  • Report:  #1320977

Complaint Review: Brad Metcalf - Internet

Reported By:
Jameis1of1 - Bangor, Maine, USA

Brad Metcalf
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Sports Card dealer BRAD METCALF, owner of Chrome Cards LLC is an unethical crook, scammer and liar who is also extremely crude, combustible and combative and should be avoided at all costs!


Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC defrauded me out of the 2015 National Treasures Jameis Winston 1/1 NFL Shield Autographed and Inscribed "Famous Jameis" true rookie card.


Now, before you say, “so, what, just move on, you’re not perfect either”, please understand I know I am not perfect. I have a habit of acting, talking and writing like a know-it-all. I am a bit anti-social and may come off as aloof 


And, before you say, “who cares, it’s just a little piece of carboard”, please understand the redemption card for this card originally sold for $6,425! This is no ordinary little piece of cardboard.


And, to make matters worse, AFTER Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC defrauded me out of the aforementioned card, he tried to scam me again out of another $2,100 in cash on a separate deal … and when I refused to be scammed, he went ballistic, got extremely verbally abusive, threatened to destroy my reputation, sue me, file a police report on me claiming I had stolen from him!


Imagine having your house broken into, and then having the crook threaten to sue you because he got hurt running down your steps … that crook is basically Brad Metcalf in a nutshell!


Below I will detail exactly what happened:


1.) The redemption card for the 2015 National Treasures Jameis Winston NFL Shield Patch 1/1 Autographed true rookie card was originally listed in an eBay auction. I contacted Brad Metcalf of Chrome Cards LLC and told him that if he bought the card I would make it worth his while and offer him a great trade package of cards as well as an acceptable amount of cash. Brad Metcalf agreed as he knew I was the biggest Jameis Winston collector out there, and he won the card for $6,425.


2.) Brad Metcalf and I then agreed to a trade package that we each valued at a $7,000 net cash value (9% more than he had paid for the card originally) that would see me send (25) cards I owned and $687.75 in cash to Brad Metcalf and he would send me the card that he received for submitting the redemption to Panini (the makers of the card).


3.) Brad Metcalf then said I could just wait to pay him until the card was in his hands, but I said that I wanted everything “set in stone” and immediately paid the entire cash portion of the trade. Brad Metcalf then said “there is no going back now” and also said that even if he received a $20,000+ offer he would turn it down as the card was all mine. Brad then said I could hold onto the physical cards until he received the card being mailed to him by Panini as that was only fair and I agreed.


4.) Around one month later Panini announced they had destroyed the original card they had planned to send in exchange for the redemption and had a new one created that also had a “Famous Jameis” inscription on it.


5.) When Brad Metcalf heard this news, greed took over, and he emailed me saying that he would not honor our trade agreement because he felt the card was now worth $15,000 instead of the $6,425 he had paid (which is absurd as an inscription adds maybe a couple hundred dollars at best to the value of a card) and therefore was an entirely different card, so he didn’t have to honor our deal.


6.) I immediately contacted Panini to alert them to what he was trying to do and they were very understanding, acknowledged that the card they were sending him was still the same 2015 National Treasures NFL Shield Jameis Winston 1/1 autographed true rookie card, and were also very apologetic, but said that they still had to send the card to Brad Metcalf as technically his name was on the redemption form that was submitted.


NOTE: To anyone who thinks it was acceptable or legal for Brad Metcalf to refuse to honor the deal because Panini created a so-called "new card", you are wrong. My deal with Brad was for whatever card he received based on the redemption. I could have just sent the original card they created into Panini myself and asked for a replacement! This would be like someone making an offer on a house with a move-in date 90 days in the future, and in those 90 days a tree smashes through the old front door and the owner files an insurance claim, receives a nice brand new front door worth more than the old one, and then says he has the legal right to back out of the house sale simply because his new door is worth a bit more than his old door … ridiculous! This was all explained to Brad Metcalf and he didn’t care … he was just greedy and is a crook, period!


7.) I then issued Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC with legal notice that I was contesting ownership of the card, that they were committing a crime, and also threatened to sue Brad Metcalf for breach of contract.


8.) After many verbally abusive emails from Brad Metcalf, and after he made it clear that he would do whatever it took to make sure the authorities could never confiscate the card (which apparently met he would either sell it secretly or simply hide the card and claim to have lost it, etc.), I decided the best course of action was to complete a different deal as long as I could have a legal "first right of refusal" on the “Famous Jameis” card.


9.) Brad Metcalf then refunded my initial $687.75 and we both agreed to a trade that would see my same original (25) cards go to Brad and (2) other Jameis Winston 1/1 autographed sports cards he had as well as $2,500 cash go to me. However, as he said he could not pay the $2,500 for 2-4 weeks, but that he had recently consigned $150,000 worth of cards to eBay seller Probstein123, we both agreed that I would send (22) of the (25) cards to him immediately, he would send the (2) new Jameis 1/1 autographed cards to me immediately, and that he would pay the $2,500 cash on or before July 20, 2016, at which point in time I would send him the remaining (3) cards he was to receive.


10.) Brad Metcalf then refused to pay the $2,500 he owed, and when I demanded payment he said he had just bought 100 new cases of 2015 Topps Chrome football cards instead of paying me!


11.) I then made it clear that he owed me the money, should not have bought (100) cases of cards instead of paying his debt, and also that he had many nice cards listed on eBay that he could just auction or consign to pay off his debt. However Brad Metcalf refused and simply said he was not going to auction any of his cards listed on eBay in “Buy it Now” format as they would sell for more if he waited until the new NFL season started.


12.) I then found out that not only was Brad Metcalf refusing to pay the $2,500 he owed me, he had actually started advertising and selling off the (22) cards he had already received from me! Brad Metcalf was committing a crime and selling cards he had no legal right to sell as he had not yet completed the trade in full and was even outright refusing to do so!


13.) Brad Metcalf finally replied to me and stated that he had a couple new 1/1 cards that were worth $2,100 and that I also had one new card he wanted which he would pay $750 for, and that he could send me his two new cards and pay me $1,150 in cash to complete our original deal, plus acquire the new $750 card. I told Brad that such an idea "should work" and asked to see hi-res scans of the back of the new cards, and asked him what the condition of the "patch" on the one Immaculate card he was sending was, as I was nervous that because in a past trade I had completed with Brad Metcalf, two of the cards he sent me had significant condition issues on the backside of the cards that he did not alert me to before he mailed them. I accepted both of those cards without making too much of a fuss or asking for any sort of partial refund, but I didn’t want to be taken advantage of again.


