  • Report:  #40718

Complaint Review: cydcor Dejon Johnson Powers Imports Chad Powers - Webster Texas

Reported By:
- Pasadena, Texas,

cydcor Dejon Johnson Powers Imports Chad Powers
100 E. Nasa Rd. 1 Webster, 77598 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am an eighteen year old female who worked for the cydcor division of the the ds-max cult for 8 weeks. In those 8 weeks, I had a nervous breakdown, lost my fiance, and nearly lost my real family too.

They promised I would be protected while knocking door-to-door in ghetto 3rd ward areas by at least 1 male employee to be "bunny-hopping" The assistant manager lied about that, the guys with me were not to be concerned with my safety and were advised not to waste their time and money because I was scared for my life as I encountered pedifiles who unzipped their hearts, bleeding crackheads, crackwhores, and creepy drugdealers who stalked me. I realized right away that I was not safe, but when I questioned the manager about the safety of her employees she said they never had a problem in the whole year that Powers and Johnson ran the office.

Within 1 week I was a leader and i wasnt even ringing the bell everyday. My first retrain was an ex-employee with hard times, who needed to come back to pay for her mothers surgeries, during that retrain (5-6 into the business) I learned that she had been beaten horribly to a bloody pulp in the streets of downtown houston.

The woman, being my size but much older (about 115 lbs.) lost her credit cards, almost her eye, part of her intestines and even her identity for 3 years while a man for grand theft auto served his sentence in her name! The man with her watched her get pulverized with a gun and did nothing to help, her only help were scared customers.

I've been encountered with racial intolerence numerous occassions and the black employees had it worse in white neighborhoods. Anything negative about the company was never to be told to us new people.

I've been through all different colors of floodwater, I was nearly killed by a tornado my last week of work as I was on the seawall, alone, at least a mile from any team members, left with no homes anywhere in site except an empty apartment complex, with only garages to hold onto.

The tornado was less than 60 yards away. I was chewed out immensely for being scared and worried about the other girls who were helped by the customers in their own territories.

Meanwhile, my partner wanted to get arrested for trespassing and I suffered from the worst ear infection possible for me, b/c that same partner kept my jacket that protected my head ever since the christmas party where she left 3 employees, including me in Dallas to find our own rides back to our cars at the office 4 hours away.

This company was just like the testimonials of other rebuttals in the sense that it was a JUICE cult. I was embarrased by the manager at least twice a week publicly, (from what I saw) and told by my leaders that they wanted me fired because I couldnt get ten apps a day every day, which the presidents roommates couldnt get 5-6 ever.

There was no job security and I felt like I had given up my soul and body for the opportunity to succeed.

Questions about the company always led to lies or threats. The days of observation were tricked into signing, while the managers and leaders laughed at their anticipation of joining the company.

Meanwhile employees had to find other ways to make money, but thats impossible when you work 68 hours a week. On the First Choice energy campaign, headed by Cynthia Kelly, applications were accepted on a credit qualification.

I thought i really made some cash when I made $350 dollars in production (the standard for everyone)daily. Ten apps turned into 1. So my $230 days ended up $23 because of credit, since we were being sent to crappy areas of apartment homes and trailer parks. 90% of my work was rejected. My cell phone bill went from $80 a month to $1000!!!!!! and my gas tank was always empty and I am still $1600 in debt to people I convinced I'd be a millionaire someday because I had what it takes. I was gullable and ripped off.

The emotional damage of quitting a job was hard to get over and I wondered what the suicide rate for ds-max and cydcor was often. I want these companies shut down. I feel sorry for anyone trapped into the game of this cult. The movie, Requiem for a Dream should have been enough warning for me as paranoid as I was when watching everyone go apeshit after Tappy Tibbons' JUICE infomercial.

When 68 plus hours a week broke down to $4.41 per hour I quit and I wanted to take everyone there down with me, but it wasnt allowed, and I am still owed many items, like suits from the trainees i was supposed to help. I HATE ALL OF THEM AND I PRAY FOR ANYONE TRAPPED INTO THEIR MANIPULATION. and f*** every owner


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Bridge City,
i have been punched kicked at and lord knows who else, because if you didn't persevere? you were punished publicly back at the office...

