  • Report:  #893040

Complaint Review: Butch Lee Baker Jr - Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Reported By:
N Lee - Edmond, Oklahoma, United States of America

Butch Lee Baker Jr
3929 NW 25th, Oklahoma City, 73107 Oklahoma, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
VERY IMPORTANT:  Butch Lee Baker, Jr. has received a lot of negative comments on various websites anda lot of websites have taken him off because of the trouble he caused my husband and I and that he took us for $5,300.00. Keep in mind, his previous website was B&BHandymanservice.com and now the same handyman has a new website (and not a changed person by any means), http://a-1handymanservice.com.

On his new website, he talks of "We aren't about sneaky cover ups we are about true perfection and happy customers." This is simply not the case. The only thing guaranteed by Butch Lee Baker Jr is that he will give you one lame excuse after another why your project cannot be done. It is also guaranteed that he will not tell you that he has a criminal record, which includes burglary, knowingly concealing stolen property, receiving/possessing/concealing stolen property, misrepresenting age by false documentation, false declaration of ownership, and compounding a crime (to confirm all you need to do is go to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website and enter the following inmate number-172330-and surprise there's Butch).

It is also guaranteed that Butch will try and get as much money out of you and will never provide you detailed receipts and then blame you for doubting or questioning him.  It is also guaranteed that Butch will tellyou about the award he won and that News Channel 4 supports him, but this is not true (check out In Your Corner on kfor.com-I feel bad for the poor lady who is put on the spot to defend this guy, clearly she did not know anything about this guy).  Do not trust Butch, and ifyou see him run the other direction. I would give this guy less than 1-star,but the website won't allow it.  He neverdid any of these projects - just got us for a lot of money, too bad we can'tget it all back for no work and no services were ever received.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

N Lee

United States of America
Owner's Rebuttal #2

#2Author of original report

Wed, August 15, 2012

Butch, I am not lying, nor am I slandering your name.  I am giving my opinion of what I thought of what you did. As for receipts, you've been saying that you sent these to me, that you gave them to your lawyer, etc. - I have never gotten them.  Please send them to me or have your attorney send them to my husband  (as my husband requested awhile back)  - otherwise, don't ever contact me again.  As for News Channel 4 website, you know darn well that they never endorsed you, which they made pretty obvious when they came out to interview me.  As for saying "positive" things to the news reporter - I had no other choice. You put me on the spot, you had gotten a substantial amount of money from my husband and I, and my house was destroyed.  But after learning what I learned from News Channel 4, I became very upset and it bothered me because we had trusted you and welcomed you into our home.  In essence, you lied to us.  Had I known about your criminal past, I would have never hired you, left you in my house by yourself , or let you near my children.  As for those "sites"doing background checks - I guess they are not very good.  Because had they done a good job they would have found your criminal past. As for paying the monies back, yes I did receive Paypal money but that doesnt take into account the outstanding monies I have yet to receive ($600 + $543 + $2557 = $3700). Once again, unless you are sending me the receipts please don't contact me again.  IF you continue, I will have no choice but to contact the Edmond Police Department to let them know you are harassing me again and Officer Roach will once again be contacting you.

N Lee

United States of America
Owner sets record straight continually

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 15, 2012

Butch what was on Paypal was $1600 not including the 2 checks one for $543 and one for $600 which then brings the total to $2,743.00 and leaves the remainder of $2,557 which you kept $1,500 of it and gave the remainder $1057 to the other guy. So, do the Christian thing and figure out a way to pay me back for the $2,743.00 which I know you have. I look forward to you doing the right thing.


