  • Report:  #182095

Complaint Review: Armstrong Buick Volkswagen - Gladstone Oregon

Reported By:
- Portland, Oregon,

Armstrong Buick Volkswagen
20000 McLoughlin Blvd Gladstone, 97027 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As one of MANY ex-employees of Armstrong Volkswagen, I think I speak for the 30+ who have been fired for complete nonsense reasons when I say this place needs to become the focus of local media attention. This report will explain why.

First, in January of 2005, a man named Jim Sampson was hired as the Service Manager. That was the beginning of his campaign of power trips and scare tactics. And this is speaking from the employee's side. The co-owner of the place, David Freeman, who's business partner manages a Toyota Dealership in California, hired Jim Sampson to increase revenue and decrease spending.

So what is the first thing he does? Let the firing commence. But January 2006, the month he was fired as the Service Manager, only 1 year after being hired, he had fired, or led to the firing/quitting, of over 30 employees. They weren't all low-level employees. Some of them had been there for decades. On such employee, Jim Hopp, worked there for around 30 years, only to be fired by some ego-tripping new guy.

Other employees who quit or were fired due to something Jim said to David Freeman included the Office Manager, an elderly woman by the name of Carol (last name unknown). She quit when she refused to fire a member of her staff at the owner's (Dave Freeman's) request, or should I say demand. When she objected, his words were "You fire her, or else" when she cut him off mid-sentence and quit on the spot.

Amplify that situation by 30 and you've got an entire staff gone.

Next I'll concentrate on the Sales team. For the most part the sales team is a rather conservative bunch when it comes to firing for nonsense reasons.

However, they sure do like pouring wheel acid and degreaser, not to mention various other chemicals, into the Willamette River. You see, in the back, where cars are cleaned to be sold, there is only one stall to wash the car in, and a 2nd stall for cleaning the interior, waxing, etc.. Well, what happens when the wash stall is being used? They pull the next car up behind it, and wash it outside. When they wash a car they use wheel acid or degreaser, and who knows what other chemicals. The problem with that is that the drains outside dump straight into the river, and they know that. Environmental regulations and laws clearly state that no harmful substance is to be allowed to enter the drain. They know that, but choose to ignore it.

Enter the whistleblowers. Former employees who all say the same thing, removing all doubt that the allegation is false.

Now, that's fine and dandy.. But there are certain middle-management persons there who, according to past and current employees, make it a very hostile work environment.

One employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of being in the next round of firings, has mentioned a man named Gary McAdams grabbing him by the shirt and calling him obscene names. Upon hearing that, I questions past employees. Apparently, Gary was previously the Finance Manager for sales, before moving to a Service Advisor position. Several past and current employees have stated that he is a very rude individual who has repeatedly threatened various employees, once with a knife.

Another mid-management person named was Jeff Marlin. I've been told that Jeff Marlin is the Lot Manager, but only because he's been there so long, as the position officially doesn't exist, so it's really just a title he gets. From what I understand, he has a reputation for trying to get people he doesn't like fired by deception. Why doesn't he like them? Because they won't do everything he demands they do. God forbid he could ask nicely and be civil. He's also been reported to have gotten in confrontations with past employees because they got tired of him trying to bully them around.

Those are just two examples of middle management taking the power they DON'T have and letting it go directly to their heads. Upper Management has been notified about them several times by past employees, who were current at the time, as well as still current employees. They do nothing about it. Instead, they fire the employees who complain about it and hire a new guy, until he complains. Then the cycle continues.

For the sake of ending this report, I ask you all to contact the company and let them know of this report. Contact local media. Get involved. People just like you have had their lives affected in a very bad way by Armstrong Buick/Bolkswagen. It could happen to you at your next employer. Don't let them go unpunished.

Alert the Oregon Environmental Protection Agency about their dumping of toxic chemicals into the Willamette River. If they listen, show them this report. Alert OSEA to the unsafe work conditions in the shops and stalls where cars are worked on.

That said, I thank you for taking the time to read this report, and I give my heartfelt thanks and regards to all current and former employees who brought this to my attention, so that I could let you know about it.


Portland, Oregon

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11 Updates & Rebuttals


Very true of Armstrong VW

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 13, 2009

I had heard rumblings that they hated hiring women on their sales force.They only hire them because the state regulated them to..30-90 days and they're gone. I went to work for them in 2006. I was a top saleswoman at my former dealership. Lots of experience and very knowledgeable of cars. I was the second highest sales person the 2 months I was there. I was producing sales as other salesmen were not. I even worked the day of my grandmother's funeral because they had no one to open the store.They had salesmen that would come in late, leave for a 3 hour lunch to go to pawn and porn stores. Talk about what the saw in the porn store, and/or what they did with their significant other in explicit detail. I filed complaints but they went unanswered. Most of those men still work there, pulling the same crap. I was "laid off" after only working 2 months there..They never even gave me a reason..I was visually, and emotionally battered at that place. I am a big girl and can tolerate a lot of "Boy stuff" but they made me lie when their wives/girlfriends would call the dealership. This place is all around scum who shouldnt be patronized.