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 25, 2003

Y'know...the young lady that is 18 years old, i know you, and you know me, and i'm so sorry what happened to you, we became really close and went through some insanely difficult situations together. I'm here for one reason and one reason alone...i was with the company for quite some time nearing a year, i started off with our aformentioned savior Chad Powers in standard DS-MAX side of business....door to door, most slammed in my face, chased, i have been punched kicked at and lord knows who else, because if you didn't persevere? you were punished publicly back at the office... Well, opportunity arose, i had a girlfriend with the company who was Chad's secretary at the time and mentioned good ol' Cydcor to me, so i give it a whirl, turns out, me and the young woman i mentioned earlier end up being 2 of the top 10 Cydcor people in the first few weeks, guess how much i brought home working 6 days a week all morning all day all night....oh about 140 bucks every two weeks because EVERY SELL I GOT SAID UNMATCHED MEANING I HAVE MESSY HAND WRITING??? funny....i write rediculously neat, always have, and these imbuciles can't read my writing? i think not, just yet another scheme by the wonderful DS-MAX. But d**n, i had the numbers, i rose through the ranks and became DeJon's "unofficial" asst. manager and had the biggest team in the office and basically PAID HIS paycheck for him, I PAID his bills, NOT him sitting in his cozy leather chair while i sweat and bled for him with no thanks....ever....even though many times i'd bring in 10 apps a day and know i'd not get paid for it. Long story short....i lost everything......EVERYTHING in one fell swoop because of their false sense of optimism they brainwashed us with. I've seen many lives ruined only to never be pieced back together again because of DS-MAX, including my own, i lost more than i'll regain anytime in the near future. TO YOU GUYS I KNOW AND GREW CLOSE TO THAT I SEE ON THIS SITE....I'm sorry for your loss, I'm there with you, and after you guys left, which, be glad you did when you did in Dallas/Houston...our small crew, namely me and my girlfriend were hit extremely hard with verbal torment and threats, and i'm ashamed i had anything to do with it and that i was one who tried to inspire us to do well in our situation. DOWN WITH THESE HEART RIPPING LIFE DESTROYING BASTARDS WITH NO CARE IN THEIR HEARTS LIES DECEIT AND MORE LIES


Los Angeles,
thanks Ed !!!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 12, 2003

Ed... thank you for existing... and educating us all... the additional support you provide for us is greatly appreciated !!!

EDitor's Notice: The reason why Rip-off Report has removed links or phone numbers from this report is because people have, in the past, attempted the following, ...all too often.


Sun, January 12, 2003

Posting LINKS

Many times links to unknown web sites will cause your pc to freeze up and /or cause you to get a computer virus, virtually rendering your computer useless. Most of the time, this is the work of a Company or an Individual who has been reported.

Many Government links are no better than BBB and are just a waste of time, giving you false hope. Many government sites (like the BBB) just suck in all information from you the consumer but never make the information available, so consumers will be educated as to what exactly they should be looking out for. On the other hand, many government agencies have and do come to the Rip-off Report for information. We have been assisting many government agencies for some time now, including the FBI, FTC, Attorney General offices and including, local and state police from around the country..

Now that all these Rip-off Reports are out in the open for everyone to see, in a way, this embarrasses these agencies into doing something when they see so many reports on a Company or Individual, because they are now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, many (not all) Attorney General Office's and government agencies will not move against a rip-off unless there is going to be some sort of publicity on the rip-off.

By reporting your experience on the Rip-off Report, is the next best thing to getting your story on TV or in a newspaper. Most national TV networks and many local TV stations from all around the country come to the Rip-off Report for information they will not get from the BBB, Attorney General office's or any other government agency.

Rip-off Report has instigated many local and national stories, resulting in help for victims, in one way or another. Most government agencies will never even bother with rip-offs unless it involves $50,000 or more. Now that the government is cutting back even more dollars for these types of programs, this number will even get higher and we can expect even less to get done, by even less people to work on all these rip-offs.


We have also struggled with the following for a long time..

The reason why we delete phone numbers, ..all too often unscrupulous lawyers or individuals posing as lawyers are collecting victims information to only further victimize them. Many times, well-meaning consumers think they are going to collect names and get them to a lawyer who will do something. In every case we have allowed a consumer victim to do this, nothing has ever came of it. Consumers were under the impression that something will be done to get them help. In every case this did nothing but lead the consumer on, further victimizing them, and some consumers were mad at us. We feel it is our responsibility to check the legitimacy of the lawyer before advertising their service on the Rip-off Report.

