  • Report:  #5068

Complaint Review: Badbusinessbureau.com *Editorial - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Badbusinessbureau.com *Editorial
Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
by Rhett Micheletti Contributing Editor

Dear George,

Congratulations! You've completed your first 100 days in the White House, and I must say, for such a short time you sure have been a productive president. In only 100 short days you've somehow managed to bend both Mother Earth and all her inhabitants over a barrel for your dear friend, Corporate America. Now, the ever loveless, but good paying "John", with erect drill in hand, stands ready to probe and plunder the fertile offerings of your hostages.

Great work George. Keep on pimping away the world's natural resources and it won't be long before your good paying customer's environmental sodomy has infected World Health with more irreparable damage than that caused by Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez combined.

But hey, who's counting the ill-effects of big business and industry on the environment, as long as it's been good for Corporate America's bottom line, ah, I mean the economy, right? Who gives a d**n about an overheated earth caused by greenhouse gases, and the resulting global flooding caused by melting glaciers, or the destructive contamination of an oil spill in our country's pristine nature preserves, or the poisonous heavy metals in our drinking water, or our country's growing pollution induced Asthma epidemic!?

None of that will matter because, even as we're all coughing up our cancer filled lungs, we'll still be able to smile inside knowing that the values of our energy stock portfolios have gone up, and that we can drive away from the pumps, in our gas guzzling SUV's, a few dollars richer, right?

Is America really supposed to believe that it's health is in good hands under the Bush Administration's EPA? I believe you answered that question very clearly with your appointment of that little puppy dog, Christie Whitman, to the position of EPA Administrator. It's always so heart warming to watch her on the news, as she follows you around, wagging her giddy little tail, and yelping when anyone has harsh words for your environmental policy. Just knowing she's in charge of the EPA makes me feel healthier already! Great work George, you've really made America proud!

Speaking of pride, the Bush kin must be tickled pink about you carrying on the legacy of your father's empty campaign promises. Considering the insight this strategy has provided about the principles which you and Senior value, I just have to ask, is dishonesty one of the good old American family values that you both would have expected Barbara and Laura to teach in their classrooms?

Regardless, in honor of the hollow campaign promise motto made famous by your father, I've come up with a great 2004 re-election campaign slogan for you, that's sure to make him proud:

"Read my lips: No NEW Green House Emissions!"

"Ha! ha! ha!, Fooled them again!", you'll both laugh as you sit around the Oval Office together, sipping on Brandy (or maybe even snorting a line), and reminiscing over your clever like-father-like-son politicking.

Ha! Not so fast! If past performance is any indicator, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Speaking of holding ones breath, at least when your predecessor was in office the only person who had to do that was Monica Lewinsky. Now, thanks to you George, over the next four years we'll all be gasping for air, not to mention having to suffer through the choking sensation caused by our president cramming something disgusting down our throats!

Talk about producing a repugnant stain on fabric. Your loveless environmental policy is a stain on the fabric of American society which, unlike the one on Monica's dress, cannot simply be washed out. But hey, I guess I shouldn't complain. At least you were considerate enough to lubricate the American people first with your "generous" tax cut, which by the way, I promise to try real hard not to spend all in one place. . . .

"Enough you damned Democrat!!!", you must be screaming.

Well George, surprise! I'm not a Democrat. I'm just a citizen of the United States of America. I support and vote for the candidate who appears to care the most about the important things, and who appears to be the most capable of successfully running the country, regardless of their party affiliation. Unfortunately, this last election did not include that candidate, and I, like so many other Americans, simply had to vote for the lesser of two idiots. This time, unfortunately, the wrong idiot got the right number of votes.

Since taking office, you have been busy blatantly repaying your corporate patrons, at the obvious expense of human and environmental health, all the while leaving no doubt to whom your loyalty belongs, or where your character lies.

How ironic. If a citizen threatens the health of the president, the punishment is time in prison, but if a president threatens the health of citizens, the punishment is only the possibility of not being re-elected.

You are a complete embarrassment to the Office of the President, and to this great country, and I am proud of the fact that I did not vote for you. I know I'm not alone when I say that I would much rather have a president who f***s White House interns, than one who f***s the environment.

Rhett Micheletti Contributing Editor badbusinessbureau.com

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Another public school "educated" brain-washed government drone weighs in! Educate yourself or lose your rights forever.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2005

Thomas, What in the world would make you think that I was talking about political parties in any of this? What part do you not understand? This is real history...before the Federal Government developed its (Unconstitutional) Department of Education in order to mass brainwash the citizenry. Once the textbooks were corrupted in every state, the rest was easy! The Department of Education should come out of the closet and call itself what it really is: The Department of Government Propaganda. One more generation taught the lie will finish this country because no one will know or remember the truth. It works to the government's favor that every citizen believes what it does is legal and Constitutional when, in fact, 95% of its actions are prohibited by that very document! Even Bush thinks we have a Democracy....he is a college educated ignoramus. He has been spoon fed the Great Lie and swallowed it whole. He preaches it from the pulpit of the Presidency. I want to shake him until his teeth rattle every time I hear that "Let's spread Democracy around the world" speech. Why? Because it makes my teeth hurt to hear it! The following is from another website. I would like to post a link, but it may disappear due to this sites policy. Just keep reading past the definitions you posted above and you will find this essay: "Look up the word REPUBLIC in most any dictionary. Most likely, you"ll find that a "republic" is a "government of elected representatives". This is a deliberate deception. I have an Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition. This work provides the proper explanation. First it says that the idea that a republic is a government of elected representatives is a "notoriously modern interpretation". The article continues, explaining that historically, a Republic referred to a government in which the sovereign held authority granted by the people and ruled according to law. Note that this concept checks exactly with our own Declaration of Independence which states that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people, and that government derives its just powers from the consent of the people. You now have the key ideas in hand: First, power is derived from the people, and second the government itself operates within and under the control of the law. In other words: In a REPUBLIC the People are the Masters and the government is subordinate. When the Founding Fathers set our Constitution for us they based their work on this concept. The Constitution is a grant of authority from We the People to form a government. The government thus authorized is a LIMITED government, operating on authority granted from We the People. In every sense it meets the earlier, historical definition of a Republic. The Constitution is the grant of authority for the government. The Constitution, then, is the Law of the People for the control of the Government. Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and democracy ... and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had created a republic." Republic = rule of law, ruled by law Constitutional Republic = Rule of law, with that law being the Constitution of the United States. We are guaranteed a REPUBLICAN FORM of government interpreted in the true sense; NOT a government run by Republicans. Or Democrats. Both of the above Parties are corrupt to the core. Their aim seems to be total domination of the citizenry, followed by world domination. They are rapidly gaining on that goal. They have ruined the dream of the founding fathers. They have deceived the citizens of America en masse. The Parties work for themselves, not for the good of this country. Educate yourself then educate your children yourself. It is the only way. After you have done that, Thomas, come back and post intelligently in a way that makes me believe you have both read and understood some or most of this entire post. What you posted above is just for the sake of an argument. I don't have time to debate with fools who don't know their material in the first place!


