Claire Durga
Christiansburg,#2Consumer Suggestion
Wed, February 18, 2009
Virginia doesn't have laws to prevent lawyers from this unethical venture; so it IS considered criminal in more evolved states. Taking advantage of buyers but "knowing better" makes it a lie, and not a mistake. Report them to the Va Bar Association; the State Coprporation Commission, Better Business Bureau; local TV stations, and every bulletin board within 5 miles. Make noise about this literal assault; or no one will ever know to avoid the bad lawyers. But make no mistake about the laws of karma: Nobody gets away with anything. Surely you are burning your own karma. May the grace of natural law provide good fortune for you down the road; and that IS your driveway. Look for a better lawyer; and remember that the best lawyers always do some pro bono work. (I'll bet your closing attorney does NOT.) Hang ten and chin up. Its not over yet. Stay in touch with your congressmen. Please tell me the name of this attorney.