  • Report:  #973549

Complaint Review: City of Austin James Snow - Austin Texas

Reported By:
CronyMcSnowJobSux - Austin, Texas, United States of America

City of Austin James Snow
6704 Magenta Ln Austin, 78739 Texas, United States of America
(512) 609-8061, 512-974-2
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

You won't believe the video we saw while we were waiting to get into the Macy's store at the Domain shopping center on Black Friday. It shows City of Austin Public Works Assistant Director James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob preventing a former employee from retrieving their own belongings. When the individual came to the City of Austin's One Texas Center to pick them up as agreed, the person was threatened with criminal trespass and arrest. James Snow told the person not to videotape the entire incident. The person did anyway. James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob sent the Austin Police Department and made this person take stolen city property without even being given the chance to inspect it.  

When that person tried to inspect their own belongings, James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob had Austin PD harass the person consistently and even threatened to have the person handcuffed. James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob told the person if they came to any city of Austin business, even Austin Energy and Austin Water Utility, they would be handcuffed. James Snow is so low he steals artwork from a 3-year-old Hispanic child! Folks, if James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob wanted to make former city employees reluctant drug mules, he would!  Typical, so typical. Savage like-forms like James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob can't even follow their own rules.

If this is how James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob reacts to lawful actions, imagine what he does with the unlawful ones! Oh, we forget, he gives them guaranteed employment.  For example, City of Austin Public Works Department employee Christopher Newton wrote a memo that everyone in the United States has seen telling this employee not to review structural engineering aspects of plans because of the engineer of record seals them.  Christopher Newton even slandered the person's excellent work history for no reason, which we saw displayed as well. When James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob heard about this violation of Austin City policy, he did absolutely nothing. This means James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob is willing to do anything for cash.

Unfortunately, his actions and inactions have cost the City of Austin plenty of money. The City of Austin had to spend $12 million for the $3.5 million gymnasium at the Turner Roberts Recreation Center because the contractor was found not responsible compliments of Christopher Newton's infamous memo stating the city's official position of not reviewing structural engineering aspects of plans. You might want to ask James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob why the Trail Foundation unnecessarily had to hand over an additional $3 million in construction costs for the Lady Bird Lake Boardwalk extension when the individual he slandered wrote all sorts of monetary savings. You might want to ask James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob why he threw away $30 million in saving for the Waller Creek flood control projects. You might want to ask James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob why WTP4 is $45 million over its $360 million price tag!

James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob is widely associated with a city that participates in unlawful incarceration of protesting citizens, unlawful incarceration of their employees for requesting past pay stubs for their life-saving medications, unlawful interference of unemployment claims, retaliation against employees for reporting violations of the Texas Engineers Practices Act and other laws, shooting the dogs of innocent pet owners, blacklisting of their former employees, unlawful theft of personal property, economic waste of taxpayer money on municipal projects, and even stealing artwork from 3 year old little Hispanic girls! Remember, thanks to the efforts of James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob, the City of Austin didn't invent blacklisting and fraud, waste & abuse, they just perpetrate it. Heck, James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob participates in it because he has nothing else better to do.

James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob is one dumb Bachelor of Systems graduate from the West Point Military Academy, a school now well-known for recruiting American alQaedans like James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob. Based on our encounters, it's a pretty bad program. We sure wouldn't want to enroll in it if graduates like James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob are any indication of the evil they unleash. After all, James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob's so stupid he is willing to waste money for city of Austin taxpayers. You might want to ask him if he's so good at math, why is 25% of the past two bonds still unspent after 4 to 6 years.

What should really interest people is his history at Shaw Environmental, which is really called American Eagle Communities. Snow allegedly changed the name of the company on his resume because he didn't want people to know he was associated with an unethical organization.

Before coming to the City of Austin Public Works Department, James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob took a job at American Eagle Communities. American Eagle Communities is part of Shaw Privatization Ventures. They landed the contract with the military to rebuild houses at several of the military bases.

James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob has a history of illegal activity himself and has a history of destroying
people who call him out on his unethical behavior. The City of Austin failed to do their due diligence or else they would have uncovered these issues easily. We're not a lawyer or HR people and we found this information in less than 15 minutes using Google. Before coming to the City of Austin, James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob worked for the Shaw Group. Shaw Group and Carabetta formed a joint company called American Eagle Communities. American Eagle Communities built military housing at military bases in Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, Massachusetts and Missouri. But its biggest deal was to build homes in the Seattle area at three Navy bases: Kitsap-Bangor, the Whidbey naval station, and Everett naval air station. James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob worked with current City of Austin Public Works Director Howard Lazarus at American Eagle Communities.

