  • Report:  #64504

Complaint Review: Elite Management World Perfume - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Jacksonville, Florida,

Elite Management World Perfume
Jacksonville, 32217 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My wife like most people who wrote a report answered an ad on the internet that promised her a managorial position to teach sales people to sell perfume.

I have told her from the start its a scam.

They told her during the interview that she didnt have to sell anything.

Now she is in "training" where she has to sell perfume...


I thought you were in a managorial position where you didnt have to sell anything. Now after alot of research I am seeing that I was right. If ANYONE has any information about a perfume company WORLD perfumes or a management company posing as world perfumes I would like any and all information you have

I am VERY interested in filing a Class action suit against this company for waste of time and for unpaid work. if anyone can provide useful information about the "company" let me know


Jacksonville, Florida

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Kelly the bartender

South park,
Adult ??

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 30, 2011

I didn't realize that being an adult was lying to people who are looking for jobs and getting in trouble in parking lots with the cops for peddleing cheap knock off perfume


United States of America
The NAME and COMPANY stated above have nothing to do with Elite Management.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 18, 2011

It's amazing to me that some one can write things like this about our company and say that you won't get your own company when they haven't even made it through training. How can they say that they know for sure that you won't get your branch, not to mention the person writing these rebuttals is sitting in our training room at this very moment it sounds to me like this person is agitated that she can't sell the product. Of course we aren't just gonna hand you the money to open your own branch, that wouldn't be a very smart business decision now would it. Things in this world don't come easy and they sure don't get handed to you, you have to work for them I mean this country wasn't handed to us it didn't just sprout up one day we had to work hard for it and build it. Nothing is handed to us it's time that people grow up and act like adults      


United States of America
Get rid of Elite Management in Federal Way * Andrew Sheckell * Taylor Truong *Eric Hagee

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 03, 2011


Scamslam is out trying to get rid of this company. They have opened an office in Federal Way Washington. On the other side of the world.

Scentura and WMI are in force, so should we unite and trust each other because we have been duped! There is no shame in learning!

Oh and ERIC HAGEE your boy has implicated you and your 35 MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS, Penny Salsa, in cahoots with this Perfume Scam! Get your attorney on the line cuz we are uniting against people like you. If there is a will and we find someone out there that has money $$$$$, you guys are going down.


email me with your complaints and comments at  [email protected]

Oh and you people that opened your branch, get an EKG, check that heart of yours, make sure that its working. Some day this could fall apart. THe economy is getting worse.

You dont know who the next person is coming through your door, who they know, what you have taken away from their children, how mad they will be and what they will do!


People Who Work For World Perfume or Scentura

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 04, 2008

You people who work for these scam companies are all brainwashed! I was one of you. I had all my family and friends telling me what a scam it was and throwing papers and evidence in my face showing me the truth.... yet i sat there and stuck up for the phoney a*s perfume company. Now that im finally out I see how BRAINWASHED I was. You guys arent "AWSOME" or "MOTIVATED"....youve been sleep deprived and malnurished. They call you "WEAK PIECES OF s**t" if you dont hit your goals...and they Praise you and "PROMOTE" you if you do. This is all brainwashing! and im telling you there would NOT be hundreds of people on here writing their stories just cuz they're "bitter or too weak and they are mad they didnt stick it out til they got their office!" We're only on here to warn people and help people get outta this scam job. It makes me sad and sick inside to know that theyre are so many people falling for this! Just trust us please...we're only trying to help. And if you dont wanna listen to me...then atleast go to your family and friends. Go to someone who has always been there and close to you...tell them both views of this company and ask what they think. World Perfume and Scentura have never been there for you and they dont care about you!


This is not a World Pefume office

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 26, 2004

i am manager there and we have nothing to do with world perfume. I think they sell originals not knock -offs. We only sale knock off. Plus, they have a whole different system after all my research. i am calling their office. thanks. its much better and more straight than scentura. World perfume sounds AWSOME.


Salt Lake City,
Sir, we both know the practices of World Perfume, from a very educated person on World Perfume.