We will also not allow lawyers to use this web site for free when they will end up taking a large amount of fees, leaving the victim with very little. There are many competent lawyers out there that know how to get the unscrupulous Companies or Individuals who ripped you off, to pay their fees. Those lawyers capable of this can post their numbers after checking with us here at the Rip-off Report.


For similar reasons as mentioned above, we will not allow individuals to post e-mail addresses, so they can be contacted for more info they claim they cannot post. If that person can contact YOU and get the information, so will everyone else be contacting you anyway, and, if it's good enough for them to receive it by contacting you, then you should be able to post that information for everyone to see and know about. And, many times, in an attempt to get your contact information, consumers will leave an email address; this is just a ploy to sell you a product or some other service. Most likely, you will end up on other junk mail lists. ..if they have something to sell, they should place an advertisement showing support to Rip-off Report.com so we can further help consumers.


Additionally, any attorney who is interested in suing a particular company on this website may contact us directly. It is generally inappropriate to solicit business using this website other than through prior arrangement. This is largely because we need to ensure, the best we can, that our readers are not being taken advantage of, once again.

If you see a company with a good number of reports, we have the database of contact information. We will e-mail those victims to contact you. Often we have additional information which does not appear on the Rip-off Reports. We are anxious and willing to join forces to stand up for the rights of consumers and help them get justice. E-mail us.

ADDITIONAL NOTE ...about our advertisers:

As an extra added precaution to our readers, even all our PAID advertisements are checked out to the best of our ability before allowing them to be placed on the Rip-off Report. WE have turned down many advertisers to date. Advertisers on the Rip-off Report know, they are not immune from a Rip-off Report being filed on them. How many times do you see Rip-off companies advertising on TV and in publications when you know there are so many complaints about them!

ED Magedson
[email protected]
We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate
WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency
...by consumers, for consumers


Los Angeles,

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 11, 2003

boy oh boy... i had it soooo bad... that when i did leave... i kept encouraging my roommate that it was a great opportunity and she should stick with it... i even told all of my remaining crew to stick with it and good luck... i felt so responsible for them... my roommate made me see the light... three months later, i was able to step back and see what had happened.

((Link here did not work))

Read below why an e-mail address, phone number or link was removed from this Report



Fri, January 10, 2003

The office i worked for told me i could not miss work unless i was dead. They pulled my strings and made me feel horrible for letting others down, but they were letting me down and working me 60 yards from a tornado on a seawall, i was chewed out and threatened my job because i was working alone and let down by my team. After i got promoted they demoted me back to distributor a week later and ruined my confidence. Before i came to that company i had a lot, not enough, but i had confidence in myself and they said i would gain it back. I did and they dragged it back down anytime i wasnt working hard enough. I have only seen clearance get promoted out and my assistant manager lost her team. The top leader lost his team after building it, so cydcor had no hope of opening their own business, but a lot of us had no choice but to continue the starvation, fatigue and wake up at 4:30 am, I was responsible for bringing a few to work and i slaved myself over them and i dont know how my taxes are doing, but we were told everything from clothes to food were writeoffs.
The chants were longer than any other offices and more ridiculous. When seeing requiem for a dream i got paranoid because of all the juice crap. I saw the truth when i went to the christmas party and saw that mostly everyone there had not been there more than a year, i was shocked and felt cheated by all of them and their cult tactics. My friends and family worried a lot about my dedication and i regretted for a day that i quit but now it is a strange memory.


What do you mean expulsion

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 09, 2003

I'd like to see every last one of these deceptive offices expelled too. But how do plan to do it?

I know that you can file anonomous reports to the labor department and other related government agencies.

I hope you have checked listings under "ds-max" and "ds max". You will profit from it. Check out that msn group - dsmaxtheaftermath - you'll see it listed in the other listings.

Good luck.

I didn't have nearly the emotional trauma you had - but I do ove a lot in taxes.

Plus I regret hurting others by helping to recruit others and sell customers bad campaigns that I thought were legitamate. I hate thinking how I was involved in hurting others.

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