Austin,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, August 26, 2005
I admire someone who allows Ellipsis Aqua Travel to breach their contract and commit fraud and comes back for more!! Great job, pay me for crap. Also, has Ellipsis sued you yet?
Oak Park,#3Consumer Comment
Fri, May 06, 2005
Whatever is as good as advertised? To all the critics from 2005: I am a client of the Ellipsis/Aqua Resource Group and I have been on the system with variying degrees of success for almost 2 years. I am not a raving fan of the company yet, but I have invested a lot of money and I will not just lose that money. I work the system on so many different levels that I force it to pay off for me! I have had over 20 different people tell me they are in charge of my account, which I hate, but I keep calling and I keep demanding that they make realty appointments for me. They will earn every dime they got from me. When I get as frustrated as Chris in WA, Fred, George of FL and Gavin, I stop talking to them and then when I make a payment on my account, I call to get more effort out of them. As I said, I work the system in many different ways and I would be happy to share my marketing ideas with anyone who wants to try and make the money they spent work for them. Call me at (866) 228-4181.