Oregon City,
All claims are true

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 07, 2009

I also was an employee of Armstrong Volkswagen during this time and for about a year after the firings. All of the claim that are made in this report are true, and I am in contact with several other ex-employee's that can bare wittness to these statements. However Jim ended up getting his as he was fired as soon as Dave was finished using him to downsize. I would just like everyone who reads this to know that the facts that are mentioned in J's report are just the touch of the iceburg. In my opionion the biggest offense that is happening at this dealership is that all employee records and deal files (which include credit reports and social security numbers) are stored in a room that is almost never lock and is easily entered by anyone who walks up a set of stairs!


Oregon City,
All claims are true

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 07, 2009

I also was an employee of Armstrong Volkswagen during this time and for about a year after the firings. All of the claim that are made in this report are true, and I am in contact with several other ex-employee's that can bare wittness to these statements. However Jim ended up getting his as he was fired as soon as Dave was finished using him to downsize. I would just like everyone who reads this to know that the facts that are mentioned in J's report are just the touch of the iceburg. In my opionion the biggest offense that is happening at this dealership is that all employee records and deal files (which include credit reports and social security numbers) are stored in a room that is almost never lock and is easily entered by anyone who walks up a set of stairs!


Oregon City,
All claims are true

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 07, 2009

I also was an employee of Armstrong Volkswagen during this time and for about a year after the firings. All of the claim that are made in this report are true, and I am in contact with several other ex-employee's that can bare wittness to these statements. However Jim ended up getting his as he was fired as soon as Dave was finished using him to downsize. I would just like everyone who reads this to know that the facts that are mentioned in J's report are just the touch of the iceburg. In my opionion the biggest offense that is happening at this dealership is that all employee records and deal files (which include credit reports and social security numbers) are stored in a room that is almost never lock and is easily entered by anyone who walks up a set of stairs!


Oregon City,
All claims are true

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 07, 2009

I also was an employee of Armstrong Volkswagen during this time and for about a year after the firings. All of the claim that are made in this report are true, and I am in contact with several other ex-employee's that can bare wittness to these statements. However Jim ended up getting his as he was fired as soon as Dave was finished using him to downsize. I would just like everyone who reads this to know that the facts that are mentioned in J's report are just the touch of the iceburg. In my opionion the biggest offense that is happening at this dealership is that all employee records and deal files (which include credit reports and social security numbers) are stored in a room that is almost never lock and is easily entered by anyone who walks up a set of stairs!


Colorado Springs,

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

As a member of Edition719.com (Colorado VW gruppe)I feel for ya. Online search "At-will" for your State, Montana still remains the only Non-atwill State in the country. Unless you are a Union due paying employee, then they can fire you for next to no reason. I'm sure the Manager stated "lets see how many people I can get to quit" so Armstrong VW wouldn't have to dish out for unemployment. Either way it sounds like your better off not working for this Jim Sampson character. Peace.



#8Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Actually, it wasn't budget cuts or discrimination. I guess I didn't get that point across in my report. I know many of the fired employees were fired and given no reason toher than "Your services are no longer needed" ..That Jim Sampson was heard on many occasions saying "let's see if I can get people to quit" From my understanding of Oregon law, there must be a reason for termination, it cannot be for no reason. If it were budgets cuts that'd be one thing, but the fact that several employees were fired, only to be replaced by higher paid, new employees, says it isn't budget cuts at all. The employees who did a good job sucking up, the very few who didn't get fired, all got substantial raises.


Colorado Springs,
Last I checked.......

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Oregon was not Montana, thus making it an "at-will" State. It doesn't sound like Management fired due to discrimination, just budget cuts. I hope you've found an equally good (or better) job and good luck with future employment.


Colorado Springs,
Last I checked.......

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Oregon was not Montana, thus making it an "at-will" State. It doesn't sound like Management fired due to discrimination, just budget cuts. I hope you've found an equally good (or better) job and good luck with future employment.


Colorado Springs,
Last I checked.......

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Oregon was not Montana, thus making it an "at-will" State. It doesn't sound like Management fired due to discrimination, just budget cuts. I hope you've found an equally good (or better) job and good luck with future employment.


Colorado Springs,
Last I checked.......

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Oregon was not Montana, thus making it an "at-will" State. It doesn't sound like Management fired due to discrimination, just budget cuts. I hope you've found an equally good (or better) job and good luck with future employment.

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