oklahoma city,
United States of America
mrs lee

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 15, 2012

I'm not comming on here looking for excuses or to lie what you are doing is streaching the mere truth you let me go hired another guy he done shady work and you are mad and if media didn't not highly rate me than how did you find my number to call me or see my work.news channel 4 websight mantas websight thumbatacks websight where they run back ground check.the truth is I am a felone I'm not going to denigh that the truth is you let me go and hired someone else that was with me and smooth talked you the truth is I never received 5300 hundred from you the truth is paypal keeps up with all transaction and you wanted me to pay back the money for the materials baught that set in your garage post all money reciepts money spent on here or I will show and account for the monies.nichole I told you I don't want to fight or argue that is why I had pay pal to give you your money back even though you had all the materials if this don't stop with all do respect I will bring up charges for slander I do have all the paper work I can't help the fact you and your hired hand conspired to let me go and for him to finish the work I can't help that he did less than perfect work I'm taking it and I'm not going to get on here and lie nichole post the money reciepts I gave you or I will go get the paypal envoices to show for every penny spent for materials for you and the reciepts from home depot keep smereing I don't care I'm not going to do anything to you I am a christian people change and the ones tghat do want so bad to make tgheir wrongs right.people who say they are christians and talk untruthfullness about someone they straddle the fence.I hope GOD. Does touch your heart and you will be truthful and why are you the only one complaining after all these years of working should say something I had a five star rating all accross the board until you and marion frye which started all this mess and if someone could see the whole news channel 4 video of what you said about me they would wonder why your posting this stuff for.tell the truth you let me go because of you wanted the other guy to finish the work he did a crappy job and you mad at me for the choice you made instead of letting me stay and finish what I had started.I'm a christian I have no hard feelings I will come and fix what he messed up or what he done you don't like.just please quit streching the truth and be that christian you claim to be.those pictures you are showing isn't my work you know I gave you every reciept for every money spent for I have a copy as well you know you let me go to keep him it was no choice of my own it was your choice a quarter down of 3750 and half of that of that is what I received and I started work right after that was there everyday until what marion frye pulled and what you had done and I respected you and did as you asked me to do.since your a christian please back up your facts post reciepts and I will post mine and show my doc picture to me it doesn't mater like you told news channel four people change and you trust me nobody complained on me noones except marion frye the fresh out of prison felone that stole all my tools and contracts that was forced to bring them back him alone called and complained on me allong with a couple of his buddies and you know I never give out yellow copies I always give out pink copies. Marion frye is the one who gave him those yellow copies for none of my customers has a yellow copy.I'm just sorry you feel the way you do I really do and with all do respect no websight ever kicked me off I deleted all my accounts for negitivity I strive hard not to have it in my life.I gave up on helping people and doing contract work and this other websight your talking about is dead and gone.I learnt something a hard lesson if your not apart of this corrup society you are nothing.alls I want was to do what is right to be able to share my talent and skills to help people and some just want to take advantage of that but since I quit nobody can so please for the love of GOD nichole please post all reciepts on here for I'm going to and they will have your name on the invoice from home depolt lowes and from pay pal you did not give me in my hand 5300 I believe you sent 3000 all together to pay pal don't quote me on that I will have to check whemn I get back home and you hounded me and hounded me and I asked paypal instead of fighting it give it back to her credit card so you got all that money back plus the materials I baught if your are a christian please denigh that if your are a christian denigh that you asked me to leave because of my past is why your are doing this and it is wrong one day standing in judgement we all are going to be judged for in the same manner we judged when I get home I'm going to post all reciepts with your name on it on this sight to show the truth I'm going to scan the contract to show how much the contract was for I want the truth and I'm going to post the truth I just want this to stop you got your materials and money back and I'm going to post it nichole thank you and have a truly blessed day

N Lee

United States of America
Butch Lee Baker Jr of B&BHandyManService is a LIER & can't be trusted!