Hey Robin, A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2005

Hey Robin,

When my ancestor George Washington and John Adams created this country by helping thomas jefferson make a document when they used the word "Republic" that didn't mean either republican or democrat. apparently you don't know what the word means.

A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.
A nation that has such a political order.

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

A nation that has such a political order.
often Republic A specific republican government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.
An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.

A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field: the republic of letters.

Read it ok oh and this country is not free there are other countries in the world that are more free than this one.


Hey Robin, A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2005

Hey Robin,

When my ancestor George Washington and John Adams created this country by helping thomas jefferson make a document when they used the word "Republic" that didn't mean either republican or democrat. apparently you don't know what the word means.

A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.
A nation that has such a political order.

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

A nation that has such a political order.
often Republic A specific republican government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.
An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.

A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field: the republic of letters.

Read it ok oh and this country is not free there are other countries in the world that are more free than this one.


Hey Robin, A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2005

Hey Robin,

When my ancestor George Washington and John Adams created this country by helping thomas jefferson make a document when they used the word "Republic" that didn't mean either republican or democrat. apparently you don't know what the word means.

A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.
A nation that has such a political order.

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

A nation that has such a political order.
often Republic A specific republican government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.
An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.

A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field: the republic of letters.

Read it ok oh and this country is not free there are other countries in the world that are more free than this one.


Hey Robin, A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, March 08, 2005

Hey Robin,

When my ancestor George Washington and John Adams created this country by helping thomas jefferson make a document when they used the word "Republic" that didn't mean either republican or democrat. apparently you don't know what the word means.

A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.
A nation that has such a political order.

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

A nation that has such a political order.
often Republic A specific republican government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.
An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.

A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field: the republic of letters.

Read it ok oh and this country is not free there are other countries in the world that are more free than this one.


A return to our roots as a REPUBLIC must begin now.

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003


I was in a hurry yesterday evening and did not realize how sharp my reply to you was. I apologize, it was not my intention to be rude. You did not fail the history test; you were taught the wrong lesson in the first place!

First, please look up the definition of the word republic in the dictionary. There you will find our system described to a tee, which will help clarify things immediately. Democratic republic is a misleading term coined by God knows who, it is used in every public school today, and I should have been more prepared for it to be brought up.

Do you have children? I have two. When they were little, our household was a democracy. It was chaos! When I tried to do what I thought was fair for one child, the other was mad and vice versa. It was a fight every day of the week. No decision was ever fair enough. Someone was angry all the time. Either I felt like I was giving something up, or my husband felt he was giving something up. One of the children was constantly griping its not fair. We were all becoming angry, frustrated people!

Finally, one day I said to them I have had enough! I handed down the mandate that unless it was life-threatening, involved broken bones, blood or fire, that they were to immediately begin working out their own differences. I was no longer interested in being their mediator and constant referee; all I wanted was peace and quiet!

Our household changed from being a democracy to being a republic at that moment. It was the best thing that ever happened to us as a family.

The first week or two was rough. The children fought, bickered, screamed, yelled and carried on like it was Armageddon. I was a closet wreck, but I stood by what I said and refused to be drawn into my old role as peacemaker. Work it out became my mantra. Then I went and hid in the bathroom and cringed and prayed until the yelling stopped.

Over time, there was a gradual cessation of hostilities between them. They no longer picked fights with each other, they learned to share and take turns, life became much more peaceful. My kids learned to interact with each other and all people better, they realized that life is not always fair and that sometimes one must give in order to get; they learned tolerance for each other and the world at large.

They learned that the way to get attention was not by screaming and demanding, but by being calm and asking. They became much less spoiled and self-centered. They learned to help each other. Life was much less stressful and we actually learned not just to love each other, but to LIKE each other! Underneath all that screaming and conflict were a couple of wonderful human beings. They just needed to be allowed (forced, at first) to show it.

And, no, I did not withdraw entirely from my parental role. I was always there for them when necessary and they knew that I would be there. I just saved my energy for the more important things that came up along the way. And things DID come up! We dealt with them rationally.

They are men now, and we are very proud of both of them. They will not push you, but they will not tolerate being pushed, either. They are contained, calm in a crisis, and self-sufficient. They make their own ways in the world and ask nothing from us or from their Government. They are fiercely independent and have developed their own sense of fair play. They no longer need mediators or peacekeepers; they are their own mediators. They are productive citizens.

(This is a true story; I did not make it up for an example. I simply do not function well in a chaotic environment and the chaos was not doing our family life any good at all. My work it out policy was crafted entirely in self-defense!)

Look around you in this country. What do you see and hear daily on the news? An entire nation of spoiled brats clamoring that this, that and the other is not fair, this offends them, they want this, need that, yada, yada, yada. This is democracy at work.

We have a judge being forced to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse foyer because it promotes religion and offends. What religion exactly, is being promoted here? Don't all religions recognize the Ten Commandments in some form or other? Is there some hidden, subliminal message there that says you must be a Baptist or a Methodist or a Catholic?

Of course not. The Ten Commandments promote human goodness and decency and no more than that. If today's society finds the concepts of goodness and decency offensive, we are more far gone than I realized! This is a fight about democratic principles. It is stupid, petty, and a waste of time. (BTW, there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution. The Constitution simply prohibits the Government from forming a national religion" and forcing citizens to join under threat of persecution.)

We have a Congresswoman in Texas whining because we are not giving hurricanes black names. Her name is Sheila! What is a black name anyway? Would it not be an equally discriminatory act to say Okay, this is black name hurricane season? Then we will have to have Irish name season, Polish name season, and so on until everyone has had their fill of it or someone wakes up and realizes how stupid it is!

These are examples of democracy at work. It breeds these petty, ridiculous, stupid, time consuming, expensive and unimportant squabbles every day. It breeds individuals who seem to think they are owed something. And as long as our Government kowtows to and involves itself with this ridiculous asinine crap that is going on, it is practicing democracy.

