  • Report:  #887083

Complaint Review: Dr. Philippe Martineau MD - Jupiter Florida

Reported By:
I am Sober - Laguna Beach, , United States of America

Dr. Philippe Martineau MD
1001 West Indiantown Road Suite 103 Jupiter, 33458 Florida, United States of America
561 844-6005
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am writing this report to warn others. I went for drug and alcohol treatment at a place called Recovery Resources Inc in Florida for my excessive drinking, it was destroying both my physical health and mental health and it was time to stop. I wanted no part in starting a lifetime of psychiatric drugging and becoming a chronic mental patient. This Doctor claimed I have some sort of "dual diagnosis" just days after my last drink.

Drug abuse, including ALCOHOL !! and prescription drugs can induce symptomatology which resembles mental illness. This can occur both in the intoxicated state and also during the withdrawal state.  A protracted withdrawal syndrome can also occur with symptoms persisting for months after cessation of use. In most cases these drug induced psychiatric disorders fade away with prolonged abstinence and I knew this was no time to start psychiatric drugging with nueroleptic antipsychotics or "mood stabilizers" or any other psychiatric drugs for the sypmtoms like anxiety and insomnia that come in the first few weeks or months of drying out and getting sober, let alone accept his "Dual diagnosis" and become a chronic mental patient. I would rather drink alcohol.

Psychiatric drugs cause withdrawal reactions, including the antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotic drugs and 'mood stabilizers' (mood removers) .

Of course nobody wants to exist as a zombie or likes all the side effects then trys to stop taking them.

Then then the individuals condition grows markedly worse within days or weeks after stopping the psychiatric drug, this is almost always due to a withdrawal reactions. However, misinformed doctors , misled parents, Drug and alcohol treamnent centers and even patients belive that this is evidence that the individual "needs" the drug even more, when in fact its caused by these drugs in the first place and he or she just needs time to recover from withdrawal effects.Thats is how psychiatrists MAKE chronic mental patients alot of the time, not me.

This Doctor decided it was a good idea to disharge me from treatment during post acute withdrawal from alcohol in front of everyone if I didnt take his lobotamy pills for what ever psych label he gave me.

About my INFORMED CONSENT to treatment, While posing as authorities on the mind and mental health, psychiatry has no scientific basis for any of its treatments or methods. Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases. There are no lab tests, brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that can verify any mental disorder is a physical condition. This is not to say that people do not get depressed, or that people cant experience emotional or mental duress, but psychiatry has repackaged these emotions and behaviors as disease in order to sell drugs. This is a brilliant marketing campaign, but it is not science and I am not a lab rat.

All psychiatrists have in common that when they are caught on camera or on microphone, they cower and admit that there are no such things as chemical imbalances/diseases, or examinations or tests for them. What they do in practice, lying in every instance, abrogating [revoking] the informed consent right of every patient and drugging them in the name of treatment is nothing short of criminal. The theories are held on to not only because there is nothing else to take their place, but also because they are useful in promoting drug treatment. 

I understood that a DSM-IV diagnostic label had been assigned to me, based on this doctors subjective judgment of my speech, manner, and behavior during our meeting, which lasted approximately 10 minutes. I understand that although that doctor says that I am sick or that I have a treatable illness or disease, he or she is just using a figure of speech and cannot establish, with any test or procedure known to medical science that I in fact "have" the "illness" implied by the diagnostic labels.

I am still sober without any chemical lobotamy pills or bogus labels given to me days after my last drink by this quack who throughs his patients out of treatment as a lesson to the others on "medication compliance". Dual diagnosis treatment is a scam.

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2014

I'm with the OP on this one.  My boyfriend and I reconnected after a 30 year separation.  As we re-connected he discussed his liver cancer and so I became an expert on it. I'm fortunate to have the skills and knowledge to research and understand the medical literature.

As I reviewed his meds, I realized he was taking two different antipsychotics and something to sleep (among other drugs to alleviate the symptoms of the cancer).  I asked his doctors about it (he had six different doctors because he was treated at the VA).  He was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and "psychotic disorder not otherwise specified". 

Turns out, advanced liver cancer like his can cause psychotic symptoms when the liver fails to de-toxify the body normally.  If you fix the liver or treat the patient with a simple (but expensive) antibiotic all the psychiatric problems decrease or are elminated.  His primary doc refused to do this because he didn't want to risk a secondary infection.  The rest of his docs just deferred to him.  I showed them the medical literautre I found which demonstrated that to be low risk; in addition, the benefits would FAR outweigh those small risks. 

They still refused. I figured they were more concerned with the cost so I took him to a civilian oncologist who reviewed his records and spent considerable time with him.  He got the antibiotic and we weaned him off the psych meds.  The improvement was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, he died while waiting for a transplant, but that's a whole other rant against the incompetent VA.

Bottom line - be an informed consumer and stand your ground.  If you can't, get someone to advocate for you.  Psychiatric drugs are NOT always the answer.

still sober

Shame on me ?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2014

I landed in a "dry out" facility after getting hooked on pills and screwed up by psychiatry in the first place ! Of course I rejected further chemical "help". 

