  • Report:  #818048

Complaint Review: Comcast - Lebanon Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Kristy - lebanon, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

1555 Suzy St, Lebanon Pa 17046 Lebanon, 17046 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Comcast and Time warner cable and Xfinity that is Comcast are  ignorant people i live in Lebanon county in Lebanon pa and i have cable from Comcast i had these people for 5 years and 3 years prior to that and the customer service reps are ignorant people they have the gull to call me names and i am the one paying the bill. I was late when the bill was due but i always made it in to pay my bill.

They sub contract companies to help their office to collect over due bills so they claim. My bill was 198.00 past due and i was waiting to get a pay to cash to bring it in to the office because of the New years holiday in 2012 set post mail and business back. I also never received notification in the mail about my over due bill nor did i receive my billing for the month of January in 2012 the over due bill they said was from December in 2011.

i told them nice that i need to pay on pay day that i will need to break up the payments in to they said that was not acceptable that they need all the money right away or no service they suspended services because of my late bill they claimed that other " a**holes and dead beats ruined it for others" That rep was named carlos from the Lebanon Pa office i was telling him i wanted to speak to a customer service super and he told me i could not he also went on saying he can pick up a payment at my house and he also told me he was going to shut off my services for non payment because i was a month late.

he said my bill was now 396 that my bill is a 198.00 a month and that if i am not responsiable to pay that i need to not have services he also called me a lazy b**ch that i need to pay my bills. The more he went on the more i went off on his actions i told him that he was rude he called me a b**ch and a retarded c*** he also called me a b**ch a couple of times.

I was fuming at this point i exsplained to him that i am not all those things and i want to talk to his superviser and that i wanted one asap he hung up on me i had to call the 1-800-comcast hotline and gotten the Philadelphia office a man named Jose he wanted me to tell him every thing that happen to me and when i can pay for the bill i told him like i told Carlos and he called me a dead beat customers that all b**ches and a**holes that do not pay are dead beats and they need no services he went on telling me that, i am a b**ch because i would not let him talk he also called me a lazy customer saying there is no excuse for tardy bills others ruined it for you and you need to step it up a notch if you want to pull wool over my eyes he went on saying that the bill raised because of franchise fees . I told him that it is horriable service he then told me that i was arogant and a ignorant b**ch.

The whole moral to this complaint is they are rude they are not professional they are not even curtious to women the mentally and physically disabled and the elderly as well. They are over charging people because people are failing to pay on time and when you miss a payment they want to call and complain and raise hell because they are rude people.

I knew something that was weird when Carlos said he will make a trip to the house to collect my cable payment that is not like comcast to say that so i think either this man is a flake. He also told me i was not allowed to bring it to a collection or a drop off payment center that comcast will shut me off he also told me i could  not down grade in services or bring back the converter box because i will be sued for the service charges

Carlos the comcast rep is a flake he is a piss poor excuse of a rep for a company. Comcast is rude and the workers are not that great . The tech support is not educated to work on anything and the custome service reps are ignorant.

I am complaining because comcast is not a great company and unprofessional as well.

Horriable internet and horriable cable and horriable customer service...............

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Not a Deadbeat

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

The person you are calling a deadbeat is trying to make arrangements to pay the bill he owes to the cable company because he cannot afford to pay the full amount of the bill. To only be called a deadbeat, to be cussed out, and to be treated rudely by customer service to try to make payment arrangements. According the dictionary definition of deadbeat he is not a deadbeat because it has to be an intentional act or make a habit not to pay your debts and or not make any arrangements to pay your debts.

Here is dictionary.com definition of deadbeat

1. a person who deliberately avoids paying debts.


a. a person who makes a habit of avoiding or evading his or her responsibilities or debts

This person fits neither definition of deadbeat. Those customer service representative need to be reprimanded or fired to treat a customer that way no matter if he owes them money or not.


I'll have to conclude, you haven't a clue what your'e doing....

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2012

You want them to take payments on a monthly bill of $198 that you obviously can't afford.

Did it ever enter your mind to reduce your service level to what you CAN afford?.....Of course not.

The companies you do business with don't care what your personal/financial problems are, they just expect you to pay as agreed when agreed.

You aren't holding up your side of the contract you signed.

You can whine all you want about why it's somebody elses fault, but it really comes back to YOU.


It's just too much.

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2012

   So, you've managed to get everyone involved either terminated or suspended.   Yeah, I'm sure that happened.    That's right up there with invoking the Patriot Act in regards to billing practices. 

   Folks, I predict that the next claim will involve the OP's Ph.D. or double Masters degrees.


I can't wait to see what the OP comes up with next

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2012

It is false information and under the patriot act a customer has 90 days until a billing matter is under collections and out of the hands of the comcast corperation. (90 days is when they can call for a bill no time other then that).
- How in the world do you try to explain anything to someone who is this clueless.

