Waldorf,#2Consumer Suggestion
Fri, June 07, 2002
Unfortunatly, this is just another scam. Imagine, getting harassing phone calls and collection letters for a card you never even had. My husband did. We had moved, he never applied for their card, and apparently, they sent him one anyway and to our old address. they started calling all hours. One time a lady named Cindy at their office calls and leaves this message on our recorder, "Hi, Dale, it's me Cindy. Where are you? I really need to talk to you. Then the dumb B**** leaves a number." So, guess who called back? Needless to say, I doubt they'll ever get her to pull that crap again. They stopped calling and mailing him after we filled a harassment report against them. Then Yesturday, he gets a credit application in the mail. (Making it look important)The application was for 9.9 APR til 2004 and made it sound like every other bull crap application. Then in little print it reads, your balance with Cross Country Bank will be put onto this new card, blah, blah, blah. It was a Capital One/ Cross Country Bank Credit Card. Unbelievable huh? It gets better, then it goes on to say that if your balance is over your credit limit, when you pay the remaining $50 on your account, you can start to use the card for purchases. Now that is a scam if I've ever heard one. But, we'll take care of this. If need be we'll file suits against them, I really don't care at this point.