  • Report:  #876188

Complaint Review: Ed Danti via Nampa Kid Soccer - Internet

Reported By:
NAMPAPARENT - Nampa, Idaho, United States of America

Ed Danti via Nampa Kid Soccer
83686 Internet, United States of America
(208) 467-6353
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The program of Nampa Kid Soccer has always been about fair play and having fun in a NON competitive environment.  For the past year the program has dropped in numbers due to parents are being treated poorly by the current President of Nampa Kid Soccer, Mr. Ed Danti.  When a parent brings up valid concerns about the club and current situations, Mr. Danti goes on a rant in calling the parents idiots and to deal with it.

 This coming from a President of a non profit organization that was founded on getting players out of the field playing the game.  Now coaches are warned if they mess up they will have to not only forfeit the game it could cause forfeiting the entire season.  The board gets addressed as a whole but for some reason the only person that is to speak is Mr. Ed Danti himself.  Nampa Kids claims to be a developmental league but where is the development coming from? 

Their current coaches meeting gives zero direction on what they can and cannot do under the Nampa Kid Soccer rules and regulations.  They seem more concerned about getting on the coaches about snack schedules that the possiblilty of using that time to teach the players of Nampa Kid Soccer the game.  There has been numerous of occasions of frivolous spendings and have high concerns of a non-profit league not revealing where this money that the parents put into is spent. 

Is it to better the league or to see what the board members currently can get out of it.   Seems the children of the league are the forgotten ones while the others are just content on being part of something.   Coaches are all to pass a current background check and unfortunately there are those that are on the board of Nampa Kid Soccer that wouldn't beable to.  These are the members we are suppose to look up to as they are the voice of our league.  How can they rightfully turn a coach away from something on their record when they couldn't pass one either.  Lead by example?

Two main problems with this picture is Mr. Danti has taken a league that is recreational to promoting of posting scores on the Nampa Kid Soccer website.  The other problem is there is zero development in this organization and for one the boasts about being a coach for 17 years I should and would expect more.

When we asked for a refund due to the lack of development as the Nampa Kid Soccer says.  We were told that we were whiners and needed to just let the child play.  Our reasoning for signing our child up was to have our son learn from their league.  Unfortunately we as well as others shortly found out there is no true developing on a source to throw money away.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Kristine Cochran-Chase

United States of America
Once Again I don't hide who I am

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 29, 2012

Well I happen to agree with the person above about saying where all this is going is AWAY from NKS.  However, I am certain this SAME person is the one who STARTED the whole rumor mill themselves.  However, once again they hide behind probably what is a fake name.  Anyhow, you can ALL take my name out of your dirty mouths.  I decided to try and ignore your ignorance, however I actually happened to put my name and email on this thing, because I am no coward and therefore I get notified everytime someone wants to open their mouths and spew out what is some high school drama.  Now just know this.  I could give a CRAP who knows what my financial issues are, because I DO!!!  And I am  not ashamed to admit we have struggled in the past and am now fixing the issues, not that it is any of your business, but since you brought it up!!!!!!(Can anyone else say they are trying to make it right?  Oh and I don't HIDE from anyone, all the "attornies" know exactly where I am)   Would you like to know more?  Just ask, however grow the heck up and get on with your own pathetic life, because mine is pretty d**n GREAT.  I have a loving family and more importantly God who protects me, loves me and shows me the light  in every situation.  He shows me how to not get so angry and yet feel sorry and pray for all the individuals who feel the need to put everyone elses life down because their own is obviously so horrible.  And I do, I pray for everyone, but especially the kids that affected here.  Now I could care less what YOU "Jenwilz" think of me or are trying to get others too,  I know who I am and that is by no means perfect,  but I KNOW I am a good hearted person who will just have sit back and let you all bash me because you have nothing better to do.  Let me know if you need any help getting me off your mind,  it is kind of nice to be thought of so much ;0)  Again, I feel sorry for all you that have to take the  situation to a personal level, but I will not sit back and not defend myself, especially when you start a rumor that I am a theif. But again those who know me and will know me, know the truth and you my friends are the only ones that look ignorant!   Good Day :0) 

Kristine Cochran-Chase

United States of America
Once Again I don't hide who I am

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 29, 2012

Well I happen to agree with the person above about saying where all this is going is AWAY from NKS.  However, I am certain this SAME person is the one who STARTED the whole rumor mill themselves.  However, once again they hide behind probably what is a fake name.  Anyhow, you can ALL take my name out of your dirty mouths.  I decided to try and ignore your ignorance, however I actually happened to put my name and email on this thing, because I am no coward and therefore I get notified everytime someone wants to open their mouths and spew out what is some high school drama.  Now just know this.  I could give a CRAP who knows what my financial issues are, because I DO!!!  And I am  not ashamed to admit we have struggled in the past and am now fixing the issues, not that it is any of your business, but since you brought it up!!!!!!(Can anyone else say they are trying to make it right?  Oh and I don't HIDE from anyone, all the "attornies" know exactly where I am)   Would you like to know more?  Just ask, however grow the heck up and get on with your own pathetic life, because mine is pretty d**n GREAT.  I have a loving family and more importantly God who protects me, loves me and shows me the light  in every situation.  He shows me how to not get so angry and yet feel sorry and pray for all the individuals who feel the need to put everyone elses life down because their own is obviously so horrible.  And I do, I pray for everyone, but especially the kids that affected here.  Now I could care less what YOU "Jenwilz" think of me or are trying to get others too,  I know who I am and that is by no means perfect,  but I KNOW I am a good hearted person who will just have sit back and let you all bash me because you have nothing better to do.  Let me know if you need any help getting me off your mind,  it is kind of nice to be thought of so much ;0)  Again, I feel sorry for all you that have to take the  situation to a personal level, but I will not sit back and not defend myself, especially when you start a rumor that I am a theif. But again those who know me and will know me, know the truth and you my friends are the only ones that look ignorant!   Good Day :0) 


