  • Report:  #415783

Complaint Review: Amway Global/ Quixtar - Internet

Reported By:
- Keyport, New Jersey,

Amway Global/ Quixtar
amwayglobal.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Have a friend who I hadn't heard from in like 2 years, called me the other day asking if I was interested in making additional income for myself. Naturally I said, like most people would, YES. He got me to attend a meeting at a large hotel(no cost) to hear about this money making opprt. I went to see what it was about. It's Amway Global/Quixtar. My friend said he was an IBO and told me that we could make a lot of money. As far as I know he hasn't sold one thing yet. 2 days later, one of the people upline from my friend and me met at my friend's house. He basically explained the program again and answered my questions. He wouldn't elaborate on the ACTUAL SELLING of the "quality" products offered by Amway, just emphasis on 'recruiting' people. I'm not even an IBO yet and he wants me to make a list of people that I know, or even barely know, and to call them and ask them the same question that my friend just asked me a week ago!(are u interested in making money,etc.) I don't understand it. How can I b recruiting people for a business that I haven't even started nor have I or my friend even sold one item yet??!? That threw up a red flag for me. My friend seems to b confident about this and he tells me not to always think negative, so I want to do this with him. But at the same time I do not want to spend 210 dollars(start up cost) and then a monthly fee to only then find out the only people buying the product are me, my friend and any body who we sign up! My friend tells me that he has been over his sponsors house and it is a big expensive house. We also know that the guy used to work as like an IT Systems Analyst or something, so he could have had this house well b4 he got into Amway! So I'm gonna go ahead and hold on to my 210 bucks.


Rich from NJ

Keyport, New Jersey


5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Amway; a place where it shapens dreams and slaps you with Reality

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 12, 2012

All I want to say is that I believe the first comment. Amway does not cost 150 to start. It actually cost me 264 dollars to start. Also, anyone should be allowed to express their opinions/facts here. Bottom line, I didn't have a pleasant experience with Amway. First of all, I don't like how they down education. They say that basically you won't go no where with a college degree. Second, I don't like how excited people be. It seems fake to me. Third, I remember I went to a meeting with different uplines and IBOs. All I want to do is to have a chat with them, but no I couldn't. That seems cult-like to me. Why do I have to stick with my group. To honestly tell you the truth, I don't like traveling with them because most of them are in relationships (and they always have problems) and I literally seen one girl took a guy away from my friend! Another thing is that they pressured me into doing this. I wanted to wait awhile to see if I could be ok with me but they told me I have to do this now so then I can help my sponser go to the next level and  so they can 'help' me. Another thing I want to add is that I don't like how IBOs down jobs. What's the problem with getting a job? I swear every IBO has a job to start the business. Anyone who denies this is in denial. My friend literally lost her job when joining this. Why? Because of Amway! She is still in Amway and looking for a job. If Amway is so great, why is she still looking for a job? Why did they lied to me about how much income they make? Well, I can lie to. I remember when they got me into a meeting, they never told me it was Amway until 30 minutes later during the meeting. That seems pretty suspicious. Also, I remember in our team, there is a 17 year old who is doing this that has 1000 pv. So I ask him a simple "How does he do it?" He gave me an open ended answer and another question to my question. No! That's not what I'm asking for, I just want to know one thing. Also to be honest, I don't like the CDs, tapes, DVDs, etc. I stay away from those, It says the same thing. If it's so important why can I borrow my uplines? Why do I now have to buy them? Also, if they are so rich, why can they buy refreshments during the meeting? Why do I need to stay here and not have a least something to keep me going? Another thing I want to point out was a girl told me to go to Washington D.C for a function. She said Washington has the best chicken. I love food so I went. I thought it would be provided but no. We had to buy our own food. Also, I don't like when we go walk to a fast food restaurant, that most IBOs think they are higher than everyone else. You know what they do, they cut people in front of them like that spot in the line is reserved for them. You know what, I am about to get out of the business because I'm loosing more money than I'm getting. I'm not downing the business. I believe it's legit  but still I just don't have the fuzzy feeling while on the business. Also, I don't like how IBOs down you once you make that decision. Also I don't like when they don't talk to you anymore once you set that decision straight. Bye Amway! I want my own business!

