  • Report:  #979899

Complaint Review: Cheyenne Crow - beachnightwalks on www.datehookup.com - Alexandria Virginia

Reported By:
Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline - Houston, Texas, USA

Cheyenne Crow - beachnightwalks on www.datehookup.com
P.O. Box 6417 Alexandria, 22306 Virginia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
On December 6, 2012 the Cheyenne Crow Victims Hotline got a telephone call from a lady inquiring about the postings about Cheyenne Crow. She told us that she met Cheyenne on www.datehookup.com and that in February, 2012 he took he to a very expensive dinner in Virginia and then took her to bed and the next day took her to another very expensive dinner.

We told her that at that time he was engaged to Irina Borisenko and had been for more than a year and that she was in Minsk, Belarus taking care of her infirm mother and that she was being celibate and loyal to Cheyenne and that she expected Cheyenne to be the same. Cheyenne Crow is betraying Irina Borisenko and cheating on her with this lady and who knows how many others who he meets on www.datehookup.com where he has posted fourteen photos and states that he is looking for a serious relationship. He probably also trolling bars, public parks and picking women up on the street all the while writing in court papers that he is the fianc of Irina Borisenko. Shame on him. Poor Irina Borisenko who thinks that she is going to marry him.

Also, on February 2, 2102 Cheyenne Crow filed an Affidavit In Support of an Application to Proceed as a Poor Person and To Waive Court Fees in a lawsuit against him in New York State Supreme Court Index No. 105200/2011 in which he stated that he had no income and was not employed at the moment and am existing on loans from friends and family. Although he is a resident of McLean, VA, he listed phony two addresses in Miami, FL on the application - 259 N.W. 25TH. STE 743, MIAMI, FL 33127 which is a commercial warehouse and 250 NW 25th St. #407 MIAMI, FL 33127 which is a vacant lot. As to this address, he used it on other court papers and when accused of perjury, he falsely claimed that it was a typographical error - here he entered it handwritten, hardly a typographical error. How can he afford to take this lady to expensive dinners when he files to be considered a poor person. Is this application a fraud on the court as on www.datehookup.com he claims to earn from $150 - 275k a year.

In reality, Cheyenne Crow appears to be a poor person without any visible means of support and he is a con artist telling tall stories about his daughter and former wife to his sexual conquests who he met on www.datehookup.com. As reported on www.ripoffreport.com, he has swindled numerous women out of more than a million dollars as COO of Exmovere Holdings, Inc. a company who fired him for abandoning his duties after he jumped into bed with Irina Borisenko for three months in New York City and did not report to his office in McClean, VA. It appears that his main duties at Exmovere were to romance women into investing in their worthless stock.

If you are a lady contacted by Cheyenne Crow on www.datehookup.com or anywhere else, beware - read all the seventeen postings about him and Exmovere and then run for your life. Read about his arrest and time in jail for harassing a former girlfriend.

Under no circumstances should you give him any money.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Irina New Babe

#2General Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013


Irina was pregnant and has now babe. She didn't get abortion like you babies got rid of from you since were sick man often.

I get you babe photos but you need pay me. You wrong, Cheyanne travel to Minsk vary oftan. Cheyeanne travel using French pasport.

I like you sexy pic on the Internet Philiska. You wild guy. you my frand and customar all life. I read on web famous court you win money. Big tips thank u we have dinnar.

Report Attachments

Andrew_Spinnell Esq.

New York,
New York,
United States of America
No Class Action Against Philip Seldon - Fake Report

#3General Comment

Fri, December 28, 2012

I Andrew J. Spinnell, am an attorney located in New York City. I did not post the ripoffreport.com postings claiming that I seek to commence a class action against Philip Seldon. I have no intention of commencing a class action against Philip Seldon and am not aware of any basis to do so.

I do not know who did this posting and it was done without any foundation or basis in fact and certainly was done without my knowledge or permission.


New York,

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, December 19, 2012

You can call me this week to discuss. Don't get me wrong, this is for the money, not to help you, Irina, or Cheyenne. Are you aware that Irina makes porno movies and sells them on the Internet and DVD's in video stores throughout the world? She makes lots of money doing these porno movies. I think she has a few videos of you in bed with her. I saw something in her video library with your name on it. Not sure. Do you want me to check it out? Need to discuss payment fees for evidence. Phone, meet in person.

