  • Report:  #122800

Complaint Review: Edgewood Marketing - Victory Promotions - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Bolingbrook, Illinois,

Edgewood Marketing - Victory Promotions
River North, Chicago Chicago, 60610 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a very disappointing experience with this company. First of all, I have a BA in Advertising and a lot of experience in the field, so I can usually spot a company that isn't quite sure what "advertising" means.

I'm here to let them know "advertising" does NOT mean selling coupons door to door. I didn't get as far as some others filing these reports did in interviews because at the initial meeting, I noticed that their office in Chicago was in a basement, their receptionist was calling others right in front of me for the same position I was applying for and when I did meet the guy in charge of hiring, he couldn't seem to string together a coherent explanation of what Edgewood actually did.

But, oh, it involves sports... this tells me nothing. Edgewood/Victory/KDSM/hucksters/whatever: maybe next time you should look up the word "advertising" in a dictionary. Thanks for wasting an hour of my life. I can't get that back at the end, you know.


Bolingbrook, Illinois

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Report Managers to:

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Mr. Luke St. Germaine has already been reported to various agencies. Kirk's office is running a statewide investigation on all Cydcor affiliates. Mr. Luke St. Germaine has also been reported to The Chicago FBI white collar crime office. The FBI, and Congressman Kirk, are very interested in hearing from you, they will respond to your calls. They are very aware of what is going on because many complaints have been filed. There are employees and ex-employees who are releasing all names of active employees to the two offices mentioned. It may take some time, but cydcor managers such as Mr. Luke St. Germaine...will be held accountable for their actions.


Give me a break, save it for the uniformed victums you lie to everyday to make your operation work.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 11, 2005

I have to admit, you are the best I have seen at fluffing up the image of these deceptive companies. However you say the same thing all of your cult members say. You try to degrade people, saying they are lazy and could not make it. The people you degrade are people who are smart enough not to fall for the scam which you are involved and go on to get real jobs that pay real money. You lie to people on a daily basis to make your money. Speaking of which, if money is so important to you, and you make all this money being an owner, than how come owners drive such crappy cars and share their dwelling with 3 or more people. You insulted the previous post for not knowing how to interview. What interview? Oh you mean the one where the owner tries to sell you on the company not the other way around like it is in the real business world. You can fool yourself all you want to but one day you will be on here like many previous owners giving insider information on how the scam works. Insult honest people with real jobs all you want to as most of us laugh all the way to the bank with real money. If you want to compare income, send me a fax number and I will send a bank statement. Otherwise see you back on here in a year or so.