It'samwaynot Scamway

North Carolina,
Not a Scam

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 21, 2009

I'm sorry you feel you have ran into a hoax, unfortunatly you have made an inaccurate speculation about Amway Global. Amway Global is backed by the better business bureau, did you bother calling them to see what they had to say about it? The company is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year and has launched a half a billion dollar ad campaign. They have the greenest line of cleaning products and detergent on the market based on consumer reports and has been rated number one in health and beauty for at least the past 5 years. Artistry Skin Care is one of the top five prestige brands and Nutrilite is the number one vitamin company in the world. Numerous Olympic atheletes use Double X, the number one vitamin in the world, including Asafa Powell. In fact, when Asafa broke the world record prior to Usain Bolt in Bejieng he gives the credit to Double x, saying that was the only factor he changed in his routine and diet in his attempt to becoming the fastest man in the world. The Company doesn't charge any monthly fees, where you got this information I do not know. It is a one time fee of about 150 dollars, which also has a six month money back guarantee, now what other business can you open and have six months to decide if you want to keep doing it? I now my boyfriends parents can't get back the million dollar overhead they put into the restaurant they opened. Also, ther is a fasttrack program in place right now where you can get 50 dollars each month for your first three months in business if you do at least 50 pv in customer volume with a total of 150 pv. there is your 159 dollars you put in to get your business started. So obviously the company isn't out to get your money. There is more to the fasttrack program and the company is constantly making improvements to help new ibo's to make money faster. The products sell themselves, it is not hard to do. With the 60-90 day money back guarantee on all products ppl feel confident in purchasing from you. On my team we have a grand opening for our new ibo's. Every brick and mortar company had a grand opening, why can't we? We usually have our exclusive products, ahve samples available and do demonstrations to show the excellent quality of our products. If you haven't noticed the economy in Michigan is absolutely a wreck, but go to Grand Rapids and you'll see the owner's name, Rich Devos, all over the place. He is building buildings all over the place and leaving his mark all over the area and just feeding money into the economy and providing employment left and right. Grand Rapids is definetly the shining star of Michigan right now, all thanks to Rich Devos. And if he is setting that kind of example, do you think think he will build his company on the same standards and principles? Do you think the ibo's will set the same standards and principles? I can't speak for every individual or team that is involved in amway but I can speak for my entire team when I say we strive to exceed the standards that amway has set. As far as how to sell, there are some excellent books that you can read in order to help, one is How I raised myself from failure to success trhough selling. There are also tips and tools on the amway site and a tool called Quixtar University that has "online courses," if you will that assist you in this matter. Sampling is a biggy, and if a customer doesn't like the product for some reason then that's when the money back guarantee kicks in, and they pay for the return shipping. There are just so many techniques you can use but the best thing you can do is just get out there and open your mouth, the minimum pv requirement is 50 customer volume, which is so easy to do, my parents do 50 pv alone, not including all my other customers. It's as basic as see a need fill a need. Some one complains about their weight? You say, Hey you know what? I have been taking this product slimmetry, that I actually market, it's been working out great for me, I've lost 5 pounds in the past week, would you like a sample of it? or if you haven't taken it, check with your team. I guarantee you someone has taken it, use their success stories. About 85% of people want to know what the product can do for them, they don't exactly care whats in it, although you will run into that other 15% occasionally. So just knowing success stories about teh product can help you. It probably wasn't the best idea for your future sponser to pressure you to make a list of names, but they probably just wanted you to see a return on your business as soon as possible. They say you haven't truelly sponsored someone until you sponsor someone for them. Yes you can make great money retailing products, but networking is where the ongoing, residual income lies. I made $280 retailing some jewelry at a grand opening I had at the begining of this month, we had it going for about 2 hours. Now I don't know how long you work or what you get paid, but I am a waitress and I get paid 3 dollars and change an hour. I can go home with 30 dollars for six hours of work or 100 dollars for six hours, but I can honestly say I've never made that kind of money in that little of time. And from that grand opening I created new customers that I can now give samples of other products too. Customers are very loyal to producta and if you have good people skills and treat them with kindness and respect and reflect the quality customer service that amway provides then you can get them to be loyal to you and more willing to buy other products from you. I don't know if I mentioned it but it is a requirement to have 50pv in customer volume to even get a check form amway, or else it would just be an online buyer's club that you profit off of and that's illegal. Therefore it is impossible for you to only buy products and the people you sponsor to buy products and still get a check. This is not a recruiting pyramid scam. You don't get paid when you sponsor someone, ytou get paid when you move products, you get paid for creating volume. The more volume you create, the more money you get paid, it couldn.t get any simpler. I'm going to ask you, although I know I don't need to, where is there any legitimate imformation stating that amway global is a scam or rip off? And I'm not talking about google it and see who joined and didn't do anything or bought so much stuff to move up the bonus bracket and ended going into debt becasue they didn't realize that they can't buy their way to success. I'm talking about credible information, credible sources.

