  • Report:  #234698

Complaint Review: BHluegreenCorporation - Better Business Burearu - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
- Central City, Kentucky,

BHluegreenCorporation - Better Business Burearu
4960 Conference Way N, Suite 100 Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, U.S.A.
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Don't bother contacting the Better Business Burearu with a complaint against Blueturd. Blueturd is a member therefore helps pay BBB salaries. So the BBB will protect Blueturd at all cost. The BBB gives them a satisfactory rating. Imagine that. What a setup. Blueturd robs, cheats, steals, deceives, just whatever it takes to secure revenue and help make Mr. D's million dollar plus salary. And they have the blessings of the BBB to do so. This whole Blueturd thing just keeps getting more disgustingly loathsome. If someone would do their job and invesigate these asswipes most likely they would find Blueturd makes their living through theft by deception. That's the problem in Florida when it comes to Blueturd, no one wants to do their job. Theft by deception, legal way to make a living in Florida.


Central City, Kentucky

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