  • Report:  #96207

Complaint Review: Darryl Smith - Delran New Jersey

Reported By:
- Riverside, New Jersey,

Darryl Smith
722 Chester Ave Delran, 08075 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Darryl left us when Jayden was 1 year old for another woman. Not a big problem til 8 months later when my son was hospitalized for rotavirus and he skipped town and quit his job.

He is a drug abuser and an will use woman as an emotional punching bag. He hasnt seen his son in months and owes money for child support and for health insurance.

Last known whereabouts is Fairfield California although It is possible he is in the Poconos. My son is a little over 2 years old and his father STILL has the nerve to ask me why I didnt throw my self down the stairs when I was pregnant. GET OVER IT! IT was 3 years ago.

His child support is only 50 dollars a week. Why can't he pay it? WOMAN BEWARE! He will use you hurt you knock you up and leave you! HE has 2 other children By two other woman that HE hasn't seen in years and doesnt pay for. Why should you be different? The kicker is his mother works for child support. Think he would know better heh?


Riverside, New Jersey

11 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Contact info is invalid

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 20, 2007

I will update contact info as it becomes available


New Jersey,
5 years old and still doesnt know him

#3Author of original report

Fri, July 20, 2007

Jayden is now 5 years old. He still doesn't know Darryl and I'm assuming he never will. He is $5,000 in arears for child support (just with my case) and from last count has 3 open child support cases with another child who refuses to file. He now has 4 children by four different mothers. He hasn't seen any of them from what I know. He was last seen in or near the Pocono's in PA. BEWARE. He will screw you over, abuse you emotionally and use you for every penny you own. EXPECT him to run!


TO: Joianne - Riverside, New Jersey

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2004

Congratulations! Your co-parent appears to be a real scumbag. Apologies for previous posts, since you don't fit the description of a maternal maniac. Again, NO ONE should be forced to be a parent, but those that choose to be parents should support and raise those children, and penalties should apply to any parent who doesn't put their children first. Good luck.


New Jersey,

#5Author of original report

Sat, August 14, 2004

I filed for custody. The court date was August 9th. He never showed up. I did have a lawyer ( I knew he wouldnt show and didn't want this prolonged ). The Judge did want to prolong it but my lawyer fought and won. Full costudy (sole legal and sole physical) Darryl cannot see or talk to Jayden unless he petitions the court. He is currently $636.66 in arrears. He is working for Labor Ready (based out of Tacoma Washington but has centers all over the country) but CS wont give me his new address (not even a state he's living in). 1 1/2 months until I can take action like puting it on his credit report and stop him from buying a house, things like that. He is still with his girlfriend (I tried calling him the other day to see if he'd show up for court and she answered then hung up on me). Could be in Fairfield California or The Poconos. His Girlfriend, Tonya Bassert, has family in both places. Jayden keeps asking for his dad. I told him I don't know where his dad is. I believe Tonya recently had a baby but I am not sure. She claims to ahve been about 6 months pregant in April (family and friends told me) but I havent been able to confirm this. I personally believe she had an abortion (at home deal, like he wanted me to do but I refused). I was asked to pick them up from the hospital and bring her to get pain meds in march. I'm at a lose and a stand still. Im angry at him for being so distant from his son who loves him soo much but at the same time I'm glad to be rid of him. He desnt deserve to see his son. If he would just attempt to see him I would be happy. When I filed for custody I only filed for joint but since he wasnt there I won full.


To Joianne, This is the kind of guy the courts need to go after

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 08, 2004

If this "man" told you he wanted Jayden, then left, as you say, he needs corrected in a big way. This is the kind of guy the courts need to go after.


New York,
New York,
Lose-Lose situation

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2004

'You play, you pay', 'Two to Tango', 'Do the Crime you do the Time'. All very true but life is not that simple. Just ask the child who has been victimized by a father who never wanted to be there. A man and woman can have consensual sex with or without protection but it's a choice they both make. A woman finds out she is pregnant but she is the only one with a say in the matter. Yes it's her body but there are potentially three lives affected. They played they pay right? Are we to suggest that because of one act the man is to now free of all choices? Well what happened to the consensual part of this interaction? Granted the rules are the rules as ridiculous and unfair as they may be. Even if a man does not want to be parent he is financially responsible...fine. Take him for every dime he has if that makes you feel better. I guess that's what it's all about. When do you start to care about the child? Would you want a parent' around who does not want to be there? Do you not think the child will be affected? Well let me be the first to tell you they are, been there done that. No one is saying that he is not partially responsible for this new life but even the rules' make it clear that you can not force someone to be a parent'. Make an attempt to bring him in to the child's life, if that is not what everybody wants then move on with some dignity. Because you are not the only one suffering through this situation the child is too. I'm hoping what Anthony is trying to say is .put the child first. If you force anyone to be a part of a situation the out come will be negative and that's reality.