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline

RE: the reward

#5Author of original report

Wed, December 19, 2012

Last we heard Irina was still in Minsk taking care of her infirm mother but if what you are saying is true and if we can collect on the lawsuits we can pay a reward in the neighborhood of what you are asking if we can collect against Cheyenne. He should have a lot of money considering how much he swindled the women out of including Irina.

Call Philip Seldon to get in touch with us - he is listed in the New York City phone directory.

Other people looking for the $100 reward should also call Philip Seldon and he can be of assistance.


New York,

#6General Comment

Tue, December 18, 2012

I live and work in Tribeca. I live with Cheyenne's twin brother. Cheyenne lives with his wife Irina in Tribeca in a penthouse close to my apartment. 

I would be delighted to talk with you in person but the reward fee is not your ridiculous $100 but $100,000 plus a negotiated percentage on the book and movie rights. This Ripoff Report is cheap talk. If you're real, meet me in person and no BS. Take me to dinner or Carnegie Hall if you want to talk. Of course, all is off the record. No electronic recording devices during the first meeting. If we reach a deal, I'll have dinner with you once a week for our project until completed.


New Jersey,
Philip Seldon Class Action

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, December 18, 2012

This report was filed by a litigant of a law case, Philip Seldon, to defame, harass, and damage an indivuidual with libel causing pain and suffering.

Philip Seldon harasses people with fabricating libel Internet postings on Ripoff Report. Below is some of his methods of the past.

Revenge 101: Don't Get Mad, Get to Class :  New York: Night school offers instruction on striking back. But don't forget libel insurance. You might want to get a lawyer lined up now.

October 01, 1995|ELLEN WULFHORST | REUTERSNEW YORK Want to get revenge on a cheating spouse? Wash his underwear with fiberglass and give him a really nasty itch.Sick of lousy service? In place of a tip, leave a few drops of a chemical so foul-smelling the restaurant will have to close for weeks.Need more ideas for getting back at a noisy neighbor, a nasty co-worker or a no-good girlfriend? Try taking a night school course on "Getting Even" offered in New York, where turning the other cheek is unsatisfying and forgiving and forgetting is no fun.The class is taught by seemingly mild-mannered Philip Seldon, a food and wine expert by trade. Seldon is a man to be handled with kid gloves, who by his own account has exacted revenge on business rivals, neighbors and even bullies from his childhood.His philosophy - and the reason he says he offers the class - is that revenge is a healthy cure for anger. "A great way to get it out of your system is to plan to get even," he said. "You can go to sleep with a smile on your face because that person is going to wish they never met you."Some students at a recent class looked determined to follow that advice. One was a bearded man who would say only that he wanted to hire some women to help him humiliate someone who had done him wrong. Another was a wild-eyed woman who complained of losing a lot of sleep and some of her sanity from living over an unrepentantly noisy restaurant. Three women in the back row, apparently more light-hearted types, insisted they were taking the class as a lark, but their eyes lit up at suggestions on how to settle scores with ex-beaus.None of the students was willing to reveal a name.Tops on Seldon's list for getting revenge is printing up posters or handbills, which he says are largely protected under freedom of speech laws, denouncing the offender. Stick to the facts and use only descriptions such as "screwball" - which he contends is libel-proof because no one can say what it means. Whether a judge or jury would agree with his legal interpretation is, well, subject to interpretation.He also offers a list of insults to be spat out at the deserving and the telephone number of a company that sells the malodorous chemical for clearing a building in seconds. And he suggests planting tidbits about business rivals in local gossip columns--truthful tidbits, presumably, to avoid libel laws--or informing authorities if someone cheats a bit on his or her taxes.Send every stitch of an unworthy mate's clothing to the dry cleaner - particularly one across town. Complain to the sanitation department about recycling at your apartment building and even the most tidy landlord is likely to get slapped with a fine.Seldon says he emphasizes revenge that stays on this side of the law. Letter bombs are out, sending pizza deliveries is a no-no and signing someone up for junk mail is taboo. No changing someone's door or drawer locks and no smearing a windshield with petroleum jelly either. And that malodorous chemical? Hmmm..."Some things he told us not to do I've already done," confided the woman waging war with the restaurant downstairs. "So I'll be a little more cautious."But since even the best-laid plans can go awry, Seldon can also suggest the name of an insurance company that offers coverage against libel.Exacting revenge requires biding your time, planning carefully and staying closemouthed, Seldon stresses. And not all problems can be solved by revenge. One woman was visibly crestfallen by Seldon's complicated suggestion that she trap her ex-husband with another woman and videotape the affair."Everything else I can think of with ex-husbands is illegal," Seldon admitted. "That's the problem with a lot of things."