14.) Brad Metcalf didn't reply to my email, did not send me scans of the back of the cards, did not answer my question about the condition of the patch on the Immaculate card, and then later emailed me and said his wife had already mailed me the cards and he had already sent the $1,150 cash so the deal was complete and I was bound to mail him the (3) remaining cards as well as the new $750 card he wanted right away.


15.) I then told Brad Metcalf that I needed to see the cards his wife mailed before just accepting them as being worth the $2,100 he said they were, and that I felt it was very strange that he was refusing to send hi-res scans, or even mere pictures of the backs of the cards, and refusing to answer my question about the "patch" on the one Immaculate card.


16.) I then told Brad Metcalf that I would need to examine the two cards he sent before I would send him the four cards, and that if the cards he sent were not worth what he claimed they were worth, that I would return them to him and allow him to pay the remaining $2,100 he owed me for the remaining three cards plus the one new card he agreed to purchase.


17.) Brad Metcalf then went ballistic and accused me of stealing, threatened to file a Police report and have me arrested, threatened to sue me and threatened to destroy my reputation, while also verbally abusing and insulting me every step of the way.


18.) Brad Metcalf then admitted that he never had any intention of paying me the $2,500 cash portion that was part of the original agreement and that he would basically do whatever it took to destroy me for being “difficult” and not just doing what he told me to do.


19.) Brad Metcalf then claimed that I was hurting his business as he was going to the National Sports Card show and needed me to mail the four cards immediately (see attached photo). This was a lie as he later admitted on an online forum that he was not going to the National (see attached photo).


20.) Brad Metcalf also tried to extort $15,000 from me by telling me that he had a $15,000 offer on the table for the Famous Jameis card I have a contested ownership on, and that he was going to sell it for that price if I did not pay him within 48 hours (see attached photo). This too was a lie as he later admitted on the same online forum that he has never tried to sell the card and that it is not for sale which wa a total lie!


21.) The two cards Brad Metcalf sent arrived at my rental apartment in the U.S. just before I was slated to go home to Canada, so I picked the package up and took it to Canada with me, as I wanted to have a friend there video-tape the opening of the package Brad Metcalf sent containing the two cards. When we did so, we found out the reason Brad Metcalf never sent pics or scans of the backs of the cards, scans or answered my question about the condition of the "patch" on the Immaculate card, as the cards were not in "perfect" condition like he said they were, were not worth anywhere near $2,100, and worst of all, the Immaculate card was not even a patch card and also had severe chipping on the left edge on the front of the card which could not be seen in the conveniently low-res image he provided me with of the front of the card!


22.) I then postal mailed those two cards Brad Metcalf had sent me, right back to him, and my friend video-recorded the entire thing so that Brad Metcalf could not lie and claim I kept the cards and stole from him.


23.) I also decided to do Brad Metcalf a favor, as he had complained about being in financial difficulty, not being able to pay his employee which happened to be his own sister, and because I just felt bad for him, despite him treating me like garbage. I included (2) of the (3) cards that he had contracted to pay the $2,500 on, in the return mail package (the insertion of those two cards was also video-recorded so Brad Metcalf can’t lie and say I never sent them), as those two cards were not worth more than the $1,150 cash he had paid up to that point, as he and I both only valued them at $1,000, and included a letter in the package saying I would give him until the start of the NFL season to pay the remaining $2,100 cash due to acquire the remaining cards, as that is the exact amount he still owed me.


24.) Since the above occurred, Brad Metcalf has continued to act like a literal psychopath. He has not only verbally abused me and threatened to destroy my reputation, he has even claimed to have filed a police reporting claiming I stole from him, have filed a civil case against me, and has slandered me all over the internet!


25.) I have made it expressly clear to Brad Metcalf that I have no worries whatsoever about a Police investigation or a civil lawsuit, as all the emails we exchanged as well as the video-recordings I have, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a veritable crazy man, allergic to telling the truth, extremely unethical, and a crook!


26.) In conclusion, until Brad Metcalf pays me the $2,100 he owes me, I have a contested ownership claim on the 2015 National Treasures Jameis Winston NFL Shield 1/1 autographed and inscribed "Famous Jameis" true rookie card, period. And, if and when Brad Metcalf does stop acting like a lunatic and pays what he owes, I will still have a legal "first right of refusal" on the card in perpetuity.


27.) Finally, please do not buy that card from Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC without alerting me first and also not before demanding Brad Metcalf issue you a signed and notarized legal affidavit stating he guarantees clear title and will defend, at his own cost, against any and all legal issues that arise as a result of that card!


Thank you for taking the time to read this report, and please be careful investing in sports cards. They are no longer just child’s play as each card can be worth thousands of dollars and each transaction needs to be treated with care and safety.

Report Attachments

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Woo-hoo; this Issue has been Resolved :-)

#2Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2016

******* THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED!!!!!!! *******

Brad Metcalf of Chrome Cards and I finally reached an amicable resolution and Brad sent me the National Treasures "Famous Jameis" inscribed 1/1 Shield RPA and I am thrilled!


Typical lying Holly!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 04, 2016

 As everyone can see, Hill will completely fly off the handle and say every possible school yard bully comment she can think of. She has made hundreds of accusations but, conveniently chooses not to provide any proof. She will opinion you to death but, she won't just be honest. If you are down to have an "I know you are, but what am I" or a "no I'm not you are" battle, then she will play those games as long as you want. I have literally hundreds of comments from other collectors supporting our original decision to cancel the transaction due to the terms changing. Many of them say the same thing. Holly didn't want the risk of the redemption so she made it clear that she got the card in the picture. She she realized you were getting a better card, she wanted that one. She knew she missed out and now that the deal was better she wanted to go back on her own word. Every dealer in the country would cancel a deal if the terms were to change so drastically. They are right too! She knows it and would definitely do the same as she is as greedy as any. She tried to trade me a $1000 for $2200 that I sold her. Lol. That is greed 101 lady! Holly, no one wants to hear you ramble on about how innocent you are and how many people love you when you won't just provide proof. Show is the answers as to who you even are and why you emailed directly from MLC email. Why did MLC say he and you claim to be the mom? Why have you claimed to have a wealthy and powerful family when you now say you aren't rich? Why do you continue to repeat statements about me that are in fact true about you? You have admitted that you are related to the person who wrot the eBay post yet the eBay post, MLC auctions, and this very report all show signs of similarity that you just can't be denied. You keep posting and harassing us but, you won't just provide proof.

