Purchased an iPod touch for my son's birthday. Item was listed as factory refurbished. Seller waited nearly three weeks to ship, missing my son's birthday.
When item arrived, it did not appear to be refurbished by Apple, and in fact was dead on arrival. I returned it immediately, by certified mail.
Item arrived and I wrote asking if he could process my refund. On November 3, he responded: "I did issue your refund. should hit the account in 5 to 7 days."
I waited 10 business days before I wrote again. He has not once responded.
I have filed with my bank who is investigating and have contacted the cincinatti police.
Cincinatti is not TOO far of a drive. Hmmm.
Beware. This guy needs to be in jail.
I mean, why ship an item at all if the inclination was to rip me off???