This company operates under a multitude of names. Basically they take the city you live in and create a website. For example, if you live in Pompano Beach, Florida their website will be They gave us a great price however the service was terrible. They repeatedly never showed up, refused to take calls. Constant excuses, delays, stories. Never pulled a permit. If you do business with them you will certainly, 100% guaranteed be unhappy with the service & lies. Their BBB ratings are bad. You have been warned. Just call the BBB & ask about them.
#2Author of original report
Tue, August 25, 2015
Where in the report does it even mention anything that could possible be construed as "Bigotry." ??? Get real & "own it"
Pahrump,#3General Comment
Tue, August 25, 2015
Funny how because you have a bad experience yet YOU are debasing and defaming an ENTIRE RACE!!! How does that work EXACTLY??? I mean what type of person are YOU that YOU will sit there and show YOUR BIGOTRY online?? Dont you realize that what YOU are doing IS WRONG!!! YOU are badmouthing an entire race of people!! YOU are generalizing in order to make yourself out to be the BEST VICTIM you possible can!! The problem is that YOU have NEGATED your entire argument by showing YOUR BIGOTRY!!!! YOU should have kept it to the facts on hand and NOT your supposition about an entire race. YOU shame yourself and YOU shame your family.