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 17, 2004

Help us shut down your local World Perfume and Scentura scheme, it is easy: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/how_to_shut_down.htm In response to Ryan, from Sacramento California. - Sir, I am probably one of the most educated people on World Perfume who actually was never a distributor. - From my over 500+ pages that I have compiled on World Perfume and Scentura, what you are saying is a complete fabrication. - Are people who are interested in World Perfume supposed to take your word for it? Someone who personally profited greatly from the pyramid scheme? Like all distributors, you offer no facts, and no evidence to back up your assertion that World Perfume is an "honest and ethical" firm. I will show with the evidence below that the reason you have no evidence to support your claim that World Perfume is "honest and ethical", is because there is none. The record shows that jsut the opposite, World perfume is DIShonest and UNethical. - Unlike yourself, I am going to present actual evidence which shows that you are not telling the truth. - [If links are unavailable, type "Scentura" on Google and the first link should be mine, all information and evidence is there] - World Perfume was started by Johnny Whitworth in 1994, after spending years with Scentura at the top of the pyramid scheme, as a large distributor. - EVIDENCE: - JOHNNY WHITWORTH, PRESIDENT OF WORLD PERFUME, LEFT SCENTURA, AFTER WORKING THERE FOR SEVERAL YEARS AS ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DISTRIBUTORS IN THIS ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME. - This was reported in the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 5, 1987 - "A WMI brochure describes the experience of Johnny Whitworth, who is still with Hahn: " He left behind a salary of $150,000, but that didn't bother Johnny. With hard work, enthusiasm, and doing things the "WMI" way, after one year his income hit $600,000."" - (Take any dollar numbers of Scentura and World Perfume with caution: both company's distributors have a history of lying and inflating numbers) - [Newspaper link:] - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm#whowants - WORLD PERFUME HAS ALMOST IDENTICAL BUSINESS MODELS - Johnny left in 1994 and started his own company, World Perfume, which has almost identical business models, both businesses: - *Sell perfume in parking lots *FFAAR (friends family and relatives) contest *All distributors buy products on consignment *Same fraudulent classified advertising *Same Multi-level marketing scheme *Very similar training, using the same analogies, promises, lies, and acronyms (K.I.S.S. FFAAR, Training=Torture, Fear of Loss, "Drop", P.M.A.=O.P.M. ). - World Perfume tries to distant itself from Scentura, because Scentura's is larger that World Perfume and thus has more bad publicity. - E-mail from Johnny Whitworth, President of World Perfume: - "We left Scentura In 1994 . We are not structured like Scentura nor or we multi-level..." - From: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/are_world_perfume_and_scentura_same_company.htm - JOHNNY WHITWORTH, PRESIDENT OF WORLD PERFUME: FROM DISTRIBUTOR OF ONE ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME TO PRESIDENT OF AN IDENTICAL ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME - Johnny Whitworth is his e-mail mentioned multi-level, he may be referring to the Appellate Court Of Illinois Second District Scentura Creations, Inc. Court Case September 18, 2001. This case found that Scentura, the company that Johnny Whitworth worked for was: "pyramid sales scheme" - Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume, admits that he once worked for a "pyramid sales scheme", an illegal pyramid scheme according to the Appellate Court Of Illinois, but now he suddenly has reformed his ways and now he has opened another perfume company, which has an identical business model, but his company is some how different. - Even if Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume claims erroneously that his business does not have an "identical business model" (which is obvious to anyone who spends two days with the company), he does freely admit that he became very wealthy in another illegal pyramid scheme, Scentura. - Ask yourself this question: Can you trust a person who got rich before in an illegal pyramid scheme? - TRAINING TACTICS OF WORLD PERFUME: EXACTLY LIKE SCENTURA - I compiled a side-by-side comparison of my training experience with someone who wrote in detail about his training experience with Scentura: - Judge for yourself: - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/world_perfume_vs_scentura_2_experiences.htm - These training tactics are from a manual which Larry Hahn; President of Scentura created. I was sent this training manual from a Canadian distributor, who realized that Scentura was a scam, and left the company: - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/inner_organization_documents.htm - WORLD PERFUME DISTRIBUTORS BUSINESS PRACTICES ARE ALL THE SAME - Ryan's claim that: When you refer to independently ran distribution offices