Democracy assumes that the citizens of the county lack the common sense to pour pee out of a boot, so they must have everything regulated, legislated and spelled out for them. And the harder the Government works toward that goal, the more angry people will become. As soon as one group is placated, another will rise up to b***h and bawl about it. It is an endless, unproductive, and vicious cycle.

Our founding fathers gave us far more credit for being able to use our own intelligence under the republic than this current lean toward democracy does. In its intended form, our Government would be telling these malcontented people the same thing I told my kids: You know the rules and we are very busy and very tired of all this. WORK IT OUT!

Our founding fathers were wise enough to realize that no system will make every citizen happy every minute of every day. That is exactly why they eschewed a democracy for a republic. That leaves the general population free to point out the insanity and get rid of it on a local community level without Government intervention.

I have no doubt that there are MORE people in the judge's community who liked the Ten Commandments right where they were or simply did not care one way or the other than there were those offended by their presence. They just did not make as much NOISE as the malcontents.Democracy creates reverse discrimination.

In a true republic, all citizens in the judge's community would be free to tell the rabble-rousers that they had a screw loose and to leave the Ten Commandments alone. That would be the end of it. No court battles, no Government intervention, no muss, no fuss.

Another case; environmentalists! God save us from them because they were the beginning of this country's march toward democracy. I admire their goals, which are to keep some land in pristine condition. I have no problem with that at all. It is the methods they use that I object to.

They have absolutely no business beating their drums at the Fed's door, period. The Government is not allowed under our Constitution to set aside land anywhere for any reason other than self-defense and its own buildings and use. Everything else is for the exclusive use of the citizens of the United States. National Parks and Forests are illegal! Government formed wildlife refuges are illegal.

The correct way to do this under our Constitution would be for the conservationists/environmentalists to purchase the land of their choice themselves and keep it in trust for posterity. That is the ONLY legal way for this to be done in this country!

Oh, but they don't want to spend their own money on their pet project, you say? Then they are not as committed as they claim to be and need to be shown to the next train out of town.

Environmentalists want to have their cake and to eat it, too. They want land set aside for later but are not willing to spend their own money or be inconvenienced by this. If one were to tell them Fine, we'll set this land aside. But you do know that by doing this it will mean that you can have electricity in your home only three days a week. Watch em run backwards. They are the ultimate hypocrites, willing to inconvenience everybody but themselves.

They have no legal or Constitutional right to spend your money and my money on their projects. Save the trees, the owls, the bugs and the mud-puddles is their rant. It will be okay until these folks run out of toilet paper because no one can cut down a tree. I think we will see some reconsideration on their part when they start having to clean up with corncobs!

Tammy, after you have done some reading on the subject and gotten that democratic republic concept completely out of your mind, I guarantee that you will be as outraged as I am over what is being done to this country. I warned you; what you learn in school is government-sponsored propaganda engineered by those experts.

We ARE a republic and our Government WAS formed to serve the people. The people now serve the Government, due to that "democracy" thing that was sneaked into our lessons. That is a ploy to make us feel like we actually matter, like we actually have a say. Don't let them fool you; it is a mind-game! That has been taught so long now that evidently even our elected officials somehow think that they are bound by democracy. Wrong!

THEY are the ones failing the test. I want my elected representatives to have at least a basic working knowledge of the Constitution. I fear that many of them do not. If they have read it, they do not understand it. The "experts" again muddying the waters!

Start over with your own research, learn the real truth. We will discuss more then. You will by then be supplying your own examples of "runaway democracy" in our Government, as they are all around us every day.

The truth will out because it HAS to! The only alternative is the ruination of this country. Knowledge will be what saves us in the end. Knowledge, and a fierce determination to return to our roots as a republic. It will take some doing.


A return to our roots as a REPUBLIC must begin now.

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003


I was in a hurry yesterday evening and did not realize how sharp my reply to you was. I apologize, it was not my intention to be rude. You did not fail the history test; you were taught the wrong lesson in the first place!

First, please look up the definition of the word republic in the dictionary. There you will find our system described to a tee, which will help clarify things immediately. Democratic republic is a misleading term coined by God knows who, it is used in every public school today, and I should have been more prepared for it to be brought up.

Do you have children? I have two. When they were little, our household was a democracy. It was chaos! When I tried to do what I thought was fair for one child, the other was mad and vice versa. It was a fight every day of the week. No decision was ever fair enough. Someone was angry all the time. Either I felt like I was giving something up, or my husband felt he was giving something up. One of the children was constantly griping its not fair. We were all becoming angry, frustrated people!

Finally, one day I said to them I have had enough! I handed down the mandate that unless it was life-threatening, involved broken bones, blood or fire, that they were to immediately begin working out their own differences. I was no longer interested in being their mediator and constant referee; all I wanted was peace and quiet!

Our household changed from being a democracy to being a republic at that moment. It was the best thing that ever happened to us as a family.

The first week or two was rough. The children fought, bickered, screamed, yelled and carried on like it was Armageddon. I was a closet wreck, but I stood by what I said and refused to be drawn into my old role as peacemaker. Work it out became my mantra. Then I went and hid in the bathroom and cringed and prayed until the yelling stopped.

Over time, there was a gradual cessation of hostilities between them. They no longer picked fights with each other, they learned to share and take turns, life became much more peaceful. My kids learned to interact with each other and all people better, they realized that life is not always fair and that sometimes one must give in order to get; they learned tolerance for each other and the world at large.

They learned that the way to get attention was not by screaming and demanding, but by being calm and asking. They became much less spoiled and self-centered. They learned to help each other. Life was much less stressful and we actually learned not just to love each other, but to LIKE each other! Underneath all that screaming and conflict were a couple of wonderful human beings. They just needed to be allowed (forced, at first) to show it.

And, no, I did not withdraw entirely from my parental role. I was always there for them when necessary and they knew that I would be there. I just saved my energy for the more important things that came up along the way. And things DID come up! We dealt with them rationally.

They are men now, and we are very proud of both of them. They will not push you, but they will not tolerate being pushed, either. They are contained, calm in a crisis, and self-sufficient. They make their own ways in the world and ask nothing from us or from their Government. They are fiercely independent and have developed their own sense of fair play. They no longer need mediators or peacekeepers; they are their own mediators. They are productive citizens.