#5Author of original report

Wed, August 15, 2012

This is Nicole Lee who first wrote the report to let everyone know what happened when getting involved with Butch Lee Baker Jr.  I'm an extremely hardworking Christian woman and wouldn't get on this website or others and lie for anyone reason, what good would that do me, nothing. I do however, want everyone who reads this to not make the mistake my husband and I made by going with Butch Lee Baker, Jr.  First of all, Butch was contracted by my husband because several media sources said you come highly recommended for the work that you do, but after hiring you, they informed me that they have never heard of you or your work and with that being said, I started questioning your integrity and just what type of person you were.  Then when Kfor 5 News crews showed up on my property unannounced I became even more suspicious as to what was going on and just what you were involved in.  Since it was the Kfor On Your Side team, I listened to what they had to say and just what customers were saying of you and started piecing the puzzle together.  Then to top it all off, I found out through them that you had a I criminal record, which includes burglary, knowingly concealing stolen property, receiving/possessing/ concealing stolen property, misrepresenting age by false documentation, false declaration of ownership, and compounding a crime (to confirm all you need to do is go to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website and enter the following inmate number-172330-and surprise there's Butch). It's true that Butch's 3 felony burglary charges and 2 felony false representation charges are a little more than 20 years old, that his 4 felony receiving/possessing/concealing stolen property charges are just under 20 year old, but if you think that they are a non-issue than why hide the fact? Had you disclosed you probably wouldn't of been hired in the first place nor left alone in my house. By the way, while Butch says that all of his felony convictions are 20 years old, he must have forgotten his 2005 felony conviction. I don't know his math skills, but 2005 was not more than 20 years ago. I fired Butch because I was scared and worried about my kids and just what he was going to scam me into doing.  I don't believe that he's are a changed man nor has good intentions, he's definitely not a Christian has he claims.  

As for receipts, this is simply false, I mean, Butch has basically been found by the State of Oklahoma as someone who lies. I don't know about you, but I for one wouldn't trust him. Additionally, it is interesting to note that Butch has no comment about the 4-On Your Side report, or the fact he's such an honest businessman then why did he change his business name especially if he claims to be so good.

In closing, don't trust in Butch that he's hurting financially because he's not, he's a con-artist and always will be.  He's living just fine off the several checks he got me to write in less than a 3-week period of time.  He didn't get a mere $600.00 for all the talking he did and no work to show for it. He instead got $5,300 and I have all the checks to prove everything written to you. So, don't sit there and tell me that you are hurting financially, as I'm the one that is cause I'm out the money you stole from me.  Why not do the right Christian thing and give it all back to me and then your name will be cleared and you'll go from a once thief to being an honest one.


oklahoma city,
United States of America
B&B Handyman Service

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 15, 2012

Nichole lee the woman who reported this is a good woman but she is streaching the truth I did not rip her off I was let go because of my past of over 20 years ago.me and another so called business joined in for I had more work than I could handle he had a crew of guys I thaught could hlp me to catch up.but it didn't work out that away he took over my work there and from that day forward I don't know what happened.as for ripping her off if anybody knows how pay pal works they won't allow that to happen .I gave her ever reciept of everything baught but what she don't know is I scaned every reciept before I gave them to her for her records.I guess the guy she hkred and let me go didn't do a perfection type work and now she mad at me and there is no reason I did what I said I would it isn't my faught that she let me go and hired the other contractor that done less than quality work I can't help it if her choices in life was the bad ones and I can't help she over spent her bugdet and wanted something for nothing I say to her mrs lee you and your husband are truly good people but with all do respect please don't smear my name on lies because of the choices you mad and with all do respect you know before my past of 20 years ago and with that other contractor smooth talking you you welcomed me with open arms you left me in your home by myself working nothing was bothered you know all materials was baught and accounted for and alls I got from the work I had done that you liked that I done was a little over 600 and with all do respect this complaint is a lie and a smear of my name because of the choices you made not me I can't help it you chose to let me go I can't help the fact you didn't gwt the quality work that I offer and you know my work I can't help the fact all this happened there was never and excuse of why nots nichole and I don't know if this is nichole this complaint can be from the felone I hired not knowing who stole all my tools and contracts and keeps smearing my name to make me look bad because he wasn't able to get away with it.marion frye aka randy if this is you sir it will catch up to you.thank you to all and have a truly blessed day

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