Please, if you have any actual proof, show it! You agreed to accept $1150 and two cards. You have since returning requested to trade for the $1k definitive again. So that was just a complete waste of our time and in no way deserving of return as YOU REQUESTED IT BACK! You were given the very picture we ourselves had of the immaculate draft 1/1. It was never represented as a relic card to you in any way. PLEASE PROVE OTHERWISE! The card was sealed from Panini. It is the only 1/1 rookie auto as the other subjects are all /2 or more. You waited to confirm shipment prior to any hi red photos as you knew they were already at the post office. You also stated you were only waiting to ship until tracking was received that your cards were on the way. You did not mention any inspection criteria or request our return policy until after you knew the cards were already shipped. You can type as many rebuttals as you want and cloudy up the water as many times as you please but, if you can't provide proof to back up these statements, then no one cares! Speaking of which, are you now trying to deny the phone call. The phone call in which you specifically emailed me to tell me that because of that phone call, we would be able to move on from the original shield deal? Is that the "mysterious" phone call you are insinuating that is false. I will gladly post that message to the next rebuttal if you have yet again "conveniently" forgot. Remember Holly, the second anyone actually on your side figures out all your lies and that any animosity toward us is only due to you crying wolf, they gonna drop you like a bad habit. I have nothing further as we have a business that is thriving with the football season starting!


#4Author of original report

Sat, September 03, 2016

From the emails I've received, it seems all the readers (at least those who have emailed me) believe one of three things:


1.) That Brad Metcalf is an unethical scumbag who should be avoided

2.) That Brad Metcalf isn't much different that other card dealers and is just extremely greedy3.) That Brad Metcalf s just plain stupid as he could have just honored one of his many trades and moved on with his life but chose to escalate the situation each and every time


Well ... here is my own personal conclusion. Brad Metcalf is a human being driven primarily by greed and personal pride, and that like all human beings, he has both "good" and "bad" in him.


I don't think Brad Metcalf or his vile wife Kristen are "monsters", nor do I think that they "always" rip off their customers. I have done thousands of dollars worth of deals (both purchases and trades) with Brad, and some went fine, and I'm sure many of his other customers can say the same.


However, I have also received damaged and misrepresented cards from Brad, been lied to by Brad more times than I can recall, been threatened by Brad, been threatened by his vile wife Kristen, and just been put through a nightmare by the pair of them.


Simply put, I have experienced Brad at both his best and his worst, at his most ethical and honest and at his (and his wife's) most unethical, juvenile and vile.


And ... I have come to one simple conclusion:


There is just no reason I, or anyone else, should buy from or trade with a company like Chrome Cards LLC, or any other company run by an individual or individuals as greedy, unethical and vile as Brad and Kristen Metcalf have shown themselves to be, period.


There are many honest, ethical, truthful and trustworthy sports card dealers out there. I have done business with many such individuals and can recommend many of them. And, when there are good businesses and dealers out there, there just is no reason to deal with a bad business or bad dealers.


As for me personally ... I am not perfect. I'm a bit of a know-it-all, can be a bit condescending and can be a bit demanding, I know that. However, just because I'm a little difficult, that doesn't mean I should be slandered, scammed, lied to, defrauded, threatened and stolen from. No one should have to go through that ever, and especially not with someone they have paid and/or traded multiple thousands of dollars worth of cards with in the past.


However, I also believe in forgiveness and 2nd and 3rd chances, and as such, each and every time Brad Metcalf defrauded me, I gave him a chance to make things right. I would do the same today, despite how he has acted.


If Brad would just own up to his lies and wilfull deceit, and honor one of the many trade agreements we had, I would be willing to forgive him and move on. However, he stubbornly refuses to do so. This is now a matter of pride and vengence for him and he wants to "get me", even if trying to do so means he will ultimately end up damaging his own reputation and business.


I don't understand that and I sincerely feel sorry for Brad. However, if all this sad situation ends up doing is making he and his wife look in the mirror, take responsibility, and determine to become ethical individuals and better sports card dealers, so that no future customers have to go through such nonsense, it will all be worth it :-)


#5Author of original report

Sat, September 03, 2016

Ah, here we go again … Brad is on a rampage now, so I will deal with the "new" statements, or should I say, "lies" Brad makes in his latest two rebuttals. By the way, this website seems to list new rebuttals before old ones so it seems you the reader are expected to read from the bottom to the top, rather than from the top to the bottom. Anyways, as before, my replies to Brad's statements are in bolded rent font:


It is pretty clear who has something to hide as their side of this story is skewed in many aspects to favor their position.

Right … says the scammer that tried to get the Police to come after me for theft when he is the one who owed me $3,250 and had only paid $1,150 to date … sure Brad, I’m sure everyone thinks you’re the innocent party here … absurd.

Holly likes to twist a story around and place herself in the shoes of her victim. She continues to post pics of only enough info to paint a horrid picture of me. I will post the emails that show exactly what our deals were and exactly where Holly is lying.

Post ALL the emails, PayPal receipts, everything … it all shows you are a lying, scamming, vile man!

By the way, thank you for posting the screenshots you did post, as anyone who actually reads them can see two things, (1) that you are a lying scammer and (2) that your added notes show you have severe reading comprehension problems and cannot follow the progression of a single email, let alone a trade. For example in the screenshot you posted about the trade, it is quite clear that our original trade your two cards AND $2,500 cash for my (25) cards, but because you said you couldn’t pay the cash portion right away I said I’d give you a month to pay that and withhold the three most valuable cards until you could … you then try to say that there really was two trades instead of one and that you were justified in stringing me along, lying to me and then outright refusing to pay the cash portion.

Anyone with a brain can see that you are either a scammer or that you just don’t have the mental acuity to understand simple statements, follow the progression of a trade and get so confused that it causes massive problems.

None of this blacking out stuff written to avoid admitting exactly what was said.

I blacked out stuff that wasn’t pertinent to the point being made. That is no different than you posting a screenshot of half of an email Brad. However, like I said, post ALL the emails, PayPal receipts, etc., as anyone who takes the time to read through them will undoubtedly see that you are a lying, scamming, vile individual.

She is a true villain and has caused so much heartache just because she didn't get to pressure me into doing what she wanted. Everyone will continue to see how she psychotically breaks down every portion of a statement to overanalyze your every word and just write as much as possible to drown out the truth that she is truly a horrible person.

How pray tell am I a horrible person? Because I expected you to honour your word? By expecting you to actually complete the trade you agreed to, not once but twice? By expecting you to actually pay me the $3,250 in cash you owed me? By expecting you to be able to read and understand English? By expecting you to have common sense and not act like a vile loon? How am I the horrible person? I am a sportscard buyer Brad, you are a professional business owner (or at least married to one as your wife apparently actually owns the business even though she admitted she knows nothing about cards, which I take to mean that the business is in her name so you can skip on taxes, but whatever) that is vile, threatening, addicted to unethical behavior, greedy, allergic to the truth and just down right nasty.