It'samwaynot Scamway

North Carolina,
Not a Scam

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 21, 2009

I'm sorry you feel you have ran into a hoax, unfortunatly you have made an inaccurate speculation about Amway Global. Amway Global is backed by the better business bureau, did you bother calling them to see what they had to say about it? The company is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year and has launched a half a billion dollar ad campaign. They have the greenest line of cleaning products and detergent on the market based on consumer reports and has been rated number one in health and beauty for at least the past 5 years. Artistry Skin Care is one of the top five prestige brands and Nutrilite is the number one vitamin company in the world. Numerous Olympic atheletes use Double X, the number one vitamin in the world, including Asafa Powell. In fact, when Asafa broke the world record prior to Usain Bolt in Bejieng he gives the credit to Double x, saying that was the only factor he changed in his routine and diet in his attempt to becoming the fastest man in the world. The Company doesn't charge any monthly fees, where you got this information I do not know. It is a one time fee of about 150 dollars, which also has a six month money back guarantee, now what other business can you open and have six months to decide if you want to keep doing it? I now my boyfriends parents can't get back the million dollar overhead they put into the restaurant they opened. Also, ther is a fasttrack program in place right now where you can get 50 dollars each month for your first three months in business if you do at least 50 pv in customer volume with a total of 150 pv. there is your 159 dollars you put in to get your business started. So obviously the company isn't out to get your money. There is more to the fasttrack program and the company is constantly making improvements to help new ibo's to make money faster. The products sell themselves, it is not hard to do. With the 60-90 day money back guarantee on all products ppl feel confident in purchasing from you. On my team we have a grand opening for our new ibo's. Every brick and mortar company had a grand opening, why can't we? We usually have our exclusive products, ahve samples available and do demonstrations to show the excellent quality of our products. If you haven't noticed the economy in Michigan is absolutely a wreck, but go to Grand Rapids and you'll see the owner's name, Rich Devos, all over the place. He is building buildings all over the place and leaving his mark all over the area and just feeding money into the economy and providing employment left and right. Grand Rapids is definetly the shining star of Michigan right now, all thanks to Rich Devos. And if he is setting that kind of example, do you think think he will build his company on the same standards and principles? Do you think the ibo's will set the same standards and principles? I can't speak for every individual or team that is involved in amway but I can speak for my entire team when I say we strive to exceed the standards that amway has set. As far as how to sell, there are some excellent books that you can read in order to help, one is How I raised myself from failure to success trhough selling. There are also tips and tools on the amway site and a tool called Quixtar University that has "online courses," if you will that assist you in this matter. Sampling is a biggy, and if a customer doesn't like the product for some reason then that's when the money back guarantee kicks in, and they pay for the return shipping. There are just so many techniques you can use but the best thing you can do is just get out there and open your mouth, the minimum pv requirement is 50 customer volume, which is so easy to do, my parents do 50 pv alone, not including all my other customers. It's as basic as see a need fill a need. Some one complains about their weight? You say, Hey you know what? I have been taking this product slimmetry, that I actually market, it's been working out great for me, I've lost 5 pounds in the past week, would you like a sample of it? or if you haven't taken it, check with your team. I guarantee you someone has taken it, use their success stories. About 85% of people want to know what the product can do for them, they don't exactly care whats in it, although you will run into that other 15% occasionally. So just knowing success stories about teh product can help you. It probably wasn't the best idea for your future sponser to pressure you to make a list of names, but they probably just wanted you to see a return on your business as soon as possible. They say you haven't truelly sponsored someone until you sponsor someone for them. Yes you can make great money retailing products, but networking is where the ongoing, residual income lies. I made $280 retailing some jewelry at a grand opening I had at the begining of this month, we had it going for about 2 hours. Now I don't know how long you work or what you get paid, but I am a waitress and I get paid 3 dollars and change an hour. I can go home with 30 dollars for six hours of work or 100 dollars for six hours, but I can honestly say I've never made that kind of money in that little of time. And from that grand opening I created new customers that I can now give samples of other products too. Customers are very loyal to producta and if you have good people skills and treat them with kindness and respect and reflect the quality customer service that amway provides then you can get them to be loyal to you and more willing to buy other products from you. I don't know if I mentioned it but it is a requirement to have 50pv in customer volume to even get a check form amway, or else it would just be an online buyer's club that you profit off of and that's illegal. Therefore it is impossible for you to only buy products and the people you sponsor to buy products and still get a check. This is not a recruiting pyramid scam. You don't get paid when you sponsor someone, ytou get paid when you move products, you get paid for creating volume. The more volume you create, the more money you get paid, it couldn.t get any simpler. I'm going to ask you, although I know I don't need to, where is there any legitimate imformation stating that amway global is a scam or rip off? And I'm not talking about google it and see who joined and didn't do anything or bought so much stuff to move up the bonus bracket and ended going into debt becasue they didn't realize that they can't buy their way to success. I'm talking about credible information, credible sources.