St. Charles,
Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 10, 2005

First of all, how did you get a BA in Advertising without knowing that 'Direct' Advertising - clearly spelled out in the first round interview -is not only the oldest and most reliable form of making a product known, but the physical act of interacting with strangers face to face? Shame on you for being so naive. You should be embarrassed. Note: I write this rebuttal as the head of sales for a marketing research firm, and a former corporate trainer and independent distributor at Victory Promotions in Chicago. I am no longer employed at Victory solely because I had to move from Chicago for familial obligations. I googled Victory in an attempt to update myself on how my old friends were doing. Never did I expect to have been made privy to such outlandish, uneducated and misleading remarks as are posted on this terribly misused website. I only take the time to write as I feel it my duty to make right some of the wrongful accusations posted by individuals who find console for their lack of success in life by blaming others. To all who have written in attack of Victory Promotions, know that I understand how much easier it is for you to deal with failure in the type of group environment encouraged by this website, and that it is only human nature to compensate for your inadequacies and lack of understanding by placing the blame on external, unassociated circumstances - like a job opportunity you simply didn't understand. The individuals who log on and chat here are the same kids in school that got a failing grade in class, and felt better about it when their friends did, too. It's just too bad. One year after my six-month employment at Victory, I now run the sales division for a successful marketing research firm. I owe this 100% to the training and development offered through Tom Spiro and his very honest, successful organization. MOST IMPORTANTLY, everyone who submitted a 'rip-off report' here has commented on feeling taken advantage of during the day of observation, or 'misled'. In every first-round interview, it is CLEARLY stated and REPEATED that the first level of employment with the company revolves around DIRECT SALES - to people at the business and residence level. I feel silly needing to say this - but isn't that your fault for not knowing what DIRECT sales is? Again, your fault! To everyone who simply ignored or missed this very vital explanation, learn how to interview: it involves LISTENING to the prospective employer AS MUCH AS bragging about your own qualifications when it's your turn to speak. As a former trainer, there was nothing more annoying than taking someone out to the field with me during my business day who had no clue what we were doing - simply because they didn't listen to what Tom said during the first round interview. That fact, in and of itself, dispels all of the myths written by people claiming to have been misled about their Days of Observation. It was all black and white, and those unhappy people chose to go ahead with something about which they were unclear. Learn How To Listen. It's just that simple. To set the record straight, Victory Promotions is not owned by any other company - it is an incorporated business owned and managed privately. The Manager and Regional Consultant, Tom Spiro, began Victory seven years ago by seizing the opportunity to run his own company when he graduated from college. This is the exact same opportunity with which he presents every single person he encounters at Victory - including myself. I was in NO WAY misled about the mission of the sales side of the company. Advertising, it its oldest and most reliable form, is the act of explaining a product face-to-face with others. And I knew that was called 'Direct' advertising upon entering my Day of 'O'. Both my father and my grandfather built multi-million dollar corporations from the ground up - and in what way? Visiting strangers and informing them of their product. They were literally ecstatic at the idea of my learning how to TRULY WORK to get where I want to be, and asked to meet Tom right away - they viewed him as someone who holds the same hard-working principles as themselves. To this day, I still seek Tom out for counsel, which he offers regardless of whether or not I am in his company. It is his principle to educate others in achieving their goals. Victory Promotions is about building people - once that is accomplished, the sales aspect comes naturally to those who really try to learn. It's people with the 'get rich quick, and without working hard' mentality that waste time posting sob stories on these websites. The intense, personalized training I received from Tom and his top trainers helped me to learn the skills of managing others, but first and foremost, managing myself. When I applied for the job I currently hold, it was stated to me by the VP of the company that I earned the position based on my experiences with direct sales and team management. My direct sales and training management history put me over my competition. Because Victory Promotions was my first job out of college, that is all I have to thank for the strength of character and general tenacity that I developed - two essential traits that landed me a career in management. To dispel the last 'claim' made by others, there are no scams WHATSOEVER involved with Victory Promotions or any other Granton Marketing company. Think for a second: ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO REASON THAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS, AKA CLIENTS OF GRANTON MARKETING, WOULD RISK WORKING WITH A FRAUDULENT COMPANY???? Is it reasonable to believe that massive companies like Pizza Hut, Cinemark Theaters, The White Sox, Firestone, etc. etc. would put their names on the line and risk losing everything by participating in a scam? Of course not - Again, I ask you to rely on your own common reason, and not the bitter words of people who must blame others as opposed to taking accountability for their own laziness and lack of success.. Thanks for reading, and I hope I was able to do justice to many of the aberrant claims posted on this website.