The post that this mysterious newly created acct wrote about me lines everything out in numbered points, just like this very report. There was a subtitle written that is the exact same format as the very post by her affiliates Maple Leaf Consignment to advertise her willingness to buy all jameis Winston 1/1s.

Oh my, the horror … what a joke. Again, had I posted the eBay ad, why wouldn’t I just happily admit it when I happily admit that I posted this ad and the one on pissedconsumer.com? Silly Brad, tricks are for kids.

What she doesn't like to admit is, she ran out of money. I actually feel as though this whole final stunt to refuse delivery of the cards she agreed to trade for, which she only asked for additions scans of after she was informed they were already shipped, so that she could obtain cash to pay her cc bills from overextending her purchases.

Brad loves to talk about other people’s money. He does it all the time. I have told him time and again that I am not rich and do have to be careful not to overextend myself, so this is not some secret. In fact 99% of all sports card collectors can say the same. However, that fact in and of itself is all Brad needs to insult you and attack you and feel superior to you. What a nice man to do business with eh? Seriously people, there are plenty of ethical card dealers and LCS owners … you do not need to deal with Brad Metcalf or anyone like him … ever!

Anyway, I will pull the emails, payment notes from pp, comments from other members on BO, and messages that tell the actual truth.

No one that has ever completed a sale or a trade with me has anything negative to say. I always pay lightning fast, never cause problems, etc.,. The only people with anything negative to say about me have never sold me anything or worked out a trade with me … and … Brad … a card dealer that I acquired thousands of dollars worth of cards from, who despite that history, decided to try and scam me in the end and now would rather post lies and go crazy on-line than just honor his word … again, there are a lot of ethical card dealers out there … you do NOT have to deal with the likes of Brad Metcalf!

No more listening to Holly's doctored rendition of the truth. Few quick responses Holly only partially paid for the original card and was immediately refunded when we were informed of the factory decision to destroy her card.

The above is a lie which has already been detailed. I paid 100% of the cash portion of the deal and sent the most valuable card and Brad held both for over a month. He reneged on the deal out of greed and because he is unethical, period. Also, Panini did not send him a “replacement”, they sent him the Red #107 RPA 1/1 … the exact same card mentioned on the redemption and therefore the card I was to receive … Brad doesn’t care … he is greedy as can be and thinks he has a $13,000 card now, despite only paying $6,425 for it … he honestly seems to think the “Famous Jameis” inscription more than DOUBLED the value of the card and that his greed undoubtedly affected his decision making seems crystal clear … not at all surprising when he is completely unethical in the first place.

Holly stated that if we made a deal involving any of the original cards that the original deal would be null and void.

That is correct … however, we agreed to a second deal that was for the original 25 cards for two of Brad’s cards and $2,500 cash … Brad then strung me along, lied and ultimately refused to pay the cash portion of that makeup trade, after receiving 22 of the 25 cards … he is a lying, greedy, scammer, period!

We traded two new for the 22 cards from the original deal. Holly thinks that if she wants she can just return the two cards she accepted in that trade, den the card she is currently withholding and repay the original pp amount and force us to give her the shield that she nullified any original deal on.

Um, no … just no. The above is a prime example of how Brad Metcalf doesn’t understand simple English and cannot follow the progression of a simple trade. I diidn’t return the two cards in the makeup deal at all … I returned the two cards he sent far later when he tried to use them to get out of the CASH he owed me, because they were damaged, with the one card so damaged that it wouldn’t even grade a 7.5! I also am not demanding he just “give me” the NT Famous Jameis at all and he knows that. I have a legal first right of refusal on that card, which Brad himself admitted in his own eBay ad for the card. I also can contest ownership of the card if he sells it secretly before actually completing the makeup trade, which again, was for my original 25 cards for his 2 cards and $2,500 cash, and which he then refused to pay for.

On top of the above facts, Brad and I even struck a new trade for the NT Famous Jameis that would have saw me give him a package of cards and cash worth around $10,000, even though I thought that was extortion and utterly ridiculous. He proposed that trade and I told him I would accept just to keep things moving forward … he then backed out of that trade as well and said he now wanted $13,000 … the guy is just a greedy, lying, unethical, conman and NO ONE needs to deal with that nonsense when there are plenty of ethical and honest card dealers out there!

I will post all of the proof Holly is continuing to "forget" so that everyone may see the truth and expose this thief for who she really is.

By the way, Brad and his vile wife Kristen Metcalf have also threatened me time and again with a “defamation of character” civil case, yet it was Brad himself who slandered me months before I ever posted these scam reports, and he continues to call me a “thief” when  I was the one owed the cash … how can the person owed the cash be the thief? Brad is a nutter and again is like the burglar who sues the home owner for falling down their steps whilst trying to flee the scene of his crime … just loonie.

Since we are just posting all of my information, I will gladly include all of the email addresses, shipping addresses, and information so that you may all contact her directly. If you have any specific questions for me, [email protected] is already posted in a few of her pictures.

I welcome emails from anyone at any time and have already received many nice emails from readers. I have yet to receive a nasty one while Brad told me he received multiple nasty ones through his eBay account … like I said, anyone who can read can comprehend that Brad Metcalf is a lying, scamming, unethical nut job.

Lastly, I am not an English major. Not that it matters in any way but, Holly has on numerous occasions tried to cut me down and make fun of me to position herself in the "uppity" seat of this relationship.

He’s right in a way. It drives me nuts that he can’t follow the progression of a simple email, that he constantly confuses statements and that he replies in gibberish at times that makes no sense. I don’t like idiocy and when one claims to be a “nuclear scientist” as Brad claimed to be in an email, I expect such a person can read and understand simple English … but he has a very, very difficult time doing so. 

Her family friend called me at one point to persuade me into giving her this first right of refusal.

Thank you for admitting that Brad, as you agreed to give me the legal first right of refusal (which is the only reason I reached out to you again and completed other deals with you) and which you also admitted to doing in your own eBay ad for the NBT Famous Jameis card, yet recently you and your vile wife Kristen Metcalf have sent me emails saying I have no legal first right of refusal on the card … this is simply more proof that you are a lying, scamming, nutter.

On the phone he informed me that she was used to just getting what she wants and is extremely difficult for even those close to her to deal with.

Ah, the mysterious “phone call” … sure … everyone should believe you as you’re such a trustworthy person, right Brad?

I told Holly that we would not do any further business if these reports remain up and she said she would gladly support a rebuttle, if I just give her what she wants.