You are going to diagnose my complaint as "ironic" , a "rant" and a reason I should have started taking the kind of pills YOU are hooked on to function in life ?  I feel sorry for you living life in that disabled chemical haze of psych meds with the health problems and sexual dysfunction ALL those pills cause. That has to be a real drag for YOU.

Philippe Martineau doesn't know a damb thing about alcoholism or addiction , if he did he would know the number one complaint of newly recovering people is "nothing seems fun sober" and wouldent push those "make you a flat zombie with no creativity" mood pills on his patients.  What do I know ? I know I am one of the only 5-10 % that make it in recovery and those zombie all day pills just made sobriety suck and partying seem like a better option.

I see Philippe doesn't work for those clowns Recovery Resources Inc now called "Oceanside Detox" and "The Recovery Team" in Juno Beach anymore, maybe he does have a clue, just maybe. Maybe he quit cause he didn't like being Stephen Gumley's little b**** helping him practice medicine without a licence anymore.

Report Attachments

Still sober

Shame on me , you must be kidding

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, May 13, 2014


Typical defence of psychiatry: blame the victim and thier so called "lack of insight"... use some fancy words to blame people who decide against destroying their health and mind with psychiatries chemical straight jackets.


Psychiatry made me sick for years, got me started on addictive pills and never got me "sober", of course I rejected it.

I am one of the 5-10 % of people that actually recovered from alcoholism and addiction. The number one complaint of people recovering from alcholism and addictions is "Nothing is fun sober". Shame on me for rejecting this stupid idea that taking this make-U-a-Zombie "medication" that disables my brain and blocks my abilty to feel pleasure from life is the way to recover from alcoholism and addiction ?  Are you kidding ?


I feel sorry for you still stuck on those pills that keep you sick. That has to suck.


Maybe this video will help you figure out how you fell for the scam. http://youtu.be/eOScYBwMyAA














Shame on you

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 12, 2013

First off, I've been a lab rat for 20 plus years by less than competent physicians of all kinds.  After 20 plus years of suffereing I, by mere chance, ended up in Dr. Martineau's office.  That said, let's lay that aside for a moment and address your ignorance with regards to psychiatry, but before that, allow me to give credit where credit is due.


No, psychiatrists don't really udnerstand the mechanisms by which many diseases of the mind are driven, as unlike other parts of the body that have defective portions, it's easily viisble in an autopsy, ie a bad valve in the heart.  Now, that said having been a suffering, and do to the stigma associated with the diagnosis of Bipolar type II,, I suffered FAR longer than necessary because of the ignorance of people like yourself.  I too am an addict, but one only need look as far as your behavior and wonder why you chose to willfuly become an addict, and yes, some people certainly do, but here's the issue withour comments, and I'm no stranger to AA nor NA....they'll always ask you this: "Your way got you here, why don't you allow those with more knowledge to give you the guidance for a way that might just work". 


Lobomatmy pills...great....and Bipolar, major depressive disorder amoint a great many other diseases of the mind simply don't exist.  Your ignorance, when coupled with what at the BARE minimum woudl be considered legitimate OCD in excessive drinking, is laughable.


Now, back to Dr. Martinueau.  I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but when you go on rants like you did in this post, coming out of an alcohol treatment program, that sure seems like traditional mania to me, and as for your "lobotomy pills", that's another sure sign of mania because you are flying like a kit and believe yourself to be God or better.


Fortunately, I'm not afflicted with Type 1, but Type II is no cakewalk and it's f**ked up my life for 2 plus decades, so dogging out a Dr. because you refused their treatment regimen, is irresponisble at best, and libelous at worst.  You have an issue, and dual diagnosis seems probable....at the end of the day, I take your so called "lobotomy pills", and I'd be more than willing to go head to head with you in any intellectual pursuit, every bit as much as a physcial pusuit and let's see if my lobotomy pills show me to be inferior. 


You are a afraid and your fear is apparent, and in truth, there's NOTHING wrong with being afraid.  The problems arise when you refuse to face your fears and deny your struggles and blame the psychiatric practics as a whole as charletans, and where many are, and where many medication action aren't fully understood, 6 months ago I didn't go a single day without tears and an obsession with killing myself.  Today, my career is blossoming after a 20 plus year downturn because of my illness.  Yes, overprescribing is an issue, but your issue is yourself, just as mine was prior to meeting Dr. Martinueu. 


What's most ironic, is your rant, is validation of his apparent request to put you on mood stablalizers though your points about withdrawal aren't invalid, but where youv'e failed is to understand how you ended up in a dry out facility in the first place.  If you had such a grand and successful plan you'd never have found yourself there, so since your method has worked so well, keep making decisions that destroy your life and body and blaming everyone but yourself.


Dr. Martineau, I'm grateful for having met you, and while things aren't perfect, they are a hell of a lot better because I was fortunate enough to find a Dr. that actually gave a s***.



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