It'samwaynot Scamway

North Carolina,
Not a Scam

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 21, 2009

I'm sorry you feel you have ran into a hoax, unfortunatly you have made an inaccurate speculation about Amway Global. Amway Global is backed by the better business bureau, did you bother calling them to see what they had to say about it? The company is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year and has launched a half a billion dollar ad campaign. They have the greenest line of cleaning products and detergent on the market based on consumer reports and has been rated number one in health and beauty for at least the past 5 years. Artistry Skin Care is one of the top five prestige brands and Nutrilite is the number one vitamin company in the world. Numerous Olympic atheletes use Double X, the number one vitamin in the world, including Asafa Powell. In fact, when Asafa broke the world record prior to Usain Bolt in Bejieng he gives the credit to Double x, saying that was the only factor he changed in his routine and diet in his attempt to becoming the fastest man in the world. The Company doesn't charge any monthly fees, where you got this information I do not know. It is a one time fee of about 150 dollars, which also has a six month money back guarantee, now what other business can you open and have six months to decide if you want to keep doing it? I now my boyfriends parents can't get back the million dollar overhead they put into the restaurant they opened. Also, ther is a fasttrack program in place right now where you can get 50 dollars each month for your first three months in business if you do at least 50 pv in customer volume with a total of 150 pv. there is your 159 dollars you put in to get your business started. So obviously the company isn't out to get your money. There is more to the fasttrack program and the company is constantly making improvements to help new ibo's to make money faster. The products sell themselves, it is not hard to do. With the 60-90 day money back guarantee on all products ppl feel confident in purchasing from you. On my team we have a grand opening for our new ibo's. Every brick and mortar company had a grand opening, why can't we? We usually have our exclusive products, ahve samples available and do demonstrations to show the excellent quality of our products. If you haven't noticed the economy in Michigan is absolutely a wreck, but go to Grand Rapids and you'll see the owner's name, Rich Devos, all over the place. He is building buildings all over the place and leaving his mark all over the area and just feeding money into the economy and providing employment left and right. Grand Rapids is definetly the shining star of Michigan right now, all thanks to Rich Devos. And if he is setting that kind of example, do you think think he will build his company on the same standards and principles? Do you think the ibo's will set the same standards and principles? I can't speak for every individual or team that is involved in amway but I can speak for my entire team when I say we strive to exceed the standards that amway has set. As far as how to sell, there are some excellent books that you can read in order to help, one is How I raised myself from failure to success trhough selling. There are also tips and tools on the amway site and a tool called Quixtar University that has "online courses," if you will that assist you in this matter. Sampling is a biggy, and if a customer doesn't like the product for some reason then that's when the money back guarantee kicks in, and they pay for the return shipping. There are just so many techniques you can use but the best thing you can do is just get out there and open your mouth, the minimum pv requirement is 50 customer volume, which is so easy to do, my parents do 50 pv alone, not including all my other customers. It's as basic as see a need fill a need. Some one complains about their weight? You say, Hey you know what? I have been taking this product slimmetry, that I actually market, it's been working out great for me, I've lost 5 pounds in the past week, would you like a sample of it? or if you haven't taken it, check with your team. I guarantee you someone has taken it, use their success stories. About 85% of people want to know what the product can do for them, they don't exactly care whats in it, although you will run into that other 15% occasionally. So just knowing success stories about teh product can help you. It probably wasn't the best idea for your future sponser to pressure you to make a list of names, but they probably just wanted you to see a return on your business as soon as possible. They say you haven't truelly sponsored someone until you sponsor someone for them. Yes you can make great money retailing products, but networking is where the ongoing, residual income lies. I made $280 retailing some jewelry at a grand opening I had at the begining of this month, we had it going for about 2 hours. Now I don't know how long you work or what you get paid, but I am a waitress and I get paid 3 dollars and change an hour. I can go home with 30 dollars for six hours of work or 100 dollars for six hours, but I can honestly say I've never made that kind of money in that little of time. And from that grand opening I created new customers that I can now give samples of other products too. Customers are very loyal to producta and if you have good people skills and treat them with kindness and respect and reflect the quality customer service that amway provides then you can get them to be loyal to you and more willing to buy other products from you. I don't know if I mentioned it but it is a requirement to have 50pv in customer volume to even get a check form amway, or else it would just be an online buyer's club that you profit off of and that's illegal. Therefore it is impossible for you to only buy products and the people you sponsor to buy products and still get a check. This is not a recruiting pyramid scam. You don't get paid when you sponsor someone, ytou get paid when you move products, you get paid for creating volume. The more volume you create, the more money you get paid, it couldn.t get any simpler. I'm going to ask you, although I know I don't need to, where is there any legitimate imformation stating that amway global is a scam or rip off? And I'm not talking about google it and see who joined and didn't do anything or bought so much stuff to move up the bonus bracket and ended going into debt becasue they didn't realize that they can't buy their way to success. I'm talking about credible information, credible sources.