Not exactly. You offered to send me the NT Famous Jameis card in exchange for a package of cards and cash worth around $10k, to which I agreed. However, when you saw these reports (which had been filed long before at a time when you said you were sending the Police to my door and I felt like I should have my side of the story out there and send it to the Police, which I did and which I was thanked for, and to which they told me not to worry and that you were obviously trying to scam me) you blew a gasket and reneged on this trade as well and then demanded $13,000 for your card, which again, is more than double what you paid a few short months ago. I had told you that if we could actually complete a trade for the NT Famous Jameis, a card that should have already been mine had you been ethical and honored our first trade agreement, that if you posted a rebuttal on this site saying that we were working towards an amicable resolution that I would corroborate such and that once the trade was complete I would either post an update saying we worked things out or just pull the report entirely … your reply to that obviously kind and beneficial offer of mine was to go nutso, have your wife send me vile emails and then escalate the situation by posting a bunch of nonsensical lies on-line.

All of the above said … this is just more proof that Brad Metcalf and his wife Kristen Metcalf are volatile, combustible and unhinged individuals  … two loose cannons that deserve each other! Like I said before, there are plenty of ethical sports card dealers out there … there is no reason to deal with people like Brad and Kristen Metcalf!

No more chatting from me on this one as dealing with Holly has already put a strain on my marriage, taken time away from my kids and resulted in threats of harm to them all if I didn't give her the card in which she hasn't even paid for.

Yet Brad keeps emailing me all the time … he emails me and at the end says I better not email him or he will report me for harassment … I reply and he replies right back … the guy is a loonie, period.

I have gone throug 364 emails between Holly and I and I have pulled as much information as I can to show just what the agreements were and just where Holly has decided to break them.

Um, no, you haven’t. You posted snippets of individual emails … and even those snippets, and especially your “notes” added to them show you that you are both a scammer and someone that has poor reading comprehension and cannot follow the simple progression of a trade agreement.

There are surely more points to be made and in some cases I may not have gotten the next follow up email or the email to further support these claims but, if there is any specific question, I will gladly search for the answer to prove she has at the least just mislead these claims. 

Readers know you’re lying Brad; they know you’re a greedy, unethical, scammer … the jig is up. You had your wife email me saying my reports destroyed your business and you have cried to me about how my reports have cut your income, and now, rather than just keep your word and complete the latest trade that YOU YOURSELF offered me for the NT Famous Jameis and have these reports updated with a “Brad and I worked things out” and then deleted, you decided to be a nutter and escalate things … like I have always said, you’re both allergic to telling the truth and addicted to inflicting pain on yourself … your own nonsensical actions have hurt your reputation and business but you won’t look in the mirror and take any responsibility … sad.

I will start with the scam listing on ebay so you may all see the similarities to this very report and ensure that the authorities have quick access to both for comparison. 

The authorities knew you were a lying scammer when your side of the story was the ONLY one they had! They refused to press charges when they ONLY had your false Police report in front of them! Like I said, it seems no one is dumb enough to believe your lies Brad and you are not going to deceive the Police into helping you steal from me.

By the way, there was nothing “illegal” about the eBay ad exposing you. I imagine eBay pulled it just so you wouldn’t sue them, not because it was “illegal”. The statements in that ad were true and truth is an absolute defense to a slander or defamation charge.

If there is even anyone out there paying attention to this report,

Oh, there are … and I would venture to guess that 99% of them know you’re an unethical, greedy, lying, scammer.

I hope you can clearly see that I am trying to be as open and honest as I possibly can be and just want this devil of a person to leave me and our company alone. 

What they would see is that you can’t understand English, are allergic to telling the truth and are a combative, combustible and vile individual who collectors should avoid like the plague as there are many honest and ethical card dealers out there. 

Thank you for the support we have received thus far. We know there are many people in this community that know just what kind of false lies she has posted and the kind of hateful person Holly Holmstrom and Maple Leaf Consignments really are.

Right … good job making stuff up. There is not a single person on earth that sold me a Jameis 1/1 or that traded a Jameis 1/1 to me that had a bad experience other than you … I always pay lightning fast … you were the problem.

However, I’m sure you have some “current clients” who will vouch for you and say you’re a good guy … I wouold have done the same at one time … and THAT is why this is so sad and why everyone needs to know about it … because if you will threaten, lie about and try to steal from a long-time client who has successfully bought or traded for thousands of dollars worth of cards from you, it shows what an unethical and vile person you are and how you will do it to anyone if the mood strikes!!!!

Have you seen “War Dogs” Brad? You remind me of Ephraim Diveroli … allergic to telling the truth and addicted to unnecessary drama … AVOID BRAD METCALF, KRISTEN METCALF and CHROME CARDS LLC!


Adding photos with as much proof as I can that Holly is the one in the wrong

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 02, 2016

I have gone throug 364 emails between Holly and I and I have pulled as much information as I can to show just what the agreements were and just where Holly has decided to break them. There are surely more points to be made and in some cases I may not have gotten the next follow up email or the email to further support these claims but, if there is any specific question, I will gladly search for the answer to prove she has at the least just mislead these claims. 

I will start with the scam listing on ebay so you may all see the similarities to this very report and ensure that the authorities have quick access to both for comparison. 

If there is even anyone out there paying attention to this report, I hope you can clearly see that I am trying to be as open and honest as I possibly can be and just want this devil of a person to leave me and our company alone. 


Thank you for the support we have received thus far. We know there are many people in this community that know just what kind of false lies she has posted and the kind of hateful person Holly Holmstrom and Maple Leaf Consignments really are. I am pretty sure it is clear now that those are one and the same. 

Report Attachments


#7Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2016

Most of Brad Metcalf's recent rebuttal is just copied and pasted from his first rebuttal which I refuted point by point.

The above said, I will deal with the "new" statements, or should I say, "lies" Brad makes in his latest childish rebuttal. As before, my replies to Brad's statements are in bolded rent font:


I think it is pretty clear who is currently the thief. Hint, hint, it is the one who currently has the criminal theft charge filed against them.


What Brad fails to mention is that this "criminal theft charge" was not a "charge" by the Police, but merely a complaint made by himself, and one based on false information at that. Brad also fails to mention that the complaint he made was made a long time ago, and that the Police refused to be tricked by him, thanked me for posting this report, told me not to worry about Brad at all, and said that it was obvious he was trying to "scam" me.