Instructing people in the tenets of the revenge catharsis is Philip Seldon, who teaches the New York learning annex class on payback. Seldon sees revenge as the natural order of things."I have had a lot of people mistreat me in my life and I have seen a lot of people go through a lot of anguish," says Seldon, rattling off his own personal tales of revenge at a head-spinning pace, punctuated by gleeful chuckles. "I thought they could benefit from learning to how to get justice."If someone insults you, you can't have them arrested or sued. But you can say to someone at a party who is snide to you: 'That is a very pretty dress you are wearing. Do they make it in your size?'"I teach in my course that you should forgive and forget," says Seldon, who claims to have orchestrated revenge on his childhood bully by having the man publicly humiliated on the "Maury Povich Show." "If that doesn't work, then they concoct a plan, biding their time so they don't act compulsively, get obsessed and do things that are illegal."Seldon says sometimes just fantasizing a revenge scenario offers enough of a catharsis that a person doesn't need to enact it.Still, plenty of folks passing through his three-hour class see their fantasies through. For example:* A man who lost a promotion because of a false report in his personnel file turned in his boss for embezzlement.* A woman whose date stood her up on New Year's Eve (he reportedly told her it was because she was ugly) enlisted a friend to romance the man, standing him up for expensive engagements, ordering the most expensive meals, and last week, as the coup de grace, standing him up on New Year's Eve.* A woman romanced by her dancing school instructor discovered that he was giving her jewelry he stole from other women and stealing her jewelry to give to them. She reported his misdeeds to the dance community, and his career crashed and burned.*With no signs of a reversal of the revenge boom in sight, Ronan, whose testimonial about the teddy bear murder was published in the British newspaper the Observer, offers insights. Ronan claimed to be so damaged by his lover, both physically and emotionally, that he had pondered suicide. By shredding his lover's threadbare teddy (apparently he slept with it nightly) Ronan found a redemption of sorts."By a lucky accident I achieved the perfect revenge," he wrote. "The object I destroyed was inanimate and of no value to anyone but the owner, but in some way I paid him a small measure of the pain he had so liberally dealt out to me. . . ."I broke a pact in which I had agreed to be good and suffer and take the blame for loving someone who hated himself. . . . With one melodramatic and symbolic but effective bound, I was free."(BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC)It's Payback TimeSome popular tactics for revenge are against the law, and for good reason. But others can bring nearly as much satisfaction without landing your nemesis in the hospital--or you in jail.Some to avoid:* Making annoying phone calls may be aggravated harassment.* Squirting glue into someone's locks counts as vandalism or criminal mischief.* Sending mystery pizzas to an unsuspecting recipient is a form of fraud.* Putting someone's name on a mailing list for pornographic material may violate postal laws--and they might actually enjoy the subscription.* Slashing a partner's cherished Armani suits would be vandalism or criminal mischief. Instead, try sending them across town to be cleaned and telling the dry cleaner there is no rush.Better approaches, experts say, might include:* Plant bulbs in a pattern designed to send a message to your rude neighbor, or cut your topiary into a symbolic gesture.* Obnoxious neighbors throwing a big party? Hang all your dainties out on the clothing line.* Getting harassing phone calls? Tell the caller in great detail about your day. ("First I flossed and then I clipped my toenails, but I had this infected hangnail. . . .")* If a clerk is rude and tries to rush you into buying something, leave the store temporarily and return to buy the merchandise from another clerk.* If two men are hitting on you, call one up and tell him you are finally ready for him, and give him the other guy's address.

Sources: Philip Seldon, instructor of "How to Get Even Within the Bounds of the Law," a class offered through New York City learning annex.

Who is the high priest of revenge? 

QuestionsAnswers.com>Wiki Answers

Best Answer: Philip Seldon

NOTICE: If you're a male or female, immigrant or US CItizen, and have information and evidence that you've been harassed, stalked, or sexually abused by Philip Seldon currently or in the past, please contact Andrew Spinnell LLC, Attorney in NYC, New York for possible representation of a class action law case against this individual. Our firm has been awarded sucessful monetary judgements in court against this individual. We can help you.

Respond for help: Philip Seldon Victims Class Action phone 212-684-0317 or 888-654-1504 nationwide in the United States. Collect calls accepted from victims located Europe, Asia, or Latin America.