It'samwaynot Scamway

North Carolina,
Not a Scam

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 21, 2009

I'm sorry you feel you have ran into a hoax, unfortunatly you have made an inaccurate speculation about Amway Global. Amway Global is backed by the better business bureau, did you bother calling them to see what they had to say about it? The company is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year and has launched a half a billion dollar ad campaign. They have the greenest line of cleaning products and detergent on the market based on consumer reports and has been rated number one in health and beauty for at least the past 5 years. Artistry Skin Care is one of the top five prestige brands and Nutrilite is the number one vitamin company in the world. Numerous Olympic atheletes use Double X, the number one vitamin in the world, including Asafa Powell. In fact, when Asafa broke the world record prior to Usain Bolt in Bejieng he gives the credit to Double x, saying that was the only factor he changed in his routine and diet in his attempt to becoming the fastest man in the world. The Company doesn't charge any monthly fees, where you got this information I do not know. It is a one time fee of about 150 dollars, which also has a six month money back guarantee, now what other business can you open and have six months to decide if you want to keep doing it? I now my boyfriends parents can't get back the million dollar overhead they put into the restaurant they opened. Also, ther is a fasttrack program in place right now where you can get 50 dollars each month for your first three months in business if you do at least 50 pv in customer volume with a total of 150 pv. there is your 159 dollars you put in to get your business started. So obviously the company isn't out to get your money. There is more to the fasttrack program and the company is constantly making improvements to help new ibo's to make money faster. The products sell themselves, it is not hard to do. With the 60-90 day money back guarantee on all products ppl feel confident in purchasing from you. On my team we have a grand opening for our new ibo's. Every brick and mortar company had a grand opening, why can't we? We usually have our exclusive products, ahve samples available and do demonstrations to show the excellent quality of our products. If you haven't noticed the economy in Michigan is absolutely a wreck, but go to Grand Rapids and you'll see the owner's name, Rich Devos, all over the place. He is building buildings all over the place and leaving his mark all over the area and just feeding money into the economy and providing employment left and right. Grand Rapids is definetly the shining star of Michigan right now, all thanks to Rich Devos. And if he is setting that kind of example, do you think think he will build his company on the same standards and principles? Do you think the ibo's will set the same standards and principles? I can't speak for every individual or team that is involved in amway but I can speak for my entire team when I say we strive to exceed the standards that amway has set. As far as how to sell, there are some excellent books that you can read in order to help, one is How I raised myself from failure to success trhough selling. There are also tips and tools on the amway site and a tool