So to the point is this comcast decides you are a dead beat until proven innocent meaning you are a dead beat no matter what and we comcast can accuse you is basically what they are saying..
- While I doubt you can comprehend what we are saying.  The fact is that you admit that you owe them money.  You admit that you don't want to pay them the full amount due ON the due date because they don't report to the credit reporting agencies.  That sure sounds like a deadbeat to me.


Opions matter tocomcast/time warner cable/Xfinity

#6Author of original report

Fri, January 06, 2012

Ok i told you all about the customer service reps at comcast you said it was my fault some said no . Guess what it was not my fault. How so i called the FCC on the phone on 01/05/2012 they told me that other of complaints of this nature is being reported.

I also gotten a hold of the Big man in charge of comcast Brian Roberts. I exsplained to him what happen and about the rude customer service and the foul language he said that Comcast does not condone foul or unappropriate behavior and yes bills can be broken up in multiple payments. That what happen on the day of 01/03/2012 was not appropriate behavior of the agents involved that all customers are treated with respect and to be heard and shall not be taken lightly or shall not be cut off while speaking to the agents about billing or other service issues .

Mr Roberts also told me that measures will be taken and the agents involved will be suspended with out pay or will be terminated. The actions of the agents he was saying affects the companies standards for quality services and pricing of the company.

I also let him know the FCC who partners with comcast that a complaint was made he told me that it was my right and that he was fully understandable with my decision.

He also stated that the comcast corperation partners with the attorney generals office in the state of pa that he understands that i will be contacting them as well because that was also mentioned in my complaint to the comcast/ time warner corperation who runs the xfinity program at comcast.

To all customers who are facing problems of this nature or others this is who you contact not the  1800- xfinity number you contact the man in charge Brain Roberts at his email @[email protected]

the corperate office where all the billing is generated from is :

Comcast Corporate Office

1500 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102



Attn: Brain Roberts CEO.

The Negative responce to my rip off complaint is not justified nor is it taken in to consideration bu the moral of this complaint is not to let comcast ruin your rights to complain and to also let them know that you the consumer have rights as well.

All customers from the reps stand point are dead beats the main reason i labled it in the dead beat catorgory is because of this people you are labled as a dead beat in the reps eyes they think the disabiled or the person who works are dead beats until proven innocent. They are trying to clarify their hiring practices and make training comcast employees with more information and deadication as comments from Mr Roberts and Cynthia Asbury states in their phone conversations to me.

I also found other complaints of this nature all across the web my is just a few that gotten noticed by Mr Roberts the negitive comments i received are not being taken serious because people who do not under stand make comments that think that makes them feel smarter that is your opion about that but my rip off report is this they are comcast they are greedy people with one thing in mind your money they do not care if you have great service or if you are dead or alive to them you are a number with a wallet attached to your hip.

The dead get billed and the alive get screwed to them they are not f**k ups the american people are they are thinking this way i make commisson  off of others anger. Not all reps are jerks just the ego reps with bad additudes are. My opion not Cynthia Asbury about alive comment  and the dead do get billed. And my opion about this section of my paragraph as well so i can make that clear to you all.

"Comcast  can bill you even when your dead yes that is true you need to send in a copy of a death recorder to them so they can verify with your local court house you are dead. To many phonies told comcast they died when they did not". Cynthia Asbury quoted.

Comcast stated that they work when we keep them in business they get paid when they make great service.

The complaints to the FCC is a little taste of what is coming for comcast and the attorney general of pa will be getting complaints as well. As well as the BBB and the FTC as well. I was told by Mr Roberts and his assitant Cynthia Asbury that  they keep in business by being compeditive and that they raise prices to keep consumers at reachable levels the franchise fees have to be double to triple to make cost of living to meet standards of all companies involved with in comcast to the customer fair can be adjustable to the factors of the customers needs and no employee needs to act in a manner that hurts or effects the demeaner of the customer. The goverment says it is justified and legit to  double or triple the price of franchise fees and rates.To keep compeditive.

So the additude you get on the phone needs to be taken in to consideration and you need to complain. Yes the bills can be broken in to two payments they take payments at your house with a 10 fee on top of your bill because a tech/rep is getting it for you convience charge that is what i was told on the phone. and convient bill drop off locations when a tech/rep tells you that you can not do payments at a drop off location that is false and he or she will be repermanded about that, It is false information and under the patriot act a customer has 90 days until a billing matter is under collections and out of the hands of the comcast corperation. (90 days is when they can call for a bill no time other then that).

The reps and techs get commission  for the extra charges they make.

So to the point is this comcast decides you are a dead beat until proven innocent meaning you are a dead beat no matter what and we comcast can accuse you is basically what they are saying..

