  • Report:  #404609

Complaint Review: Continental Toyota Of La Grange Illinois - Countryside Illinois

Reported By:
- Brookfield, Illinois,

Continental Toyota Of La Grange Illinois
9960 Joliet Road Countryside, 60525 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Continental Toyota of La Grange, IL


For more info on this scam, see:


A couple of weeks ago I went into Continental Toyota, pre-approved, to purchase a 2006 Subaru Tribeca. At that time I walked out with a stack of signed paperwork at an acceptable rate and payment.

Tonight I spoke with Roxanne in finance, who called to tell me I had to come in to re-sign my papers because Capital One wouldn't finance the gap coverage. I immediately followed up with Capital One to confirm this, they agreed, and then confirmed that I had been approved at the rate I initially agreed to. That is what is on my contract.

So I went into the dealership where a man named Chris presented me with a new set of paperwork that he told me I had to sign which had a higher rate, higher sale price, and higher payment. I told him no way in hell and walked out. My "new contract" should have been identical in every way, save the deducted gap coverage.

This is a WELL DOCUMENTED SCAM that dealers use, banking that you won't do your homework.

I already confirmed that Capital One approved my financing before I drove in. And besides that, I was pre-approved before I ever even came in.

I plan to contact the BBB and the Attorney General's office first thing in the morning.

I am truly disgusted. In this economy, the day before Christmas Eve.

Those people should be ashamed. Truly ashamed. This is abhorant behavior.

Bail out my arse. Let 'em sink. They earned it.


Brookfield, Illinois


5 Updates & Rebuttals


See How They Hide Behind The BBB? Watch For Yourself The Expose of the BBB SCAM!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2011

Its always interesting to see car dealers hide behind the BBB. They pull their congames and then claim everything is above board, they are so-o-o-o-o honest and full of integrity and tell you how much of a great BBB member they are and have such a great "accreditation".

No doubt, there are some car dealers who radiate the integrity and honesty we all want. When you find one, become a regular customer.

The hiding behind the BBB is part of the scam, because the BBB is a SCAM itself. The BBB wants you the consumer to believe they are a government operation which assigns "accreditations" based on massive investigations and experience. (That's why they refer to themselves as "the Bureau".) However, many smart consumers and smart business people have seen thru the BBB congame for years. The plain truth about the BBB is anyone...and I do mean ANYONE...can buy a BBB "membership" and whatever "accreditation" they want! The BBB "mediation" program is a SHAM because the so-called "mediator" is a BBB paid employee and the merchant you are up against is a BBB "customer" who bought one of those PHONEY ACCREDITATIONS. Level playing field?

Consumers...I URGE you to go see the ABC 20/20 investigation video of the BBB. In it you'll see some BBB slimeball quickly end the interview when the reporter starts asking probing questions. You see a list of the big bucks paid to BBB employees in this suposedly non-profit "organization". Big bucks like high six figure incomes. You'll see example after example as to how merchants BOUGHT the PHONEY ACCREDITATION. You'll also see how a couple of reporters set up a business called "Hamas" (the terrorist organization name) and BOUGHT a BBB "membership" and PHONEY ACCREDITATION.

To see all this go to You Tube and search for "Better Business Bureau 20/20 Investigation."


Our apology, and

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 15, 2011

It is never a businesses intention to do something to hinder a customer's perception of them. This customer had a form letter stating pre-approval, much like those we all have in our mailbox every day. When we called that bank to confirm this approval, they explained the real story to us. As a dealer, we do not like to lose anyone's business, so we searched for another lending institution. Of course, we found one, and I believe their payment even went down. To shorten the story,she kept the car, and had a lower payment than they originally agreed to. I am not certain how that is a scam. Perhaps it was because it was not with the bank that sent the "pre-approval" letter. When we called Capital One, they gave us a completely different story, but this woman wouldn't believe anything we said. She assumed there are no honest dealers, but all finance companies are. Nevertheless, she has been everywhere on the internet slandering our good name for no good reason. She bought the car, and we found a way to get her approved, and with a lower payment than she wanted. From our standpoint, we earned a customer and helped someone who was mis-led by a finance company. For that, we received her wrath. Incidentally,she did contact the BBB and Attorney General. They both through the case out, and we maintain our great rating with both.