Report Attachments

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline

Reward - $100 Reward for information on Cheyenne Crow's cheating on his fianc Irina Borisenko

#8Author of original report

Sun, December 16, 2012

Cheyenne Crow has been cheating on his fianc Irina Borisenko who left for Belarus to take care of her infirm mother in April, 2011. In February, 2012 he took a lady he met from his posting on www.datehookup.com to bed according to a call we received from her.

The Cheyenne Crow Victims Hotline is offering a reward of $100 for verified information about Cheyenne Crow's dating and having sex with any lady since October 1, 2010. We need to know the lady's identity, address if you have it and phone number. We will pay you via PayPal or by check, your choice.

Call 877-697-4557 with your information.

When he was living with Irina Borisenko in New York City from January through April 2011 and taking her to bed several times a day he was emailing two former girlfriends telling them he was in Korea and that he couldn't wait to see them when he returned. Such is the morality and character of Cheyenne Crow - he can not be trusted to keep his pants zipped.

Report Attachments


New York,
Philip Seldon Class Action

#9General Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

This report was filed by a litigant of a law case, Philip Seldon, to defame, harass, and damage an indivuidual with libel causing pain and suffering.

Philip Seldon harasses people with fabricating libel Internet postings on Ripoff Report. Below is some of his methods of the past.

Revenge 101: Don't Get Mad, Get to Class :  New York: Night school offers instruction on striking back. But don't forget libel insurance. You might want to get a lawyer lined up now.

October 01, 1995|ELLEN WULFHORST | REUTERSNEW YORK Want to get revenge on a cheating spouse? Wash his underwear with fiberglass and give him a really nasty itch.Sick of lousy service? In place of a tip, leave a few drops of a chemical so foul-smelling the restaurant will have to close for weeks.Need more ideas for getting back at a noisy neighbor, a nasty co-worker or a no-good girlfriend? Try taking a night school course on "Getting Even" offered in New York, where turning the other cheek is unsatisfying and forgiving and forgetting is no fun.The class is taught by seemingly mild-mannered Philip Seldon, a food and wine expert by trade. Seldon is a man to be handled with kid gloves, who by his own account has exacted revenge on business rivals, neighbors and even bullies from his childhood.His philosophy - and the reason he says he offers the class - is that revenge is a healthy cure for anger. "A great way to get it out of your system is to plan to get even," he said. "You can go to sleep with a smile on your face because that person is going to wish they never met you."Some students at a recent class looked determined to follow that advice. One was a bearded man who would say only that he wanted to hire some women to help him humiliate someone who had done him wrong. Another was a wild-eyed woman who complained of losing a lot of sleep and some of her sanity from living over an unrepentantly noisy restaurant. Three women in the back row, apparently more light-hearted types, insisted they were taking the class as a lark, but their eyes lit up at suggestions on how to settle scores with ex-beaus.None of the students was willing to reveal a name.Tops on Seldon's list for getting revenge is printing up posters or handbills, which he says are largely protected under freedom of speech laws, denouncing the offender. Stick to the facts and use only descriptions such as "screwball" - which he contends is libel-proof because no one can say what it means. Whether a judge or jury would agree with his legal interpretation is, well, subject to interpretation.He also offers a list of insults to be spat out at the deserving and the telephone number of a company that sells the malodorous chemical for clearing a building in seconds. And he suggests planting tidbits about business rivals in local gossip columns--truthful tidbits, presumably, to avoid libel laws--or informing authorities if someone cheats a bit on his or her taxes.Send every stitch of an unworthy mate's clothing to the dry cleaner - particularly one across town. Complain to the sanitation department about recycling at your apartment building and even the most tidy landlord is likely to get slapped with a fine.Seldon says he emphasizes revenge that stays on this side of the law. Letter bombs are out, sending pizza deliveries is a no-no and signing someone up for junk mail is taboo. No changing someone's door or drawer locks and no smearing a windshield with petroleum jelly either. And that malodorous chemical? Hmmm..."Some things he told us not to do I've already done," confided the woman waging war with the restaurant downstairs. "So I'll be a little more cautious."But since even the best-laid plans can go awry, Seldon can also suggest the name of an insurance company that offers coverage against libel.Exacting revenge requires biding your time, planning carefully and staying closemouthed, Seldon stresses. And not all problems can be solved by revenge. One woman was visibly crestfallen by Seldon's complicated suggestion that she trap her ex-husband with another woman and videotape the affair."Everything else I can think of with ex-husbands is illegal," Seldon admitted. "That's the problem with a lot of things."