St. Charles,
Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 10, 2005

First of all, how did you get a BA in Advertising without knowing that 'Direct' Advertising - clearly spelled out in the first round interview -is not only the oldest and most reliable form of making a product known, but the physical act of interacting with strangers face to face? Shame on you for being so naive. You should be embarrassed. Note: I write this rebuttal as the head of sales for a marketing research firm, and a former corporate trainer and independent distributor at Victory Promotions in Chicago. I am no longer employed at Victory solely because I had to move from Chicago for familial obligations. I googled Victory in an attempt to update myself on how my old friends were doing. Never did I expect to have been made privy to such outlandish, uneducated and misleading remarks as are posted on this terribly misused website. I only take the time to write as I feel it my duty to make right some of the wrongful accusations posted by individuals who find console for their lack of success in life by blaming others. To all who have written in attack of Victory Promotions, know that I understand how much easier it is for you to deal with failure in the type of group environment encouraged by this website, and that it is only human nature to compensate for your inadequacies and lack of understanding by placing the blame on external, unassociated circumstances - like a job opportunity you simply didn't understand. The individuals who log on and chat here are the same kids in school that got a failing grade in class, and felt better about it when their friends did, too. It's just too bad. One year after my six-month employment at Victory, I now run the sales division for a successful marketing research firm. I owe this 100% to the training and development offered through Tom Spiro and his very honest, successful organization. MOST IMPORTANTLY, everyone who submitted a 'rip-off report' here has commented on feeling taken advantage of during the day of observation, or 'misled'. In every first-round interview, it is CLEARLY stated and REPEATED that the first level of employment with the company revolves around DIRECT SALES - to people at the business and residence level. I feel silly needing to say this - but isn't that your fault for not knowing what DIRECT sales is? Again, your fault! To everyone who simply ignored or missed this very vital explanation, learn how to interview: it involves LISTENING to the prospective employer AS MUCH AS bragging about your own qualifications when it's your turn to speak. As a former trainer, there was nothing more annoying than taking someone out to the field with me during my business day who had no clue what we were doing - simply because they didn't listen to what Tom said during the first round interview. That fact, in and of itself, dispels all of the myths written by people claiming to have been misled about their Days of Observation. It was all black and white, and those unhappy people chose to go ahead with something about which they were unclear. Learn How To Listen. It's just that simple. To set the record straight, Victory Promotions is not owned by any other company - it is an incorporated business owned and managed privately. The Manager and Regional Consultant, Tom Spiro, began Victory seven years ago by seizing the opportunity to run his own company when he graduated from college. This is the exact same opportunity with which he presents every single person he encounters at Victory - including myself. I was in NO WAY misled about the mission of the sales side of the company. Advertising, it its oldest and most reliable form, is the act of explaining a product face-to-face with others. And I knew that was called 'Direct' advertising upon entering my Day of 'O'. Both my father and my grandfather built multi-million dollar corporations from the ground up - and in what way? Visiting strangers and informing them of their product. They were literally ecstatic at the idea of my learning how to TRULY WORK to get where I want to be, and asked to meet Tom right away - they viewed him as someone who holds the same hard-working principles as themselves. To this day, I still seek Tom out for counsel, which he offers regardless of whether or not I am in his company. It is his principle to educate others in achieving their goals. Victory Promotions is about building people - once that is accomplished, the sales aspect comes naturally to those who really try to learn. It's people with the 'get rich quick, and without working hard' mentality that waste time posting sob stories on these websites. The intense, personalized training I received from Tom and his top trainers helped me to learn the skills of managing others, but first and foremost, managing myself. When I applied for the job I currently hold, it was stated to me by the VP of the company that I earned the position based on my experiences with direct sales and team management. My direct sales and training management history put me over my competition. Because Victory Promotions was my first job out of college, that is all I have to thank for the strength of character and general tenacity that I developed - two essential traits that landed me a career in management. To dispel the last 'claim' made by others, there are no scams WHATSOEVER involved with Victory Promotions or any other Granton Marketing company. Think for a second: ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO REASON THAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS, AKA CLIENTS OF GRANTON MARKETING, WOULD RISK WORKING WITH A FRAUDULENT COMPANY???? Is it reasonable to believe that massive companies like Pizza Hut, Cinemark Theaters, The White Sox, Firestone, etc. etc. would put their names on the line and risk losing everything by participating in a scam? Of course not - Again, I ask you to rely on your own common reason, and not the bitter words of people who must blame others as opposed to taking accountability for their own laziness and lack of success.. Thanks for reading, and I hope I was able to do justice to many of the aberrant claims posted on this website.


