  • Report:  #401820

Complaint Review: CCA - Collection Company Of America - Norwell Massachusetts

Reported By:
- charlestown, Rhode Island,

CCA - Collection Company Of America
700 Longwater Drive Norwell, 02061 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My fiance got a call from his mother the other day saying CCA called her and told her all his information of how he owes money. (so much for privacy). My fiance called CCA back and this lady with broken english picked up just saying "hello?" and told him he owed $1,100, but when he called Verizon, they said they sent it to a differant agency for $200. and do not know who CCA is. He ended up hanging up with the rude lady (that kept talking over him) and called again hoping to talk to someone else. He got a man the next time and the mad was so rude, telling him he would have to pay it know, he could pay $700 now. My fiance explained xmas is in a week, and has no money for him this month. The guy was swearing and my fiance asked to talk to a supervisor. He hung up.

I then went online to find out more about these people and I found this website, along with hundreds of others that they were scam and frauds. I then called them back and asked for a supervisor. Without putting me on hold, the same lady from the 1st time, told me the supervisor was busy. So I called back again and they forward me to him. He just said "hello?" and I asked him what his company name was. He said "CCA". I said, "what does that stand for?" he says "nothing" I was confused why he would not be proffesional and explain what his company was. I asked him for his name and he got very defensive saying "why do you need my name? So you can turn around my words?" I said, I have never talked to someone, expecially a supervisor who refused to tell anything about their company or even his NAME!!!

I then called the Better Business Bereau in Norwell Mass, and they said they have gotten 180 compaints on this bussiness, and gave me the number for the Attorney General. I left a message for the investigator, and he should be calling today.

I will be updating this after I talk to the investigator. Please write back to me if you know any information on this company. Thank you!


charlestown, Rhode Island


15 Updates & Rebuttals


Fort Walton Beach,
United States of America

#2General Comment

Mon, January 31, 2011

I had the same experience. Out of the blue they called me about an AT&T bill. They would not send me written information on this issue. I spoke with a manager, he told me, they had sent 5 letters on this to me.Most recently January 19 of this year.

Thatwas a lie. I know this because any letters I get dealing with a past bill I contact the company and ensure they send me written documentationon any agreement made. Phonecalls don't work. I explained to him, I have NEVER heard of this company, nor have I recieved any correspondence from them. He replied, guess you don't check your mail. He insisted on a fax number, I told I did not have one. He then replied, well, I guess we are at a stand still.. I told him..well, keep standing... and hung up.

These people are trying to take advantage of people who have credit issues, and won't stop at any point. Playing on "we'll remove this from your credit report". Know they don't have that authority.


Phenix city,
Collection agencies know lots of people are out of word and In hardtimes

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

CCA needs to send people collection letter before placing stuff on there credit

These collection agencies know lots of people are out of work.  And can't help being late on there bills. 

This Is the many new tricks collection agencies are pulling.

These a*****e collection people.  Need to lay off!. 


Rhode Island,

#4Author of original report

Mon, March 01, 2010

PERFECT! thank you so much


Rhode Island,

#5Author of original report

Mon, March 01, 2010

I have not read all the responses till now! LOL WOW is all I have to say, and thank you all who have helped me with this!!!! The guy from Mass. that worked for them...you probably still work for them lol..


Phenix city,
They lied to the attorney general saying they did send a letter

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, February 28, 2010

Collection company of america.  Lied to the attorney general.  Saying they did send me a letter on 09/11/2009.  I have no letter,  they are so stupid to think they can fool the attorney general office.


Phenix city,
My problem Is they didn't send me a collection notice

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, February 22, 2010

My problem Is they didn't send me a collection notice.  I feel behind on my cell phone bill.  I have had this problem before.  I complained to the attorney general office.  They did not send me a collection letter.

I would love to pay this.  But I don't have the money.  What got me pissed off.  These assholes didn't send me a letter.  They just put It on my credit report.  Without me even knowing.  How sneaky of them.

Why are they always changing there names.  Do they really think people are stupid.  They would find out,  who they really are.  As soon as I get the money.  I will pay the stupid bill.

