  • Report:  #886993

Complaint Review: Autorevo - Internet

Reported By:
S&S PowerSports - Billings, Missouri, United States of America

7920 Belt Line Rd # 450 75254 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
At the first of 2012 I started a 3 month trial with Auto Revo. I paid $300 to have them build us a web site. Part of the deal was you got the first 3 months free. The service was not for us. It did nothing but cause problems. So we went back to to our old system. And completely forgot about their service. The 3 moth trial period was up somewhere around April 4 or 5 at which time auto revo charge my account $199.

That same day I called and stated that I had been advised by the sales rep that if I called once the trial period was up I could cancel the service and get a refund. The rep I talked to agreed and stated that I would receive a a full refund within 20 days. Which was how long it took to close everything and issue the refund.

Today, May 7, was the first time since the call I made on the first of April that I could get anyone to call me back. At which time Amy Litzel called and informed me that she will not be issuing me a refund because she didn't see that she had to. I explained again that I was told that I would be given a full refund because I did not use the service AT ALL for the month of April which was the month I was charged for.

She refused, informing me I didn't know how to run my business or mange my finances and that she had a signed contacted stating I must submit a cancellation notice in writing within 30 days to cancel the service. I asked her how it was I was able to call and cancel the service over the phone then "which is how I was told in the beginning to do it" she said she didn't know and it was not going to be accepted so I was not going to get a refund.

So then I asked her to prove to me that she had a signed contact, because I didn't remembering signing anything but website design approvals. She sends me the contact, and just as I had thought, I had NOT signed it. It was signed by someone who does not, and has not ever worked for our company.

EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!


Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E.

According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off Report, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: we could not do anything for you or you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days.

If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges.

Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on Rip-off Report.com. And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent!


Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get.

And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state.

Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth.

If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form.


If the charge was to your credit card (not debit card, check card, or checking account), contact the credit card company as soon as possible to request a dispute form. Consumers usually have a little longer to dispute fraudulent credit card charges (up to 6 months), but it is better to act right away. In this type of situation, credit card disputes are usually successful since fraudulent companies often won't contest the disputed charge. In rare cases, credit card companies will review disputes, but refuse to reverse the charges. If this occurs, complain to a manager and let them know you will be filing a report here.

Remember Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report .. The more Reports filed on a Company or individual, the more likely it is that the authorities, media and attorneys will want to take action.

And good luck Let us know how you do!

ED Magedson Founder RipoffReport.com Author of www.ripoffrevenge.com

Rip-off Report PO Box 310, Tempe, Arizona 85280

2 Updates & Rebuttals

S&S PowerSports

United States of America
LIES!!! All I See is LIES!!! From a HORRIABLE COMPANY!!!

#2Author of original report

Tue, May 29, 2012

I'm not even really sure were to start with all autorevo's lies but I'll do my best to address each issue.
    1. It doesn't matter how long your reps have been there, poor training can make anyone do poor work. The fact is Mike Browning told me clear as day I would receive a refund if I canceled the service. And just as he said when I called I was told I'd would be receiving a refund. And travis you made a good point, you charge 30 days in advance, so I was charged April 5 and canceled the service April 5. So the 30 days I was charged for was April 5 through May 5, but I canceled the service April 5. So I was charged for a service in a time frame that I did not use it. Which maybe explains why you guys wouldn't just close my account, you figured if you kept it open longer you may be able to get away with charging me with a service I didn't won't. I mean why else wouldn't you just close it....

    2. No response. The fact is I called several times and no one could tell me anything about why my account wasn't closed, why my email hadn't been switched back to my original host, and why I hadn't been refunded. I just kept getting the run around about how they'd have someone call me back. And if your people are so good why wasn't I contacted April 5 by amy, instead of May 7?
    3. First, I canceled the service April 5, which meant the account should of been closed then but you refused. Second, I was forced to continue using the email service because you would switch it back to my originally host. I finally had to pay someone to do it. Third, what does hit's to my web site have to do with anything? I can't control that. Fourth, what does a lead have to do with anything? I can't control that either. Fifth, what does "marked sold" even mean and what does it have to do with anything? Sixth, it pointed to you guys because you refused to close my account! I have no way of changing that! How would I change were google had that site point?
    4. Ok, I have no idea were they got this information of someone named Tony as my father or him having anything to do with this company but it's 100% a flat out LIE and autorevo should be punished for making such a false statement!!!!! And how would I have a case against some who I've never met? So the fact is, you have a signed contract by some who does not has not ever had anything to do with this company. And I can prove that with any kind of paper anyone wants. Weather it's LLC paper work, bank statements, business licenses, anything! And why would you automatically assume my father has anything to do with my business? Especially since I haven't talked to him for over a year. One thing you failed to let BBB know is that you have signed paper work from me for everything but the contract. So why would I sign everything but the contract? Why is all the paper worked sign by me expect the contract? The answer, they didn't send me a contract, so I never signed one, somehow it was missed in the paper work and now that I've said something they've scramble to come up with something they thought they could get away with. Picking a first name and using my last name and hoping it would work. Which makes me sick, as well as everyone one else I've told about this HUGE LIE!!! But that's just the kind of company autorevo is, if you google autorevo you'll find hundreds of forums were people have talked about how autorevo has tried to screw them as well with the same scam. Promise the world till they get you account number then screw you every way they can. And your right, false statements to the BBB should blow back on the company, so I expect the BBB to do something about all your LIES!!! Because I have legal paper work to back me up, you have nothing.