Highlands Ranch,

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

TOYOTA RECALLS MORE THAN 120000 CARS IN CHINA DUE TO STEERING DEFECT, and read it! Happy New Year! I'm Karl, and I approve this Update! P.S. After you 'Google' this- TOYOTA RECALLS MORE THAN 120000 CARS IN CHINA DUE TO STEERING DEFECT, and read it, please 'Google' this- SLUDGE POEM 2, and read that poem. Then 'Google' this- TOYOTA LIKELY TO PICK SCION AS NEXT PRESIDENT, and look at Mr. Watanabe in the photo who is next to Akio Toyoda! He looks sad, doesn't he? Let's all print a copy of SLUDGE POEM 2, and mail it to Mr. Watanabe. Maybe next time he'll listen to us, huh? POWER TO THE PEOPLE


Highlands Ranch,
UPDATE to the UPDATE!!!! URGENT!!!!!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 25, 2008

The correct spelling of the grandson's first name is this- Akio. That's the grandson of the founder of Toyota, who is going to replace Katsuaki Watanabe soon. (Akio Toyoda). You can 'Google' this- TOYOTA LIKELY TO PICK SCION AS NEXT PRESIDENT, and go to the BusinessWeek Article and see a picture of him next to Katsuaki Watanabe if you'd like. Mr. Watanabe sure looks sad, doesn't he? It looks like he may have gotten COAL in his stocking for Christmas, huh? Or maybe a quart of SLUDGE along with the coal??? I'm Karl, and I approve this Update! P.S. Use spell check, because J T Vorhies says it'll enhance your life, O.K.? P.S.S. Maybe Mr. Watanabe got a Toyota for Christmas that had a bad steering unit, right?


Highlands Ranch,
THE TOYOTA SCAM will most likely.....

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 25, 2008

GET WORSE IN 2009 BECAUSE THE ECONOMY WILL CONTINUE TO DETERIORATE!!! This will create the need for Toyota Dealerships to find ways to make more money on each sale & on their servicing of vehicles that customers bring into the Dealerships! I'd also be CONCERNED if I had purchased any kind of a vehicle at a Toyota Dealership in the past because Toyota Dealerships have THOUSANDS of people's files at the Dealership that contain people's credit information & identity from when the purchase was made! It would be simple for a CORRUPT sales manager, a CORRUPT sales person, a CORRUPT finance manager, or just about anyone else to steal the THOUSANDS of files of customer's PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION! (Or even make copies of them!) If I had my personal files at a Toyota Dealership I'd go into the Dealership & ask the owner, or General Manager of the Dealership, where my file was, and if it was SAFE!!!!!!! If it was LOCKED AWAY where NO ONE could get to it I'd feel better. But if it was easily accessed by people at the Dealership, in this economy right now, I'd want them to do something about it, wouldn't you? I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm Karl, and I approve this Update! P.S. Did everyone read where the 52 year old grandson of the founder of Toyota is most likely going to take over Katsuaki Watanabe's position as President? (I think his name is Akido Toyoda. Toyoda with a 'd'.). Maybe he finally read 'SLUDGE POEM 2', huh? You can 'Google' this- SLUDGE POEM 2, and read it! Guess what? I just read an article online today that said over 120,000 Toyotas were just recalled in China! Guess why? Because they had DEFECTIVE PARTS!!!!!! I believe they had defective steering units! Let's hope that the grandson who takes over doesn't have a DEFECTIVE BRAIN like the rest of the executives who work for, and worked for, Toyota. Imagine getting a new Toyota for Christmas and it has a DEFECTIVE STEERING unit, a DEFECTIVE ENGINE, DEFECTIVE AIRBAGS, & DEFECTIVE BRAKES!!!! You'd be in lots of company, wouldn't you? Make sure to stay updated everyday by 'Googling' this- ENGINE SLUDGE, and going to the consumeraffairs website about Toyota Engine Problems and reading them. Also click on 'Airbags' and read all of them too! Thank you.

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