(This is a true story; I did not make it up for an example. I simply do not function well in a chaotic environment and the chaos was not doing our family life any good at all. My work it out policy was crafted entirely in self-defense!)

Look around you in this country. What do you see and hear daily on the news? An entire nation of spoiled brats clamoring that this, that and the other is not fair, this offends them, they want this, need that, yada, yada, yada. This is democracy at work.

We have a judge being forced to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse foyer because it promotes religion and offends. What religion exactly, is being promoted here? Don't all religions recognize the Ten Commandments in some form or other? Is there some hidden, subliminal message there that says you must be a Baptist or a Methodist or a Catholic?

Of course not. The Ten Commandments promote human goodness and decency and no more than that. If today's society finds the concepts of goodness and decency offensive, we are more far gone than I realized! This is a fight about democratic principles. It is stupid, petty, and a waste of time. (BTW, there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution. The Constitution simply prohibits the Government from forming a national religion" and forcing citizens to join under threat of persecution.)

We have a Congresswoman in Texas whining because we are not giving hurricanes black names. Her name is Sheila! What is a black name anyway? Would it not be an equally discriminatory act to say Okay, this is black name hurricane season? Then we will have to have Irish name season, Polish name season, and so on until everyone has had their fill of it or someone wakes up and realizes how stupid it is!

These are examples of democracy at work. It breeds these petty, ridiculous, stupid, time consuming, expensive and unimportant squabbles every day. It breeds individuals who seem to think they are owed something. And as long as our Government kowtows to and involves itself with this ridiculous asinine crap that is going on, it is practicing democracy.

Democracy assumes that the citizens of the county lack the common sense to pour pee out of a boot, so they must have everything regulated, legislated and spelled out for them. And the harder the Government works toward that goal, the more angry people will become. As soon as one group is placated, another will rise up to b***h and bawl about it. It is an endless, unproductive, and vicious cycle.

Our founding fathers gave us far more credit for being able to use our own intelligence under the republic than this current lean toward democracy does. In its intended form, our Government would be telling these malcontented people the same thing I told my kids: You know the rules and we are very busy and very tired of all this. WORK IT OUT!

Our founding fathers were wise enough to realize that no system will make every citizen happy every minute of every day. That is exactly why they eschewed a democracy for a republic. That leaves the general population free to point out the insanity and get rid of it on a local community level without Government intervention.

I have no doubt that there are MORE people in the judge's community who liked the Ten Commandments right where they were or simply did not care one way or the other than there were those offended by their presence. They just did not make as much NOISE as the malcontents.Democracy creates reverse discrimination.

In a true republic, all citizens in the judge's community would be free to tell the rabble-rousers that they had a screw loose and to leave the Ten Commandments alone. That would be the end of it. No court battles, no Government intervention, no muss, no fuss.

Another case; environmentalists! God save us from them because they were the beginning of this country's march toward democracy. I admire their goals, which are to keep some land in pristine condition. I have no problem with that at all. It is the methods they use that I object to.

They have absolutely no business beating their drums at the Fed's door, period. The Government is not allowed under our Constitution to set aside land anywhere for any reason other than self-defense and its own buildings and use. Everything else is for the exclusive use of the citizens of the United States. National Parks and Forests are illegal! Government formed wildlife refuges are illegal.

The correct way to do this under our Constitution would be for the conservationists/environmentalists to purchase the land of their choice themselves and keep it in trust for posterity. That is the ONLY legal way for this to be done in this country!

Oh, but they don't want to spend their own money on their pet project, you say? Then they are not as committed as they claim to be and need to be shown to the next train out of town.

Environmentalists want to have their cake and to eat it, too. They want land set aside for later but are not willing to spend their own money or be inconvenienced by this. If one were to tell them Fine, we'll set this land aside. But you do know that by doing this it will mean that you can have electricity in your home only three days a week. Watch em run backwards. They are the ultimate hypocrites, willing to inconvenience everybody but themselves.

They have no legal or Constitutional right to spend your money and my money on their projects. Save the trees, the owls, the bugs and the mud-puddles is their rant. It will be okay until these folks run out of toilet paper because no one can cut down a tree. I think we will see some reconsideration on their part when they start having to clean up with corncobs!

Tammy, after you have done some reading on the subject and gotten that democratic republic concept completely out of your mind, I guarantee that you will be as outraged as I am over what is being done to this country. I warned you; what you learn in school is government-sponsored propaganda engineered by those experts.

We ARE a republic and our Government WAS formed to serve the people. The people now serve the Government, due to that "democracy" thing that was sneaked into our lessons. That is a ploy to make us feel like we actually matter, like we actually have a say. Don't let them fool you; it is a mind-game! That has been taught so long now that evidently even our elected officials somehow think that they are bound by democracy. Wrong!

THEY are the ones failing the test. I want my elected representatives to have at least a basic working knowledge of the Constitution. I fear that many of them do not. If they have read it, they do not understand it. The "experts" again muddying the waters!

Start over with your own research, learn the real truth. We will discuss more then. You will by then be supplying your own examples of "runaway democracy" in our Government, as they are all around us every day.

The truth will out because it HAS to! The only alternative is the ruination of this country. Knowledge will be what saves us in the end. Knowledge, and a fierce determination to return to our roots as a republic. It will take some doing.


A return to our roots as a REPUBLIC must begin now.

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003


I was in a hurry yesterday evening and did not realize how sharp my reply to you was. I apologize, it was not my intention to be rude. You did not fail the history test; you were taught the wrong lesson in the first place!

First, please look up the definition of the word republic in the dictionary. There you will find our system described to a tee, which will help clarify things immediately. Democratic republic is a misleading term coined by God knows who, it is used in every public school today, and I should have been more prepared for it to be brought up.

Do you have children? I have two. When they were little, our household was a democracy. It was chaos! When I tried to do what I thought was fair for one child, the other was mad and vice versa. It was a fight every day of the week. No decision was ever fair enough. Someone was angry all the time. Either I felt like I was giving something up, or my husband felt he was giving something up. One of the children was constantly griping its not fair. We were all becoming angry, frustrated people!

Finally, one day I said to them I have had enough! I handed down the mandate that unless it was life-threatening, involved broken bones, blood or fire, that they were to immediately begin working out their own differences. I was no longer interested in being their mediator and constant referee; all I wanted was peace and quiet!

Our household changed from being a democracy to being a republic at that moment. It was the best thing that ever happened to us as a family.

