THIEF, LIAR, THIEF!!! Claudio Giacaman is a liar and a thief, sold us a company that was a lie and inflated the numbers to make more money. He should be banned from doing business for life and should be in HONESTY school so that he can learn a thing or two about saying the truth!!!
Miami,#2REBUTTAL Individual responds
Thu, April 19, 2018
Golden Royal Group has always been my Company since the starting date of this corporation, and was never transferred nor sold to anybody else. Actually, this Company was closed back on 2017 for no activity, so all what is said in this report is NOT TRUE (please see the attached supporting document from the State of Florida).
The person who opened this false report does not identificate himself. Nobody knows who is the individual who opened this false report. The only thing that we know is that he or she made this false report in the State of Arizona (since I've never been in that State), and he or she identifies himself as "boliviano". My question is: Why the reporter is a nobody? Why he or she is hidding its identity? Who is this "boliviano"? Nobody knows.
All the people who knows me are aware and have the knowledge of my impeccable reputation, honesty and integrity as well. It is a very bad and sad thing that there are people around the world trying to damage other people's reputation opening false statements, as this misterious "boliviano" is doing against myself. Also, I don't understand how the Ripoff Report Company accepted to be used to open this kind of false and illegal reports. I have the right not only to dispute this false statement but also to take all the legal actions requiered against this misterious "boliviano" not excluding the Ripoff Report Company as a source to commit this illegal action.