United States of America
Get it straight before you open your mouth

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, May 29, 2012

I read all these posts and it sickens me to hear some of the stupid crap that comes out of peoples mouths.  Look what does any of this have to do with soccer.  Who cares what someone owes on their background look on that same website and see all the judgements against the Chase's as well.  There are SEVERAL attornies looking for them to garnish their wages and much much more so maybe you need to keep all that stupid crap to yourself.  What anyone owes financially has NOTHING to do with soccer, coaching or running a league.  If you would have actually done your homework and perhaps done the right research you would learn the reason for the bankcruptcy and then you would be ashamed of yourself once you ACTUALLY got the FACTS!!  More FACTS if you once again did your reasearch or perhaps read Ed's book which has to be syndicated you would have learned that his EX is the one with a record because of all the lies she told....she is the one on probation.  But hey just listen to the rumors as you most likely always have and will continue to do.  As for your ridiculous comment about Ed trying to date you well I find that pathetic and even idiotic for you to to even say.  You only made yourself look VERY stupid.  But if you want to spread rumors why dont you address the one going around about Corey Chase and Cristi McMahon.  Maybe everyone should concentrate more on their families and a little less on trashing KID soccer leagues it truley is patheic and childish.

Soccer Kids Mom

United States of America
Ed and Heather Danti made up the lies about the previous president

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 28, 2012

I am sorry to everyone who has had their names slandered by Ed and Heather Danti.  They are the ones that have responded in their own defense and because of their continual "questionable" money problems in their own life they have cast the blame on someone else to try to muck up the waters so they have some sort of legal defense.  Ed and Heather Danti have long histories of "questionable" integrity and it is all public record online if a person just wants to look.  Go to the idaho courts web site and you will see ed danti's full legal problems just in Idaho.  Look up his wife Heather though all her last names, shull, clark and danti.  Ed also has records in Nevada and California if you pay for an online background check.  Also, they have a bankruptcy record that is public and extremely revealing.  They took business partners for over $100,000 dollars (elm homes) and filed bankruptcy on it.  They have over $1 million on their bankruptcy report.  Also, look up the Supreme court case between ed and his ex wife Michelle and it is very scary.  Look up Danti V. Danti and I almost threw up when I read what Ed did to his own children.  I cannot say sorry enough to the people who they have been tarnished by them.  I found everything online when Ed was trying to date me (while married) and Heather took aim at me.  He said they were separated, guess I was a guppy.

Kristine Cochran-Chase

United States of America
I AM (K)ristine Cochran-Chase and will NOT be lied about!!!!!!!