The first week or two was rough. The children fought, bickered, screamed, yelled and carried on like it was Armageddon. I was a closet wreck, but I stood by what I said and refused to be drawn into my old role as peacemaker. Work it out became my mantra. Then I went and hid in the bathroom and cringed and prayed until the yelling stopped.

Over time, there was a gradual cessation of hostilities between them. They no longer picked fights with each other, they learned to share and take turns, life became much more peaceful. My kids learned to interact with each other and all people better, they realized that life is not always fair and that sometimes one must give in order to get; they learned tolerance for each other and the world at large.

They learned that the way to get attention was not by screaming and demanding, but by being calm and asking. They became much less spoiled and self-centered. They learned to help each other. Life was much less stressful and we actually learned not just to love each other, but to LIKE each other! Underneath all that screaming and conflict were a couple of wonderful human beings. They just needed to be allowed (forced, at first) to show it.

And, no, I did not withdraw entirely from my parental role. I was always there for them when necessary and they knew that I would be there. I just saved my energy for the more important things that came up along the way. And things DID come up! We dealt with them rationally.

They are men now, and we are very proud of both of them. They will not push you, but they will not tolerate being pushed, either. They are contained, calm in a crisis, and self-sufficient. They make their own ways in the world and ask nothing from us or from their Government. They are fiercely independent and have developed their own sense of fair play. They no longer need mediators or peacekeepers; they are their own mediators. They are productive citizens.

(This is a true story; I did not make it up for an example. I simply do not function well in a chaotic environment and the chaos was not doing our family life any good at all. My work it out policy was crafted entirely in self-defense!)

Look around you in this country. What do you see and hear daily on the news? An entire nation of spoiled brats clamoring that this, that and the other is not fair, this offends them, they want this, need that, yada, yada, yada. This is democracy at work.

We have a judge being forced to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse foyer because it promotes religion and offends. What religion exactly, is being promoted here? Don't all religions recognize the Ten Commandments in some form or other? Is there some hidden, subliminal message there that says you must be a Baptist or a Methodist or a Catholic?

Of course not. The Ten Commandments promote human goodness and decency and no more than that. If today's society finds the concepts of goodness and decency offensive, we are more far gone than I realized! This is a fight about democratic principles. It is stupid, petty, and a waste of time. (BTW, there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution. The Constitution simply prohibits the Government from forming a national religion" and forcing citizens to join under threat of persecution.)

We have a Congresswoman in Texas whining because we are not giving hurricanes black names. Her name is Sheila! What is a black name anyway? Would it not be an equally discriminatory act to say Okay, this is black name hurricane season? Then we will have to have Irish name season, Polish name season, and so on until everyone has had their fill of it or someone wakes up and realizes how stupid it is!

These are examples of democracy at work. It breeds these petty, ridiculous, stupid, time consuming, expensive and unimportant squabbles every day. It breeds individuals who seem to think they are owed something. And as long as our Government kowtows to and involves itself with this ridiculous asinine crap that is going on, it is practicing democracy.

Democracy assumes that the citizens of the county lack the common sense to pour pee out of a boot, so they must have everything regulated, legislated and spelled out for them. And the harder the Government works toward that goal, the more angry people will become. As soon as one group is placated, another will rise up to b***h and bawl about it. It is an endless, unproductive, and vicious cycle.

Our founding fathers gave us far more credit for being able to use our own intelligence under the republic than this current lean toward democracy does. In its intended form, our Government would be telling these malcontented people the same thing I told my kids: You know the rules and we are very busy and very tired of all this. WORK IT OUT!

Our founding fathers were wise enough to realize that no system will make every citizen happy every minute of every day. That is exactly why they eschewed a democracy for a republic. That leaves the general population free to point out the insanity and get rid of it on a local community level without Government intervention.

I have no doubt that there are MORE people in the judge's community who liked the Ten Commandments right where they were or simply did not care one way or the other than there were those offended by their presence. They just did not make as much NOISE as the malcontents.Democracy creates reverse discrimination.

In a true republic, all citizens in the judge's community would be free to tell the rabble-rousers that they had a screw loose and to leave the Ten Commandments alone. That would be the end of it. No court battles, no Government intervention, no muss, no fuss.

Another case; environmentalists! God save us from them because they were the beginning of this country's march toward democracy. I admire their goals, which are to keep some land in pristine condition. I have no problem with that at all. It is the methods they use that I object to.

They have absolutely no business beating their drums at the Fed's door, period. The Government is not allowed under our Constitution to set aside land anywhere for any reason other than self-defense and its own buildings and use. Everything else is for the exclusive use of the citizens of the United States. National Parks and Forests are illegal! Government formed wildlife refuges are illegal.

The correct way to do this under our Constitution would be for the conservationists/environmentalists to purchase the land of their choice themselves and keep it in trust for posterity. That is the ONLY legal way for this to be done in this country!

Oh, but they don't want to spend their own money on their pet project, you say? Then they are not as committed as they claim to be and need to be shown to the next train out of town.

Environmentalists want to have their cake and to eat it, too. They want land set aside for later but are not willing to spend their own money or be inconvenienced by this. If one were to tell them Fine, we'll set this land aside. But you do know that by doing this it will mean that you can have electricity in your home only three days a week. Watch em run backwards. They are the ultimate hypocrites, willing to inconvenience everybody but themselves.

They have no legal or Constitutional right to spend your money and my money on their projects. Save the trees, the owls, the bugs and the mud-puddles is their rant. It will be okay until these folks run out of toilet paper because no one can cut down a tree. I think we will see some reconsideration on their part when they start having to clean up with corncobs!

Tammy, after you have done some reading on the subject and gotten that democratic republic concept completely out of your mind, I guarantee that you will be as outraged as I am over what is being done to this country. I warned you; what you learn in school is government-sponsored propaganda engineered by those experts.

We ARE a republic and our Government WAS formed to serve the people. The people now serve the Government, due to that "democracy" thing that was sneaked into our lessons. That is a ploy to make us feel like we actually matter, like we actually have a say. Don't let them fool you; it is a mind-game! That has been taught so long now that evidently even our elected officials somehow think that they are bound by democracy. Wrong!

THEY are the ones failing the test. I want my elected representatives to have at least a basic working knowledge of the Constitution. I fear that many of them do not. If they have read it, they do not understand it. The "experts" again muddying the waters!

Start over with your own research, learn the real truth. We will discuss more then. You will by then be supplying your own examples of "runaway democracy" in our Government, as they are all around us every day.