called Quixtar University that has "online courses," if you will that assist you in this matter. Sampling is a biggy, and if a customer doesn't like the product for some reason then that's when the money back guarantee kicks in, and they pay for the return shipping. There are just so many techniques you can use but the best thing you can do is just get out there and open your mouth, the minimum pv requirement is 50 customer volume, which is so easy to do, my parents do 50 pv alone, not including all my other customers. It's as basic as see a need fill a need. Some one complains about their weight? You say, Hey you know what? I have been taking this product slimmetry, that I actually market, it's been working out great for me, I've lost 5 pounds in the past week, would you like a sample of it? or if you haven't taken it, check with your team. I guarantee you someone has taken it, use their success stories. About 85% of people want to know what the product can do for them, they don't exactly care whats in it, although you will run into that other 15% occasionally. So just knowing success stories about teh product can help you. It probably wasn't the best idea for your future sponser to pressure you to make a list of names, but they probably just wanted you to see a return on your business as soon as possible. They say you haven't truelly sponsored someone until you sponsor someone for them. Yes you can make great money retailing products, but networking is where the ongoing, residual income lies. I made $280 retailing some jewelry at a grand opening I had at the begining of this month, we had it going for about 2 hours. Now I don't know how long you work or what you get paid, but I am a waitress and I get paid 3 dollars and change an hour. I can go home with 30 dollars for six hours of work or 100 dollars for six hours, but I can honestly say I've never made that kind of money in that little of time. And from that grand opening I created new customers that I can now give samples of other products too. Customers are very loyal to producta and if you have good people skills and treat them with kindness and respect and reflect the quality customer service that amway provides then you can get them to be loyal to you and more willing to buy other products from you. I don't know if I mentioned it but it is a requirement to have 50pv in customer volume to even get a check form amway, or else it would just be an online buyer's club that you profit off of and that's illegal. Therefore it is impossible for you to only buy products and the people you sponsor to buy products and still get a check. This is not a recruiting pyramid scam. You don't get paid when you sponsor someone, ytou get paid when you move products, you get paid for creating volume. The more volume you create, the more money you get paid, it couldn.t get any simpler. I'm going to ask you, although I know I don't need to, where is there any legitimate imformation stating that amway global is a scam or rip off? And I'm not talking about google it and see who joined and didn't do anything or bought so much stuff to move up the bonus bracket and ended going into debt becasue they didn't realize that they can't buy their way to success. I'm talking about credible information, credible sources.

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