  • Report:  #718264

Complaint Review: Bing search engine - Redmond Washington

Reported By:
Austin - Wales, Wisconsin, United States of America

Bing search engine
One Microsoft Way Redmond, 98052-6399 Washington, United States of America
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Report Attachments
I have several times been harassed by Bing which was built into software items I installed that advertised a solution, but generally were junk or limited versions of software that needed to be purchased to provide actual useful service.

Each of these occasions wasted my time and harassed me personally as I had to free my computer from harmful side effects that basically were an invasion of my privacy.  However, never were these effects as invasive as this last attack. 

Bing without my permission added itself to my paid a virtual version of what appears to be but is not a header to my yahoo account emails (through some backdoor illegal hacking method that I cannot reverse).  Their advertisement is built into new messages I compose, and if I delete the link to bing my cursor disappears and I cannot type a message. 

This is unlawful and they have harassed me enough.  Bing is a pathetic search tool in comparison to google which is fantastic, and Microsoft apparently has decided to use what are weaknesses they have built into their operating system against their customers by creating a virus which advertises their own service without compensation or agreement from customers.  This is pathetic and embarrassing that Microsoft would be so desperate that they would need to do this. 

I love Windows 7- it is a good product but Microsoft has personally wronged me this time.  I've also been a user of yahoo mail for over 10 years, and that account is part of my identity and normal life, and they have assaulted it.  So they have also assaulted me and this is unacceptable criminal behavior.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2011

When you download trail software you will always have an option to not put something on ie..the toolbar or search engine etc.

Most trials....not all, will only show you what has to be done and should be done to correct your machines problems. Some trials...not all...will fix a few problems and you need to purchase to fix them all.   Most, if not all trials aren't worth the download. That's not sayign the programs not worth it, but its just a waste of time and with most programs when you uninstall it leaves behind files that just clutter up the pc unless you clean them out.

The only program Ive ever had a problem with is the Yahoo toolbar. When downloading yahoo messanger it DOES give you the option to not take the toolbar. I always uncheck it because I dont want it.  Its nothing against the toolbar or yahoo, I just dont want it. But each time Ive reinstalled the messanger the toolbar will without fail  install itself even if Ive declined it. Not sure why.


North Carolina,
It's a problem with a Firefox add-on

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 16, 2011

Removing the Bing Toolbar from Yahoo Mail is not a hard fix...

1. Open Firefox
2. Click on "Tools" then "Add-Ons"
3. Look for the Bing Tool Bar add-on in the list and simply delete it.

In the future, you can easily prevent these types of problems by NOT downloading junk trial software OR if you absolutely insist on doing so, read each step of the installation carefully. You can always opt-out of the additional toolbars, etc. that many of these programs try to install by default.

While I can appreciate your frustration over the inconvenience of the Bing toolbar suddenly appearing in your Yahoo mail, you really have only yourself to blame because you clearly state you downloaded several programs which had Bing built into it. Nobody forced you to download these! EVERY installation requires you to approve it in advance, including reading and accepting the EULA (End User License Agreement). You CHOSE to download and install these programs so why do you blame Microsoft??

Note: I don't work for MS, but I can guarantee you that they have much better things to do than "harass" you,  "invade your privacy," "assault" you or use "psychological warfare" against you. (Your entire post actually made me laugh). You sound quite unbalanced or, at the very least, overly dramatic and somewhat paranoid. Take a deep breath and get over it (or seek therapy).

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