  • Report:  #315387

Complaint Review: Don Lapre / Greatest Vitamin In The World - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Starbuck, Minnesota,

Don Lapre / Greatest Vitamin In The World
3112 North 30th Ave Phoenix, 85017 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased the IA package from the TV commerial and while puchasing that, I was sold on many other features that they were selling to promote my new business.

Within days, I received several more calls from Dons company making me so many promises including a 100% money back after so many sales. Leary but convinced I maxed out my credit card and gave them nearly $10,000.00.

With in the month, my web site was shut down, all telephone number they gave me had been disconnected, and here I am many months later with nothing but a maxed out credit card and no answers.

I don't know who gets to read this, But if your reading this and you can help myself and the countless people Don Lapre ripped off, PLEASE HELP!!!

If there is a class action law suit I certainly need to be a part of that. If there is a lawyer already involved I would like to talk to them.

I have read so many things about this SCAM. What I don't understand is how the federal gov't has not stepped in and put him in JAIL.


Starbuck, Minnesota


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