American Eagle Communities has some serious issues in which James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob participated.  American Eagle Managing Director Kathryn Thompson was sued by Orange County, CA, for defaulting on a public housing project, declared bankruptcy earlier, and owed lots of dough to the IRS.

Then there's American Eagle Communities owner Carabetta Enterprises, a low income housing developer in Connecticut who was banned from HUD projects because they illegally diverted HUD money where it wasn't supposed to go.

Overseeing American Eagle's $230 million Navy contract in Seattle, American Eagle Communities Contract Administrator John Jack (JJ) saw that it was not going according to plan. JJ says that executives at AEC approved the use of sub-standard building materials in the new houses such as using 30-year roof in lieu of the specified 50-year roof and PEX piping in lieu of copper piping and hollow core doors in lieu of solid core doors. Instead of addressing the issue, American Eagle Communities told JJ to keep quiet about the $28 million charge in the Seattle area. Two weeks later, he was terminated. Jack filed charges with the US Justice Department, charging American Eagle Communities illegally billed the Navy.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer reporter Eric Nalder found that in one job after another - from Patrick Air Force Base in Florida to Fort Leonard Wood Army Base in Missouri - American Eagle's military home building projects had fallen behind schedule. In Jacksonville, Arkansas, home of Little Rock Air Force Base, local journalist John Hofheimer reported that civilians were suffering from American Eagle's actions, as well. He found out that some of the contractors were being paid late, or perhaps not being paid at all. American Eagle was, perhaps, months behind on paying them. American Eagle Communities screwed the small contractors out of money they had paid for their materials and their crews. John Hofheimer reported that at least one subcontractor filed for bankruptcy; dozens of others had to settle for small percentages of what they were owed. Some of the military families were even forced to live in slums managed and maintained by American Eagle Communities.

One hold-out though is Tommy Austin, whose cement business was contracted to pour the foundations of more than 200 houses for American Eagle. Not only is he out $70 K for the concrete he lost, he had to pay attorney's and court filing fees.

U.S. Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas called James Snow's company American Eagle Communities a rogue
company because they underbid to get the job. He had to get laws passed to fix American Eagle Communities.

The worst damage was done at Moody Air Force Base. The construction was not complete and the housing went into foreclosure because American Eagle Communities was running behind schedule and performing substandard construction. It happens that Howard Lazarus's in-laws Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Rainbow live nearby in Adel, GA. Isn't James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob a smart guy or what, folks? How many employees screw over their own boss's in-laws? Now until James Snow came into existence, folks?

In the end, American Eagle Communities only built 141 out of 605 homes in the Seattle area and 25 out of 468 homes at Little Rock Air Force Base.

And the taxpayers of Austin wonder why they are screwed on the Public Works projects! It's because they
were performing a Snow job on their public works employees and the taxpayers who fund them. It's all the fault of James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob.

Folks, if you decide to relocate to Austin, TX, think about the idiotic and unreasonable behavior of its
high-level executives such as James Snow aka Crony McSnowJob.

Here's one commercial we made for the City of Austin we made about Mr. Cantu. What do you think?

Hello, we're the storytellers. No one has time to waste, and that's why at the City of Austin, they've tailored their harassments to wreck the knowledgeable employee's busy life. Every day, they deliver major falsehoods and doctored evidence of their skewed viewpoints. There's no fact-checking. There's lots of fluff. They make sure they ruin their taxpayers while wasting your time and dime. James Snow of City of Austin, (TX), municipal stupidity you can count on!

Check out the new commercial for the City of Austin. It's great! What do you think?

At the City of Austin, James Snow's ready.

Crony McSnowJob's ready to screw you well in advance.

His most important job is to keep you and your family unsafe. That's what he does day by day. He's constantly thinking up ways to rip off their taxpayers with the schemes he is developing. Harassment of co-workers for reporting life safety issues for no reason can happen quickly. And in any season, that's what he focuses on most!

James Snow of the City of Austin in the great state of Texas.

He's ready.

He's ready. He's ready to screw you.

That's municipal stupidity you can count on!

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