phone Numbers (for the Hearing Impaired Only)

202-456-6213 Comment Line
202-456-2121 Visitors Office

White House E-Mail Addresses

President George W. Bush: [email protected]
Vice President Richard Cheney: [email protected]

Alyon continues to use terrorist tactics to perpetrate their crime


Thu, January 09, 2003

I called Alyon today (201) 865-7600 to check the status of my bill. First, the woman denied they had received a Certified letter. Good thing I sent it with a return receipt. I was told they would remove the charges provided I send them a copy of a minor's birth certificate and verification the minor was living at the address of my phone number.


They want information that I wouldn't give out to anyone other than government authorities.

These people are criminal and they are going to extreme levels to put fear into people. No one should have to give out personal information like that especially to a CRIMINAL outfit like Alyon Technologies. I certainly will not. Furthermore, I don't know that anyone here intentionally went to their website.

The Attorney General of California has a copy of my complaint but they have not contacted Alyon Technologies because of staff cutbacks and not enough Californians have complained about this company. Thanks loads Attorney General Bill Lockyer, you've lost my vote.

FCC says this did not qualify as a 'Slamming' violation because the guidlines don't cover Internet issues.

The FTC just did an update on my file when I contacted them today. Mutitudes (probably thousands...as in Integretel and eBillit) will have to complain to them before some investigating gets done.

This website is the only place where I feel like someone gives a d**n.


iowa city,
More info on this corrupt company

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, January 05, 2003

Just FYI for anyone else who has been victimized by alyon tech, the virus they put on your computer is titled icdisco.exe. Use your search tool to locate it on your computer and delete it. Also go to Start/Settings/Network and Dial-up Connections and delete the file titled 'minidialer.'

In addition, Alyon Technologies' actual business address is not in Georgia its:
Alyon Technologies
Stephane Touboul
One Harmon Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: 201-865-7600
Fax..: 201-865-0175
Email: s****.>
Stephane Touboul is obviously a pseudonym but its better than the dead end info that is supposed to exist in Norcross GA.

Take it easy, good luck, and please pass this info on to anyone else.


iowa city,
More info on this corrupt company

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, January 05, 2003

Just FYI for anyone else who has been victimized by alyon tech, the virus they put on your computer is titled icdisco.exe. Use your search tool to locate it on your computer and delete it. Also go to Start/Settings/Network and Dial-up Connections and delete the file titled 'minidialer.'

In addition, Alyon Technologies' actual business address is not in Georgia its:
Alyon Technologies
Stephane Touboul
One Harmon Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: 201-865-7600
Fax..: 201-865-0175
Email: s****.>
Stephane Touboul is obviously a pseudonym but its better than the dead end info that is supposed to exist in Norcross GA.

Take it easy, good luck, and please pass this info on to anyone else.


iowa city,
More info on this corrupt company

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, January 05, 2003

Just FYI for anyone else who has been victimized by alyon tech, the virus they put on your computer is titled icdisco.exe. Use your search tool to locate it on your computer and delete it. Also go to Start/Settings/Network and Dial-up Connections and delete the file titled 'minidialer.'

In addition, Alyon Technologies' actual business address is not in Georgia its:
Alyon Technologies
Stephane Touboul
One Harmon Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: 201-865-7600
Fax..: 201-865-0175
Email: s****.>
Stephane Touboul is obviously a pseudonym but its better than the dead end info that is supposed to exist in Norcross GA.

Take it easy, good luck, and please pass this info on to anyone else.

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