Yes they are required by the federal trade commision rules.  To send you a collection notice before placing It on your credit report.

This Is one of there new tricks.  But I am exposing,  there sneaky tricks on this website.


United States of America
Sue them

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, January 17, 2010

Collection Company of America, CCA, Collecto, Inc., EOS CCA, and many other trade names assicated with this company are illegal.  Regardless of weither you owe a debt or not, this company if properly sue will not see a dime of your money.  Not paying your bills is not a defense that can be raised against you.  Everyone falls short at one point in time.  If you have collection companies knocking on your door, it is because they purchased your debt at pennies on the dollar.  Most collection companies will not sue you, but when they do, make sure you do your reseaarch on them.  There are less than a dozen collection companies in america who are in good standing.  Most of them will argue, curse, and get irritated when you tell them you are not gonna pay them.  They are fueled off of agression.  You never have to talk to them, and if you write them a letter telling them not to contact you, they have to follow your request, or they can be sued.  Record your calls with them, and make sure you mail letters certified.  CCA, Collection Company of America has been sued many times, and have lost many lawsuits for violation of the FDCPA.  One of the Parent Companies they claim to be Collecto, Inc.  recently lost a class action lawsuit, see Castro v Collecto, Inc.

My sugestion to you regardless of weither or not you owe a debt, is to #1 mail a letter requesting validation of the debt, a written notice of assignment, and a full accounting record of the debt, to include all payments you have made, outstanding balances, and what exactly the debt is for.  Remember that they have the burden of proof that you owe this debt.  Most of the time their records are not accurate, and they will avoid persuing accounts that are inaccurate and incomplete.  They have to validate the debt as their own.  In my case they representative said that if that I want that information I can go to the hospital and request it myself.  That is her big mistake, I am not the one required to obtain that information, the burden is hers, and not mine. 

#2 File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, and the Secretary of State, as well as the Attorney General.  The more complaints they receive against these people, the more they will persue them.  See the case of The United States of America v LTD Finalcial Services.  This case was brought by the Federal Trade Commision after hundreds of complaints were filed against a collection agency that violated the FDCPA against hundreds of people.  It takes a lot of complaints to catch the attention of the FTC, and States.  The forms are located on the websites of all theses agencies, and it doesnt cost a dime, you dont need an attorney, you just need a valid complaint.  Makes sure you save copies of all correspondences.  False reporting on a credit report is also punishable in criminal courts, as well as monitery damages.

Do your homework on these people, and know that it is illegal to conduct business under more than one assumed name.  These people have registered and actively use at least 6 names that I have found so fa in Colorado alone.  I printed the applications to the Secretary of State, and printed their license status off the Attorney General's website.

#3 sue them, sue all of their trade names, and stick to it.  Eventually something as big as another class action lawsuit will bring these people to their knees, or at least force them to create new alias'.



"No, this is a legit company, even contracted by the Government" is WRONG

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

ExEmployee Auberon Brockton, Massachusetts has no idea what hes talking about.. ZERO.... I couldn't stop laughing when I read this "There is nothing your Attorney is going to be able to do if you owe money. Going to court is just going to corner yourself into paying it in a more inconvenient manner. Also, if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person." Millions of people owe debts, the Fair Debt Collect Act is designed to protect them from unfair and deceptive practices, regardless if they owe the debt. If they violate the law, they will be liable, regardless of whether the owe the debt or not!!! Under your theory, the collection company could do anything they wanted and then claim as a defense "they owe the money"... As for the comment " if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person." Who cares about the person, you're not really going to be suing the person, you're suing the company "respondeat superior" - look it up... If you get jerked around by this company you should sue them... Just make sure to document every thing (phone calls, letters etc etc).. Nothing your lawyer can do !?!? LMAO


They may be legit...

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

This may be a legit company, but they have put false information on my credit report. I have had one removed so far. Supposedly Verizon sold an "automated" account to them. Verizon has no record of this.