in other cities you can not relate their business practices to W.P.I. - Ryan's statement is clearly not the truth, because every distributor, whether it is a World Perfume or a Scentura distributor, use-training manuals which were originally produced by Larry Hahn, when Johnny Whitworth was at the top of the Pyramid. It is obvious reading the side-by-side comparisons to rationally conclude that Johnny Whitworth stole Larry Hahn's business model, and training manuals and applied it to his own illegal pyramid scheme. A person CAN relate their business practices to W.P.I. because Scentura came up with the independent distributor scam (which shelters the parent company from prosecution from the actions of their distributors) and the training manuals, and the business model. EVERY distributor is the same. EVERY distributor uses the same illegal or quasi-legal pyramid scheme tactics. Their script that they tell new trainees is canned. - There are subtle differences, but they are only minor ways that World Perfume distributors rips off new employees, for example: some charge a back-ground check, when there really is no back ground check. Johnny Whitworth admitted this in a recent e-mail, claiming he was trying to get these distributors to stop. [See below evidence of how Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume stops dishonest distributors] - Some distributors, both World Perfume and Scentura, in their eternal classified ads, will also fraudulently claim that there is a receptionist position available, when there are not, only sales positions. Some claim there is health insurance; most claim that there is some guaranteed salary when it is 100% commission. - Again, minor differences in distributors tactics aside, the pyramid scheme is the same, around the world. - DAMING EVIDENCE AGAINST WORLD PERFUME - As more people become aware of the World Perfume pyramid sales scheme, and more active in closing them down, negative media about World Perfume, like its big brother, Scentura are being published: - Attorney General of Illinois brings suit against World Perfume distributor Chicago Daily Herald - Scents Of Deception: To Buy Or Not To Buy Cleveland Ohio report on World Perfume - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm - In addition, I have painstakingly compiled people's testimonies from around the country, former World Perfume trainees and former World Perfume distributors, who have come forward with the same story: the training tactics around the country are the same, and World Perfume is a scam. - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/hundreds_of_peoples_bad_experiences.htm - Distributors have claimed that I created all of these testimonies. Read them for yourself. If this is the case, I must have been a carny before, working for the carnival, because I am intimately familiar with dozens of locations across the country. Also the writing styles are all quite different. Many of these e-mails are also still active (I have never checked) so if someone honestly cared about the validity, they could e-mail these people. - THE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR COVER - Ryan wrote: They can not control what these business owners tell people or how they conduct their training programs. - This is not true. They could simply stop selling perfume to these distributors which rip-off and mislead new trainees. But as Ryan, myself, the distributors, and the World Perfume head office knows, and as the evidence shows, since ALL training centers rip-off and mislead trainees, closing down all distributors would shut down their business. And self-proclaimed Pyramid-scheme distributor, Johnny Whitworth doesn't want to lose money, because when it all comes down to it, that what it is all about, money. These people will say whatever lie they can to make nave trainees drop that one last bottle. Ryan seems to have made a lot of money before misleading people for a living, as Johnny Whitworth did as a Pyramid scheme distributor and now does as a Pyramid scheme President. - In October of 2002 I worked with World Perfume. I was so disgusted I built a web page around the scam. Within a couple of weeks the distributor was closed down. Johnny Whitworth in an e-mail to me wrote this: - If your problem is with a customer in Utah than why are targeting World perfume. We are investigating this further. - I shut down the distributor in Utah. [At one point Chris Doan, Johnny Whitworth's brother in law and employee, wrote that there wasn't even an World Perfume office in Salt Lake] What did the distributors do? They moved to Florida and are selling the same fake perfume and running the same fake classified ads that they did in Salt Lake. Johnny Whitworth is happily providing them with the same perfume. - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm See Live Concepts in Tampa, FL - In regards to Ryan, don't let some former Pyramid scheme charlatan confuse the facts. World Perfume is a dishonest, quasi-legal pyramid sales scheme. - Help us shut down your local World Perfume and Scentura scheme, it is easy: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/how_to_shut_down.htm