New Jersey,

#8Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2004

It's nice to see that people think I actually chose to have a baby out of wedlock. Or that I'm uneducated or don't have a good job. Actually I didnt choose to get pregnant I was using birth control. and he wasn't forced into this. I gave him the option to leave before the baby was born but he said he wanted to make up to this baby what he couldnt do with his first two. And I do have a good job. And I do make good money. And I am educated. I can support my son who is DISABLED. But its hard doing this on my own. I didnt choose this life and although I love my son and he is the center of my life I would definatly wish this could of happened at a beter time and with a better person. His father is 35 and still uses drugs as a crutch. So yes say all you want about he didn't chose this and he was pushed into this. But I have news for you I didn't chose this either but who steps up to the plate and takes care of thie children who cry "I was forced into this"? MOTHERS! We take of your kids. WE put them through school. WE clean the scraped knees. WE put clothes on their back and food on their stomach. WHILE YOU DEAS BEAT DADS run around with this woman and that one and start new familys. So all I'm doing is letting other woman know about him. So that they dont end up in the same situation that me and TWO other woman have been put on. And if you really want to get in a debate about this then email me. Because I can send you tons of info and pictures on how WRONG you are. Its not the money I'm really upset about I'm upset about how he abandoned his son and now his son (and 2 others) have to grow up WITHOUT a father. Oh and for the record I know not all dads are dead beats. There are moms out there just as bad as Darryl. Just in my case I got stuck with a man. and Thank you Dan.


Back Atcha... I do, and I raised my son by myself!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2004

"Here's Hoping Anthony Never Has Children " I do, and I raised my son by myself! "I will always believe that "you play, you pay". " Women play, but don't have to pay, under the law. This archaic, nauseating, statement is akin to saying that a family killed by a drunk in a car wreck shares the responsibility because they didn't have their seat-belts on. "If you don't want children, then don't do what it takes to make them. That *paltry monthly allowance* you refer to can make a big difference to what a child can and can't have. It will sometimes make a difference on whether or not the rent and utilities are paid. I don't care if you are an absentee father OR an absentee mother, your child is your responsibility. Another thing that Anthony fails to realize is when these parents who can't get child support turn to the state for help, Anthony and me and every other tax payer is helping to pay to raise a deadbeat parent's child. Any person married to or having a child with a presently deadbeat parent should not be surprised when the same thing happens to them." Why are you discussing what happens AFTER the woman has made her choice? I'm simply refering to the what the law says and what it should say, IF YOU BELIEVE THE CONSTITUTION IS THE LAW OF THE LAND. Ever hear of equal protection under the law? For those of you not familiar with the 14th amendment, it says that if the law grants privileges to one, it MUST grant the same privileges to ALL. Roe V. Wade says a woman has the right to terminate parental rights and responsibilities. States go further asnd allow a single mother to abandon, or put the child up for adoption. Men DO NOT have these same privileges! "S.n. - Bucyrus, Kansas U.S.A." Rebuttal Consumer Comment Submitted: 7/6/2004 10:45:01 AM Modified: 7/7/2004 12:00:16 AM Takes two to tango Anthony- Two points: "1) If he didn't want to be a father (a point you make in post after post) he was more than free NOT to have sex with this woman." She had the same choice. That's what we're talking about here: CHOICE. (BTW, sex happens, do you live under a rock?) "He made the choice to engage in this behavior. He could also take responsibility for birth control. Saying "Oh Poor baby, he didn't want to be a father" doesn't cut it." On this side of the screen, it does "cut it". Read your Constitution. "2) Despite all of your crying on the subject, the law is clear - these fathers are responsible. When you are made dictator, you can change that law. Until then, these men are legal deadbeats and all the apoloigies in the world on their behalf made by you won't change that. Get a real life." The laws you refer to violate men's CONSTITUTIONAL rights! I don't have to be dictator. This country is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. The Constitution and bill of rights is the "dictator" If you use the Constitution to defend ONLY your rights or the rights of those you favor, you are a traitor to everything this country stands for. For those of you that whine, "what about the children?", my counterpoint is that the children are the responsibility of the one (or ones)who CHOSE to be a parent. Right now women can choose not to be a parent for any reason, including lack of finances. She should NOT be able to force the father to provide those finances when she does want a child. No citizen should be forced to be a parent. "Dan - Chicago, Illinois U.S.A "


Takes two to tango

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, July 06, 2004

Anthony- Two points: 1) If he didn't want to be a father (a point you make in post after post) he was more than free NOT to have sex with this woman. He made the choice to engage in this behavior. He could also take responsibility for birth control. Saying "Oh Poor baby, he didn't want to be a father" doesn't cut it. 2) Despite all of your crying on the subject, the law is clear - these fathers are responsible. When you are made dictator, you can change that law. Until then, these men are legal deadbeats and all the apoloigies in the world on their behalf made by you won't change that. Get a real life.


Here's Hoping Anthony Never Has Children

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 06, 2004

I will always believe that "you play, you pay". If you don't want children, then don't do what it takes to make them. That *paltry monthly allowance* you refer to can make a big difference to what a child can and can't have. It will sometimes make a difference on whether or not the rent and utilities are paid. I don't care if you are an absentee father OR an absentee mother, your child is your responsibility. Another thing that Anthony fails to realize is when these parents who can't get child support turn to the state for help, Anthony and me and every other tax payer is helping to pay to raise a deadbeat parent's child. Any person married to or having a child with a presently deadbeat parent should not be surprised when the same thing happens to them.


Did he have a choice?

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 05, 2004

You don't say whether this father was a willing father at first, only that he abandoned you after a year. Sounds to me (I'm guessing) like you two were going to try and make it work out. Guys do that when forced to be a parent against their will. Apparently he wasn't ready to be a parent. Did you force him into it by telling him he had no choice? If so, it's Just deserts. Chalk it up to experience and get on with your lives. This kind of thing will eat you up over the years. Get some schooling and a decent job, and support the kid in the style you want to, not the style his pathetic support could never bring anyway. Or is this a revenge thing? Get him back for leaving you? If so, you don't deserve the kid. Kids deserve better than mothers who spend their lives trying to make fathers miserable for revenge, over paltry monthly allowances.

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