No, this is a legit company, even contracted by the Government

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 28, 2009

Used to work for CCA, I was there for 3 months and my mother has worked there for over two years. This company is not a scam, it's a collection agency. When you don't pay your bills, company's will the sell the debts to a company like CCA so they can collect on them. As for telling his mother about the debt, some debts aren't under privacy laws. Medical debts can be told to anyone. I don't know about Verizon because I wasn't in that branch of the company. As for the supervisor not being able to come to the phone... There are a ton of people on collection floors that are collectors and very few supervisors. Also, CCA DOESN'T stand for anything anymore. Yes, it used to stand for "Collection Company of America" but it no longer does. I don't recall why they changed it, but I believe it was for legal and privacy purposes. (Before they changed the laws again where you have to state it's a collection agency.) If your husband's mother was called, it's probably your own fault for not updating information with Verizon. Because that was the only way they could get a hold of him. And if they didn't hear of CCA it's probably because they don't know what company your debts get sold to or because they see it under a different name. "CollectCo". And yes, there will be a lot of complaints because some collectors don't follow the FDCPA. But it's not all their fault. It's your fault too for being just as short and rude and.. Oh yes. Not paying your debts. There is nothing your Attorney is going to be able to do if you owe money. Going to court is just going to corner yourself into paying it in a more inconvenient manner. Also, if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person. And for the record, you sound like the typical person we get calls from a million time a day, being a jerk, asking a million questions to, yes, twist our words around and try to get out of paying your bills. Anyway... People this part of this company is contracted by the United States Department of Education to collect on defaulted student loans. That's the US Government. Remember, Rip-Off Reports can be made by any Joe Schmoe. Yes, sometimes they're legit, but sometimes they're made by people who think the sky is falling. Some of the people who are collectors may be jerks, and may be unprofessional, but I reiterate. This company is 100% legit and if you ignore the collection calls and letters you're just gonna get yourself in deeper in the hole and ruin your credit even further than it already is.


No, this is a legit company, even contracted by the Government

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 28, 2009

Used to work for CCA, I was there for 3 months and my mother has worked there for over two years. This company is not a scam, it's a collection agency. When you don't pay your bills, company's will the sell the debts to a company like CCA so they can collect on them. As for telling his mother about the debt, some debts aren't under privacy laws. Medical debts can be told to anyone. I don't know about Verizon because I wasn't in that branch of the company. As for the supervisor not being able to come to the phone... There are a ton of people on collection floors that are collectors and very few supervisors. Also, CCA DOESN'T stand for anything anymore. Yes, it used to stand for "Collection Company of America" but it no longer does. I don't recall why they changed it, but I believe it was for legal and privacy purposes. (Before they changed the laws again where you have to state it's a collection agency.) If your husband's mother was called, it's probably your own fault for not updating information with Verizon. Because that was the only way they could get a hold of him. And if they didn't hear of CCA it's probably because they don't know what company your debts get sold to or because they see it under a different name. "CollectCo". And yes, there will be a lot of complaints because some collectors don't follow the FDCPA. But it's not all their fault. It's your fault too for being just as short and rude and.. Oh yes. Not paying your debts. There is nothing your Attorney is going to be able to do if you owe money. Going to court is just going to corner yourself into paying it in a more inconvenient manner. Also, if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person. And for the record, you sound like the typical person we get calls from a million time a day, being a jerk, asking a million questions to, yes, twist our words around and try to get out of paying your bills. Anyway... People this part of this company is contracted by the United States Department of Education to collect on defaulted student loans. That's the US Government. Remember, Rip-Off Reports can be made by any Joe Schmoe. Yes, sometimes they're legit, but sometimes they're made by people who think the sky is falling. Some of the people who are collectors may be jerks, and may be unprofessional, but I reiterate. This company is 100% legit and if you ignore the collection calls and letters you're just gonna get yourself in deeper in the hole and ruin your credit even further than it already is.


