  • Report:  #1248090

Complaint Review: Dataqom - Nationwide

Reported By:
RCP - Acworth, Georgia, USA

Nationwide, USA
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I was in negotiations to have a merchant account set up with this company. There were some major issues with getting my terminal re-programmed and so much time had passed that I spoke to the agent who was working on setting up my account and told him to cancel my account both via telephone and in writing. His literal response was that he would NOT cancel the account and went so far as to send a processing terminal even after I asked him not to. After getting into a shouting match with the associate about cancelling the account I figured that was the end of it since we never even activated their services for processing cards. When I did not see a return label for terminal  I followed up and was told by the agent "the company is unable to provide a return label" so they expected ME to pay to send back equipment that I requested not to be sent. This company also proceeded to keep my account open despite my verbal and written request to cancel it. For the past 6 months they kept secretly drafting money from my bank without sending any paper statements or e-mailing invoices. I never knew who this company was until looking through my bank statements and doing some investigations with my bank. After finally talking to a Elavon/Dataqom manager named Lindsey, she only defended the company's dishonest practices by stating that because I didn't sign "closing forms" they were going to keep drafting money indefinitely. Yet no one is able to tell me what the bills are for considering their company never even programmed a terminal for us let alone processed any credit claims. Her defense is that "it's like a gym membership that gets opened and if the person doesn't use it they still get billed". Well I have a more appropriate analogy for this situation based on what happened. What Elavon/Dataqom did is like a phone company NOT being able to turn on your phone service so you're NOT able to use the phone, yet the company still sends bills for service since the account is "active". The only difference is this dishonest company already had my bank information so they were just drafting money without sending an invoice/bill. And they KNOW I would have signed "closing forms" once I saw a bill/statement from them. What VALID merchant company bills for service without sending an invoice? I was told by Lindsey that "a lot of merchant companies do it that way". I've personally dealt with 2 merchants in the past and NEITHER of them did that. In fact that's the most unethical thing I've ever heard of for a merchant company because there would be no other way for the owner on the account to verify if the charges reflect the rates that were promised by their merchant without having a written statement of the charges. Every ETHICAL merchant provider sends paper statements for the owner to verify charges. Elavon/Dataqom DOESN'T provide statements, they just draft money. Elavon/Dataqom refused to acknowledge wrongdoing and do not believe their action was dishonest in any way so I chose to share this with others so business owners will know what type of people are asking for their business. This is the most unprofessional and dishonest company I have ever dealt with...buyer beware!


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