  • Report:  #28865

Complaint Review: Capitol First Benefits - Miami Florida

Reported By:
- Shawnee, ks,

Capitol First Benefits
18495 S Dixie HWY Miami, 33157 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I can sit here and type my story just like every one else has, however it is all too familiar to all the others. I was called, paid money, had additional money taken from my checking account that I didn't authorize, all for the same reasons as everyone else. Yes, I (and us all) were scammed.

What I am writing in for is two reasons. The first reason I am writing in for is to tell everyone that after much research and contacting other businesses who have the same address (the address, by the way, is a mail boxes etc p.o. box address) as the Capitol First company; the FTC has a current investigation case against these fraudulent folks.

So, you too need to call the ftc at 877/382-4357 and tell them of your personal situation in hopes of helping the FTC put an end to this.

The mail boxes etc business that hosts thier p.o. box has gotten so many complaint calls about this company, that they have now changed thier phone number to an unlisted one. I also spoke with several businesses who use the same mail boxes etc location for thier p.o. box.....only to find out they too have been bombarded with calls about this Capitol First business scam. One lady I spoke with even told me that a private investigator and the F.B.I had contactd her to see if she had any useful info on the company.

The second reason I am writing is because I would like to get together a group of you folks who have been scammed by this lowsome company, to keep each other updated on the progress and breakthrough's we all make in our journey to getting our money back. Something like a discussion group to share stories and updates is what we all need to keep intouch online. Thankfully this website is here to let us know we aren't alone, however I think a discussion group web site (maybe with a chat room and scheduled chat time even) would be great for all of the victims.

If the group is something that interests you, I would be happy to set one up using Yahoo groups. This website could even link to it if they feel it necessary, to keep newcommers informed.

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this and for taking the time and effort to putting an end to these jerks.

Warmest Regards,

A stay at home mother who does not have the money or time to spend on fraudulent issues like this)


Kansas City, Kansas

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Capital First

'>CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. Consumer makes harsh but accurate statements. *Rip-off Report Investigation follow-up provides valuable information.

Read below why a phone number or link was removed from this Report

*EDitor's Comment

The reason why we have removed links, e-mail address or phone numbers from this report is because people have, in the past, attempted the following, ...all too often.

Posting LINKS

Many times links to unknown web sites will cause your pc to freeze up and /or cause you to get a computer virus, virtually rendering your computer useless. Most of the time, this is the work of a Company or an Individual who has been reported.

Many Government links are no better than the BBB and are just a waste of time, giving you false hope. Many government sites (like the BBB) just collect all information from you, the consumer, but never make that information available, so consumers will NOT be educated as to what exactly they should be looking out for. On the other hand, many government agencies have and do come to the Rip-off Report for information. We have been assisting many government agencies for some time now, including the FBI and Attorney General offices from around the country..

Now that all these Rip-off Reports are out in the open for everyone to see, in a way, this embarrasses these agencies into doing something when they see so many reports on a Company or Individual, because they are now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, many (not all) Attorney General Office's and government agencies will not move against a rip-off unless there is going to be some sort of publicity on the rip-off. By reporting your experience on the Rip-off Report, is the next best thing to getting your story on TV or in a newspaper. Most national TV networks and many local TV stations from all around the country come to the Rip-off Report for information they will not get from the BBB, Attorney General office's or any other government agency. Rip-off Report has instigated many local and national stories, resulting in help for victims, in one way or another. Most government agencies will never even bother with rip-offs unless it involves $50,000 or more. Now that the government is cutting back even more dollars for these types of programs, this number will even get higher and we can expect even less to get done, by even less people to work on all these rip-offs.


We have also struggled with the following for a long time..

The reason why we delete phone numbers, ..all too often unscrupulous lawyers or individuals posing as lawyers are collecting victims information to only further victimize them. Many times, well-meaning consumers think they are going to collect names and get them to a lawyer who will do something. In every case we have allowed a consumer victim to do this, nothing has ever came of it. Consumers were under the impression that something will be done to get them help. In every case this did nothing but lead the consumer on, further victimizing them, and some consumers were mad at us. We feel it is our responsibility to check the legitimacy of the lawyer before advertising their service on the Rip-off Report.

We will also not allow lawyers to use this web site for free when they will end up taking a large amount of fees, leaving the victim with very little. There are many competent lawyers out there that know how to get the unscrupulous Companies or Individuals who ripped you off, to pay their fees. Those lawyers capable of this can post their numbers after checking with us here at the Rip-off Report.


For similar reasons as mentioned above, we will not allow individuals to post e-mail addresses, so they can be contacted for more info they claim they cannot post. If that person can contact YOU and get the information, so will everyone else be contacting you anyway, and, if it's good enough for them to receive it by contacting you, then you should be able to post that information for everyone to see and know about. And, many times, in an attempt to get your contact information, consumers will leave an email address; this is just a ploy to sell you a product or some other service. Most likely, you will end up on other junk mail lists. ..if they have something to sell, they should place an advertisement showing support to Rip-off Report.com so we can further help consumers.

ADDITIONAL NOTE ...about our advertisers:

As an extra added precaution to our readers, even all our PAID advertisements are checked out to the best of our ability before allowing them to be placed on the Rip-off Report. WE have turned down many advertisers to date. Advertisers on the Rip-off Report know, they are not immune from a Rip-off Report being filed on them. How many times do you see Rip-off companies advertising on TV and in publications when you know there are so many complaints about them!

We welcome your feedback on this subject.

Click on the REBUTTAL BOX below and submit a Consumer Comment so everyone can see.

ED Magedson

[email protected]



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