  • Report:  #1197973

Complaint Review: Amerihope Alliance - plantation Florida

Reported By:
Arthurawaitingpromisedfullrefund - Hoopeston, Illinois,

Amerihope Alliance
501 NW 4th Street, Suite 207, P plantation, 33317 Florida, USA
(877) 882-5338
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was promised a full refund by the owner of the company( attorney). Have not received. I will wait and see if rebuttal if not then I will upload the email to verify refund was promised





17 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2015



Still no refund-Have retained attorney

#3Author of original report

Sat, January 31, 2015

I have not received my full refund. I have posted here and on the facebook website and nothing. I have had to retain an attorney to handle this full refund for me. I will let the attorney handle from this point on.


still no refund. How can a lawyer email me this and not honor

#4Author of original report

Wed, January 14, 2015

I just can not believe this firm will not honor my refund. I have told them I need my refund so I can retain new legal services. Why not issue my full refund.



Amerihope Why not Honor written full refund

#5Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2015


Amerihope why not resolve this Full Refund.  We are not  concerned nor should you with any communication between Amerihope and us(Clients) prior to the date on the email written by the owner attorney on 12/20/2014

The only issue here is that we were told in writing that we would get a Full Refund. That email is dated 12/20/2014.

Whatever happened prior to this date of you writing this email has nothing to do with the Full Refund.

Amerihope attorney read your email. You say that you put many hours and answered many questions. (so you are aware of the time involved in this case)

Now the operations manager does not do as instructed in the email from the owner of the company.

The operations manager now wants to give me less than the full refund. The operations manager says that after reviewing cost and related expense will only issue $XXXX.XX.

Amerihope attorney did I miss something in the email you sent me and CC to operations manager.

I did not see anywhere in the email that it said after the operations manager reviews the cost she can decide how much to refund me.


I see in the email from owner attorney operations manager will send me a release form and after I agree I will be issued a Full refund.

I could not agree because operations manager decides that We should not get our full refund.

Amerihope Attorney do the right thing and honor your email to us. Full Refund

This is all about Amerihope Honoring the full refund email and nothing else.

Here is the email again





Report Attachments


Still Nothing/now another issue

#6Author of original report

Fri, January 09, 2015

Still nothing on my refund. Amerihope did find you have a facebook page so I will try and contact you since you are still my attorney(I wish you would just honor the email you sent me) I did post a review on facebook.

This other issue. You filed for a motion to withdraw from my case and I received MTW from you by email and by priority signature mail and I attended. What is going on?? You tell me you do not want to represent us and file with court for you to withdraw from our case and you Do Not Show up for the mtw.

The judge asked me if I agree with your MTW and I said no. I wanted to present my evidence to the judge of the refund and he said he could not hear or see anything I have unless you were also present or someone from your firm.

I mean Seriously!! What is going on. Why file MTW when you do not show up.


Now according to the judge you are still to represent us ( We would really appreciate it if you would just honor the email you sent for the full refund. This could be made part of the MTW.) We will voluntarilly agree to the MTW as long as you honor your full refund that you committed to in sending me that email)

Just honor your email and let us move on. You were paid. You committed to issuing full refund.


No refund to date Still no rebuttal from Amerihope

#7Author of original report

Thu, January 08, 2015

I have to date not received my Full Refund.  I did receive email from Attorney General Pam Bondi I will proceed with that AVENUE also.

I have written proof that this firm comitted to issuing full refund. I still do not receive the full refund.

Operations Manager replies seek other AVENUES  I am seeking


Amerihope refund update

#8Author of original report

Wed, January 07, 2015


Well nothing from this company. I have put up all these post and no rebuttal. Why is that? Why would a company not post their side?

Some good news! I filed complaint with the BBB and they have accepted.  This company has 30 days to reply to BBB

I did filed complaint with the ATTORNEY GENERALS office  in Florida  Waiting for reply from them.


I posted my complaint on just about every site that this firm lets you post reviews. I see most reviews are positive. I wish that had been the case here.


The the attorney emailed me and he is experienced attorney. He should (honor his commitment to refund my money.)  FULL REFUND

Report Attachments


Email from Amerihope

#9Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2015

Here is the email

Report Attachments


The Email From Owner to Me and CC to Operations Manager

#10Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2015


Ok I have crossed out the names. This is the refund email from this firm Amerihope I do hope they can see that they did send me this email.


