Greeley,#2Consumer Comment
Sat, September 10, 2011
I guess you have no further cogent argument since you've resorted to foul language, name calling and the to be expected accusation I work for the company. Nice going on being totally predictable. YOU and YOU alone have created this problem and are desperately trying to shift the blame.
What company has time and resources to disconnect service ON THE DUE DATE? I find that totally unbelievable, take that any way you want. You've shown your true colors by your unwarranted attack and have no credibility.
Arizona American Water
sun city,#3Author of original report
Thu, September 08, 2011
This is in response to the tough guy responding to the Problem many have with Arizona water Company!, this was not written or directed to you!, We dont even know who the Hell you are., so why are you taking it personal?. And what business is it of yours! ( could it be you work for the Rip Off company?) As for the bill being paid on time, you must not know how to read but just like to shoot your mouth off!. This company will turn you off the day its due, Look up many other complaints, (You obviously have the time) as for a dead beat, dead beat neighbors and drama queen as you say?. You can go F*** Yourself!!, I never mentioned Poor me!, just want others to be aware of these tactics.. As for our neighbors, We do live in an upscale area, Not the trailer Park you live in! But according to A******* like you, who defend companies like these, I guess everyone else is wrong ecxept you so called do kiss Asses..!. who feel they can get something in return..We have a doctor who lives next to us, who has more conflict with your great company your defending then even us.. Maybe your water bill doesnt fluxuate in your trailer you live in, But in real home they think they could mess with you!. So get your facts straight before opening you Big F***** Mouth...
mr rik
miami,#4Consumer Comment
Thu, September 08, 2011
is one of the best scams perpetrated against the public in decades. Good thing they cant figure out how to charge for air.
Greeley,#5Consumer Suggestion
Wed, September 07, 2011
First, if as many of your friends and neighbors have problems with their water being turned off for non-payment, you need a better class of friends....or did you exaggerate just a little? Second, did it occur to you that if you're paying these multiple reconnect fees, you might want to just, at least, consider paying your bill on time. Then they won't have to "slide in when no one will notice", to turn off the water....AGAIN. did you determine that they do this to "thousands of people per week?"
You're a dead beat and you're wasting the Attorney General's time and the water company's time. The attorney general is going to tell you..."PAY YOUR BILL ON TIME."
Sorry the world is just one giant conspiracy against poor old you...get over yourself. You are one of the biggest drama queens I've come across lately.