Instructing people in the tenets of the revenge catharsis is Philip Seldon, who teaches the New York learning annex class on payback. Seldon sees revenge as the natural order of things."I have had a lot of people mistreat me in my life and I have seen a lot of people go through a lot of anguish," says Seldon, rattling off his own personal tales of revenge at a head-spinning pace, punctuated by gleeful chuckles. "I thought they could benefit from learning to how to get justice."If someone insults you, you can't have them arrested or sued. But you can say to someone at a party who is snide to you: 'That is a very pretty dress you are wearing. Do they make it in your size?'"I teach in my course that you should forgive and forget," says Seldon, who claims to have orchestrated revenge on his childhood bully by having the man publicly humiliated on the "Maury Povich Show." "If that doesn't work, then they concoct a plan, biding their time so they don't act compulsively, get obsessed and do things that are illegal."Seldon says sometimes just fantasizing a revenge scenario offers enough of a catharsis that a person doesn't need to enact it.Still, plenty of folks passing through his three-hour class see their fantasies through. For example:* A man who lost a promotion because of a false report in his personnel file turned in his boss for embezzlement.* A woman whose date stood her up on New Year's Eve (he reportedly told her it was because she was ugly) enlisted a friend to romance the man, standing him up for expensive engagements, ordering the most expensive meals, and last week, as the coup de grace, standing him up on New Year's Eve.* A woman romanced by her dancing school instructor discovered that he was giving her jewelry he stole from other women and stealing her jewelry to give to them. She reported his misdeeds to the dance community, and his career crashed and burned.*With no signs of a reversal of the revenge boom in sight, Ronan, whose testimonial about the teddy bear murder was published in the British newspaper the Observer, offers insights. Ronan claimed to be so damaged by his lover, both physically and emotionally, that he had pondered suicide. By shredding his lover's threadbare teddy (apparently he slept with it nightly) Ronan found a redemption of sorts."By a lucky accident I achieved the perfect revenge," he wrote. "The object I destroyed was inanimate and of no value to anyone but the owner, but in some way I paid him a small measure of the pain he had so liberally dealt out to me. . . ."I broke a pact in which I had agreed to be good and suffer and take the blame for loving someone who hated himself. . . . With one melodramatic and symbolic but effective bound, I was free."(BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC)It's Payback TimeSome popular tactics for revenge are against the law, and for good reason. But others can bring nearly as much satisfaction without landing your nemesis in the hospital--or you in jail.Some to avoid:* Making annoying phone calls may be aggravated harassment.* Squirting glue into someone's locks counts as vandalism or criminal mischief.* Sending mystery pizzas to an unsuspecting recipient is a form of fraud.* Putting someone's name on a mailing list for pornographic material may violate postal laws--and they might actually enjoy the subscription.* Slashing a partner's cherished Armani suits would be vandalism or criminal mischief. Instead, try sending them across town to be cleaned and telling the dry cleaner there is no rush.Better approaches, experts say, might include:* Plant bulbs in a pattern designed to send a message to your rude neighbor, or cut your topiary into a symbolic gesture.* Obnoxious neighbors throwing a big party? Hang all your dainties out on the clothing line.* Getting harassing phone calls? Tell the caller in great detail about your day. ("First I flossed and then I clipped my toenails, but I had this infected hangnail. . . .")* If a clerk is rude and tries to rush you into buying something, leave the store temporarily and return to buy the merchandise from another clerk.* If two men are hitting on you, call one up and tell him you are finally ready for him, and give him the other guy's address.

Sources: Philip Seldon, instructor of "How to Get Even Within the Bounds of the Law," a class offered through New York City learning annex.

Who is the high priest of revenge?

QuestionsAnswers.com>Wiki Answers

Best AnswerPhilip Seldon

NOTICE: If you're a male or female, immigrant or US CItizen, and have information and evidence that you've been harassed, stalked, or sexually abused by Philip Seldon currently or in the past, please contact Andrew Spinnell LLC, Attorney in NYC, New York for possible representation of a class action law case against this individual.

Respond for help: Philip Seldon Victims Class Action phone 212-684-0317 or 888-654-1504 nationwide in the United States. Collect calls accepted from victims located Europe, Asia, or Latin America.

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