The truth will out because it HAS to! The only alternative is the ruination of this country. Knowledge will be what saves us in the end. Knowledge, and a fierce determination to return to our roots as a republic. It will take some doing.


A return to our roots as a REPUBLIC must begin now.

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003


I was in a hurry yesterday evening and did not realize how sharp my reply to you was. I apologize, it was not my intention to be rude. You did not fail the history test; you were taught the wrong lesson in the first place!

First, please look up the definition of the word republic in the dictionary. There you will find our system described to a tee, which will help clarify things immediately. Democratic republic is a misleading term coined by God knows who, it is used in every public school today, and I should have been more prepared for it to be brought up.

Do you have children? I have two. When they were little, our household was a democracy. It was chaos! When I tried to do what I thought was fair for one child, the other was mad and vice versa. It was a fight every day of the week. No decision was ever fair enough. Someone was angry all the time. Either I felt like I was giving something up, or my husband felt he was giving something up. One of the children was constantly griping its not fair. We were all becoming angry, frustrated people!

Finally, one day I said to them I have had enough! I handed down the mandate that unless it was life-threatening, involved broken bones, blood or fire, that they were to immediately begin working out their own differences. I was no longer interested in being their mediator and constant referee; all I wanted was peace and quiet!

Our household changed from being a democracy to being a republic at that moment. It was the best thing that ever happened to us as a family.

The first week or two was rough. The children fought, bickered, screamed, yelled and carried on like it was Armageddon. I was a closet wreck, but I stood by what I said and refused to be drawn into my old role as peacemaker. Work it out became my mantra. Then I went and hid in the bathroom and cringed and prayed until the yelling stopped.

Over time, there was a gradual cessation of hostilities between them. They no longer picked fights with each other, they learned to share and take turns, life became much more peaceful. My kids learned to interact with each other and all people better, they realized that life is not always fair and that sometimes one must give in order to get; they learned tolerance for each other and the world at large.

They learned that the way to get attention was not by screaming and demanding, but by being calm and asking. They became much less spoiled and self-centered. They learned to help each other. Life was much less stressful and we actually learned not just to love each other, but to LIKE each other! Underneath all that screaming and conflict were a couple of wonderful human beings. They just needed to be allowed (forced, at first) to show it.

And, no, I did not withdraw entirely from my parental role. I was always there for them when necessary and they knew that I would be there. I just saved my energy for the more important things that came up along the way. And things DID come up! We dealt with them rationally.

They are men now, and we are very proud of both of them. They will not push you, but they will not tolerate being pushed, either. They are contained, calm in a crisis, and self-sufficient. They make their own ways in the world and ask nothing from us or from their Government. They are fiercely independent and have developed their own sense of fair play. They no longer need mediators or peacekeepers; they are their own mediators. They are productive citizens.

(This is a true story; I did not make it up for an example. I simply do not function well in a chaotic environment and the chaos was not doing our family life any good at all. My work it out policy was crafted entirely in self-defense!)

Look around you in this country. What do you see and hear daily on the news? An entire nation of spoiled brats clamoring that this, that and the other is not fair, this offends them, they want this, need that, yada, yada, yada. This is democracy at work.

We have a judge being forced to remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouse foyer because it promotes religion and offends. What religion exactly, is being promoted here? Don't all religions recognize the Ten Commandments in some form or other? Is there some hidden, subliminal message there that says you must be a Baptist or a Methodist or a Catholic?

Of course not. The Ten Commandments promote human goodness and decency and no more than that. If today's society finds the concepts of goodness and decency offensive, we are more far gone than I realized! This is a fight about democratic principles. It is stupid, petty, and a waste of time. (BTW, there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution. The Constitution simply prohibits the Government from forming a national religion" and forcing citizens to join under threat of persecution.)

We have a Congresswoman in Texas whining because we are not giving hurricanes black names. Her name is Sheila! What is a black name anyway? Would it not be an equally discriminatory act to say Okay, this is black name hurricane season? Then we will have to have Irish name season, Polish name season, and so on until everyone has had their fill of it or someone wakes up and realizes how stupid it is!

These are examples of democracy at work. It breeds these petty, ridiculous, stupid, time consuming, expensive and unimportant squabbles every day. It breeds individuals who seem to think they are owed something. And as long as our Government kowtows to and involves itself with this ridiculous asinine crap that is going on, it is practicing democracy.

Democracy assumes that the citizens of the county lack the common sense to pour pee out of a boot, so they must have everything regulated, legislated and spelled out for them. And the harder the Government works toward that goal, the more angry people will become. As soon as one group is placated, another will rise up to b***h and bawl about it. It is an endless, unproductive, and vicious cycle.

Our founding fathers gave us far more credit for being able to use our own intelligence under the republic than this current lean toward democracy does. In its intended form, our Government would be telling these malcontented people the same thing I told my kids: You know the rules and we are very busy and very tired of all this. WORK IT OUT!

Our founding fathers were wise enough to realize that no system will make every citizen happy every minute of every day. That is exactly why they eschewed a democracy for a republic. That leaves the general population free to point out the insanity and get rid of it on a local community level without Government intervention.

I have no doubt that there are MORE people in the judge's community who liked the Ten Commandments right where they were or simply did not care one way or the other than there were those offended by their presence. They just did not make as much NOISE as the malcontents.Democracy creates reverse discrimination.

In a true republic, all citizens in the judge's community would be free to tell the rabble-rousers that they had a screw loose and to leave the Ten Commandments alone. That would be the end of it. No court battles, no Government intervention, no muss, no fuss.

Another case; environmentalists! God save us from them because they were the beginning of this country's march toward democracy. I admire their goals, which are to keep some land in pristine condition. I have no problem with that at all. It is the methods they use that I object to.

They have absolutely no business beating their drums at the Fed's door, period. The Government is not allowed under our Constitution to set aside land anywhere for any reason other than self-defense and its own buildings and use. Everything else is for the exclusive use of the citizens of the United States. National Parks and Forests are illegal! Government formed wildlife refuges are illegal.

The correct way to do this under our Constitution would be for the conservationists/environmentalists to purchase the land of their choice themselves and keep it in trust for posterity. That is the ONLY legal way for this to be done in this country!

Oh, but they don't want to spend their own money on their pet project, you say? Then they are not as committed as they claim to be and need to be shown to the next train out of town.