I had comments on here making no sense but comments that were rude as well the facts are considered in this rip off report stated by me. This is marked under dead beat because you the customer are dead beats until proven innocent the corperate office says no,the agents say you are and go over board in customer service care needs and make them out like hunters.

Also i was told by Cynthia Asbury that they pull credit ratings every 3 weeks to see if they can raise your price on cable she also told me that it is under the patriot  act they can do so with your ssn that your provide that all remarks that were made that were not justified on your credit with proper notice will be removed three major credit bureaus see this and report it as told by the comcast corperation.

Cynthia Asbury is second in comand  of Mr Roberts and she is in charge of how comcast is runing when Mr roberts is not around.



#7Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2012

In response to your comment Flyinrider--LOL!!!!  I did laugh out loud and the reason being is that the OP will have no idea what you are talking about.  I'm still lol!


It's the governments fault.

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2012

" I do pay my bills that affect credit ratings i am on it nothing i can do about the holiday when it is a goverment holiday then it is out of my hands "

   You're absolutely right.   Who could have possibly seen the New Year coming? 

   Funny how it didn't affect those bills that have an impact on your credit rating.

"i told them nice that i need to pay on pay day that i will need to break up the payments in to they said that was not acceptable that they need all the money right away or no service "

  You don't get to decide what day and how much you'll pay.  It's due in full on the due date.

"  The whole moral to this complaint is they are rude they are not professional they are not even curtious to women the mentally and physically disabled and the elderly as well. "

   That's the moral?   Aesop has got nothing on you.


Comcast calling me a dead beat is not true

#9Author of original report

Thu, January 05, 2012

I filed a report to rip off .com about comcast about me being a dead beat to the ones that said i did not pay that is not true a true dead beat is ones that do not pay i do pay i live payday to payday. Because of others that fail to pay they are harder one the ones that are paying. I am not a deadbeat to clear that one up to the consumers that made a remark on this ad about me.

I pay my bills the holiday in 2012 this past new years pushed things back mail had to bed pushed back to the following tuedayt. That does not and i repeat does not give a comcast worker to act a moron on the phone the reason i put it under dead beats is because they reffered me as it i only missed one payment and that is because of the new years.

How about the people who commented are they dead beats do they like to be called names and be humiliated i would say no. Hard working people do not need to be called names like that when they are paying their bills monthly.

They are fraustrated they told me when i made a report to the fcc about their actions. Fraustrated is one thing but swearing and acting like a troll is another.


Cable companies are replaceable they are thriving for your business to stay in business because they give out  free services to their workers the fcc told me that other complaints of this nature have been made.

The deat beat catergory of my report is how they treat people on the phone cable service sucks yes that is cable but calling people dead beats that is not right . How would you feel if they did that to you. Umm i would think the same being psst about how they treated you. Being called names on the phone that is not collection or phone edit.

Compermising and asking in a polite manner is working out a agreement of a day when a pay day falls on a friday then that is the day to say oh well no payment services will be suspended not be saying your a fat lazy b***h or a c**t or a retard that is not phone edit that is picking to lose a job and be on the unemployment line.


I am not months and months behind no no no, Comcast lists everyone as dead beats they call the three major creditors if your one day late so to the opionated people that commented on my rip off report you have no idea what your yapping about unless it happens to you to honest people that are getting ahead in life to the ones that are pay day to pay day or on disability or the elderly.

Deadbeat is how i labled it because that is how they treat their people all people customers alike like dead beats. I do pay my bills mail is slow that is the mail when it is the holiday you can not blame that it is holiday of shutdown, but i do blame how comcast does not train their people the right way to talk on the phone that is not how any one should be treated it does not matter if they are a few days late or a month when a billing date is a certain day like the 3thrd of the month and you do not receive a bill to pay does that make you a dead beat no.


A dead beat is when it fully goes into collections not sitting at a office because your services are suspended that is bs.

I do pay my bills that affect credit ratings i am on it nothing i can do about the holiday when it is a goverment holiday then it is out of my hands. For the negitive comments think about this what if this would of happen to you , how would you take someone calling you names you would be in the same predicament. I say think about that not all customer service people are rude just a handful think they are like a bounty hunter. Instead of bounty hunting how about they do their jobs and provide the cable. Cussy and rude customer service that is what it is and everyone is listed under this catorgory there is no perfect customer under comcast.......



#10Consumer Comment

Thu, January 05, 2012

It is funny how you posted this under "Dead Beat Customers" because it is actually very appropriate.  As you appear to be a Dead Beat customer. 

and i am the one paying the bill.

- Ummm NO you are not and that is the problem.

Here is a thought, perhaps they wouldn't have their collections department call you if you weren't delinquent.

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