St. Charles,
Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 10, 2005

First of all, how did you get a BA in Advertising without knowing that 'Direct' Advertising - clearly spelled out in the first round interview -is not only the oldest and most reliable form of making a product known, but the physical act of interacting with strangers face to face? Shame on you for being so naive. You should be embarrassed. Note: I write this rebuttal as the head of sales for a marketing research firm, and a former corporate trainer and independent distributor at Victory Promotions in Chicago. I am no longer employed at Victory solely because I had to move from Chicago for familial obligations. I googled Victory in an attempt to update myself on how my old friends were doing. Never did I expect to have been made privy to such outlandish, uneducated and misleading remarks as are posted on this terribly misused website. I only take the time to write as I feel it my duty to make right some of the wrongful accusations posted by individuals who find console for their lack of success in life by blaming others. To all who have written in attack of Victory Promotions, know that I understand how much easier it is for you to deal with failure in the type of group environment encouraged by this website, and that it is only human nature to compensate for your inadequacies and lack of understanding by placing the blame on external, unassociated circumstances - like a job opportunity you simply didn't understand. The individuals who log on and chat here are the same kids in school that got a failing grade in class, and felt better about it when their friends did, too. It's just too bad. One year after my six-month employment at Victory, I now run the sales division for a successful marketing research firm. I owe this 100% to the training and development offered through Tom Spiro and his very honest, successful organization. MOST IMPORTANTLY, everyone who submitted a 'rip-off report' here has commented on feeling taken advantage of during the day of observation, or 'misled'. In every first-round interview, it is CLEARLY stated and REPEATED that the first level of employment with the company revolves around DIRECT SALES - to people at the business and residence level. I feel silly needing to say this - but isn't that your fault for not knowing what DIRECT sales is? Again, your fault! To everyone who simply ignored or missed this very vital explanation, learn how to interview: it involves LISTENING to the prospective employer AS MUCH AS bragging about your own qualifications when it's your turn to speak. As a former trainer, there was nothing more annoying than taking someone out to the field with me during my business day who had no clue what we were doing - simply because they didn't listen to what Tom said during the first round interview. That fact, in and of itself, dispels all of the myths written by people claiming to have been misled about their Days of Observation. It was all black and white, and those unhappy people chose to go ahead with something about which they were unclear. Learn How To Listen. It's just that simple. To set the record straight, Victory Promotions is not owned by any other company - it is an incorporated business owned and managed privately. The Manager and Regional Consultant, Tom Spiro, began Victory seven years ago by seizing the opportunity to run his own company when he graduated from college. This is the exact same opportunity with which he presents every single person he encounters at Victory - including myself. I was in NO WAY misled about the mission of the sales side of the company. Advertising, it its oldest and most reliable form, is the act of explaining a product face-to-face with others. And I knew that was called 'Direct' advertising upon entering my Day of 'O'. Both my father and my grandfather built multi-million dollar corporations from the ground up - and in what way? Visiting strangers and informing them of their product. They were literally ecstatic at the idea of my learning how to TRULY WORK to get where I want to be, and asked to meet Tom right away - they viewed him as someone who holds the same hard-working principles as themselves. To this day, I still seek Tom out for counsel, which he offers regardless of whether or not I am in his company. It is his principle to educate others in achieving their goals. Victory Promotions is about building people - once that is accomplished, the sales aspect comes naturally to those who really try to learn. It's people with the 'get rich quick, and without working hard' mentality that waste time posting sob stories on these websites. The intense, personalized training I received from Tom and his top trainers helped me to learn the skills of managing others, but first and foremost, managing myself. When I applied for the job I currently hold, it was stated to me by the VP of the company that I earned the position based on my experiences with direct sales and team management. My direct sales and training management history put me over my competition. Because Victory Promotions was my first job out of college, that is all I have to thank for the strength of character and general tenacity that I developed - two essential traits that landed me a career in management. To dispel the last 'claim' made by others, there are no scams WHATSOEVER involved with Victory Promotions or any other Granton Marketing company. Think for a second: ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO REASON THAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS, AKA CLIENTS OF GRANTON MARKETING, WOULD RISK WORKING WITH A FRAUDULENT COMPANY???? Is it reasonable to believe that massive companies like Pizza Hut, Cinemark Theaters, The White Sox, Firestone, etc. etc. would put their names on the line and risk losing everything by participating in a scam? Of course not - Again, I ask you to rely on your own common reason, and not the bitter words of people who must blame others as opposed to taking accountability for their own laziness and lack of success.. Thanks for reading, and I hope I was able to do justice to many of the aberrant claims posted on this website.

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