  • Report:  #422835

Complaint Review: City Of Duncanville Council & The Red Light Company They Hired - Duncanville / Richardson Texas

Reported By:
- none, Texas,

City Of Duncanville Council & The Red Light Company They Hired
Wheatland? Duncanville / Richardson Duncanville / Richardson, 75116 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I don't know where to put this, so am adding it here. There was a comment by Steve Madison, written on the best southwest citizen website, at http://bswcitizen.com/?p=319

On the website, Steve Madison described the citizens, who voted for a particular council member, as lunatic fringe. I believe Madison has ties to city boards in Duncanville, and I am offended by his belittling of a group of citizens. His comment was never addressed or removed, and this website is run by an ex Today staffer. In lieu of the ex staffer's inability to maintain neutrality, it would be rather disconcerting to see him back on your staff, where neutrality is key to fair reporting. Some of the people on this best southwest site are affiliated with pro-dunce, though they will not admit it. Pro-Dunce is a slanted, slanderous webpage, run by people who seem to want to control Duncanville so much, they put up webpages, yet defaming others is how they spend most of their time. Such a waste of potential for good. Madison sounds like an ignorant elitist, and represents everything wrong with those who try to control others. Ford, the council person that Madison was referring to appears to be grandstanding, perhaps to advance his own agenda, but he has proven himself to be beneficial to Duncanville, and the end result is what is important. His positions on issues could result in economic savings, and safety, for the citizens, whereas other council members are primarily interested in slamming others personally, approving pay raises for cohorts, giving themselves getaways in motels at our expense, and trying to give themselves cell phones at our expense, etc etc, and a million things we are not aware of. You need Ford and Jameson on the council, in order to counter the mudslinging, delays, self absorption, callousness, and ineptness of the others. I understand people like to hear good things about themselves, as well, so I will try and give good opinions about the other council, so here goes, ............um, just a sec.....Sometimes they seem less bullyish, somewhat civil, almost genuine, less prone to take advantage or manipulate, less critical, offensive, and slanderous, less likely to play both sides, actually genial, and less plastic. When we lost Deborah Hodge from the council, we lost one of the most brilliant, intuitive people I've seen. What a few people, in the name of the city, did to her was macabre, and the attorney and manager and council, at the time, are the ones responsible. They tried to condemn her home, and they took so much of her land, that it would have driven most people away, and that is what is so troubling. There were several places they could have built the store, besides her beautiful horse pasture. BTW, how many of you shop at Costco, at least I think it is Costco, but I do not need 400 rolls of toilet paper at a time, so I'm not sure. Does anyone else feel like I do, cause I am in dire need of validation. All I've seen from other council members, are the allowances for ticketing red light on red. My family has had four red light tickets already. The red lights are ridiculous, and a class action suit, or maybe a petition, should be instituted by the citizens. I, and other family members, initiated the petition for the dress code, several years ago, and though we had plenty of votes, they put us at the end of the roster for the meeting, after the news stations had left, and after everyone had gone home. Yea, there was nobody left in the building. I know, but what can you expect from an ex superintendent, formerly accused of illegal high stakes gambling, being in control of the meeting? He knew who had the petitions. I would have put the petition holders at the beginning of the meeting, out of fairness. I would not have changed the dress code, when most of the town came out to object to it. I would not have misrepresented the parents and students, or retaliated against them in numerous and sundry ways, but I digress. That said, I don't think a petition will hit anyone in their pocketbooks, like a class action would. I do have to say, that when I contacted Ford regarding a class action suit, he shot that idea down as being too expensive, and, in fact, shot many ideas down, but for the most part, he is the best you've got for now. When I see red lights flash for no reason, I assume the worst, like when I see a Duncanville policeman speed through an intersection, with no lights and no sound. I feel as the people who voted for Ford do, and I'm not Ford. I'm my own person, but I agree with almost all of what he and Jameson and Hodge have tried to accomplish, or do. I'm not a fringe of anything. I grew up here. I have no political leaning, because I don't believe in it, and if that doesn't suggest I am my own person, I don't know what to tell you. I question everything. I am not a follower, and unlike Madison, I am not narcissistic enough to believe that I am right about everything, cause if you think you are always right, and never question, you are stupidity walking. The only council thing I did not look into, was the main street thing, but figured it was about money and kickbacks. Things will be better for everyone, if Ford and Jameson stay on. Even then, it would take several years for them to undo some of the negative and make positive changes. Prove to me that more condos will not result in kickbacks, and is going to result in economic progress. Show me. The only reason I posted all this is because my family has gotten four tickets for that red light thing, and it should be eliminated, or you should look into jury trials, cause IT IS A GOOD IDEA, and will ensure that the process might be a little more fair, rather than who you know. A few bad eggs have made it so people are afraid to agree with Ford. I'm not afraid to agree, or disagree, with anyone, and my opinion is just as valid. I moved from Duncanville five years ago, and if it were not for the tickets, and loved ones living here, would not be affected. But, we can all still threaten a class action, and initiate it. Tho I don't think too many people read these posts, leave a post here, and I will email you my info if you want to look into class action. Also, look to find this post on ripoffreport.net if the Today paper won't add my post to their site, which is typical. One person who objected to the red light tickets, called the officials jerks, and I agree, and I am totally disgusted and saddened by their behavior.


none, Texas


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14 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Wed, March 26, 2014

CONGRATS! How does that crow taste?