Environmentalists want to have their cake and to eat it, too. They want land set aside for later but are not willing to spend their own money or be inconvenienced by this. If one were to tell them Fine, we'll set this land aside. But you do know that by doing this it will mean that you can have electricity in your home only three days a week. Watch em run backwards. They are the ultimate hypocrites, willing to inconvenience everybody but themselves.

They have no legal or Constitutional right to spend your money and my money on their projects. Save the trees, the owls, the bugs and the mud-puddles is their rant. It will be okay until these folks run out of toilet paper because no one can cut down a tree. I think we will see some reconsideration on their part when they start having to clean up with corncobs!

Tammy, after you have done some reading on the subject and gotten that democratic republic concept completely out of your mind, I guarantee that you will be as outraged as I am over what is being done to this country. I warned you; what you learn in school is government-sponsored propaganda engineered by those experts.

We ARE a republic and our Government WAS formed to serve the people. The people now serve the Government, due to that "democracy" thing that was sneaked into our lessons. That is a ploy to make us feel like we actually matter, like we actually have a say. Don't let them fool you; it is a mind-game! That has been taught so long now that evidently even our elected officials somehow think that they are bound by democracy. Wrong!

THEY are the ones failing the test. I want my elected representatives to have at least a basic working knowledge of the Constitution. I fear that many of them do not. If they have read it, they do not understand it. The "experts" again muddying the waters!

Start over with your own research, learn the real truth. We will discuss more then. You will by then be supplying your own examples of "runaway democracy" in our Government, as they are all around us every day.

The truth will out because it HAS to! The only alternative is the ruination of this country. Knowledge will be what saves us in the end. Knowledge, and a fierce determination to return to our roots as a republic. It will take some doing.


Sorry, Tammy, you failed the history test. ..the Constitution of the United States:

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2003

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States:

Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a REPUBLICAN form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Nowhere in our Constitution is the word "Democracy" mentioned. I repeat, democracy is a utopian unattainable concept and the founding fathers both dreaded and feared it. Get your own copy and read it; it is available on the Internet. Print it out; study it.

You have fallen for the propaganda taught in public schools around the nation. Look further; study the times and the men who actually authored the document. You will find what they thought of "democracy" there, not in public school.

I am not confused; with a little more study on this issue you won't be, either! You are an intelligent person, but a product of the Government-run education system. They only teach you as much as they want you to know. The rest you have to do on your own.


New York,
Some clarification..

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2003

Robin has got a few terms confused. The constitution and founding fathers set us up as a Democratic republic.

Democratic means allowing people representative government. Allowing people the right to have a vote in their elected officials and what was going on. Republic is a term for a nation that exists to serve its people.

A democracy is a free republic where people have a vote in the representation of their elected officials.

The nature of the constitution advocates limited federal government in the lives of the people so that the local and state governments can be more reflective of their communities. That was the idea.

The notion of government subsidizing businesses, of putting increased regulation in people's lives at the federal level is called socialism. At the extreme level where government prohibits any private ownership whatsoever of public goods, land, property and all resources are controlled by the state is communism.

In our country, there is a marked movement towards socialism. These heavily socialistic tendencies (where government is the answer to your problems) are found in both parties thinkings, but is more prevalent in the Democratic party with their extreme left agenda which hopes to make us more like Europe, which is a failing continent on the brink of financial and economic ruin.


Democracy sucks, give us back our republic!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, August 06, 2003

I would like to politely point out that both you gentleman are missing the point entirely; NONE of this would be happening or would have happened if America had stayed the republic that it was meant to be.

As this country moves further away from its status as a republic and becomes more and more a democracy, things like this will become more and more common. A republic means that a country is run by rule of law, not rule of the majority (mob rule), which is a democracy.

The President was intended to be the window dressing that this country would change every 4-8 years, not an autocratic ruler or a monarch. The President and all elected officials take an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

Problem is, they don't have a clue what it says! The Government has no right dictating the use of land, period. That is illegal under the Constitution. The majority of legislation that is passed regarding land use, among other things, is unconstitutional!

The original Bill of Rights was written to absolutely minimize the impact of the Government on the people of America and their daily lives; it is the instrument of a republic. A democracy strives to be fully and totally involved in every aspect of its citizen's lives so as to dictate for the common good.

The government in a republic, under our founding documents, exists for the sole purpose of protecting both liberty and private property ownership. Period. There was not to be any governmental interference with non-violent human productivity ever, for any reason, by any means. Industry and business were to grow according to the need and the will of the citizens of this country, not by Governmental dictates.

I could go on all day about how Big Government has insidiously legislated for itself the ability to meddle in everything we do every day, all day long. As it hurtles toward that overrated and unsustainable state called democracy, it steps more and more on the citizens of this country and is now attempting to extend its reach to the entire world!

Since a full explanation of this deterioration of American ideals would be very lengthy, I will make a table of contrasts that point out a VERY small sampling of what was meant to be and what actually exists today:

A republic encourages business and free enterprise. A business will make it or fail on its own merit according to how people support it. If it is a bad business, a scam business, produces a poor product or workmanship, it will not last long in a republic because the populace will refuse to support it.

In a democracy, the Government decides which businesses succeed or fail by subsidizing certain businesses according to what IT perceives as the need of the people. These subsidies are not always in the best interests of the common people, but they are always in the best interests of Big Government. Some of the businesses on this site that are damaging American citizens every day are supported and subsidized by our Government.

A republic encourages and protects the private ownership and use of land, said use to be dictated solely by the owner of the property and what HE perceives as the best use.

A democracy dictates the use of privately owned land according to what IT perceives as the good of the majority. What land the Government does not own outright today, it controls. If this country still operated under the REAL Bill of Rights as written, the ED of this site would have never encountered the difficulties he did that led to the creation of this site.

There were NEVER supposed to be ANY laws that require getting permits to build a home, to dig a ditch, obtain licenses and permits to work in your own buildings, or any of the other nonsense that accompanies property ownership today. A citizen was truly the king of his domain, whether it was a city block or hundreds of acres. He could plant trees or cut down trees. He could dig holes or fill them up. It was truly his property, to treat however he saw fit. If he ruined his own property, he suffered the consequences.

A republic guarantees Americans the right to speak out in a public forum, such as this one, and be openly critical of the Government, each other, scam businesses, or any other topic that we see fit without censorship. The guiding principle here is that common sense would allow citizens to disregard the outrageous and blatantly untrue. There is also the built-in check that when we do speak out, we are subject to a return of criticism by others.