Salt Lake City,
Sir, we both know the practices of World Perfume, from a very educated person on World Perfume.

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 17, 2004

Help us shut down your local World Perfume and Scentura scheme, it is easy: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/how_to_shut_down.htm In response to Ryan, from Sacramento California. - Sir, I am probably one of the most educated people on World Perfume who actually was never a distributor. - From my over 500+ pages that I have compiled on World Perfume and Scentura, what you are saying is a complete fabrication. - Are people who are interested in World Perfume supposed to take your word for it? Someone who personally profited greatly from the pyramid scheme? Like all distributors, you offer no facts, and no evidence to back up your assertion that World Perfume is an "honest and ethical" firm. I will show with the evidence below that the reason you have no evidence to support your claim that World Perfume is "honest and ethical", is because there is none. The record shows that jsut the opposite, World perfume is DIShonest and UNethical. - Unlike yourself, I am going to present actual evidence which shows that you are not telling the truth. - [If links are unavailable, type "Scentura" on Google and the first link should be mine, all information and evidence is there] - World Perfume was started by Johnny Whitworth in 1994, after spending years with Scentura at the top of the pyramid scheme, as a large distributor. - EVIDENCE: - JOHNNY WHITWORTH, PRESIDENT OF WORLD PERFUME, LEFT SCENTURA, AFTER WORKING THERE FOR SEVERAL YEARS AS ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DISTRIBUTORS IN THIS ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME. - This was reported in the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 5, 1987 - "A WMI brochure describes the experience of Johnny Whitworth, who is still with Hahn: " He left behind a salary of $150,000, but that didn't bother Johnny. With hard work, enthusiasm, and doing things the "WMI" way, after one year his income hit $600,000."" - (Take any dollar numbers of Scentura and World Perfume with caution: both company's distributors have a history of lying and inflating numbers) - [Newspaper link:] - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm#whowants - WORLD PERFUME HAS ALMOST IDENTICAL BUSINESS MODELS - Johnny left in 1994 and started his own company, World Perfume, which has almost identical business models, both businesses: - *Sell perfume in parking lots *FFAAR (friends family and relatives) contest *All distributors buy products on consignment *Same fraudulent classified advertising *Same Multi-level marketing scheme *Very similar training, using the same analogies, promises, lies, and acronyms (K.I.S.S. FFAAR, Training=Torture, Fear of Loss, "Drop", P.M.A.=O.P.M. ). - World Perfume tries to distant itself from Scentura, because Scentura's is larger that World Perfume and thus has more bad publicity. - E-mail from Johnny Whitworth, President of World Perfume: - "We left Scentura In 1994 . We are not structured like Scentura nor or we multi-level..." - From: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/are_world_perfume_and_scentura_same_company.htm - JOHNNY WHITWORTH, PRESIDENT OF WORLD PERFUME: FROM DISTRIBUTOR OF ONE ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME TO PRESIDENT OF AN IDENTICAL ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME - Johnny Whitworth is his e-mail mentioned multi-level, he may be referring to the Appellate Court Of Illinois Second District Scentura Creations, Inc. Court Case September 18, 2001. This case found that Scentura, the company that Johnny Whitworth worked for was: "pyramid sales scheme" - Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume, admits that he once worked for a "pyramid sales scheme", an illegal pyramid scheme according to the Appellate Court Of Illinois, but now he suddenly has reformed his ways and now he has opened another perfume company, which has an identical business model, but his company is some how different. - Even if Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume claims erroneously that his business does not have an "identical business model" (which is obvious to anyone who spends two days with the company), he does freely admit that he became very wealthy in another illegal pyramid scheme, Scentura. - Ask yourself this question: Can you trust a person who got rich before in an illegal pyramid scheme? - TRAINING TACTICS OF WORLD PERFUME: EXACTLY LIKE SCENTURA - I compiled a side-by-side comparison of my training experience with someone who wrote in detail about his training experience with Scentura: - Judge for yourself: - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/world_perfume_vs_scentura_2_experiences.htm - These training tactics are from a manual which Larry Hahn; President of Scentura created. I was sent this training manual from a Canadian distributor, who realized that Scentura was a scam, and left the company: - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/inner_organization_documents.htm - WORLD PERFUME DISTRIBUTORS BUSINESS PRACTICES ARE ALL THE SAME - Ryan's claim