#3Author of original report

Sun, October 07, 2012

Congratulations to Deborah Hodge on becoming mayor!!! Isn't it wonderful?

Steve Madison

United States of America
The Rest of the Story

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 20, 2012

My name is Steve Madison and I am mentioned in the report on the Duncanville Red Light Cameras. This is an old report and I found it only by doing an adverse data search for my name on the internet but I do want to respond.

There are many misleading myths in the report that I wish to correct:

1) The Duncanville Costco was built on land purchased from the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, not on property taken from Deborah and Lyle Hodge through eminent domain. The Hodges retain ownership to their full horse pasture to this very day.

2) Councilmember Hodge was elected to city council in district 4 based on this myth and after two years was rejected by the voters because of her caustic demeanor and near Moby d**k obsession with finding criminals at city hall and putting them in jail.

3) The author mischaracterizes my participation in the Anthem housing project which did receive a $209K economic development grant from the City of Duncsnville. I was the architect and project manager for the project and received no direct benefit from the grant which was used to partially pay for the $236K infrastructure required by and owned by the City of Duncanville. The houses were never built because of the sub-prime mortgage crisis that destroyed the housing market across the country.

4) I did support the installation of the red-light cameras for public safety reasons alone, and still do.

Thanks for allowing this response. 


and for the record

#5Author of original report

Sun, May 24, 2009

haslet, the way in which you rebutt, is as old as methusala. Everyone knows how you try and take the victim, and make them the perpetrator, by targeting them, and accusing them of being a criminal, when it is the criminals who are getting away with using the taxpayers for city revenue, most of which will benefit them in some way. This is how you operate, haslet, and you have your place as an instigator, and as someone who makes the good guys run or break down or break down communication or give up, which runs against all logic, still I see a lot of your type. I bet you argue with your dog. You continue to drain us all, and that seem s****..


why are you so interested

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, May 24, 2009

why are you so interested haslet? you dont even live here, hmm, at least we dont think you do, for now, and it has been my ten year experinece that people who are involved, or who have something to lose, seek out sites like this, in order to post, yet you adamently defend this city s practice , without even knowing the situation, and i might add that your research is minor at best. In fact, there seems to be no research on your part, and I would prefer you stop your dribble. Red lights are ok, in your opinion, and that is about all you have to offer. OK, we get it, but give us something. Ya got nothing.As for the first poster, please get in touch with me about the class action. thanks I will remember to gloss over any of your future comments, and hopefully you wont post anymore, cause the ip's on two of the posters are oddly the same, so hmm again



#7Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

this issue has been on the local DFW news station recently. It was first reported as a problem with the red light cameras -- however the city came back with footage that shows that same complainer clearly running red lights as they made right turns on red WITHOUT STOPPING! Right turns on red -LAW REQUIRES that you come to a FULL STOP before proceeding through the intersection. FROM THE NBCDFW WEBSITE: Steve Cornett, a North Texas minister, and his wife, Cheryl, said they were issued nine bogus tickets by the city's red-light cameras this year. If this is the OP - those tickets are valid- quit complaining and follow the law. link to news story with footage http://www.nbcdfw.com/traffic_autos/transit/Duncanville-The-Red-Light-Proof-is-in-the-Picture.html


btw the biased best southwest site won't let u post unless u are one of them, whoever they are

#8Author of original report

Sat, March 14, 2009

stupid, senseless, redundant, psycho babble site, where all they do is argue and name call and are not about getting anything resolved


this is more concise and I did mispell conscientious, sry it's all so slpy but

#9Author of original report

Fri, February 13, 2009

Comment by Steve Madison, on Best Southwest Citizen website, at http://bswcitizen.com/?p=319 Madison described the citizens who agree with a council member as lunatic fringe. I think for myself, and am extremely offended by his comment. Ford, the council person that Madison was referring to was against giving grants to a private business, Ben Franklin, which would mainly increase profits for the owner. I agree with him on that. Ford's idea of a jury trial is A GOOD IDEA. Ford is a grandstander, probably to advance his agenda, but so are the other council. Other council members are only interested in slamming others, approving pay raises for cohorts, throwing money away, giving themselves getaways, and trying to give themselves cell phones. You need Ford, to counter mudslinging, psycho babble, delays, ineptness, and playing of sides. My family has had four red light tickets. A class action suit should be instituted by the citizens against the city/company running the cameras. A class action might work cause it hits them in the pocketbooks. When I contacted Ford regarding the red lights flashing on me twice, he shot down my idea of a class action, and countered others, so if he is not using the red lights to gain spotlight, prove it, by sending an email to a representative, and finding a lobbyist, cause this council won't let him change it, and his votes have been inconsequential thus far. Council should better the red light situation, without Ford's input, or they could be responsible for Ford becoming mayor. Look to find this post on ripoffreport.net


Where do I sign up?