Did I read something wrong?  I do not see anywhere where this full refund became a partial refund. Why would operations manager change to partial refund when it clearly says issue full refund.

The part in email CC that was to the operations manager

Like I said I do not want to get into details of my case. This email is what I want honored at this time.






Amerihope we hope you honor email

#11Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2015



I do not know what is going to happen with our refund. Amerihope and us had our differences and it was to be resolved with a full refund. The time comes for us to get our refund and then it is reduced by the operations manager who was sent a copy of the email from the owner.(company boss) to issue us a full refund. Just does not make any sense to us why operations manager decides to change the amount of refund 
The email says a full refund. I do not see anywhere in this email where it says let my operations manager decide what  should be refunded. All we see is full refund. Does not say let operations manager go over file and see what we can refund you. It says full refund
I would think most businesses would reply to this posting and post a rebuttal. Amerihope  leaving this incident alone and not replying does not help anything. I would think you would want to reply and take care of this incident. I have notified you that I will be posting anywhere I am aloud about our refund. I am not trash talking or making anything up about the refund.
The owner sent that email below to our email and to his operations manager. What I see in the email is full refund and not to reply to you again. We did as the email said and did not contact the owner until the full refund was changed to partial refund.
Amerihope  I would think a positive response from you would be the right AVENUE for you to choose. The operations manager emailed me to accept the new offer which was much less than the full offer or seek other Avenues. This is the Avenues we have chosen.
We again await your response and HOPE you honor the full refund promised to us. We are not posting on the internet for no reason. The only thing we are posting has to do with the email of a Full Refund
Amerihope we hope you honor the refund. Why would you want someone posting on the internet .



Report Attachments


Amerihope Alliance Legal Services

#12Author of original report

Fri, January 02, 2015

Still nothing. I did contact Amerihope by email and said this will be my last email to them. (about refund) I would think Amerihope would have replied here on this site if the refund was not as they told me. I have told them that I will be reviewing the firm and the attorney(s) who I was notified worked on my case.

This firm chose to resolve our differences by emailing me that I would receive a full refund. This is from an attorney. This attorney is experienced (so he in my opinion new what he emailed me. To me he emailed me a contract that I would get a refund.

The operations manager changes the details of the contract and wants me to sign and accept the lesser amount and reply with just (I Understand) and nothing else

I told the operations manager no I will not and she said accept this offer or seek other avenues.

I have at this point chose the other avenues and that is posting on sites like this that let you post. I have a right in rating the attorney(s) who worked on my file and also the firm. If they have sites where they can be rated then that is what I have started.

I am not posting (details) about our differences at this time.( I consider those past  nothing to do with the way this firm chose to resolve and that was issue full refund) I am posting what this firm emailed me and that is full refund.

I am rating because I am given that opportunity on these attorney sites and firm sites.

I just want my full refund as emailed to me. Not Partial---  I want FULL Refund.


If Amerihope can please post that they never told me they would give me a full refund then please do so.  Post with proof not just say we did not


Amerihope Alliance Legal Services

#13Author of original report

Thu, January 01, 2015

Here it is January 1,2015. Was hoping would have read some rebuttal from Amerihope. I am here thinking what would they rebut if the owner sent me the email saying full refund.What could they possibly reply other than yes we said full refund. I guess I will just keep posting and maybe they will contact me soon and issue the full refund as in the email
I see the email and in the original email  it shows to my email and CC to his operations manager. The operations manager should have just done as the owner said issue me a full refund. The operations manager is the one who sent me 2nd email 3 days later and wants me to accept less and sign a release form.
Is it just me. Why should I accept less. The owner made the decision for whatever the reason was. His email says  full refund.  Amerihope I am sure you see these postings. I have emailed you and told you. I am posting because  I want my full refund.
I think the email should be honored. This email is from the highest in your company. This email is from the attorney who should definitely know what he emailed. What is reason I am not getting my full refund? It is in writing from the owner to ISSUE ME A FULL REFUND. That to me is everything I have paid Amerihope.  Also  I have received emails from Amerihope  MTW  and it does say on the email to reply login with your user id and password. I can not because  I am blocked and have been blocked for quite some time now. No reply to emails. Nothing. You are still my representation until or if the court allows you the MTW that you filed.
Whatever Differences we had PRIOR to this email should not matter. You chose to resolve by emailing me that you would issue full refund. I am not bring up anything about how my case was handled. This email is from an attorney who I would think would be aware of what he emailed me.
This email from the owner does sort of shows how my case was handled though. One person from your company (the owner) said full refund and an employee under him changes that full refund to partial refund and wants me to sign release and just reply to email and say I Understand. Like I said I did not understand and the one part definitely did not was the change in amount of refund. I replied No!! I want full refund as stated. I can not post that email because that one has copyright on it. Unless the author of the email allows me to post (if you want to give me permission to post that email reply here)
That is reason I am really upset becauseI AM AGAIN  told something and something else done. I at least have this in writing about full refund