A democracy seeks to stifle this right by passing insidious laws that protect SOME aspects of business and society, depending on the arbitrary whim of the day. Some are more protected than others, leading to wild imbalances in our society that swing from extreme right to extreme left.

A democracy attempts to legislate not only our freedom of speech, but our basic common sense as well! America has become so politically correct that there is little room for freedom of expression without fear of reprisal.

There are currently several lawsuits against this site simply because it dares to let us exercise our rights as they are written. These suits are bogus BS; what is going on here is entirely legal under the First Amendment as it is written! (Those lawyers be damned, they are perverting the First Amendment by filing these suits in the first place! Tell them I said so, the skunks! Their own mothers should be ashamed of them!)

We are not even supposed to think for ourselves, the Government attempts to do even that with its so-called experts. These experts are promoted and demoted according to the principles they hold and whether they match the political agenda of the day; experts rise and fall from grace as fast as the wind shifts and the controlling Parties change. And we have the ever-present attorneys who are more than willing to help draft all sorts of undermining legislation for a fee.

A democracy encourages political corruption by allowing the use of political money to buy influence. As the Government becomes more and more democratic it also becomes more and more of a Big Business itself. And the more and more it allows Big Business to dictate the legislation that guides us!

In a democracy, big business is perceived as the mechanism to guide and control the population for its own good. It is an endless loop of bribery, treachery against American citizens, and corruption at all levels of Government. The system today encourages and rewards human instincts of envy and greed while it constantly hammers away at those who actually produce! Our system of arbitrary, ever changing laws aids and abets this insanity.

The best advice I can give you here is to obtain your own copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and read it thoroughly. It is the basic Handbook for America, yet it is taught very little in History or Social Studies classes these days. It receives enough attention that most people are vaguely aware it exists somewhere. Very few folks really know what is written there. (What if all Americans actually read and understood that document? That might be detrimental to The Government! We would all realize then how we are being manipulated and deceived by the Powers that Be!)

Human beings have a propensity for taking the very simple and fiddling with it until it becomes the very complicated. This has been done to death with our simple guide. America is full of interpreters (more experts) of this document determined to shove down our throats what THEY believe or want it to say. Do not listen to the experts, they promote their own agendas.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights is a simple document: it says what it means and means what it says. Any of us that are capable of posting on this site are capable of understanding what is written there. If you read that document and contrast it with what truly goes on in America today, you will immediately see that we have left behind our republic. Our Government has way overstepped the powers of the authority granted it under our Constitution and turned itself into a benign dictator, a loving tyrant.

America has come full circle and finds itself in the same situation that drove our forefathers to fight the Revolutionary War: we cannot cut a tree on our own property without it being taxed, regulated, or prohibited entirely. If you want to keep your tree and the Government wants your tree, laws be damned, they'll change the laws! And they will come and get your tree, and to hell with you. Nothing is sacred if it stands in the way of the current free-thinkers and Administration.

We have taxation without representation every day in America. I hate to paint with a wide brush and will allow that there are some elected officials who do their best to work for the good of their constituents. These folks are not the in majority today, and they are always hamstrung by the existing system. The agendas being promoted by most people in power are the agendas of Big Business and Big Government.

We, the people matter little in today's Government. We (especially middle class Americans) are simply the vehicle the Government rides to death to propagate itself. America, if it continues on its present course will fall, crushed under the weight of its own governing body and the idealism of democracy.

The founding fathers of this country were horrified by the concept of democracy; today's politicians wield democracy like a cudgel to crush all who do not agree with them. The Constitution and Bill of Rights have been gutted, warped and subverted to further the aims of our so-called policy makers in the name of democracy. Very little of the original text remains pertinent today because of the myriad expert interpretations applied within our legal system.

Can it be fixed? Sure it can. Our Government and lawmakers need to return to the basic laws and principles that founded our Nation. It needs to downsize and simplify rather than bloat and complicate. It needs to leave the general population alone to pursue our lives, do business, and find happiness in our own ways, as the founding fathers intended. It needs to give up the concept of democracy and return to being a republic.

We, as a people, would be allowed to develop much more tolerance toward our neighbors as a result. Our Government preaches tolerance while it slyly promotes intolerance. Chaos is the friend of Big Government; it is another tool to lead the citizenry into believing that it is SO NEEDED. It is propaganda designed to promote the myth that we need our system to take care of us. 9/11, for all its horror and toll in human lives, did the most damage by perpetuating this myth. The additional powers granted by legislature following 9/11 will eventually produce the ultimate Orwellian nightmare for American citizens. Watch and see; the intrusion attempts into our daily lives and privacy have begun already and will increase.

Until this bloating process is stopped and reversed, all the lying, cheating and chicanery that goes on for the benefit of Big Business and Big Government will go on unabated. Indeed it will grow ever more predominant with every passing year, as it has since the late sixties and early seventies. We have allowed this country to fall into an ever-growing quagmire, a sucking spiral that will swallow us all if not stopped.

********Our government was not founded to act as a parent guaranteeing that we will always be taken care of; it was founded to allow us the freedom to take care of ourselves. No more, no less. I cannot say it in any simpler terms.*******

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Mr. Benjamin Franklin was asked as he left the meeting: Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?

His response was A republic, if you can keep it.

Somewhere, somehow, the dream of a free and united republic has been killed under the sham banner of democracy. I grieve for this nation and the direction it is taking. I pray that enlightenment will come to those that are able to put us back on the right road before it is too late. I hope for the best, but try to prepare for the worst.

We are sorry, Mr. Franklin.

The Great Thorn - Rip-off Report Consumer Advocate

New York,

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 05, 2003


Certainly there is a political dimension here.

A.. Enron's chairman did meet with the president and the vice president in the Oral Office to have a chat about things other than the "Blue Dress"

B.. Enron gave $420,000 to the president's party over three years.

C.. It donated $100,000 to the president's inauguration festivities.

D.. The Enron chairman stayed at the White House 11 times.

E.. The corporation had access to the administration at its highest levels and even enlisted the Commerce and State Departments to grease deals for it.

F.. The taxpayer-supported Export-Import Bank subsidized Enron for more than $600 million in just one transaction.


G.. BUT...the president under whom all this happened WASN'T George W. Bush.

H.. SURPRISE It was Bill Clinton! The w***e Master!

Please pass this on so the whole Country will Know. The Media Won't

Don't vote DEMO CRAP (tm)!

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