When you invest with this person, he will provide you fortnightly updates on the value of your investment.
When you try to take the value of your investment, after many excuses, he agrees to give it back to you and in writing he advises that he has transferred the funds to your account - but when you check the bank account - nothing.
When the funds are over $500K, and you chase up why it did not go through, he says it is becuase of the amount of money so he will go into the bank and make sure it is done manually - then sends another email telling you it is done.
Nothing ever goes to your bank account - the bank knows nothing about it, nor the ficticious claims of his conversations nor any bank account>>>>
He claims mental breakdown and NOTHING.
After all this, send you an email stating that his house is like Christmas finding all the new things he has bought in the last few months - WITH YOUR MONEY. Will not return phone calls, will not answer emails and claims total amnesia due to stress. Yet the idiot puts in all in writing, so the amnesia claim is invalid when you have written evidence from him.