  • Report:  #129487

Complaint Review: CYDCOR - Kreamer Marketing - Austin Texas

Reported By:
- Austin, Texas,

CYDCOR - Kreamer Marketing
Everywhere - Even INDIA! Austin, 78752 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am writing this for two reasons. One, after the experience it is good to relate to others who have been through this bull-s#$% manager training program. Two, to give people who are about to begin their successful careers with a CYDCOR subsidiary all of the information they will never get while employed with CYDCOR.

CYDCOR has between 50 and 100 offices accross the US at a given time. Each operates under a DBA of the managers choice. You can recognize a CYDCOR office by the bell and gong hanging in the corner, tired sales zombies uner the age of 25 walking the office, and the fact that the person the ad told you to ask for does not actually work there or even exist.

MY STORY. I worked for Kreamer Marketing for 8 months. You start out walking business to business selling services of major brand corporations (telecom, shipping, energy, etc..). Once you show that you can sell and work a full day, you get promoted to leadership. I have seen this phase take from 3 days to 1 month. I would say that 15% of people who take the job make it to leadership. Out of that 15%, probably less than 1% make it to Assistant Management and then half of those who make it to AM make it to the big goal.. Management.

Out of those that make management, a small number make it beyond a year of owning their own business... let me rephrase that. They are store fronts for CYDCOR. So if anything bad ever happens at one of CYDCOR's offices, they can just pack up and leave and someone else will move in under another DBA to cover that market share.

Leadership is the management training level by which you are supposed interview, train, hire, fire, basically learn to be a manager. If you do not do it the CYDCOR way, then you are booted. The CYDCOR way entails being a complete a*****e for no apparant reason. Once, I was sick puking my guts out and when I called in sick I was told that I was letting the entire office down. I guess it would have been better to get everyone sick and shut the office down.

I never had a problem standing up to my manager. She was a total witch but I also was the top national sales rep on our campaign and made her more money than everyone put together in the office for a good 4 months. So she couldn't say much. She got me back in other ways like giving me crappy sales people on my team, forcing me to pick up other leader's slack in training who couldn't close a deal if their life depended on it. I did have my right hand guy (still friends to this day) and a team of around 3-4 suckers on average at a time.

Well AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to move accross the f***ing country came along and I was given exactly 24 hours to decide to travel with my team or not. According to my MGR my team was going (she had already spoken with them - this pissed me off that she told them first). As it turns out she had not told them all, and the ones who she had told said only if I would go would they even consider it. I said yes automatically because I had put a lot of work into building my team and wasn't going to lose them to this b***h. I found out she lied about this 2 months after moving to f***ing LA on a SAT with no appartment which we were told would be found for us. Well my MGR forced me and my entire team to help her unpack her stuff for that whole Saturday, then she sent us off early evening to find a place to live and be at work by MON morning at 7am.

Needless to say, this arrangement did not last long and we all left her high and dry after working there for 2 months, 2 yearlong leases and 1k debt later. I hear she is back in the field building her team in Phoenix. I hope she learned a lesson. If she didn't she can continue to work 80 hours a week making less than I do now. You see, managers may make some good money if they choose a right campaign/market and are not complete f***ing assholes. But most barely break even afer covering their office overhead.

Anyways to those beging a career with a CYDCOR office, no matter how much they make you think you are asking a stupid question like "what is the turnover rate here" and "how many people that start make it to management" or my favorite is "when do I get to help design marketing campaigns like I was promissed during my first interview". Bunch a bull s**t answers will follow. Look for a straight one, I bet you don't find it.

I probably interviewed 300 people in my time there, brought on about 100, and had a team of about 4 at a time. If you want to learn sales.. this is a good training. But make sure you are able to sell or you won't be able to survive. My checks were between 700 and 1300 per week. Most people made about 200 to 400 per week.

I had one guy who worked for me for three weeks and only made 99 bucks (and I had closed the deal and gave him the money to boost his confidence). Also consider that territories can be rather large and an daily recruit from the office (and back) to your designated area of the territory can be as far as an hour and half away. No mileage reimbursement. And if you make it to leadership, you will probably end up working from 730 to 730 every day. Straight commission.

Oh yeah, and remember that the following words/actions are bad and may subject you to getting terminated: vacation time, I'm tired, my feet hurt, these customers hate my product, I'm late because my son is sick, not smiling, yawning, the list goes on. Tell your story below. Vent and help these people when they interview with these companies pull the sheets off that have been pulled over their head.

There are too many stories of witchiness, shameful self righteousness, and screwing over of people for me to tell here. I met all of the VPs in the company, even the presidents of Cydcor and DS Max, spoke with them on a personal level... and they all spun the same story.. only some were better at making the business sound fair and legit.