#10Author of original report

Fri, February 13, 2009

I want these to stop. They dont work for the real red light runners


I have never had a ticket in my life, and am a very conscientious driver

#11Author of original report

Fri, February 13, 2009

I have never had a ticket. yet I have seen the Duncanville police speed through red lights with no sirens or lights, and there was a child killed in Dallas over the police's uncontested practice, yet duncanville, who's police force advocated for alcohol sales, now that is safe, is ticketing people who go over the white line, not red light runners, and they are ticketing all of us in the town. There were over 44, 000 tickets last year, and there are only 30,000 people, and they made 3 million dollars and this council has a history of trying to make money off the citizens. I got a ticket for going over the white line, and going right on red. I am the most conciencious driver, and if I were not, I would not be posting. I ALWAYS stop on red light on red. I always look to my left, and sit for a while, because you have to in order to see who is coming. I always stop, for a while, not just a second, and I never coast through a right on red. We are getting ticketed for going over the white line. Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. The other night, I came to a stop, and a bright light flashed in my face. I didn't know what it was. I never even went right on red, I just stopped, apparently, too close to the white line. I was not even close to the white line. I think about who might be driving the car ahead around me, and if it might be a child, or someone is in the car that is my child's age. I wait for every car to pass, if they are remotely close. I dont know how much safer I could be, other than sitting still. LOL, so suffice it to say, I'm a really good driver. My objective is safety over getting there faster. I even watch when drivers speed past me, only to have me catch them at the light. I have never seen a tailgator ticketed. My family members are also safe drivers. We are all former teachers and educators. That is why I know that these videos are for revenue. BTW, this best southwest citizen site is fill of graphic material, so be forewarned. I think a former newspaper employee runs it, and some ex police employees are on the site, harassing posters who disagree with them, but what can you expect from people with that mentality, who bully others, marry people their children's age, and are afraid to come out. They have nothing better to do? I know I do. Also, contact me, privately, here and I will give you my phone number, if SERIOUSLY interested in the class action suit.


City Of Duncanville & The Red Light Company They HiredCity Of Duncanville Council & The Red Light Company They Hired Illegally ticketing citizen/ we are looking for class action participants Duncanville / Richardson Texas

#12Author of original report

Fri, February 13, 2009

Comment by Steve Madison, on Best Southwest Citizen website, at http://bswcitizen.com/?p=319 <<<<


Kuddos to Laurie

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, February 12, 2009

I suggest you stop running red lights and putting others in danger!! I had to find a new route to work because of red light runners Get off the cell phone and start respecting the rules of the road Grow up! Stacey


The only people who do not like Red Light Cameras are the ones who run red lights and don't like getting caught.

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2009

in case you have forgotten - running red lights is illegal and CAUSES ACCIDENTS! If your family has 4 of them - that tells me YOUR FAMILY is at fault. Yes there are occassional errors, but 4 of them tell me that is NOT ERROR on the camera's part but bad driving on your families part. I have one intersection that I have to go through where EVERYONE RAN THE LIGHT, as many as 3 or 4 cars would run the light at one time. The city even put a time delay in the lights so that it would not turn green immediately for cross traffic They put in the Red Light Camera and the light running stopped and so did the NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS! I know of several people who have been seriously injured at that light because some jerk DID NOT STOP! RED LIGHT CAMERAS ARE NEEDED BECAUSE TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE BREAKING THE LAW AND THE POLICE CANNOT BE MONITORING THEM ALL DAY

Mr. P

I am with you on filing a class action lawsuit

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 11, 2009

This has happened to me in Hutto Texas. They have installed red Light cameras at the intersection. Plus shortening the delay on the Yellow lights to red to issue tickets to drivers who run them. I feel that this system needs to be pulled out of all cities. I am a vocal critic against installing red light cameras. I can promise one thing. Expect rear end collisions to occur. I can tell you this, this is a violation against all constituents of the state of Texas. This has never reduced the red light runners. It has increased injuries in the area. All citizens need to get together lets get our votes to count and yank out the cameras. The police dept has wayyy too much power. we need to return our country back to the people to the founding fathers status.

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