Orange,#2Consumer Comment
Wed, September 01, 2004
I was charged 3 times by this company within a week of each other. How can a company justify such an amazing rip-off! I never consented to haveing them debit my account in any regard and I honestly thought I would get at least something in the mail that would give me information to cancel these bogus charges. And they never even sent me anything to justify me paying them for anything. I recived absolutely no service, no product, and worst of all no information about why or what they were debiting my account for. I can't believe these people haven't been wrangled up and put in prison for fraud and completely unethical business practices. People need to be educated on this company and they need to be openly persecuted for all to see. EnRon has nothing on these immoral bastards. I have already contacted my bank and I am already getting my money returned to my account, but I would like to see these people brought down and I want them to pay the overdraft fees that my bank charged me because this company charged me $100 in 3 days which put me overdraft 2 times costing me $22 each time and I want that back! Thank you for hearing my story. I appreciate your service.