Buyer Beware: Check out Bath Kitchen Decor Facebook Page for other consumer experiences as bad or worse as mine. Disregard the numerous "likes", by the owner, Larry Krazyman, Customer Service Rep Kenishia, Bath Kitchen Decor & other employees. Also check out his F New York BBB rating which is now F+ as a result of my filing my complaint tonight. This company rarely answers phone or returns messages left on VM, mostly communicates by Email, if at all. I have also left several messages on Larry Krazyman's FB page, but still no refund.
Also do the homework that others like myself, wish we had done. You will see numerous lawsuits against Bath Kitchen Decor &/or Larry Krazyman &/or David Tropper by light mfg companies & others.
In good faith, I ordered 3 bath lights for one bath made by Savoy House Lighting. What I received were 3 different colors of gold-bronze, & after waiting 3 months for these to be replaced, Bath Kitchen Design had them picked up with promises of replacement. After waiting another 2 months, I requested a refund, which Larry Krazyman emailed he would process, I have yet to receive my funds. During this 5 month nightmare with BKD, I recently found out that they are not an authorized Savoy House Lighting dealer. So, based on this information, the varied coloration of the 3 lights, I am beginning to believe that he might be selling "faux" knock-off lighting.
So, on behalf of my fellow consumers, learn from me, save yourself the aggravation of dealing with Larry Krazyman and Bath Kitchen Design & losing your hard earned dollars that you wanted to beautify your home with. You may never see your money again & if you get the fixtures that you ordered, question the authenticity.
Approach with caution if you dare, better if you run, not walk, the other way!