Americas Best Value Inn, Oakhurst CA, does not provide cleaning for stay overs. According to a person called Mitch, who is at the front desk, and is an extremely deceptive and invidious individual, whatever mess you create you should clean it yourself. This freak should be working in a salt mine, not in a hotel that requires a mature, honest, and well balanced person.
All hotels provide daily cleaning. Hotels that do not provide daily cleaning disclose this fact upfront. Americas Best Value does not disclose that they do not clean rooms daily; nor do they disclose that if guest complains about his room, he is denied all future lodging, and the sheriff is called and an incident report is done on the guest; nor do they disclose their tyrannical check-out policy. Tyrannical is a perfect description. None of this is disclosed by this crooked and very corrupt hotel. But it should be disclosed and the public should know how this grossly dishonest hotel operates.
What kind of a business calls the sheriff on its customers? Do business owners who have sound judgment and operate with honesty and ethics want the sheriff around? Doesn’t it look bad for business? To call the sheriff where no criminal act has been committed and have him pound on hotel doors and harass and intimidate a paying customer is what crooks who engage in criminal practices do. This is the method of operation employed by Americas Best Value in Oakhurst CA.
The worst thing any business can do is call the sheriff on any customer. But this crooked hotel does in-fact call the sheriff on anyone, at anytime, for any reason, and they do not disclose this fact. This very important fact about Americas Best Value in Oakhurst should be known by every hotel booking company and every website that submits reviews. Without knowing the truth about egregious acts of hotels against travelers, people cannot make an informed decision on whether they want to give their money to such a business. Does a person want to support such corruption with his and her money.
There are health violations due to trash not being empty. The trash is always flowing over and there are always family members of the employees sitting in the lobby and hanging around. Children of the hotel maids sitting in the hallway while their parents are working.
Each room has a statement that says: “check out by 11:00am (and rooms keys must be brought to front desk upon checking out letting us know everyone is out of the room) There are no ifs ands and buts about this (no exceptions of any kind are or will be made) It is hotel policy. If you do not check out by 11:00 your card will be charged. Charges to the card if all guests are not out of room by 11:00 and keys brought to front desk are as follows:
If you are out between 11:01 - 11:31 you will be charged $25 fee
If you are out between 11:32 - 12:00 you will be charged $50 fee
If there are any damages done to the room or the room is ruined in any way a $150 fee will be charged."
This policy, which deliberately avoids warning about having the sheriff intimidate the guest, is proof enough of the hate and disdain that this Americas Best Value Inn has for people whose money support it. To use the sheriff without real criminal activity is an outrage and a violation of a person's right to know beforehand how he and she will be treated by the tyrants who run and operate this criminal organization operating as a hotel. When people make a reservation for this hotel, they are not informed about any of these outrages commited by this hotel. It should be a legal requirement that hotels with these consumer hating policies, and policies that are meant to harm the consumer, must be disclosed before the consumer lets go of his and her money, which crooked hotels never refund.
Pahrump,#2General Comment
Thu, December 15, 2016
Let me be the first to point out that the police wouldnt have been called on YOU had YOU acted better. You CANNOT threaten to get your way. Once YOU start bandying around threats then YUP they are going to call the police and remove you. Oh, im 100%$ sure that YOUR self entitlment WILL NOT let you see your own behavour. YOU are going to say that YOU were the victim and the desk guy was some form of snidly whiplash character. But we ALL know better. YOU ran your mouth and in doing so got kicked out. So NONE of YOUR civil rights have been violated in ANY WAY!!!! It is the consequence of opening YOUR mouth to the WRONG person. Perhaps the REAL ISSUE is YOUR anger managment issues. People like YOU seem to think that just because someone is in thier work clothes that they are available for YOU to treat like crap. Get over yourself princess and learn to clean up after yourself. The MAID IS OUT!!! All I see is someone who is told NO and they cant handle the NO. YOU are online WHINING that YOU had to clean your own room......and when YOU "complained" they called the police. So what type of complaining were YOU doing? I KNOW it wasnt the "Im sorry there appears to be an issue in communication" complaining. We can ALL tell it was "How dare YOU!! I am a important person!! Do as I command!!" type of complaining. So EXACTLY how long would YOU have put up with someone treating YOU as YOU treated THEM?? YEP!! Self reflection buddy!!! If YOU wouldnt put up with being treated as YOU treated THEM, then HOW can YOU call them a ripoff when YOU did this all to yourself?? Just because YOU have paid for a service doesnt mean that YOU get to treat THEM lesser then YOU EXPECT to be treated. Its called CIVILITY!!! MANNERS!!! BEING POLITE!!!! Oh and NOT A D-BAG!!!