Raleigh,#2Consumer Comment
Sun, January 15, 2012
This is what makes me mad! You are a liar! I do not believe this post for one millisecond of my life! You are trying to use the race card because you were dissatisfied with the results. I am a BLACK WOMAN and you are a liar! You need to get a life. You need to go back to school and learn how to spell! Hell spell check is on most computers nowadays. Stop the race baiting, not gonna work here! Get your life together and stop this crap! How the hell did he "hear you were an African American?". What is he psychic? Your an A$$!
USA#3Consumer Comment
Sun, January 15, 2012
What is the purchase date on your copy of the receipt you presented at the time you requested warranty service?
Colorado,#4Consumer Comment
Sun, January 15, 2012
your Ripoff Report.
Your ROR is written just about like a very poorly skilled 3rd grader would do it...NOT a lawyer.
At least, not a competent lawyer.