The company is actually located in Montreal, QUEBEC CANADA and has two names Dynamic Marketing Solutions and Tungsten Revenue Consultants. They have over 20 fraudulent membership programs including Holiday Savers., and The company is run by fraudsters Named DP (Stands for Damanpaul) SINGH who wears a Turban and has a long Black beard and his associate who is a fraudster named Ronald Mars who runs the sales outbound side. Also the owner is a GREEK origin named Jimmy. They are located at 290 Rue Le Moyne, Montreal, QC H2Y 1Y2 on the 6th Floor (that’s in Old Montreal). The phone number is 1-800-990-1233. They run fradulent membership scams all over the USA AND CANADA. DP Singh email address is [email protected] and to see how ugly Ron Mars looks like see his facebook profile if you would like to call the POLICE and have a face to go with the profile. Here is the link…
So beware and call your Banks, Police and credit card companies to put a stop to this SCAM AND FRAUD. The MANHUNT STARTS RIGHT NOW!