Anyone can file a complaint with the Police about anything. For goodness sakes, I could go file one against Brad claiming he ran over my dog in a fit of rage and that his juvenile and vile wife then jumped out of the car and kidnapped my kitten. However, having a frivolous complaint filed against you is entirely different than actually being "charged" with a crime, let alone convicted, and as I was never charged, and was even thanked by the Police and told that it was obvious Brad was trying to scam me, it's not at all diifficult to see who the lying lunatic in this scenario is, and it sure isn't me.


Also, I want to thank the many readers who have reached out to me to express their kind words and to encourage me to stand up to nutballs like Brad and Kristen Metcalf. There are a lot of good people in the sports card collecting community ... it's just too bad that Brad and Kristen Metcalf of Chrome Cards LLC aren't two of them :-(



More to come!

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 02, 2016

 It is pretty clear who has something to hide as their side of this story is skewed in many aspects to favor their position. Holly likes to twist a story around and place herself in the shoes of her victim. She continues to post pics of only enough info to paint a horrid picture of me. I will post the emails that show exactly what our deals were and exactly where Holly is lying. None of this blacking out stuff written to avoid admitting exactly what was said. She is a true villain and has caused so much heartache just because she didn't get to pressure me into doing what she wanted. Everyone will continue to see how she psychotically breaks down every portion of a statement to overanalyze your every word and just write as much as possible to drown out the truth that she is truly a horrible person. The post that this mysterious newly created acct wrote about me lines everything out in numbered points, just like this very report. There was a subtitle written that is the exact same format as the very post by her affiliates Maple Leaf Consignment to advertise her willingness to buy all jameis Winston 1/1s. What she doesn't like to admit is, she ran out of money. I actually feel as though this whole final stunt to refuse delivery of the cards she agreed to trade for, which she only asked for additions scans of after she was informed they were already shipped, so that she could obtain cash to pay her cc bills from overextending her purchases. Anyway, I will pull the emails, payment notes from pp, comments from other members on BO, and messages that tell the actual truth. No more listening to Holly's doctored rendition of the truth. Few quick responses Holly only partially paid for the original card and was immediately refunded when we were informed of the factory decision to destroy her card. Holly stated that if we made a deal involving any of the original cards that the original deal would be null and void. We traded two new for the 22 cards from the original deal. Holly thinks that if she wants she can just return the two cards she accepted in that trade, den the card she is currently withholding and repay the original pp amount and force us to give her the shield that she nullified any original deal on. I will post all of the proof Holly is continuing to "forget" so that everyone may see the truth and expose this thief for who she really is. Since we are just posting all of my information, I will gladly include all of the email addresses, shipping addresses, and information so that you may all contact her directly. If you have any specific questions for me, [email protected] is already posted in a few of her pictures. Lastly, I am not an English major. Not that it matters in any way but, Holly has on numerous occasions tried to cut me down and make fun of me to position herself in the "uppity" seat of this relationship. Her family friend called me at one point to persuade me into giving her this first right of refusal. On the phone he informed me that she was used to just getting what she wants and is extremely difficult for even those close to her to deal with. I told Holly that we would not do any further business if these reports remain up and she said she would gladly support a rebuttle, if I just give her what she wants. No more chatting from me on this one as dealing with Holly has already put a strain on my marriage, taken time away from my kids and resulted in threats of harm to them all if I didn't give her the card in which she hasn't even paid for.


#9Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2016

For all the interested readers out there, I will reply, point by point to Chrome Cards LLC’s rebuttal below, with my replies in bolded red font:

To start this whole thing off, Holly specifically wrote in her payment portion of the original card, the online post location with a photo of the card she was due to receive. Screen shot available of paypal transaction but, we would like to refrain from posting as it may be used as evidence in our civil suit against Mrs. Holmstrom and her affiliates, Maple Leaf Consignments.

Brad Metcalf has been threatening police and civil action for months. It was because he was threatening Police action that I posted this report, and after I did so I was thanked by the Police and told “not to worry” and that it was obvious Mr. Metcalf was trying to “scam” me. Recently Brad had his wife Kristen to send me a nasty and vulgar email threatening me some more, however  told her what I told Brad, namely that I am not worried about any civil action as there is not a Judge in America that would be foolish enough to help him scam me.

I was informed that the card in the photo was destroyed and I refunded her the partial payment and returned the 1 card out of 25 cards we had received at the time. Holly then went balistic and threatened to sue us and informed us she had filed claims and none of this was true.

The above is only partially true. Brad Metcalf held ALL my funds on this agreed upon trade for a month as well. He unlawfully and unilaterally canceled the trade out of greed, because he believed the “Famous Jameis” inscription added thousands to the value of the card, which is just absurd. He bought the card for $6,425, agreed to trade it to me for a package with a net cash value of $7,000, then backed out of that trade and later offered the card to me for a net cash value trade of $10,000 and then backed out of that trade as well and now wants $13,000 for it … the guy is loonie and greedy, period.

While the physical product we are in possession of changed, we were sympathetic to her frustration and acquired two cards for her that she desperately wanted and was unable to obtain thus far as she was too cheap for the buyer to sell them to her. We traded the farm for them so to speak, so that we could acquire them for her and trade them to her for 22 cards. She has been trying to pawn off 18 low end non auto cards of winston and 4 non auto cards of andrew wiggins to the entire collecting world but, had no luck as she clearly valued them higher than anyone else. Since it was a trade and we just wanted to please her, we went through with the entirely seperate deal for two immaculate winston autos for the 22 cards mentioned. It was clearly stated that it would be best if we broke up the proposed trades instead of trying to complete it all at once.

The above is an outright lie and the Metc alf’s know this full well. This is all covered in my detailed initial report.

When everything went wrong is this final deal. We had tried to gain the revenue to flat out purchase four cards from Holly for $3250. However, we did not have the full amount of actual cash on hand at the time. We had mentioned to her that we had sales in progress at one point but, they did not produce the amount we had hoped for. I proposed a partial trade/purchase deal to her. Holly had already seen one of the cards and was provided a photo of the second prior to her agreement to the trade.

In our previous deals we agreed we would ship cards the same time and did so on more than one occasion. When we paid Holly $1150 and shipped the two cards she was clearly expecting and had already seen photo evidence of, Holly sent a message and said she would not be shipping until she had received and reviewed the cards she had already agreed to accept.

Mr. Metcalf had previously sent me a card that was believed to be a BGS “Authentic”  with “10” grade auto … however he refused to show me a picture of the back of the card and when it arrived it was a “9” auto. I was upset but I let it go, however I made it clear that I would need to see future cards he sent me in-person as I didn’t trust him … and low and behold, the Immaculate Draft card he sent me that he claimed was in “perfect condition” but which he once again refused to send me a hi-res scan of or any pic whatsoever of the back, had a severely damaged left edge on the front and damage on the back as well … Brad Metcalf is a common con-man, period!