    Yes, I did get frustrated with Amy, but never rude. Amy on the other hand was very rude and made personal comments towards me. Up until that point I was very calm and nice, but you have someone start making very unprofessional personal comments to you about how you don't know how to run your business and it would unset anyone. But even in her doing that I still never got rude. And I have no question that everything autorevo has stated has been a complete lie. Again I have all the necessary legal paper work to prove I'm the only owner of this company, all autorevo has is a contract signed by someone no one knows.
    But all that is really just immaterial, all that matters are the legal facts. What I call the bottom line.
    Bottom line, autorevo has stolen from me. They took $199 from my bank account for a 30 day time span that I did not want there service nor did I use it. Yes I used the email but I didn't have a choice, they wouldn't switch it back! There only argument they have to back up their action is a signed contract that is not signed by anyone in the company. They had no legal right to take that money, I didn't agree to those terms nor did I sign those terms. I've now contacted my bank, the Missouri Attorney General, and my attorney. All three have asked me the same question, do they have a contract signed by you, I respond no they do not and all three have said the same thing, that I have a case against them. That they have no legal leg to stand on taking money from my account without a signed contact from me.
    TO AUTOREVO - I fully expect the BBB to make you issue me a refund, if not, I will not be dropping this. I will take this as far as I can. As far as I can through my bank, as far as I can through my Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster, and as far as I can through my attorney. You have stolen from me, and I will not let you get away with it or your lies you've stated against my company.


United States of America
Here's what really happened with Mr. Summers

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 29, 2012

In response to the complaint by Mr. Levi Summers about our company:

AutoRevo has been in business since 2003. We pride ourselves on having the best customer support team in our industry, as well as a best in class platform for marketing and selling cars online for independent and franchise car dealers.
There are multiple claims in Mr. Levi Summers complaint that are absolutely false:

  1. He states that he was advised hed get a full refund by his sales rep.

    RESPONSE: Our shortest tenured rep is 17 months, our longest is going on 6 years. Weve never heard this claim, and all our reps know that we dont promise refunds. In fact, any refund must be personally approved by our VP of Operations. The only time we would offer a refund is if a customers site was down. We are a SAAS (Software as a service) business. All of our clients pay for services 30-days in advance to access our platform. Without payment, they are disabled within 10 days for non-payment.

  2. He claims he could not get anyone to call him back from April 4/5 until May 7 (over a month).

    RESPONSE: Our policy with our support team is to respond to all inquiries by phone or email within 4 hours. A case is created in our CRM tool and stays open until such case is satisfied and closed. We do not ignore phone calls or emails from anyone. If we did, we would not have as many clients as we do - all across the United States and Canada. 

  3. He claims he did not use the service AT ALL in April.

    RESPONSE: We have several screen captures of S-S Powersports activity on our platform, specifically in April. They include:

    a. Using our email system through 5/5/12

    b. 121 unique website visitors in April

    c. 28 unique mobile website visitors in April

    d. Lead received on 4/9/12

    e. Used platform to mark SOLD vehicles on 4/10/12 and 5/1/12

    f. Cache 1 and 2 shows their site pointed to us as recently as 5/1/12 from Google.

  4. He claims the person that signed the contract is someone who does not, and has not ever worked for his company.

    RESPONSE: His contract, which stipulates our terms of service and cancellation policy, was signed by Tony Summers, who identified himself to our company as the owner of the business and Levi Summers father. If Tony Summers misrepresented himself to AutoRevo, perhaps Levi Summers has a complaint against him. To claim he has nothing to do with the business, and is in fact his father, again is disingenuous at best. 
Our policy was handled no differently for this customer than any other customer. Once he became agitated and rude with our Client Services Manager, Im sure she handled him sternly, yet professionally. We can provide countless recommendations from customers raving about our service team, their professionalism, and their responsiveness.

We conduct customer surveys every 6 months to rate our service levels and look for opportunities to improve. We dont know of another provider in our space that does this, so we're fully confident in how we handled this customer. Given his false claims against our company, we believe his credibility has been adequately quelled.

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