Sent Amerihope Operations Manager and owner

#14Author of original report

Wed, December 31, 2014

I have been up most of the night. Worried sick here. I sent Amerihope another email. I am asking why the operations manager has decide to change the refund amount when her Boss,The owner told her to issue me a full refund.

I also commented on the part where the owner says I am harassing. I am not harassing. I paid for a service and I believe I am entitled to answers so I seek answers from those at Amerihope who worked on my file. I did tell them that they should not have blocked my conversation diary nor closed my account until the Motion To Withdraw was oked by the court. Yes they filed a MTW because they say due to differences and I have become disruptive. I think I should get answers and replies until they are granted MTW. Until then they are still my representation. They do not wait for decision of court which is coming up. I have paid for services and was promised refund and not received it. Lets see what happens. Hope we do not loose home.

I am worried because now I will not have an attorney representing us. I will have to retain a new attorney if the mtw is granted.

Really strange that they have not contacted me about refund I did tell them I am going to continue posting here and anywhere I find online. I even told them I may purchase some ads in local newspaper about my refund.

I should get my full refund as promised by attorney.

I also did tell them that a perfect example of what went on with my case. one person says something and another changes it.( in writing from full refund by attorney to partial refund by operations manager)

I do not want to get into details about my case. I do have them. I thought I better make a copy of our conversation log in case deleted accidently or just blocked. My hunch was right I was blocked. I do have conversation diary from day one and why I retained them


nothing yet

#15Author of original report

Tue, December 30, 2014

 I emailed the company on the company email they have on website. I would post on the secured conversation log with account I had with them, but Amerihope has blocked me.

I emailed them to let them know I have posted here on ripoff report. I did demand that they submit my refund within 48 hrs as per the email.





Still no refund

#16Author of original report

Tue, December 30, 2014

Left message on Amerihope website today to issue me my refund. I have informed Amerihope that I have posted here. This company knows I have posted here. I would think they would do a rebuttal. Today I also filed complaint with BBB and I emailed the attorney generals office in Florida. Lets see what happens.  Just do not understand why This attorney would tell me full refund. 


Still no refund from owner of company

#17Author of original report

Tue, December 30, 2014

I have no clue why this company will not issue my full refund. The owner emailed me and said full refund. Not partial. Not let me see how much we will refund you. In email below looks like full refund to me. I am not going into details about our differnces as client that is not issue at this time(maybe later) right now it is about what was emailed to me. That is a full refund.

Here is the email.  This is straight from the attorney iphone to my email.  I did not contact him or his employees. His employees since then have contacted me. I did contact him today and demand that he honor the email he sent me for the full refund. No reply. I will update daily

Mr. ********: Although, our firm has spent numerous hours on your case and have answer all your questions numerous times. You are a person that is extremely difficult to communicate with. You seem to understand at that time we are engaging with you but after a couple of hours it's like we never spoke. I am having my operations manager send you a release form on Monday. After you reply that you understand the conditions I will issue you a full refund. If you continue to attempt to harass me or my employees I will not issue you any refund. 
Please do not reply to this e-mail or again I will not issue you a refund. 

**** *****
Sent from my iPhone




Promised refund still waiting

#18Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2014

I typed in wrong address The correct address is 

7501 NW 4th Street, Suite 207, Plantation, FL 33317

I have also sent you email today(12/29/2014) asking that you honor the full refund promised

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