I was infuritated as anyone who was expecting to receive the $3250 in cards within just a few days would be when they were told the other party in the trade had changed the terms after the product had been shipped in her direction and the cards were paid for in full. Holly purposefully waited until several days after receiving the cards owed to her to ship anything our way. She has at this time claimed to have shipped them from Canada post as she has since left the US and returned to Canada. There has been no packaged signed for by any of the staff members of Chrome Cards LLC to date.

The above paragraph could sink Chrome Cards LLC in court if a case ever happens, as Brad Metcalf is claiming to have never received the package I sent, yet I have a video-recording of the open package being handed to the postal clerk, sealed and accepted, and I have tracking from Canada Post proving it was delivered to Chrome Cards LLC … again, Chrome Cards LLC is run by a common con-man and crook and that con-man is Brad Metcalf!

Holly has admitted that the only spiteful reason she has even posted this report was to get back at me for filing the local theft report with the Chesapeake, VA police department whom have since sent the Letter of Assist to the Bangor, ME PD.

The above is not true. Brad threatened me and said the Police would be at my door, so I filed this 100% true report and sent a copy to the Police. I was then thanked by the Police, told not to worry at all, and told that it was obvious Mr. Metcalf was trying to scam me.

Holly has at this time received 100% full payment for the final trade deal and has refused to send the cards owed to Chrome Cards LLC. She has claimed she sent two of the four cards we purchased and then refused to receive the two she had previously agreed to accept for $2100. She has attempted to extort $2100 from us on multiple occasions without confirmed delivery of any product on our end.

The above is a complete lie and I can prove it with the recorded video taken at the post office as well as the tracking. Mr. Metcalf and his wife Kristen both seem allergic to telling the truth and believe that as long as they loudly and convincingly tell a lie, people will believe it.

This original report is merely a desperate ploy from an international criminal to cause doubt in the fact that she is the one who has stolen merchandise and is attempting to coherse Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC into giving into her demands by threatening to keep up the lies posted in these reports. She has in multiple emails mentioned that she would gladly provide rebuttle confirming my rebuttle if I give into her current demands.

What cracks me up is that Mr. Metcalf tried to steal from me, but claims I stole from him. The whole thing would be even more hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic and sad. Brad himself admits he owed me $3,250. He admits he sent me $1,150. He admits he tried to get out of paying the remaining $2,100 by trading me two cards. Well, one of those cards was severely damaged and both cards were returned to him, along with (2) of the cards he agreed to pay $1,000 for, and the extra $150 he paid was also refunded to him via PayPal … all of this can be proven and he knows this but as I said, the guy, and his wife Kristen, both seem allergic to telling the truth.

Holly Holmstrom of Bangor, ME has refused to provide forwarding information so that our attorney may contact her and serve her the papers in our civil suit. She has mentioned that we can't come get her and we can't even make her pay when we do win the civil suit, yet she continues to post these total lies about our company and this situation.

Brad filed a Police report long ago … it went nowhere and the Police said it was obvious Brad was trying to scam me. If I had done anything wrong, the Police would have charged me with something, period. The fact is that Brad Metcalf tried to scam me, tried to use the Police to help him carry out his scam, was caught in his own lies, and now is desperately, and rather pathetically I might add, trying to win the war of words on the Internet … sad.

I will not request that this report be removed as it shows just how much of a lunatic Holly truly is and has several provable lies that we will gladly use against her in further court actions.

Hahahahaha, this is the biggest lie of all! Brad demanded I remove this report, threatened me to the heavens to do so, and then had his wife Kristen email me and demand I remove it. The two are a great fit for each other … two greedy, infantile, vile, nonsensical loons who seem allergic to telling the truth, addicted to controversy and incapable of making sound decisions. All the Metcalfs had to do was honor one of three agreed upon deals, yet they reneged on all three and he we are today … sad.

 Just to touch base on the Jameis Winston Shield 1/1 that Holly claims to be the entire reason for this whole ordeal. Prior to her stealing the current cards of concern, Holly had no intention of ever posting any of these lies but, when she was confronted with the unethical decision to change the terms of our previous agreement without any reason than to just have control.

The above doesn’t make sense and doesn’t seem to be written in English, which is typical of Brad Metcalf and his wife Kristen as they have told me they will sue me for “deformation of character” which is hilarious, that I “made haste on Brad’s reputation” which is also hilarious, along with many other peculiar and nonsensical statements that seem to being written by a 5th grader, and not the smart kind.

It is quite humorous to see that Holly has attempted to paint a picture of me as the crude, combustible and combative person in this ordeal as she is the one who exploded when I told her that she was breaking our agreement. She has pressured many people in this hobby and spread numerous lies to deceive others into meeting her demands. She is truly a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I have all the necessary screenshots from Brad and his wife Kristen that prove they both are vile and vulgar individuals. They do not have one such email from me. In fact, no one does. Brad Metcalf is the only sports card dealer I have ever had a problem with. There have been other dealers and collectors that think I’m a bit aloof and a bit of a know-it-all and those are fair criticisms as I can be a bit uppity at times, but no one I ever bought from or traded with could possibly say I didn’t pay lightning fast and act in a professional manner.

Also worth a quick mention is the fact that she created a false acct on ebay and posted this entire scam story there as well. Ebay is currently investigating her for defamation of character and violation of privacy for that act.

The above is also a blatant lie and Brad knows this full-well. Why would I create a false account on eBay to do any such thing and then use my well-known moniker to post this report. Brad was furious about the eBay ad that was posted exposing him as a crook and he threatened me to the high heavens over it and even threatened may other collectors who he thought might have posted it or been involved. The guy is a loose-cannon, period.

Also, against my better judgement, we had actually attempted to offer Holly the one card in which she bases this entire claim about so that there would be no confusion as to whether or not Chrome Cards LLC had made good on any possible crazy proposal Holly had thought up. Coincidentally, the night we had discussed an option where we list the card on ebay and allow others to offer us their best value on the card, yet another mysterious new acct was created on ebay. That acct purchased the card and then sent a message threatening to harm me and my family if I didn't just give her the card. For the record if you haven't figured it out above, currently Holly has not paid nor traded one card or one penny towards purchasing this card in which she says she has had stolen.

The above is a complete misrepresentation of the truth, at least the part that pertains to me. Brad told me about the crazy eBay messages, not just message as he claimed there were multiple such messages, and I told him to report them to eBay immediately. As for the National Treasures Fameis Jamous card … Brad admitted in his own eBay ad that I have contested ownership on the card as well as the legal first right of refusal. I imagine now that he is mad about this report he will edit his ad, but I have a screenshot of his original posting where he himself states such. The guy is just nutty and doesn’t realize that everything he says can be proven to be false.

