A contractor and/or telemarketer hired by AT&T is calling businesses, sometimes more than once a day, attempting to sell a DSL upgrade. They call our office at least 2 times a day or more.
I have notiifed ATT to take us off all call list. They said it will take 60 - 90 days.
I also have a feeling that they are going to go ahead and try to do the upgrade anyway and see if we catch it on the bill. Beware of these call. The try to make you think it is FREE but it is only free for 3 months then it is a $10 upgrade.
They are very pushy and they will not quit you have to hang up on them. ATT has made a big mistake having these people call their business customers with this crap.
The phone calls constitute harrassment, the ordering of a service not asked for constitute fraud.