No, this is a legit company, even contracted by the Government

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 28, 2009

Used to work for CCA, I was there for 3 months and my mother has worked there for over two years. This company is not a scam, it's a collection agency. When you don't pay your bills, company's will the sell the debts to a company like CCA so they can collect on them. As for telling his mother about the debt, some debts aren't under privacy laws. Medical debts can be told to anyone. I don't know about Verizon because I wasn't in that branch of the company. As for the supervisor not being able to come to the phone... There are a ton of people on collection floors that are collectors and very few supervisors. Also, CCA DOESN'T stand for anything anymore. Yes, it used to stand for "Collection Company of America" but it no longer does. I don't recall why they changed it, but I believe it was for legal and privacy purposes. (Before they changed the laws again where you have to state it's a collection agency.) If your husband's mother was called, it's probably your own fault for not updating information with Verizon. Because that was the only way they could get a hold of him. And if they didn't hear of CCA it's probably because they don't know what company your debts get sold to or because they see it under a different name. "CollectCo". And yes, there will be a lot of complaints because some collectors don't follow the FDCPA. But it's not all their fault. It's your fault too for being just as short and rude and.. Oh yes. Not paying your debts. There is nothing your Attorney is going to be able to do if you owe money. Going to court is just going to corner yourself into paying it in a more inconvenient manner. Also, if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person. And for the record, you sound like the typical person we get calls from a million time a day, being a jerk, asking a million questions to, yes, twist our words around and try to get out of paying your bills. Anyway... People this part of this company is contracted by the United States Department of Education to collect on defaulted student loans. That's the US Government. Remember, Rip-Off Reports can be made by any Joe Schmoe. Yes, sometimes they're legit, but sometimes they're made by people who think the sky is falling. Some of the people who are collectors may be jerks, and may be unprofessional, but I reiterate. This company is 100% legit and if you ignore the collection calls and letters you're just gonna get yourself in deeper in the hole and ruin your credit even further than it already is.


No, this is a legit company, even contracted by the Government

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 28, 2009

Used to work for CCA, I was there for 3 months and my mother has worked there for over two years. This company is not a scam, it's a collection agency. When you don't pay your bills, company's will the sell the debts to a company like CCA so they can collect on them. As for telling his mother about the debt, some debts aren't under privacy laws. Medical debts can be told to anyone. I don't know about Verizon because I wasn't in that branch of the company. As for the supervisor not being able to come to the phone... There are a ton of people on collection floors that are collectors and very few supervisors. Also, CCA DOESN'T stand for anything anymore. Yes, it used to stand for "Collection Company of America" but it no longer does. I don't recall why they changed it, but I believe it was for legal and privacy purposes. (Before they changed the laws again where you have to state it's a collection agency.) If your husband's mother was called, it's probably your own fault for not updating information with Verizon. Because that was the only way they could get a hold of him. And if they didn't hear of CCA it's probably because they don't know what company your debts get sold to or because they see it under a different name. "CollectCo". And yes, there will be a lot of complaints because some collectors don't follow the FDCPA. But it's not all their fault. It's your fault too for being just as short and rude and.. Oh yes. Not paying your debts. There is nothing your Attorney is going to be able to do if you owe money. Going to court is just going to corner yourself into paying it in a more inconvenient manner. Also, if you didn't get the names then you won't be able to file a complaint against the person. And for the record, you sound like the typical person we get calls from a million time a day, being a jerk, asking a million questions to, yes, twist our words around and try to get out of paying your bills. Anyway... People this part of this company is contracted by the United States Department of Education to collect on defaulted student loans. That's the US Government. Remember, Rip-Off Reports can be made by any Joe Schmoe. Yes, sometimes they're legit, but sometimes they're made by people who think the sky is falling. Some of the people who are collectors may be jerks, and may be unprofessional, but I reiterate. This company is 100% legit and if you ignore the collection calls and letters you're just gonna get yourself in deeper in the hole and ruin your credit even further than it already is.


Nikki -- See rebuttal

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

Nikki: See my rebuttal to Report #250343 -- re: CCA Glad you were not taken by crooks.


I Received a Letter From CCA Just Last Wk Haven't Responded Yet

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

Well I received a Letter from CCA on Dec. 15, 2008. I felt I should not respond until I check into this company. I am so glad that I went on ripoff reports, because they said they were collecting for their client spinal imaging, inc. Well, I never sent them any money. I'm just going to call Spinal imaging on this. They almost got me. It is good to always check on companies before you pay them anything.

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