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 25, 2012

Really?  Really?  You are going to first of all sit back and hide behind a "former member" alias and start lying about Corey and I, COWARD!!!!!!!!!  First of all, well duh lets see if anyone really STOLE any money they would more than likely have charges filed against them and on record, hmm dont see that happening, do you?  Secondly, if you were a former, more than likely a current, board member you would know all money spent has to be accounted for by receipts or board approval!!!  So I sit back comfortably knowing that people who really  know me read this shaking their heads at your ignorance and stupidity.  And for those that do not know me, whom you are trying to get to believe your statments, I guess they will have to follow their own judgment.  Of course I  for one know that Corey and I have never and would never steal from anyone, especially kids!  However, anyone would say that right?   Well there again it is up to the readers who have to sadly be involved in this nonsense to decide.  By the way, Corey was only the President when the other stepped down and then he did not even pursue the position because he wanted to be more involved with training the kids!!  Therefore, not being put on the ballot for the Presidential elections!  Thats selfish right?  At first I was pretty upset about this statement when I read it, then quickly realized liars are just that liars and they always hide!  If you want anyone to think you are making a true statement give YOUR contact information, as you accused the others of  not doing themselves, well if that aint callin' the kettle black!  I gained nothing but satisfaction knowing I was helping out the youth and their families.  I will go here, I spent hours in the hospital with my son and during that time I was doing some of the flyers others were to busy to do, and with no hesitation until 1am and then getting up at 6 to answer some questions because unfortunately this was during KIDS Cup which I missed because my son was ill. Not to also mention all the countless hours at meetings, weekends, uniforms and everything else involved in being a board member(as the other person stated above).  The only reason I stepped away from Nampa KIDS was because the then and still current President, Ed Danti,  told Elisa Worrell the then and  still treasurer that if I did not step down from my position as Secretary that he would sue the  league!  THAT is why I walked away.  And due to the continued bashing and run around Corey decided to walk away too.  Realizing he was co-board with other members that had threatened to sue and made his wife walk away!!!  And try to say that isn't true, it was said to all Executive members by Elisa and the other members were Jean Barney, Corey Chase and Ken March and myself.  All in all though, I just hope this nasty sabbotage can just GO AWAY!  I hope nothing but the best for the youth in NKS, I have nothing to say about the board members and I don't have to, as THEY are not the league, the entire membership is and for ALL of THEM I hope the best in future years to come.  By the way, Arsenal United FC is founded by Corey Chase AND Manuel Lomeli so ask those 2 how they started their new club.  Believe me they will both tell you by alot of work and commitment and support.  There was no money stoled from Nampa KIDS, you can say that out of your hiding coward self all you want, but I DARE ya to tell all of us who you really are!!!!  Come on say it adn then PROVE IT!!!  To make such a statement as "Corey and Christine Chase, you got caught stealing!  Own it and stop blaming other people"!!  Own this, until you prove it  which there is nothing to prove ,you will always just know you are a liar, how does that make you feel?  Sitting back typing along and lying,  don't worry your conscience will get to ya sooner or later and if it doesn't well then you are the only one who will ever really believe yourself.  Is it fun to do ,do you have nothing better to do than run your mouth about someone who has 4 kids to take care of, someone who works very hard to survive and STILL manages to help others out and do whatever they need to do in life to be good people.  Are you so miserable with yourself and maybe should be pointing your finger right in the mirror when you talk such lies?  Well then  I do feel sorry for you, I really do.  Because again people who know me and have known me and get to know me no doubtingly know neither of us are theives and will never be!  Can you say the same?  I do believe I have said all I want to for now.  I am sure other "followers" or "juice drinkers" will find a way to spew out more lies, go ahead, I have nothing more to say.  I know who I am and I know who Corey is too, we do not have to continue to defend ourselves to your pathetic lifeless lies!  Hope you get a life soon, because yours will not be affecting ours any longer, COWARD!   If anyone would like to contact me and ask questions or get brave and say things to me personally my number is 559-6288 or email is [email protected].  I have nothing to hide, so there ya go!

Former Member

United States of America
Corey Chase, Shame On You! Thank you, Ed Danti!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 23, 2012

This report is hoax!  Provide some proof that this ever happened.  No contact information will ever be left for those who want more information.  I will say that I am a former board member that quit due to the old president Corey Chase.  He was stealing money from Nampa Kids Soccer to pay his debts that he owes all over Nampa Idaho!  Now that Cory Chase and his wife Christine Cochran Chase is gone, I will allow my kids to be involved in Nampa Kid Soccer again.  Thank you Ed Danti and the entire board, for saving Nampa Kid Soccer from a scam artist like the Chase's! 

As for everyone out there reading this, Be Aware....  The Chase's are starting a new scam with the money they stole from Nampa Kid Soccer....   Stay Away from their "new" soccer leauge called Arsenal United FC.  Corey and Christine Chase, you got caught stealing!  Own it and stop blaming other people!!


United States of America

#8General Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

I do not know where you are getting your information and I do not like your accusations towards any board member of Nampa KIDS at all. I have been apart of Nampa KIDS for several years, under several different boards and have done my share of volunteer work. I have seen as a parent this league be stunted by the previous boards decisions. Now that there are new faces on the board with a vision, they are working harder than ever to help the league succeed. Huge strides have been made to make Nampa KIDS a better, stronger program thanks to the handful of volunteers who have stepped up and helped move this league forward. Do you know the league had over 1500 kids in it this spring season? Do you know how many parents are thrilled with the changes that the league is making and are excited to be apart of it? There are people every Saturday coming up and asking to speak to the President and when Ed is called over to speak with the parent, Ed is greeted with a handshake and a thank you. This years Kids Cup was a huge success with numerous registrations for next season. So NO the leagues numbers are not down and you seem to be a minority with your complaint.

As for your comment about the board members... What do they get out of it? Hmm lets see... countless hours and hours of thankless work, yep... time taken away from their family, yep... stress of trying to please everyone, yep... spending every Saturday at the fields from 8am to after 5pm for 7 weeks, yep... 4hr a month board meetings so that every parent/member that wants to address the board can, yep..oh and parents only hearing what they want and not really seeing the bigger picture, yep... dealing with parents like you that can only spew hate and disrespect because you didn't get your way, yep..and what makes all this worth it? Seeing the 1500 kids on a Saturday having the time of their life playing soccer. So you might want to think about joining the board since obviously you think you can do a better job.

Also, just so you know, the Treasure provides the financial statements at the monthly board meetings and she answers any questions brought up by either a board member or parent. So if you have concerns as to where the money is going I suggest you ask her and she will tell you. 

There is no need for you to respond to this because I will not waste another moment on such a rude, disrespectful individual such as yourself! I just thought the other side of your pointless rant needed a voice.

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