Well, I bought two of these Audiofile 583LRs for around $150-200 for the pair, and personally do not feel ripped off at all. If you paid $600 or so for them, then you should feel ''scammed'' or ''gotten'' or ''had'' etc.
I also bought them from two guys selling from the back of an SUV, though it was not a Ford, a Toyota or something I believe. They gave me the same story about the boss and nonsesnse, so no doubt it was the same dudes, or one of many all in ''cahoots'' together. If you paid $200 or so for your speakers, be happy, speakers are expensive and $200 for a fairly nice set of towers is not bad (unless of course I happen to have gotten the one good pair or something). Some of you are just plain idiots (i.e., ''Bill'').
Oh, unlike all the others I've noticed, I live in New Orleans and these two dudes sold me the Audiofiles in Lee's Hamburger parking lot, off Veterans Highway in Metairie, La.
PS, anyone wanting to buy some speakers I have some kick-a** Audiofiles for $500 if anyone is interested.
New Orleans, Louisiana
*EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report confirms contact info salesman misrepresentation ripoff