that: When you refer to independently ran distribution offices in other cities you can not relate their business practices to W.P.I. - Ryan's statement is clearly not the truth, because every distributor, whether it is a World Perfume or a Scentura distributor, use-training manuals which were originally produced by Larry Hahn, when Johnny Whitworth was at the top of the Pyramid. It is obvious reading the side-by-side comparisons to rationally conclude that Johnny Whitworth stole Larry Hahn's business model, and training manuals and applied it to his own illegal pyramid scheme. A person CAN relate their business practices to W.P.I. because Scentura came up with the independent distributor scam (which shelters the parent company from prosecution from the actions of their distributors) and the training manuals, and the business model. EVERY distributor is the same. EVERY distributor uses the same illegal or quasi-legal pyramid scheme tactics. Their script that they tell new trainees is canned. - There are subtle differences, but they are only minor ways that World Perfume distributors rips off new employees, for example: some charge a back-ground check, when there really is no back ground check. Johnny Whitworth admitted this in a recent e-mail, claiming he was trying to get these distributors to stop. [See below evidence of how Johnny Whitworth, president of World Perfume stops dishonest distributors] - Some distributors, both World Perfume and Scentura, in their eternal classified ads, will also fraudulently claim that there is a receptionist position available, when there are not, only sales positions. Some claim there is health insurance; most claim that there is some guaranteed salary when it is 100% commission. - Again, minor differences in distributors tactics aside, the pyramid scheme is the same, around the world. - DAMING EVIDENCE AGAINST WORLD PERFUME - As more people become aware of the World Perfume pyramid sales scheme, and more active in closing them down, negative media about World Perfume, like its big brother, Scentura are being published: - Attorney General of Illinois brings suit against World Perfume distributor Chicago Daily Herald - Scents Of Deception: To Buy Or Not To Buy Cleveland Ohio report on World Perfume - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/media_reports.htm - In addition, I have painstakingly compiled people's testimonies from around the country, former World Perfume trainees and former World Perfume distributors, who have come forward with the same story: the training tactics around the country are the same, and World Perfume is a scam. - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/hundreds_of_peoples_bad_experiences.htm - Distributors have claimed that I created all of these testimonies. Read them for yourself. If this is the case, I must have been a carny before, working for the carnival, because I am intimately familiar with dozens of locations across the country. Also the writing styles are all quite different. Many of these e-mails are also still active (I have never checked) so if someone honestly cared about the validity, they could e-mail these people. - THE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR COVER - Ryan wrote: They can not control what these business owners tell people or how they conduct their training programs. - This is not true. They could simply stop selling perfume to these distributors which rip-off and mislead new trainees. But as Ryan, myself, the distributors, and the World Perfume head office knows, and as the evidence shows, since ALL training centers rip-off and mislead trainees, closing down all distributors would shut down their business. And self-proclaimed Pyramid-scheme distributor, Johnny Whitworth doesn't want to lose money, because when it all comes down to it, that what it is all about, money. These people will say whatever lie they can to make nave trainees drop that one last bottle. Ryan seems to have made a lot of money before misleading people for a living, as Johnny Whitworth did as a Pyramid scheme distributor and now does as a Pyramid scheme President. - In October of 2002 I worked with World Perfume. I was so disgusted I built a web page around the scam. Within a couple of weeks the distributor was closed down. Johnny Whitworth in an e-mail to me wrote this: - If your problem is with a customer in Utah than why are targeting World perfume. We are investigating this further. - I shut down the distributor in Utah. [At one point Chris Doan, Johnny Whitworth's brother in law and employee, wrote that there wasn't even an World Perfume office in Salt Lake] What did the distributors do? They moved to Florida and are selling the same fake perfume and running the same fake classified ads that they did in Salt Lake. Johnny Whitworth is happily providing them with the same perfume. - http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm See Live Concepts in Tampa, FL - In regards to Ryan, don't let some former Pyramid scheme charlatan confuse the facts. World Perfume is a dishonest, quasi-legal pyramid sales scheme. - Help us shut down your local World Perfume and Scentura scheme, it is easy: http://www.geocities.com/scentura2mlm/how_to_shut_down.htm