Max Texas, Texas

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


About the above...

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 06, 2005

Craig - good for you. You know, to be fair I did meet some offices that ran much more smoothly and fair than others. But you know what each office says when they are having a company visitor: "be professional - dress to impress". Once I got to actually know the offices, they all have the same potitical drama happening internally, and have that CYDCOR attitude. I am going to stand by the bottom-line entry above from Mike... but note that less than 1% of people hired isn't even close to the right number... more like .01% of all hired... Justan, of course they called you back for the second interview. They call everyone back / hire everyone who is interested, unless they are really ugly or lack the ability to speak. I wanted to clarify the "ripping off of customers that I mentioned in my original title." Almost everyone that I worked with, including members of my team at one point 'pulled one' on a naive customer to make a sale. Employees are not generally discouraged from doing this, but in fact, are applauded for making the sale. When asked "what was working for you today?" you will just hear the same standard bullshit.. "I worked a full day" or "I kept a positive attitude" or I've even heard/said "I didn't take NO for an answer from the customer, they will often crack after the 10th objection/rebuttal". If you are prepared to hear at least 30-100 people per day tell you NO or "One of you was just hear trying to sell this to me" or "I hate your company" or "get the F@#K out of my store", then go for it. It's definitely an experience. Also, I mentioned Sex Scandals only because it is common knowledge that certain individuals are banging others on their teams, in their office, their managers - these situations all reaking of favoritism.


Thank you everyone!!! This really helped out my life in a big way!!!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, February 04, 2005

I recently just had the first interview with Madison MArketing aka"cydcor" in Tysons Corner VA. I was called back for a second interview, but now I am not going. I want to thank everyone for the responses that I read. This really helped out my life in a big way!!!


Bottom Line: Don't waste your time working for ANY Cydcor affilliate.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 01, 2005

1. To succeed you must work 12 hour days. 2. To succeed you must work on Saturdays. 3. To succeed you must sacrifice your free time. 4. All Cydcor affilliates are commission only. 5. No Cydcor affilliate offers health benefits. 6. No Cydcor affilliate offers vacation time. 7. No Cydcor affilliate offers 401k. 8. All Cydcor affilliate employees are at-will. 9. Office politics will play a part in your advancement, regardless of your performance. 10. You may be asked to move on short notice. 11. There is NO guarantee of success. Think about it. You have the opportunity to work a 100% commission-only sales job with no benefits and a no-tolerance leave policy (meaning they will not tolerate you taking days off). You will work longer hours than you have ever worked. You will work outside in all seasons regardless the weather (imagine a Bostonian sales rep walking the streets of Quincy this week in 2 feet of snow). All of this for an opportunity...not a guarantee...an opportunity. Then, if you fail to achieve that opportunity, your only respite is "you just couldn't hack it. You are weak." The choice is yours. Craig, you cannot dispute that less than 1% of people who come in on a day of observation make it into management. That means over 99% of people in the business "couldn't hack it." Potential-New-Employee, if you're out there...do you honestly believe that you are in the less than 1% category or do you concede that it's more likely you'll suffer the same defeat that thousands have suffered before you? Bottom Line: Don't waste your time working for ANY Cydcor affilliate.


Jacksonville Beach,
I do not work for the same ICL as you did, however

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 31, 2005

I believe that your post is a blanket generalization of the company as a whole. The truth of the matter is that everyone is not cut out for this business. This results in a high turnover rate. If you were to interview 100 in every city and town in the United States, or in the world for that matter, 90% of those people wouldn't WANT to give it a chance. Some of those people do however give it a chance and make themselves better people for having had the experience. The bad experiences that you see aren't the result you would see at every single Cydcor affiliated company. If you want to make a blanket generalization about all of the companies in Cydcor, you might as well be able to make a blanket generalization about everyone of a particular race or something to that effect. That being said, the majority of people you will see complaining as a result of this post are complaining because they couldn't hack it. For those reading the complaints please keep that in mind. I have worked for the company and have seen the good and the bad. I actually moved to Jacksonville to get a change of scenery. I have to say that it's one of the best moves I have ever made. I have become very successful over here and and making plenty of money. I am making on average what the guy above was making if not more. That isn't the whole reason I am here though. I am not going into the generalizations that you will hear in the following complaints, but I will say (other than the opportunity I have to advance in the company), I have learned more about dealing with people and situations that any college could teach. I know for a fact that I am a better business person from having experienced this position. If I were to fail, I know that I would be more than qualified to do any job I could imagine because of my experience with this company. Before you decide against working for a company affiliated with Cydcor, remember that you might be destroying your chance to learn more about yourself than you could ever know. I know I have learned how to make it in the business world no matter what venue I choose.

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