 Holly has received $1150 to date. She has received four cards valued at $5100. She has delivered 22 cards worth $3000. She has claimed that she shipped two cards worth $1000 and then refuses to deliver the remaining two cards worth $2250. I think it is pretty clear who is currently the thief. Hint, hint, it is the one who currently has the criminal theft charge filed against them.

We agreed to a trade of 25 of my cards for (2) of his cards and $2,500 cash. He then asked for another of my cards to be added to the deal for an additional $750. He completed the first part of the trade and then strung me along, lied to me and ultimately just refused to pay the cash portion. He then sent $1,150 and two cards, one of which was badly misrepresented as to its condition. Those two cards were returned to him, along with (2) of my cards he agreed to pay $1,000 for and the remaining $150 was refunded to him via PayPal. He now claims he hasn’t “signed” for the cards and therefore he can claim I didn’t send them, which is just absurd as I have video-proof the post office received them and mailed them and tracking proof that the package was delivered to Chrome Cards LLC … again, the guy is a right nutter, his wife Kristen Metcalf is just as loonie and if this ever goes to court, they will both be exposed even further for thee unethical scammers and infantile and vile people they are!

Report Attachments


The truth about Holly Holmstrom aka Jameis1of1

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 30, 2016

To start this whole thing off, Holly specifically wrote in her payment portion of the original card, the online post location with a photo of the card she was due to receive. Screen shot available of paypal transaction but, we would like to refrain from posting as it may be used as evidence in our civil suit against Mrs. Holmstrom and her affiliates, Maple Leaf Consignments.

I was informed that the card in the photo was destroyed and I refunded her the partial payment and returned the 1 card out of 25 cards we had received at the time. Holly then went balistic and threatened to sue us and informed us she had filed claims and none of this was true.

While the physical product we are in possession of changed, we were sympathetic to her frustration and acquired two cards for her that she desperately wanted and was unable to obtain thus far as she was too cheap for the buyer to sell them to her. We traded the farm for them so to speak, so that we could acquire them for her and trade them to her for 22 cards. She has been trying to pawn off 18 low end non auto cards of winston and 4 non auto cards of andrew wiggins to the entire collecting world but, had no luck as she clearly valued them higher than anyone else. Since it was a trade and we just wanted to please her, we went through with the entirely seperate deal for two immaculate winston autos for the 22 cards mentioned. It was clearly stated that it would be best if we broke up the proposed trades instead of trying to complete it all at once.

When everything went wrong is this final deal. We had tried to gain the revenue to flat out purchase four cards from Holly for $3250. However, we did not have the full amount of actual cash on hand at the time. We had mentioned to her that we had sales in progress at one point but, they did not produce the amount we had hoped for. I proposed a partial trade/purchase deal to her. Holly had already seen one of the cards and was provided a photo of the second prior to her agreement to the trade.

In our previous deals we agreed we would ship cards the same time and did so on more than one occasion. When we paid Holly $1150 and shipped the two cards she was clearly expecting and had already seen photo evidence of, Holly sent a message and said she would not be shipping until she had received and reviewed the cards she had already agreed to accept.

I was infuritated as anyone who was expecting to receive the $3250 in cards within just a few days would be when they were told the other party in the trade had changed the terms after the product had been shipped in her direction and the cards were paid for in full. Holly purposefully waited until several days after receiving the cards owed to her to ship anything our way. She has at this time claimed to have shipped them from Canada post as she has since left the US and returned to Canada. There has been no packaged signed for by any of the staff members of Chrome Cards LLC to date.

Holly has admitted that the only spiteful reason she has even posted this report was to get back at me for filing the local theft report with the Chesapeake, VA police department whom have since sent the Letter of Assist to the Bangor, ME PD.

Holly has at this time received 100% full payment for the final trade deal and has refused to send the cards owed to Chrome Cards LLC. She has claimed she sent two of the four cards we purchased and then refused to receive the two she had previously agreed to accept for $2100. She has attempted to extort $2100 from us on multiple occasions without confirmed delivery of any product on our end.

This original report is merely a desperate ploy from an international criminal to cause doubt in the fact that she is the one who has stolen merchandise and is attempting to coherse Brad Metcalf and Chrome Cards LLC into giving into her demands by threatening to keep up the lies posted in these reports. She has in multiple emails mentioned that she would gladly provide rebuttle confirming my rebuttle if I give into her current demands.

Holly Holmstrom of Bangor, ME has refused to provide forwarding information so that our attorney may contact her and serve her the papers in our civil suit. She has mentioned that we can't come get her and we can't even make her pay when we do win the civil suit, yet she continues to post these total lies about our company and this situation.

I will not request that this report be removed as it shows just how much of a lunatic Holly truly is and has several provable lies that we will gladly use against her in further court actions.


Just to touch base on the Jameis Winston Shield 1/1 that Holly claims to be the entire reason for this whole ordeal. Prior to her stealing the current cards of concern, Holly had no intention of ever posting any of these lies but, when she was confronted with the unethical decision to change the terms of our previous agreement without any reason than to just have control.


It is quite humorous to see that Holly has attempted to paint a picture of me as the crude, combustible and combative person in this ordeal as she is the one who exploded when I told her that she was breaking our agreement. She has pressured many people in this hobby and spread numerous lies to deceive others into meeting her demands. She is truly a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Also worth a quick mention is the fact that she created a false acct on ebay and posted this entire scam story there as well. Ebay is currently investigating her for defamation of character and violation of privacy for that act.

Also, against my better judgement, we had actually attempted to offer Holly the one card in which she bases this entire claim about so that there would be no confusion as to whether or not Chrome Cards LLC had made good on any possible crazy proposal Holly had thought up. Coincidentally, the night we had discussed an option where we list the card on ebay and allow others to offer us their best value on the card, yet another mysterious new acct was created on ebay. That acct purchased the card and then sent a message threatening to harm me and my family if I didn't just give her the card. For the record if you haven't figured it out above, currently Holly has not paid nor traded one card or one penny towards purchasing this card in which she says she has had stolen.


Holly has received $1150 to date. She has received four cards valued at $5100. She has delivered 22 cards worth $3000. She has claimed that she shipped two cards worth $1000 and then refuses to deliver the remaining two cards worth $2250. I think it is pretty clear who is currently the thief. Hint, hint, it is the one who currently has the criminal theft charge filed against them.

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