Educate yourself before filing complaints

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 16, 2004

I've been reading a lot of sites lately that have been bashing World Perfume Inc. and truthfully it is very aggravating. I used to run several distribution companies that received products from W.P.I. across the country. I received most of my training at the one and only W.P.I. branch in Dallas, Tx. Theytrained me how to conduct business in an honest and ethical manner and treated me and many others with the utmost of respect. When you refer to independantly ran distribution offices in other cities you can not relate their business practices to W.P.I. They can not control what these business owners tell people or how they conduct their training programs. When I was in training I was told I would learn everything from the sales to customer service and all other tasks that would go along with running a successful office. I feel bad if these people in Florida lied to your wife and told her she would not have to sell anything. This is a wholesale business that sells perfumes so it would be impossible to train others without having full knowledge and experience in sales yourself. Any profitable business in the world deals with sales and if you expect to manage any of these businesses you have to learn all aspects to prevent being a hipocrit. I have so much to say but I don't want to carry on so just educate yourself before criticizing. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Ogunsola Sunday

Lagos State,
to come for importe of your good

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, September 09, 2004

sir iwill be very happy if you people can take me as one of your customer in your country because i due with import of perfume for various country i we so happy if you people can give me a chance am waitting to hear for you yours


Salt Lake,
World perfume is not a bad company. Most things I read about world perfume are distortions of facts.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 08, 2004

After reading this posting about a office in Jacksonville florida I was flabergasted. World Perfume does not have an office in jacksonville fla. thanks,


Salt Lake City,
350 pages of evidence against Scentura and World Perfume

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 24, 2003

**** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html ***** I have over 370 pages of info on Scentura and World Perfume. I collect the info to warn others of this horrible scam: -- 161 pages of testimonies from people like you who have been ripped off and cheated by world perfume or scentura: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8356.html -- 81 pages on world perfume and scentura, 17 news articles, 1 court order: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8233.html -- "Losers never quit": a heart wrenching story from someone who stayed with Scentura for 5 months--EVERYTHING that Scentura does in this story is exactly the same as World Perfume tactics http://dcregistry.com//forums/employment/messages/8692.html -- 100+ pages is an adobe acrobat file that a former distributor sent me describing the unethical, behind the scenes pracites of Scentura (available from me by request) -- Hope this answers your questions. **** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html *****


Salt Lake City,
350 pages of evidence against Scentura and World Perfume

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 24, 2003

**** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html ***** I have over 370 pages of info on Scentura and World Perfume. I collect the info to warn others of this horrible scam: -- 161 pages of testimonies from people like you who have been ripped off and cheated by world perfume or scentura: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8356.html -- 81 pages on world perfume and scentura, 17 news articles, 1 court order: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8233.html -- "Losers never quit": a heart wrenching story from someone who stayed with Scentura for 5 months--EVERYTHING that Scentura does in this story is exactly the same as World Perfume tactics http://dcregistry.com//forums/employment/messages/8692.html -- 100+ pages is an adobe acrobat file that a former distributor sent me describing the unethical, behind the scenes pracites of Scentura (available from me by request) -- Hope this answers your questions. **** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html *****


Salt Lake City,
350 pages of evidence against Scentura and World Perfume

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 24, 2003

**** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html ***** I have over 370 pages of info on Scentura and World Perfume. I collect the info to warn others of this horrible scam: -- 161 pages of testimonies from people like you who have been ripped off and cheated by world perfume or scentura: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8356.html -- 81 pages on world perfume and scentura, 17 news articles, 1 court order: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8233.html -- "Losers never quit": a heart wrenching story from someone who stayed with Scentura for 5 months--EVERYTHING that Scentura does in this story is exactly the same as World Perfume tactics http://dcregistry.com//forums/employment/messages/8692.html -- 100+ pages is an adobe acrobat file that a former distributor sent me describing the unethical, behind the scenes pracites of Scentura (available from me by request) -- Hope this answers your questions. **** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html *****


Salt Lake City,
350 pages of evidence against Scentura and World Perfume

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 24, 2003

**** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html ***** I have over 370 pages of info on Scentura and World Perfume. I collect the info to warn others of this horrible scam: -- 161 pages of testimonies from people like you who have been ripped off and cheated by world perfume or scentura: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8356.html -- 81 pages on world perfume and scentura, 17 news articles, 1 court order: http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8233.html -- "Losers never quit": a heart wrenching story from someone who stayed with Scentura for 5 months--EVERYTHING that Scentura does in this story is exactly the same as World Perfume tactics http://dcregistry.com//forums/employment/messages/8692.html -- 100+ pages is an adobe acrobat file that a former distributor sent me describing the unethical, behind the scenes pracites of Scentura (available from me by request) -- Hope this answers your questions. **** You can easily shut down your local world perfume or scentura distributor: http://dcregistry.com/forums/employment/messages/8037.html *****

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